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14333502 No.14333502 [Reply] [Original]

>15 page single spaced paper due in 12 hours
>armed with 60mg of addy
lets do it

>> No.14333510

Godspeed. What's the course?

>> No.14333518

I dont want to resort to adderall but I feel I may have to. Do they work? I was told you just kind of rant and go off topic quite quickly

>> No.14333533

Social Movements
I’m writing about the incel community
theyre good man
you get crazy tunnel vision but its basically meth and if u take too much u see shadow people

>> No.14333539

kek, what do you mean shadow people? Have you been diagnosed with an illness?

>> No.14333541

>if u take too much u see shadow people
that's actually how you know you're taking the correct dose

>> No.14333546

Also, how old are you? You write like a 16 year old girl

>> No.14333555

im not schizo but overuse can cause hallucinations
im a 61 year old girl

>> No.14333559

who tf does single spacing. miss me with that iffy shit

>> No.14333616
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you'll make it

>> No.14333657

I sticky noted the wall above my desk with everything I needed to remind myself to do in the next few weeks or so. Ended up realizing it looked schizo as hell especially with the tape so awkwardly cut. Anyways I never ended up doing any of those things anyway, just thought I'd share.

>> No.14334969
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OP here
its shaping up nicely thx for the well wishes

>> No.14334978

Shadow people is what happens when you don't sleep for multiple days, you become delirious

>> No.14336063
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>> No.14336071
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>> No.14336097

I'm prescribed 60mg of adderall a day. You know it won't make you smarter and taking too much will actually leave you with serious oversights that will result in you writing cringe. But by all means keep memeing adderall, it's good for the market and ultimately my paycheck.

>> No.14336123

Shadow people is basically your mind filling in the blanks in your peripherals with humanoid shadows. It's not an actual psychotic hallucination, not really a big deal unless you are paranoid. Actual amphetamine psychosis usually manifests as paranoia or delusions of grandeur not in hallucinations.

>> No.14336356

someone give me a quick rundown on addy

>> No.14336364

a much shittier version of coke without the euphoria of coke, usually done by college kids so they can stay up late to write papers or drink beer

>> No.14336375

okay kid, good post

>> No.14336526

I fucking lost my therapist and now go to a regular physician. I got to keep my damn anti depressants but the asshole refuses to fill my addy, and tells me to just "use todo lists".
Well I fucking tried it. They just ended up being gargantuan fucking 50 entries spanning incomprehensible insurmountable hitlists.

>> No.14336554
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Single line of aeiou due by March 2020 bros. Already done half of the work

>> No.14337080

Ive written my best and worst sentences on adderall.
If you take enough where your scalp is really tingling, then reread what you write because sometimes the euphoria makes the amphetamines obvious in your writing

>> No.14338249

ayyy, just finished an exam on 40mg vyvanse and 700mg caffiene a couple hours ago. ive been studying grammar for fun and spending the rest of my high taking notes helps get through the tedious parts. im probably gonna pull an all nighter since i took the vyvanse late and take another one for my exam tomorrow.

>> No.14338268

Sounds like a you-problem. He's doing his job and doing it well.

>> No.14338281

meanwhile the faggot physician has probably been prescribed it since age 12

>> No.14338323

cucking the sincere aspirant to learning out of adderall is doing a shit job in my opinion.

anyway, there are ways around the problem. there's the classic : psychiatrist hopping which takes forever and can prove fruitless(or require you to travel very far for appointments)

there's also alternatives. modafinil is legal to purchase online and for me when coupled with caffeine and antidepressants(hypericum - st. johns wart , valerian) actually gives me the helpful stimulation without as much jitters as adderall. i was able to do toooons of reading when i took a month off from work to dedicate to a daily regimen.

for the more serious seekers of the add drugs... there is 2fma (2fluoro-amphetamine) which is close to an adderall analogue

and my favorite (though i havent tried 2fma myself..) 4fmph (4fluoro-methylphenidate) which is an analogue of methlphenidate(ritalin, vyvanse,etc)

both 4fmph and 2fma can be bought with bitcoin for very reasonable prices (a little bit goes a long way) on the deepweb markets (not hard to figure out just google the current most popular one)

im about to buy a gram of 4f-methylphenidate from the UK for 45$ shipped, which should cover me for about 80 days of dosing..

modafinil just google 'buy modafinil' ive gone through countless of these bottles to get through the night shift at work, but like i said, also works perfectly for reading and studying.

meanwhile i ever continue my struggle to get my psych to prescribe me the true adhd meds. pro tip : never admit to past drug experimentation. i figure most are ignorant to safe drug use and experimentation and once they here you have any sort of history will, in their ignorance, withhold any drugs capable of abuse.

>> No.14338338

how did you lose your therapist? did insurance jew you or did he decide you dont need him anymore?

>> No.14339023

Why are Americans such incompetent drug addicts?

>> No.14339111

Fuck therapists, no one should be able to distinguish whats wrong with me better than me. Its a ridiculous point but its true.

>> No.14339114

Capitalism, and the decline of marital structure across households, due to capitalism

>> No.14339118

Based and Wittgenstein pilled

>> No.14339837

Everyone on this site is a little girl you retard

>> No.14339849

I had a gf in college who gave me about 30 pills for free. It was a blessed semester.

>> No.14341506

because Reagan