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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 178 KB, 1200x806, Academy of Athens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14332315 No.14332315 [Reply] [Original]

Why has there not been a remaking of such a system, held in a public place of classically traditional significance, if local as it originally was then why not a global phenomena of informal communes of necessarily interpersonal relation? All with direct identity to their nation, this would naturally follow. Perhaps of some internet significance(like a broadcast), but always at core a physical meeting and active preservation. The value of this could not be overstated and its effect would pervade throughout all households. The reinvigoration of a spirit, now tangible.

>inb4 /lit/
There are many problems with this statement such as the anonymity or the lack of a localised experience, that no man can dwell here. Most of which I have answered even if inadvertently. But the heart of the problem I think is answered by Plato's Phaedrus; that understanding must be related to ones own subjectivity. This purpose Plato's Academy had also once served for.

>> No.14332321

You already know the answer, stop asking

>> No.14332329

I don't, answer.

>> No.14332346


>> No.14332387


>> No.14332388

B̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ disclosed itself back then, but it was Plato who first went and infused the tradition with mathematics which ruined everything. We need a complete destruction of everything since to get back there to start from scratch again.

>> No.14332391

You write like a retard

>> No.14332483

noetic society. it exists. pierre grimes is the shit

>> No.14332507

But is mathematics not central to our finite understanding even if it does not exist on its own? I do understand what you mean, that the mathematical is a necessity of understanding the outer while remains only as that exterior frame of movement rather than the inner meaningful(which is for reason). However that said I don't see how this mixing has necessarily hindered Philosophical advancement in any great way. Is closure not somewhat necessary also to the understanding of being in the ultimate?

>> No.14332512


>> No.14332527

>parapsychological research institute
Too specific, we don't want a focus on science either but it can be discussed.

>> No.14332545

huh? i said noetic society. it’s focused on platonism and platonist thinkers, and just philosophy in general as well as eastern philosophy

>> No.14332552
File: 55 KB, 1314x1054, 1573377807294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no man can dwell here
Guess again.

>> No.14332563

I thought this was what you meant.

>> No.14332572


they meet every week and they put lectures up online

>> No.14332620

You know it's kinda funny you say that cause I thought it was likely that some incel would challenge what I said. Like someone who spends all of their time here. But you know what I mean, there must be nationalistic sentiment, a culture shared and mutually accepted. A centralised understanding of oneself occupies from the national lens as by derivative the local. A soil which you may dig.

>> No.14332654

Ahh I see anon. Seems pretty based, though the pic is a bit cringe. Anything more you can tell me about it?

I meant to add the link btw: https://www.google.com/search?q=noetic+society&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU837AU837&oq=noetic+society&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>> No.14332657

>Parmenides Study Group
What is this?

>> No.14332699

go to youtube and search “pierre grimes” to see some of his lectures
probably a weekly group for studying the platonic dialogue by that name

>> No.14332754

>Pierre Grimes
Okay that's fucken it, firstly his dialogue psychotherapy can only be a method therapy achieved through a psychoanalysis rather than the therapy itself. Secondly, I thought I was getting some new age vibes but I struck through, even after that home pic and after seeing all of their faces, but "a dialogue between Jesus and Socrates", really?

>> No.14332763

Does he acknowledge race?

And you've been getting some master dubs.

>> No.14332803

idk man just watch his lectures to see if you like it. fuck their gay website

>> No.14332819

And yet more this guy thinks Socrates didn't argue with Sophists. Sure there is a difference in their dialogues(Plato and Socrates) and that can be identified. But to say that Socrates didn't debate a certain type of person which all evidence and ration conclusions point to is just stupid. Did Pierre literally forget Socrates' mission?

Seems like a nice old man but is philosophically lacking. Talks a lot like Jesse Lee Peterson.

>> No.14332822

For starters no women allowed.

Then also no Jews as they will bring more Jews, women and POCs and make it about gender theory and Marxism

If these requirements are not meant then the project is doomed to fail

>> No.14332823

>idk man just watch his lectures to see if you like it. fuck their gay website
This was disappointing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhLSKnGr9bw

Link to lecture?

>> No.14332845
File: 182 KB, 680x680, Cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dubs in this thread

>> No.14332905

But don't you see anon this isn't a club. There's no official membership. I'm still debating whether or not for these places to be infused with ideology (from the start)but it's seeming all the more necessary. Just the most basic necessities though such as race, gender and all that. However anyone would be allowed to engage, it's just because we are the founders of it that we would be able to argue against it and somewhat direct the debates and topics and such (so some girl wanting her second debate on marxism straightaway would be denied)as well as naturally have that un-official ideological direction.

