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14333641 No.14333641 [Reply] [Original]

>I am licensed to talk in the name of other Human beings, their culture and religion because muh big brain and self-enlightenment, so I know better
Are all fedoratard writers like this?

>> No.14333647


>> No.14333651

>uh reason n science
>I also love the new star wars n marvel movies
I thought new atheism was dead? It's all so tiresome.

>> No.14333659

>taking anyone trying to construct a grand narrative seriously under any circumstance
no thx steve

>> No.14333683

Doesn't this guy hate Nietzsche? All I know is if Nietzsche were to be resurrected for a few minutes, and he read the cover of the book of his "critic", he would spend the rest of his time alive laughing.
"Reason" - but who's reason? Don't tell me it's some metaphysical "Reason" which is supposed to lead to "Truth"! Fucking idealists...
"Humanism" - but the "human" hasn't existed since fucking 19th century darwinian biology.
"Progress" - but who's progress? Universal progress is mere prejudice, a denial of relativity for some metaphysical form.

>> No.14333685

>nooo that's eurocentric

>> No.14333690

does anyone know the origin of the ASS meme?

>> No.14333705
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>I am licensed to talk in the name of other Human beings, their culture and religion because muh big brain and self-enlightenment, so I know better

>> No.14333706

s4s i think
ass we can

>> No.14333713

based Duginposter

>> No.14333715

based [s4s]

>> No.14333717

Ah yes, the zoomer pewdiepie viewer

>> No.14333720

Anyone noticed that every single nonfiction writer, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, uses this exact same format for their book titles? "CATCHY TITLE: Unnecessarily long subtitle that explains what the book is about."

I defy you to find one single book that does not do this.

>> No.14333726

I mean
I want to criticize these retards too, but this is almost certainly the publishers doing

>> No.14333729
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>If I could go back in time, I might confront him [Nietzsche] as follows: “I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience. As you recommend, I will achieve heroic glory by exterminating some chattering dwarves. Starting with you, Shorty. And I might do a few things to that Nazi sister of yours, too. Unless, that is, you can think of a reason why I should not.”

>> No.14333737
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>> No.14333738
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jesus christ that's some platinum cringe

>> No.14333742 [DELETED] 
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pic related: from the recent Liveblog reading promotion in Europe

>> No.14333744

this is worse than Russell on Nietzsche in his History of Western Phil. the Anglo fears Nietzsche

>> No.14333771
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>> No.14333774
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>> No.14333800
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>> No.14333809

So the truth is fake, "man" isn't even a real thing and no one's observably better off? Damn, the West's (VERY problematic) foundations have been irrevocably deconstructed, we should dissolve it altogether.

>> No.14333817

well some people are free to dissolve their Western world. others will carry on with updated experiments.

>> No.14333823
File: 150 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the truth is fake, "man" isn't even a real thing and no one's observably better off?

>> No.14333830

This one is particularly bad. "It was all fine and dandy before I had an agenda to push on Twitter."

>> No.14333831
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>> No.14333860

"Humanity does not represent a development for the better, does not represent something stronger or higher the way people these days think it does. 'Progress' is just a modern idea, which is to say a false idea. Today's European is still worth considerably less than the Renaissance European; development is not linked to elevation, increase, or strengthening in any necessary way." - Nietzsche, The Antichrist (1888)

>> No.14333894
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every time

>> No.14333903
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I can't believe this is real

>> No.14334575
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Fambruhglini, this shouldnt be surprising to you, the whole Enlightenment business started with a bunch of frogmen arrogant enough to think their works surpass Plato and Aristotle simple because they were written later.

>> No.14334578

Besides being dystopian, its not going to work. Antidepressants need a few weeks to start working, if they work at all. Its not an instant happiness pill

>> No.14334905

haha what

>> No.14334928


Conservatism is sexual perversion.

>> No.14334938
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>Eat the bugs!
>Live in the pod!
>Drink the onions!
>Anti-depressant implants for everyone!

I've never been so convinced that the archons are real and he is their champion.

>> No.14335103

Pinkers a Jew.

>> No.14335173


There's no way. This has to be fake. No one can be this retarded.

>Truly we are living in the most enlightened age and everyone in the past was an idiot.

>> No.14335232

>heroic glory by exterminating
>chattering dwarves
Behold, the modern man. The Heroic Slayer. Of some cripples.

>> No.14335281

>bottom comment
My sides weren't ready.

>> No.14335504

He's a fucking leaf. Of course he's a typical boomer cuck

>> No.14335513

What's the best destruction of this type of person? seriously, not just technically destroying their economic or political proposals. I need to humiliate them constantly and that means deconstructing everything about them

>> No.14335516

Pinker wrote a terrible critique of the Ubermensch with his Reddit understanding of the term.

>> No.14335518

Also, something that doesn't use "bugman" and other 4chan lingo. I need to publicly humiliate people like this and I nobody will understand those words

>> No.14335547

Bugman is from Nietzsche. Some English translations use that term for last man.

>> No.14335746

He's a psychologist, the mother of all "pseud" sciences. What do you expect?

>> No.14335757

You forgot to put in there:
>I might rape ur sister kid (wierd, but okay)
>haha ur a manlet
What a towering intellect with such a profound understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.14335766

>I've never been so convinced that the archons are real and he is their champion.
>he's a Leaf
>he's a Jew
>he's a psychologist
He certainly has the trifecta going for him.

>> No.14335858
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>> No.14336092

wats a leaf

>> No.14336510

short for "a fucking leaf"

>> No.14336866


>> No.14337509

it's more commonly associated with Adorno though