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14350111 No.14350111 [Reply] [Original]

What makes writers so often INFP?

>> No.14350118
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>> No.14350117

They have SOUL.

>> No.14350138

They are the second most common intuitive type, and they have the highest IQ of all the feelers.

>> No.14350150

INFPs are huge pussies

>> No.14350163

Which goes hand in hand with great art.

>> No.14350167
File: 106 KB, 640x775, 1546209830267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I mean think about it.
Extroverts are less likely to write because writing is a solitary activity.
Sensors are less likely to write because you need to have a soul to write.
Thinkers are less likely to write because they don't value emotions as strongly and have a hard time caring about their characters.
Judgers are less likely to write because they're probably off doing something productive.

>> No.14350182

>Sensors are less likely to write because you need to have a soul to write.
but true

>> No.14350208

They face the Absolute in communion as One Feel.

>> No.14350393

an INFP's ordinary life sucks, so they resort that whatever wonders they can feel, or create some, in order to lessen their inherent pains.

>> No.14350410

Thats a big assumption with no evidence to back it up.

>> No.14350424

i'm an INFP and do just that, so take it to be true, since i'm too much of a pussy to meet new people that may or may not behave differently, even despite desperately yearning for human bonding.

>> No.14350432


go away, reddit

>> No.14350447

what makes you say that? do you have a source for that assertion?

>> No.14350463
File: 3.24 MB, 1426x7040, Pol MBTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14350575

>/pol/ is full of autists

>> No.14350612

now do one for /lit/

>> No.14350624

/lit/ doesn't have mbti threads. i bet its roughly the same though

>> No.14351310

no, we'd have way less sensors

>> No.14351362

Yeah you’d get it if you were one my guy it’s not something I’d recommend to anyone though

>inb4 moonsigns
It’s just a way of categorizing how you personally are fucked up imo

>> No.14351379
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>implying the ENTPs aren't the greatest writers of our times, and all times

>> No.14351382

I miss when lit wasn't full of brain dead zoomers.

>> No.14351389

Ok boomer.

>> No.14351410
File: 193 KB, 450x418, Cancerous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not your superior

>> No.14351426

I thought some of the most famous writers of all time were INFJ?

>> No.14352674
File: 47 KB, 720x668, 1532253174274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from everything else listed in this thread, INFPs have a tendency to overthink actions. Every human's action has a reason and we have figured out the 'why'.
INFPs know how people react to things, we can almost predict human behavior.
We know what makes people tick and what they would do because of it.
With this knowledge, we can make very fleshed-out and human-like characters.

>> No.14352720

Infp here. My mantra in my art is always to simply display my pure emotions as much as possible. Like a diary in motion

>> No.14352726


>> No.14352771


>> No.14352782

imagine believing there was 12 people in the world

>> No.14353197

Here's an anecdote for ya buddy, I'm an INFP and my life fucking sucks

>> No.14353202

Infp. I write what I want the world and people to be like as a way to deny reality

>> No.14353203

16, and when you take the zodiac signs into consideration then that figure jumps to 192. Now sprinkle in some life-changing traumas or events, certain illnesses and conditions that fundamentally alter that person, as well as the combined upbringing (or lack thereof) of the new soul by already developed -- and consequentially different -- people, which will imprint into his mind much that he'll use as base to form himself, in accordance to his tendencies... Adding that one event or another can easily change relationships or ideals easily, and that those events may have been themselves caused by previous events, and etc... Yes, I think that it is quite possible.

>> No.14353218

>24% INTP
That's shocking. I would expect sensors to be the majority there. But there's probably a bias since boomers and sensors are less interested in MBTI.

>> No.14353248


>> No.14353484

>tfw INTP

At least I'm not a fucking fascist but a raging communist.

>> No.14353735

What about them?

>> No.14353746

The Myers-Briggs personality type test.

>> No.14353927

that's perhaps even worse lol

>> No.14353931

how is this astrology bullshit even remotely /lit/ related

>> No.14353942

But that perfectly explains my personality

>> No.14354507

can confirm

>> No.14354709

this d.e.s.u

>> No.14354955

>have a hard time caring about their characters
Why should the writer care about the characters? They're there just to react to the plot progression.

>> No.14355042

If the writer doesn't care about the characters, then why should the reader?
Well-written characters are more than just plot elements, they're realistic pseudo-humans with their own little plots going on.

>> No.14355133

ok intp

>> No.14355185

That's not shocking. All boards on nearly all imageboards have more or less the same results.

>> No.14355206
File: 28 KB, 640x240, ChartIncome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they have no money.

>> No.14355333

>They're there just to react to the plot progression.
Go back to >>>/sffg/

>> No.14356460

can you stop reposting the meme chart i found on a random website after searching for 'mbti types demographics' and then posted here as a gag please