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File: 21 KB, 351x387, Pessoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14341077 No.14341077 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he so self-absorbed?

Why not just try smiling more, being more talkative to your work colleagues, exercising and putting himself out there on the dating scene?

I'm really not sure if there is any actual public benefit in writing a 400+ book about how self-absorbed you are. The only people who gain from reading it are those who feel their self-imposed isolation is justifiable afterwards.

>> No.14341251

Nobody cares what you think.

Try reading self-help books, they're a bit more your speed.

>> No.14341964

Chupa me os qalhões, ahgagagaga

>> No.14342145

>just smile more bro
>just try to be more talkative lmao

You don't get it and you never will.

>> No.14342364

funny post anon

>> No.14342370

>Why was he so self-absorbed?
he wasn't

>> No.14342377
File: 84 KB, 880x640, 1570374134115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked and subscribed.

>> No.14342960

He should have done nofap.

>> No.14342967

Holy cringe, delete this

>> No.14343215

>like you don't get it man, i surely have it worse than a majority of the population that struggles to survive under legitimate oppression!
jesus christ your post made me cringe so hard i had to look away from the screen in embarassment lmfao

>> No.14343402

he didn’t say he has it worse than anyone, he just said you don’t get it

>> No.14343419

you don't get it either, it's not even about suffering, it's about art

>> No.14343422

I'd like to see your take on Proust, maybe add a little Marie Kondo style wisdom, a de-cluttering angle? And if you could... yeah, if you'd take that shirt off... and the skirt. Go on.

>> No.14343430

That's why you will never have even 1/3 of the talent this man had.

>> No.14343449

ITT: triggered sensitive depressed snowflakes. pessoa was a whiny lil bitchboi

>> No.14343460

Art is not about "public benefit." And no, it's not abou some indulgent "self-expression," either. It is just the best way to fill up what little time was has. To paraphrase: write or do not write, fuck or do not fuck, you will regret it either way.

>> No.14343468

time one* has lol

>> No.14343480

Absolutely seething cope.

>> No.14343510

Iirc he had a 6 month relationship with a woman 10 years younger than him but broke it off. Some people just don't belong in society anon.

>> No.14344106

He would be an incel today.

>> No.14344205

Dammit, there cannot be any sort of nuance with you autists. It's either black or white.
I agree on the part that some people have a hard time trying to adapt to society but are you seriously telling me that there can be no hope to the most serious cases of antisociality?
Can people not "try" (I know this isn't the right term but I'm on a phone so fuck it) hard enough to heal themselves of this disease (That's right. Disease. It's not romantic. It slowly takes your humanity away until there's nothing left but melancholy and in some cases amorality)?

>> No.14344453

>slowly takes your humanity away
What's wrong with that? It's our humanity that makes us suffer

>> No.14344551

That's the attitude of someone who has already given up without even trying. To one who has given up on society I will maintain that a life dedicated to knowledge is superior than wasting away your time with sentimental aestheticism. In my case I can sense there is a secret that is only available to those who can see beyond the myopic viewpoint of those trapped within their social groups, and I will either find it or die trying.

>> No.14345449

It's not about having it worse or better, it's not even about being deep or superficial. It's just that for a large class of people having social interactions feels like shit. Such matters can be so filled with anxiety and neuroticism that people like Pessoa spiral into paranoia. There's no amout of "smiIIIIiiIiiile" that can help it.

>> No.14345591

You will die trying; but if that gives you purpose, then I am all for it. For my part, I have not "given up on" society; how then could I spend time in the society of books? For my part, I take it that the universe contains only a few significant truths, and many insoluble mysteries that result from the lack of agreement between the mind of man, that would see a face everywhere, and the form of the universe, which is faceless. What you call "sentimental aestheticism" (and I do not reject the label, only the valuation of sentiment implied by it), I take to be the way to internalize the few truths, so that they become the iron bands of the heart rather than just words on a page, and to sharpen one's focus on just where the mysteries lie, so that they become the constant admonishers of the brain, rather than a gnawing worry that is ever defered until later, until "the right time."

In fact, I think the best thing for a human being to do is to sit in a café (or in a monastery, or in a BDSM dungeon, if you must), and shoot the shit with her or his friends; and it may be only an excess of the wholesome drive to do just that, which leads one into the company of old and strange books. My only point was that sometimes during the quiet hours, and especially as you feel the final sleep drawing near, you will grieve the lives that were denied you, or rather that you refused, even if the one you led was in some sense "good": you will bemoan the smallness of your fate. μὴ φῦναι τὸν ἅπαντα νικᾷ λόγον: not to have existed beats everything!