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File: 375 KB, 392x419, markfisher2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14330231 No.14330231 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mark Fisher right about the cancellation of the future? On one hand he seems to be just Boomer complaining about new things but I can't deny that some of his observations aren't entirely wrong, that there aren't many new cultural innovations these days.


>> No.14330244

No one can provide an alternative. This has never been the case ever since the Middle Ages. Every leftie is pessimistic as fuck, every "conservative" only spits out defenses of the free market. There's nothing left.

>> No.14330256

put it this way: If you have a child tomorrow. Are you gonna read him Mark Fisher? Fuck no. Modernity is a piece of shit but resignation is cancer

>> No.14330258
File: 64 KB, 500x458, u2t4cwq703z31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is an alternative though. its called the end of the world. and you can picture the end of the world better than you can the end of capitalism

>> No.14330274

Which is why Facism will have a huge resurgence.

>> No.14330301

Fascism is an even bigger cope

>> No.14330333

the most valuable silicon valley startup in 2019 was a literal landlord corporation. it wasn't even tech related, they just rented property. that by itself says everything you need to know about the ABSOLUTE STATE of innovation today

the reason i say "was" is because their valuation was a fucking meme and they crumbled the moment they were held under a modicum of scrutiny. that by itself says everything you need to know about this tragiconemy and rent seeking in general. mark fisher took the only way out of this fucking joke of a system. he did the right thing.

>> No.14330370

Rehash of Zizek ca. 2005.

Their is an alternative: a return to traditional culture and values, which is already happening as discussed in another thread because boomer values aren't cool anymore. It's also ironically going to happen en-masse for Westerners since all the soi-disant 'marginalised' cultures have made it cool to (re)claim their identities, totally excluding the average Westerner from the process, leaving them with nothing to do but the same (but in forms that are safely displaced from the racial argument, so religions like Christianity which are perhaps even mostly non-white at this point and ultra-localised identities such as those focused in one's neighbourhood.) To say nothing of the day-to-day reality of having to deal with immigrants pisses off even the most liberal person. We will barely even have an industrialised society once even more money can be made on green energy and efficiently automated industry--at least in the west it'll all be niche handicrafts. (Do you know young white person that owns a store of any kind that isn't some tree-hugging boutique or restaurant?) It'll pick up steam since the slightly upper middle-classes in the West will inherit more per-capita in the next 25 years than ever before, though it'll drop precipitously after for boomer materialist parents stuck in flash consumerism debt (sorry if your parents are poor and you'll be excluded from this. Learn to be a plumber.) And a political power grab on the back of forgiving student debt will be ripe at some point in the next 30-years.

>> No.14330376


>> No.14330390
File: 594 KB, 570x570, The Future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Mark Fisher right about the cancellation of the future?
Yes but he thought the future would be A3 but what were heading towards is B4...

>> No.14330391

do you think it's possible this is the beginning of a circular economy. don't get me wrong, the Spotify/Uber/Airbnb economy is a total meme, but could there be something good coming out of it in the end?

when all the profits are so small and so pitiful, it eventually makes sense to subscribe to a company to provide a life for you and they will have a new kind of economic imperitive not to waste materials in overconsumption, and create products/services that don't break and get chucked in a landfill after 6 months

>> No.14330399

Oh God...PodShare...

>> No.14330430

>psssst traditon means the past

>> No.14330445

>all the soi-disant 'marginalised' cultures have made it cool to (re)claim their identities
they are not actually reclaiming their identities, their cultures having been for the most part irrevocably lost. identity politics is just a means to assimilate these people into boomerized western consumer therapeuthic culture. It's all about wounded attachment to bureaucratic categories and a slavish quest for recognition by an implicit benevolent liberal white other incarnated in western institutions. Kinda like feminism that is about an obsession to 'prove you are as good as men', or gay pride, a pathetic display that could only ever be motivated by a deep sense of shame. They know that we know that they know, that if white people where ever to get their shit together....

>> No.14330450

> Pssst the past is cottage industry, extreme-locality, and Christianity. Pssst tradition is also invented at different points (See Hobsbawm and Ranger.)