>> No.14333153

Anyone know some good locations for any major city?

Considering there aren't really any public meeting places other than parks, yet they lack the necessary symbolic structure.

>> No.14333168
File: 85 KB, 300x240, pepegreeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a gazebo can't be an agora

>> No.14333172

Is this a thinly veiled attempt to shill for dissident philosophy Discord groups, since it seems like it is.

>> No.14333185

What do you think they used to draw the beards?

>> No.14333213

>>implying a gazebo can't be an agora
This would unironically extremely disappointing. Like the average joe's little league, marking off the names.

>"so everyone ready for the philosophy discussion?"



>> No.14333250

clone tool

this illustration is the product of a small man's imagination. you need to think of the gazebo interlocutors with the earnestness of a young crispin glover. or perhaps rushmore's max fisher. someone who takes their passion seriously, regardless of the absurdity of the surroundings.

>> No.14333262

>clone tool

>> No.14333265
File: 21 KB, 554x554, algebraic geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just Heidegger angle. But he has a point, it's LARPing unless you somehow recover the originary sense of kosmos, nous, ethos, ousia, phusis and the polis, just to name a few. You likely don't understand geometry nor do you do gymnastics. You're not going to relaunch civilization, you're more of an anemic modernized cogitoid "subjectivity" attempting to fart around with a hollow impression.

>> No.14333292

>This purpose Plato's Academy had also once served for.
Alright Yoda you sound like a pseud.

>> No.14333300

>We need to destroy it all and start over!
t. every whiny "philosopher" who hasn't actually read or studied much of anything

>> No.14333314

>this illustration is the product of a small man's imagination.
Quite the opposite one could claim, for it is the great mans imagination which see the cage, far too small.

As I have stated, there must be the necessary symbolic structure, informal, communal, and planted itself within the local. Dwelling there.


The (based)Gazebo is none of these things, it is something temporal, and not something somewhere man may ever return.

>> No.14333326

This is not a reply but a reminder.

>> No.14333342

This isn't even how Yoda speaks anon.

This, Heidegger wasn't for restarting butinstead merging these to strains of thought,with new direction.

But now we just have postmodernism.

>> No.14333455

google it

>implying /lit/ doesn't fit those requirements
i must reiterate my earlier frogpost, there are some of us who *are* invested in this place. and before you you call anonymity a drawback, let me remind you of the phenomenon of the echo chamber in academia, and the limitations of "free" speech that has your real name attached to it in 2019

>> No.14333626

>clone tool
>google it

>> No.14333714

>>implying /lit/ doesn't fit those requirements
>i must reiterate my earlier frogpost, there are some of us who *are* invested in this place. and before you you call anonymity a drawback, let me remind you of the phenomenon of the echo chamber in academia, and the limitations of "free" speech that has your real name attached to it in 2019
So you're saying it's the best we can do currently. I understand that however I still think it is to a different effect. The lack of identity because of anonymity is a very large halt, however that is subsumed by the even greater halting of the lack of a local, no man truly "dwells" here. That does not mean we do not care for it or that it does not do some things the academy does, sometimes more, however they are two different things with different ends. For the problems a lack of anonymity brings up I will say this, the purpose of the academy is debate between ideas and all are (quote un quote) "welcome", this would encourage a greater softness for controversial ideas for normies(there wouldn't m/any there because we are founding it), streaming/making online in anyway would be optional(but it would be somewhat of a global phenomena so perhaps we would record the existence of various academies online such as "such and such academy at bluesvilly") and lets say they would be free to wear a mask for those rare occasions.

And fucks sake man you got some good dubs, almost enough to make me think you're right.

>> No.14333752

Stabat mater dolorosa
juxta Crucem lacrimosa,
dum pendebat Filius.
At the Cross her station keeping,
stood the mournful Mother weeping,
close to her son to the last.

>> No.14333780 [DELETED] 

1. Stabat Mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lacrimosa dum pendebat Filius

The grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging
The Mother stood grieving beside the cross weeping while on it hung her Son
The sorrowful Mother stood full of tears by the Cross while her Son was hanging there
The mother of sorrows stood in tears beside the cross on which her Son was hanging
Weeping stood the Mother of Sorrows next the Cross, the while her Son hung there
The Mother stood sorrowing by the cross weeping while her Son hung there
The sorrowful Mother stood weeping before the cross where hung her Son
At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last

>> No.14334839


>> No.14335025

Let's build the ideal city in minecraft and do it there.

>> No.14335027

/in vr chat.

>> No.14335952


>> No.14336129

Allah willing!