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1432962 No.1432962 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book really that bad compared to the first three? I'm going to start reading ASIF today and I found some pretty bad reviews for this one when I googled the books.

>> No.1432972

Because most of peoples' favourite characters are missing. No Dany, no Tyrion, don't think Arya is in it but I could be wrong. Obviously still a good read, just not as good as the others.
Think Jaime was my favourite character in that book.

>> No.1432994

what difference does it make? you're not going to skip one book in a series because it's gotten some bad reviews.

>> No.1433011


Well, I was thinking maybe I could stop at the third book. Does that sound viable?

>> No.1433014

hmm, i actually found it tedious, perhaps it was the lack of the said characters but i really didn't care about what happened in that book

>> No.1433036

Good, Dany's chapters are boring and I don't approve of her interracial relations.

>> No.1433040

seriously though whatever who gives a crap suck a monkey's dick and call it your daddy books suck you suck everything sucks

>> No.1433041

I'm at the end of the 3rd book myself and there is NO WAY I would consider stopping there. Just read it, it's not like you've never read a shitty book to the end.

>> No.1433105


I lol'd.


Okay then, I guess I'll just read it. Thanks, guys.

>> No.1433470

I doubt this thread is still being looked at, but I suggest you read it. It is definitely not as fast paced as the past couple books, and it does leave out some "favorite" points of view (which pleased me, as I hate Jon and Bran chapters.) I liked it as much as any of the other books, really, and it is probably the most ripe one for rereads/combing for details.

>> No.1433490

Problem is, it comes right after A Storm of Swords, which had a lot of plot revelations. A Feast for Crows just got shafted on the plot end, as it starts many arcs, not finishes them.

Add in the fact that many fan-favorite characters are missing, and you get an unbalanced, slowly paced book.

The writing is still good, it just has the misfortune of being in a really awkward place structurally. Though I suppose we will have to re-evaluate it when A Dance With Dragons comes out.

And by that I mean never.

>> No.1433598

but instat it has ser piggy and that warrior chick which are nearly as horrible as bran and jon

>> No.1434192


I wish Martin would stop adding POV characters after Storm. All that Dorne shit seemed tacked on and didn't really go anywhere (though it's been a few years since I read the book). Though I really want to know where he's going with Cersei.

As for OP: yeah, definitely read it, it's slower paced compared to Storm, but things happen.

>> No.1434204

I actually liked it.Not better than the first three,but still very good.

>> No.1434206

It's got a shit ton of Greyjoys. Greyjoys rule. Victarion, Euron, Damphair and Asha FTW.

>> No.1434214

Agree.It seems that most people that have read the series hate them,for some reason.The best fight scene in the series,IMO,is the ship boarding scene with Victarion.

>> No.1434220


The whole Dorne thing is just setting the stage for the realm to be in total warfare again once the Others break the wall.

>> No.1434222

What dome are you two speaking of?

>> No.1434225



The Spaniards of the setting.

>> No.1434229

haha oh shit

I read that as "dome" for the two posts

>> No.1434237

Its a good read OP. Not as fantastic as the other three but still important in the overall story. Martin did the best he could with the limited resources he had in the characters he chose for aFfC, and the writing, in my opinion, was even a little but better than the others in the series. But it was a bit lacking in content. Hopefully aDwD will revise that if its ever released.

>> No.1434247

First time I read it, I had a reaction pretty similar to the one OP probably read in those reviews. I had to adjust to a whole bunch of new characters, most of whom I hardly knew or cared about, and those that I did know and care about I hated.

But the second time I read it I liked it a lot more. There's a lot of juicy information about House Martell and their goals in there. Not only that, but a great deal actually happens during the book. Entire paradigms are shifted. Once I got over the pangs of missing Tyrion and Arya, I realized that this was an important book in terms of developments, even if the characters were either unknown or unlikable.

Overall, it was a pretty weak book for characters, but a very strong book for plot developments.

>> No.1434261
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I liked it more then Cash and Storm.

The connection between the prologue chapter and Sam's last chapter was pretty cool.

Also, Crows was the first time I liked Sansa as a character so I can't discount that.

>> No.1434265

>I doubt this thread is still being looked at

I'm still here.

>> No.1434269

Well, the Greyjoy bits are pretty bleak, and don't seem very relevant. They're just kinda sitting on their islands and doing their own thing, and don't appear to be contributing anything to the plot aside from causing yet more misery for House Stark. Sure they launched some raids against the Reach and other Tyrell lands, but this has fuck-all to do with nearly anything else. They just seem like kind of a waste of space in the book. And my favorite part was when Euron Greyjoy essentially pointed this out to the ironmen.

Euron looks very promising. The minute that guy showed up I knew he was going to drag the Greyjoys kicking and screaming into the relevance of the plot, and it appears he's going to do just that.

>> No.1434279

Now that you mention it, Crows was really the first time I felt anything other than pity or disdain for Sansa. She's such an aggravating character most of the time, but I think all that was needed was for her to finally get out into the world and stop being a princess.

>> No.1434321

>The best fight scene in the series,IMO,is the ship boarding scene with Victarion.



>They're just kinda sitting on their islands and doing their own thing, and don't appear to be contributing anything to the plot


>> No.1434342

Hey, I'm not really disparaging the Greyjoys as characters, I'm just stating that they're not really relevant or at all important. Okay, that sounds a little bit like disparagement, but it's not to say they're not cool or interesting in their own right. I rather like Victarion for his action scenes, and Damphair has a sort of austere appeal to him as well. All I'm saying is that out of all the Greyjoys, only Euron appears to have any desire to affect the plot in a major way.

>> No.1434353

It's an okay book. It just not as good as books 3 and 3.5, since they are fucking amazing. Also, a lot of filler characters and not too much on the characters that we all know and love/hate.

>> No.1434363

i never liked this "multiple points of view narrative" concept in these books, i can barely stand 2, i remembering sticking to one of the characters through the books. did i missed much?

>> No.1434369

Yes. None of Martin's perspectives are completely reliable as a source of information, and not all of them experience the same events. No matter who you picked to read, you've ended up with probably less than a tenth of what's happened, and everything your character has heard second hand is more than likely inaccurate gossip.

>> No.1434415


Why didn't /thread happened right here?

Anyway, AFFC is just the first book all over again. Along with Dance, it's just setting up the new scenario for the final whooping that'll happen all around in the last two books of the series (lolwut)