>> No.14330462

you arent inventing anything new, just a pol tard retreating to muh tradition. or the past

>> No.14330469

That why I bit the (re) of reclaim in brackets. It's clear they have to make a lot of this shit up. But nonetheless it's exclusive and alienating for the groups they define themselves against.

>> No.14330533

I think it's quite obvious elite white liberals are getting off to it like good protestants. These ideological discourses have spread far and wide precisely because they are an efficient way of governing ''diverse'' populations and justifying decrepit liberal institutions like the press and the university.

>> No.14330550


Based Hobsbawm

>> No.14330560

Christianity is a product of civilization. Monotheism is bluepilled as fuck.

>> No.14330607

Yeah it's just boomerdom

>> No.14330655

Got any good reading on A2, B2 and D3?

>> No.14330765

it's a rehash of Fredrick Jameson lol read a book

>> No.14330786

post war culture is basically a long series of well intentioned efforts (from MKULTRA to holocaust class) to prevent fascism from happening ever again by inhibiting the western population's deeply ingrained fear, hatred, disgust and aggression reflexes. The very animal reflexes, which as we all know form the very basis of any functioning civilization. Fascism is a natural animal response to degeneracy. A lot of effort has to go into actively repressing it.

>> No.14331080

What I think we're witnessing is the extinction of the real world, not in the sense of species of animals dying out or the natural environment degrading (which isn't to say this isn't happening) but the growing irrelevance of an existence shared by a large number (tens of billions) of perceptive entities and the phenomenal world they are encased in (i.e., the bodies in which they spawn) and that they are confronted with (e.g., material existence).

The internet has effectively provided another plane of existence, one detached from material reality and in many ways independent of it. Previous to the internet, the only internet-like modes of experience were imagination (via novels, but also dream states while asleep), mental illness (i.e., a neurological system which prevented the user from perceiving the same phenomenological terrain as its peers) and psychedelic drugs. The latter alternative to shared phenomelogical reality, i.e., the terrain we all inhabit and perceive, has always been impossible to predict or control. The hippies of the 1960s encouraged aspiring hippies to "tune in, drop out", in other words consumer psychedelic drugs and drop out of the socio-economic system which had resulted in an unjust social system, illegitimate foreign wars, and so on.

Now, however, we are on the verge of producing a form of technology capable of presenting a realistic virtual terrain that users may mistake, after long-term exposure, with so-called "reality". This may be hard to believe at first, but take a perceptive being (i.e., an individual human being - which is itself a state of thinking) and spawn it in an unattractive body plagued by illness, in a social context in which it struggles to assert itself, in a society it perceives to be unfairly rigged against it. Then offer that perceptive entity not a phenomenological ideal whose intention is to remould the shared reality in which so many other perceptive entities are competing for resources (e.g., political ideologies and ideals) but instead the option to immerse itself in an alternative, virtual reality which is becoming rapidly indistinguishable from the so-called "real world".

After three or four generations, children could plausibly be raised from a very young age perceiving much of its experience in a virtual realm. Its host body would still need to be cleaned and fed, though even that problem could potentially be solved with the like of liquid-based onions foods and technology initially invented to cleanse and sterilise the bodies of the infirm etc. I believe that the world we have so far experienced will be treated in retrospect as a kind of beta test or trial run, in which masses of information was first experienced, then gathered, then stored online, and then used to construct a second, virtual world - or rather millions if not billions of individual virtual worlds in which humanity will disperse, each perceptive entity dwelling in its own solipsistic terrain.

>> No.14331652

Actually, the future can be either D3 or A2 or even a heterogenical mix of both, but the process might inevitably make us pass through B4 and A3
If you read Kurzweil, you'll notice it's inevitable for the Singularity to approach

Also, damn, B2 would be very interesting in some sense

>> No.14332887

resentment of war is a natural response to trauma too did u know that

>> No.14332994

the people that build these systems, the social engineers, the activists the psychiatrists, the technologists, were overwhelmingly jews who were explicitly afraid of hitler and a new holocaust. meanwhile they've got their own ethnostate back home.

>> No.14333092

God I hope not