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14342883 No.14342883 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all the greatest writers of our time right wingers?

>> No.14342889

Define "right-wing"

>> No.14342892

this is the most boring raid ever

>> No.14342893

Houellebecq isn’t right wing

>> No.14342895

Someone who isn't left wing

>> No.14342902

Someone who isn't left wing

>> No.14342903

The right side of an aeroplane

>> No.14342929

How do you even define right-wing? Academia loves Nabokov and the establishment considers him the guy that wrote the pedo novel. He only differs in that he believe in elitism and objective value in art and despised communist and SJW types, but was very opposed to racism. Houllebecq and Ellis piss off intellectuals, but believe in some progressive views. Mishima supported Imperial Japan, but was a gay manlet that wrote about spirituality. DFW same as Nabokov to an extent and he slept with lots of women. Pynchon is probably a Hilary supporter and so would be DFW. Nabokov might support Trump, but he'd think the puritan conservatives and Ted Cruz types were retarded.

>> No.14342934

>Nabokov might support Trump, but he'd think the puritan conservatives and Ted Cruz types were retarded.
I say this because he admired Nixon

>> No.14342940

>Pynchon is probably a Hilary supporter and so would be DFW
Pynchon wouldn't vote and DFW was a registered Republican

>> No.14342944

Right-wingers BTFO.

>> No.14343162
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>Shortly before Against the Day was published, Pynchon's prose appeared in the program for "The Daily Show: Ten Fu@#ing Years (The Concert)", a retrospective on Jon Stewart's comedy-news broadcast The Daily Show.[94]

>> No.14343173

Nabokov married a Jewess and liked Negroes and interracial marriages in America. Pretty fucking far from right-wing.

>> No.14343186

>Mishima supported Imperial Japan, but was a gay manlet that wrote about spirituality.
Because, as we all know, being a gay manlet means you're leftist and all spirituality is leftist.
>Pynchon is probably a Hilary supporter and so would be DFW
He always seemed to me like a Bernie guy.
>Nabokov might support Trump, but he'd think the puritan conservatives and Ted Cruz types were retarded.
Nabokov is dead.

>> No.14343189

The terms have changed drastically to the term where they're meaningless. From both wings inception during the French revolution being on the left described those against the monarch and for reform and those on the right supported the monarch. Now from what I understand, being on the left means open border socially liberal types for a welfare state and those on the right are for capitalism for cheap consumer goods, nationalist, and traditionalism though with free trade you're going to have constant migration both domestically and internationally which prevents any sort of tradition to return. Even those on the far right, or alt right, fail to recognize the deeper problem of what causes mass immigration or the degradation of religion and traditional values. As for the modern far left, it is too caught up in social justice to make a change. Hint: it's probably the system that's enabling multinational corporations to reach that position in the first place.

A much better question for OP is to ask why the greatest writers were more numerous in the 19th to early 20th century while there aren't any modern day equivalent to Dostoevsky.

>> No.14343205

After reading most of his bibliography I don’t think Pynchon would vote

>> No.14343347

Sounds like your average conservative these days

>> No.14343697

Nabokov was definitely right wing, he was from aristocratic background, loved traditional USA and despised communism because of what it did to his family and country

>> No.14343899

It only seems that way because you are an Anglo, and this stupid.

>> No.14343910

At least half of the people on that list are about as left wing as you can get

>> No.14343911


>> No.14343912

Explain his love of niggers, then.

>> No.14343915

explain how houellebecq is right wing.
Also ellis is shit

>> No.14343917
File: 753 KB, 639x724, 8E113B7B-3E2B-4E29-B811-666C63FC40F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly, the new photo of Pynch was taken because he was voting

>> No.14343942

adam and eve not adam and steve
there are only two genders
against killing babies

you know, sane people.

Because the ideology of the left kills creativity. The left can't meme isn't a meme itself for no reason. They literally and truly are NPCs.

>> No.14343954

I think that's what anon's point was though. The Japanese right-wing is completely different when compared to the US's right wing. Mishima is undeniably right wing in his own context, but I can't imagine an American or even European conservative finding much commonality with Mishima's writing.

>> No.14344007

It's literally because the only exposure to blacks he ever really had was with one of his colleagues at Cornell. He lived in mostly white places his entire life: Russia, Switzerland, and liberal college campuses in the 60s. Plus he admired Pushkin who was part black.

>> No.14344131

>right wing
Don't skip Vineland, lads.

>> No.14344169

Paparazzi need to be gassed

>> No.14344182

>the left kills creativity
Meanwhile, Tolstoy, Melville, Hugo, Willam Blake, George Eliot and many other authors all espouse values that would be considered "left-leaning".

>> No.14344296

Not a single one is a leftist in the contemporary sense of the word. Melville champions "White Supremacy," also has characters also befriend negroes because of their simplicity. You could say he's both.

>> No.14344332

Houellebecq isn't really right wing, certainly not in the way you hope anyway. Mishima and Nabokov are hardly of 'our time' either.

>> No.14344347


>> No.14344764

is he invisible though? I can see him fine.

>> No.14344964

See who fine?

>> No.14345159

What about it? You don't have to be racist to be right-wing.

>> No.14345206

almost all older left-wing writers would be considered right-wing by today's standards
and almost all older right-wing writers would be considered far-right by today's standards

how do you even define left or right wing?
if it has something to do with current hot button topics (only two genders, dont give a shit about identitarian politics, except for mainstream ones - which ironic in of itself) than most people would be right-wing. and yet many voted for Crooked Hilary.

>> No.14345233

absolutely terrible bait

>> No.14345267

>how do you even define left or right wing?
It's rather simple: right-wingers support tradition and hierarchies, left-wingers oppose them.
>if it has something to do with current hot button topics (only two genders, dont give a shit about identitarian politics, except for mainstream ones - which ironic in of itself) than most people would be right-wing. and yet many voted for Crooked Hilary.
Who a person votes for often has little relation to their personal philosophy and ideology.

>> No.14345558



>> No.14345657

>DFW was a registered Republican
don't necessarily disbelieve you but sauce?

>> No.14345662

>Melville champions "White Supremacy,"

>> No.14345765

I don't get it. There are a lot of right wing black folk out there. Of are you of those guys who think right wing means KKK grand wizard

>> No.14345876

Mishima is the only right-winger in that list, though I suspect this is bait.

>> No.14345879

nabokov is arguable. he calls himself a "classical liberal" but has some plainly elitist views