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File: 87 KB, 768x993, Albert_Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14335121 No.14335121 [Reply] [Original]

>“I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”

What a fucking cop-out. "Dude he has to push a boulder up a hill for eternity (not like me lol I'm a French celeb/pseud philosopher with a pretty nice life) but we must imagine him happy!!! See? I solved it bro :^) Why should we imagine him happy, you ask? Uhhh.. We just have to, that's it. Just be happy bro. Next question, please!" This stuff is for brainlets and optimist pseuds who need a cope. 0/10 philosopher and a shit tier author too.

>> No.14335366

Then imagine write a book about him bring sad, you fucking nihilist

>> No.14335376

You are an empty hearted little faggot

>> No.14335409

>imagine not being able to understand other peoples views

>> No.14335415

>Of course the fucking nigger thought happiness meant happiness

>> No.14335417

nice samefagging, faggot

>> No.14335424 [DELETED] 

Looks like the Camus fanboys have entered the thread... What's it like being 14?

>> No.14335432

>of course the samefag is samefagging the samefag

>> No.14335435

What's it like to write shit like this
>"What a fucking cop-out. "Dude he has to push a boulder up a hill for eternity (not like me lol I'm a French celeb/pseud philosopher with a pretty nice life) but we must imagine him happy!!! See? I solved it bro :^) Why should we imagine him happy, you ask? Uhhh.. We just have to, that's it. Just be happy bro. Next question, please!" This stuff is for brainlets and optimist pseuds who need a cope. 0/10 philosopher and a shit tier author too."

Then accusing others of being 14 yo

>> No.14335440

how do you get a right number wrong?

>> No.14335442

The coward deleted the post

>> No.14335446

>gets number wrong
>"h-he deleted the post!"

>> No.14335447


>> No.14335466

Sure it's not just you being a little bitch

>> No.14335491

I discovered sartre being the best philosopher for normies 5 years ago retard

>> No.14335494
File: 23 KB, 550x413, suprised heavy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post is gone
The post is gone.

>> No.14335525

>I'm unhappy wat do
>Camus: why don't you try finding happiness in thing you typically wouldn't look for it? Why don't you try and extract happiness from hardship, see glory in struggle, accept the beauty of the void. Just try, bro, just try

>> No.14336197

>Then imagine write a book about him bring sad, you fucking nihilist
Only weak men will refuse to accept an uncomfortable truth. Sisyphus is being punished, and his existence is painful - insisting on him being happy is being unable to accept reality. Fuck Camus, and fuck you

>> No.14336328

Breh, it’s not about ignoring that he’s being punished, just like you’re not meant to ignore the inevitability of death. It’s about finding something positive in your situation, Sisyphus can learn to embrace his struggle as a way to spite the gods, you can create your own meaning in life to spite the void. It’s about not being a fucking bitch who’s just upset about life being hard and making something of it.

>> No.14337217

Finally someone with a sound mind. It's quite incredible how ignoring reality and living in a fantasy land (as Camus suggest) is considered the "manly, honest way", while accepting the futility of life and embracing pessimism is seen as a cheap way out.

>> No.14337223

If I wanted to hear shit like that, I'd buy one of those cheap self help books. Your post reads like one of those "just don't be depressed bro, take a shower and go outside" memes. Disgusting.

>> No.14337329

>Sisyphus is happy because he can find meaning in his task.
What's up with philosophers and not saying what they want to say clearly , what's this shit about every atom containing a world and what not ?

>> No.14337356

There are some people who can enjoy life despite its hardships, and others who just see suffering and think "pain bad :(" and go on to become anti-natalists or something. These people rarely convert to the opposite camp. It happens, but very rarely. I think it's just the way you're brought up or born maybe, but some people just can't embrace struggle.

>> No.14337361

malding baby boy can't handle good advice

>> No.14337367

Camus sucks anyway. I just happened to read The Just Assassins, it's terrible. A teen-tier writer at best.

>> No.14337369

No one gets that you are making a joke..why?

>> No.14337429
