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/lit/ - Literature

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1434462 No.1434462 [Reply] [Original]

My advice if you want to know if you should read this book:

Do you enjoy shouting catchphrases or making references in place of actual jokes? Do you describe yourself as "random"? Do you ball your fists with rage at the minor annoyances in life, such as bureaucracy or telemarketers? Never miss the opportunity to smugly espouse your atheism and think "invisible wizard in the sky" is the ultimate scathing mockery of religion? Congratulations, you an insufferable person and will love paging through this book between episodes of Dr. Who and tirades on internet forums.

>> No.1434465
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10/10 I fucking raged

>> No.1434467

terry pratchett in space

>> No.1434469

I'm, like, the only person I know who didn't find these books funny.

I prefer Pratchett.

>> No.1434473

Wouldn't buy again

>> No.1434482

I admit I only read a few dozen pages but god his style of writing is so boring and his humor is incompatible with my pallet.

I know a lot of people rave about this book and being an engineer I thought I would love it but apparently I don't think nerdy enough.

For now it's collecting dust in my digital library. Maybe someday in the future after another hundred thousand lines of code I might muster the will to attempt another read.

>> No.1434486

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a novelization.

Saying it's good is like saying the Halo novels are something special.

>> No.1434491

I found the first dozen pages quite funny actually.
How very meh that you don't enjoy this book, I found most of the stuff in it quite funny.

It's not meant to be great literature, it's meant to be an entertaining read.

>> No.1434494

logic fault.

>> No.1434497

>implying great literature is not entertaining

>> No.1434500
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It IS a novelization, fucking deal with it.

>> No.1434503

Yes, I realised what I had implied after I'd submitted my post.
I meant in a more... Entertaining as in the Stig Larsson books and not entertaining as in something by Mario Vargas Llosa.

>> No.1434508
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Sure is edgy disrespecting people who enjoy a different type of humor.

>Do you enjoy absurd arguments or making fun of mispronunciations in place of actual jokes? Do you describe yourself as "random"? Do you ball your fists with rage at the minor annoyances in life, such as bureaucracy or spam? Never miss the opportunity to smugly espouse your atheism and think "lol jesus on his cross singing always look on the bright side of life" is the ultimate scathing mockery of religion? Congratulations, you an insufferable person and will love watching this dvd box between episodes of Dr. Who and tirades on internet forums.

>> No.1434511

I know, but
>Saying it's good is like saying the Halo novels are something special
is not logically valid, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy

>> No.1434515

Dat sum irony? An analogy is not an association fallacy, but claiming it is, is.

In any case, I laughed.

>> No.1434522

Yes it is,
HHGttG is a Noveliztion
Halo novels are novelizations.
Halo novels are lame.
All novelizations are lame.
HHGttG is lame.

That's what the analogy was asserting.

>> No.1434534


herp is a derp
derpa hurrr is deeeerrrr
herp derp is a duurp

stop liking things I don't like

>> No.1434541

Seriously, you have no idea what you're doing. All novelizations are lame is not a dependent premiss on Halo novels are lame.

Archive this shit. I'm dying here.

>> No.1434549

Just cause you don't understand how logic works, doesn't mean no ones gonna call you out on being wrong.

>> No.1434555

No but its implied in equating Hitchhikers novelizations and Halo novelizations

>> No.1434559

I agree with this guy.

>> No.1434563

Read this when I was eighteen. When I saw that someone had (quite successfully, in my opinion) combined science fiction and comedy, I was delighted. It was the first time I knew nothing was off limits when it came to literature.

It's a big reason why I want to become a novelist. I'm sorry you didn't like it.

>> No.1434564


See, you're being silly here.

Read Copi & Cohen PAGE ONE. I'm not kidding. Page one.

Read it.

The first numbered page.

If you're trolling me I give you 10/10 but I appreciate it anyway because I'm falling out of my chair here.

>> No.1434570

It's got so many little quirky moments that it became famous from people saying stuff to their friends like

"Read this book and you'll understand"

And then when that person finished the book, he was also part of the secret club that knew what 42 meant and so on. Its much like how memes connect 4chan users or freemasons and their crazy handshakes and shit.

>> No.1434592

Really you're gonna take issue with over general use of equality, is it that hard to understand, bitch.

>Saying it's good is like saying the Halo novels are something special.
Is to say that
>It follows from HHGttG being good that the Halo novels are something special.
to be valid, you need to link the Halo novels to the HHGttG novels, this was done via the category of "novelizations". The argument is therefore implicitly about a quality of novelizations themselves, because that is the category posited to link them. However it does not logically follow that a property of one subset of "novelizations", such as the Halo novels property of being "nothing special" (aka not good), can be generalized, and therefore it does not follow that the HHGttG novels are not good.

Maybe if you read past page 1, you'd know what you were doing.

>> No.1434597

I quite liked the series and read it several years ago, though the first book is the only part I'd recommend anyone. The second and fifth book are also ok, but number three and four are pretty horrid compared.

I recently bought the sixth book also, which is written by some Douglas Adams impersonator. It was entertaining, though the strong bits are mainly the first and last few chapters. The middle was kind of a drag.

>> No.1434606
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Read your post in his voice.