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14332549 No.14332549 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14332559

he's a banana. yellow on the outside, white on the inside.

>> No.14332575

US gov shill

>> No.14332640


>> No.14332666

He wrote this when the soviet union fell, he has since written several books including a total reanalysis of his claims, as well as numerous mea culpas. His last 2 volume work is very similar to the institutional failure model of Why Nations Fail (entrenched bureaucracy and nepotism)


here is a soundcloud of him sort of wearily explaining what he meant at the time, what he believes now, and how people on internet message boards take him out of context

>> No.14332672


>> No.14332872

neocon loser

>> No.14333001

May we say that in this book he try to be e a kind of XX century Hobbes,arguing Democratic liberalism as an eternal legit system, free of contratictions.

>> No.14333036

this. fuck ne*cons

>> No.14333087

Would a liberal or a conservative like these books more? One of my friends wanted this guys stuff and I want to gift some books but forgot the friend, and asking both would give away the gift I intend to do. So if this is something a liberal or conservative would like more then Ill assume its that friend that wanted this guys stuff.

>> No.14333112

thank you satan that was a very helpful post

>> No.14333134

He was right in that liberal Western democracy is the best form of government yet devised. Anyone who believes otherwise is an imbecile who doesn't believe in human rights and is probably religious. But he was wrong that it would be the natural end point for everyone. As long as rural and suburban retards exist, we will always have retarded reactionaries and utopian leftists

>> No.14333158
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>> No.14333171
File: 475 KB, 1080x1020, 1573338415219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was right in that liberal Western democracy is the best form of government yet devised. Anyone who believes otherwise is an imbecile who doesn't believe in human rights and is probably religious. But he was wrong that it would be the natural end point for everyone. As long as rural and suburban retards exist, we will always have retarded reactionaries and utopian leftists

>> No.14333176
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>who doesn't believe in human rights and is probably religious

>> No.14333181

Nazism and Communism were needed as enemies and now bland neoliberal capitalist dystopia is the fate of the world. However, he has retracted his statements and said the rise of right wing populism proves him wrong.

>> No.14333317

That's a good way to put it.

>> No.14333352

>Who cares about actual human happiness, my invisible, immeasurable supernatural spirit netherworld which totally exists is VERY important too!

>> No.14333695
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