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File: 96 KB, 1123x1204, m2lenrayqi341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14329316 No.14329316 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will improve my life in some aspect? Like, improve my economy/health/social skills and so on.

>> No.14329323

Invoke autism, deep autism. Delve

>> No.14329404
File: 10 KB, 195x300, 9780141983769_200x_why-we-sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14330723

The book is honestly pretty bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwaWilO_Pig this cover almost everything worthwhile in the book. The book is just the same concepts mentioned in the podcast, but illustrated using pretty rambly ancedotes, and half-assed explanations of research. The only reason I'd see you'd want to buy the book would be because it might make you more motivated to put the tips into practice.

>> No.14330736

Yeah, nobody's reading a book on "why we sleep." What a useless book.

>> No.14330747

no bully

>> No.14330755

I mean, the book is more about "how to sleep well and the correct amount" (it also covers stuff about how many people dont get enough sleep ect too but), it isnt the main message. Like, the book covers important topics, but I think its presented somewhat poorly.

>> No.14330763
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>> No.14330772

Imagine actually meditating, like these niggas in one bedroom apartments all across the country just taking a WHOLE FUCKING HOUR to sit in the corner and try their hardest not to think about stuff.
That is the opposite of /lit/, it is life denying eastern bullshit and you should actually feel ashamed if you've fallen for this meme. Get the fuck outta here with that, go be a gook worshipping faggot homo somewhere else!

>> No.14330778


>> No.14330785

Cringe. Imagine thinking being in the moment is "life denying". What an absolute garbage post.

Imagine replying based to such a garbage post. I see this post made by a pseud and a retard.

>> No.14330889
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This is what pseuds do who want to help people for want of positive perception. Volunteers are often the most narcissistic and selfish people I know, and while they derive sanctification for doing useless participatory work for strangers, while they ignore the people in their immediate and surrounding lives. It reminds me of the Dives and Lazarus. The Rich Man, wasn't inherently "bad" to the onlooker. Wore purple, so was presumably was an esteemed member of his community. Probably gave to the charities of his day. But we know he ended up going. To hell, where he must remain for all eternity. The same fate awaits most "do-gooders". If Augustine wrote his Confessions in 2019, he would have omitted the part where nobody would wish that there may be some unhappy person that they may commiserate. These people are not motivated by compassion but their own vanity and self-inflated view of their 'goodness' (oh I'm such a good person! Wow, I really am helping! I am a real saint!) . All truly good people have always felt and said the opposite of themselves, that they were worthless worms and any good they effectuated was not through anything they have done. Often, the most helpful thing someone can do, is doing something that won't look good on a resume. Talking to that lonely old man at the end of the street whose entire family is dead. Asking if that emaciated cashier you deal with on occasion is alright. Giving that one struggling friend some money. None of these will win you respect from the world, and often people will call you stupid for them.

Lastly, the entire end point of stage 3 is done for want of human respect, which the Angelic Doctor, proves it is a vice opposed to virtue because you are doing things to impress the external world. St. Augustine said the machinations of man are no different than the play of children. At the end of the day, your job, your status, your "business", is meaningless because you will die.

In fine, this meme is not going to lead to self improvement but on the contrary. Self-ruin.

>> No.14330892

> meditation
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.14330957

Shit ideas there.

>> No.14330974
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>Cut hair
>Sit in room and don't think about stuff
>Write down what you want and post it to santa
>get job
>have sex
>go on trips
>consume product
>get excited for next product
>leave products to kids

>> No.14331137

this guy is dead wrong on sleep, and his theories are crap. im going to challenge him to a fistfight one of these days.

>> No.14331180


just further proof that self-improvement-core is written exclusively by petit bourgeois hacks whose life experience begins and ends with brochures and catalogues

>> No.14331254


>> No.14331271

Fucking poorfags

>> No.14331348
File: 109 KB, 400x419, 1500329561221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seeking respect from other people is a sin.
Well then nigger, are you going to advise me to cloister myself with a bunch of monks? Or prostrate myself to Jesus 24/7 because that's the "right" thing to do? Maybe doing these things in stage three might bring some form of long term contentment with their lives, as in a way to say to themselves " Damn, i'm really proud of myself that I spent the time learning a useful skill, which I can use to better myself even further/ impress friends/ provide further happiness to myself".

>> No.14331351

Better to be poor and realistic than a retard that goes on little adventures on airplanes and pretends to see the world meanwhile is just doing it to impress people and for some false sense of "experience".

>> No.14331368

>sacrificing virtue to impress people and is motivated by vanities
Never going to improve yourself.

>> No.14331420
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I don't see what's wrong with sacrificing virtue in order to get some sort of happiness in the end. Isn't that why people are improving themselves? To be happy?

>> No.14331518

>the opposite of /lit/

>> No.14331551

Tier 4
>adopt a philosophical system which allows for meaning, spirituality and religion
>develop personal relationship with God
>submit to Him
>go to church
>renounce earthly desires for economy/health/social skills
>find your true purpose

>> No.14331553

yeah lets just assume theres a selfish component to every good public work and avoid doing them if theres a possibility we might get recognized or even honored. this is your brain on Christianity.

>> No.14331563
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Read this, anon
It's really good

>> No.14331724

So a lot of these are gonna be psychology based but all of the books I've included here have unironically changed my life or at least the way I approach certain things in life.

>Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
basically the bible of cbt self-help based books. essential if you're suffering from depression. may also help with anxiety (why i read it)
important to understanding why we enjoy certain experiences, a study on happiness
>What Color is Your Parachute
good for career guidance/job hunt
>The Defining Decade
this is specifically for people in their 20s and covers how to navigate it but I think it has elements that everyone can take away.
>The Gift of Fear
a book about violence and how to spot it and recognize when something or someone is actually dangerous or not. most people don't actually understand violence but believe they do.
>Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
this although I don't often use actual nonviolent communication (it's pretty difficult) changed a lot of my understanding of how people communicate to one another.
>both the life changing magic of tidying up and spark joy
speaks for itself, changed my life, clean your room.
>Emotional First Aid
yeah kind of a popsci title but basically the best practical guide on psychology that i've read anywhere. the book is literally just each chapter going through different things like rejection, loss and trauma, guilt, low-self confidence, ect. and goes step by step into it. it introduces what it is, how it becomes a problem and actionable steps to solving the problem. He has a whole second on loneliness and it's really mind blowing and wildly direct.

>> No.14331802

>The Defining Decade
What does this book say?

t. graduating college at 20 yo next year, undecided what to do with life

>> No.14331814
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Did an American make this image? Disgusting.

>> No.14331822

Start with the greeks and virtue ethics.

>> No.14331849

go to the library and read the book lol
it goes over how to get through the lost feeling that you're feeling, it's super common but really important that you do something rather than sit on it.

>> No.14331922

Volunteer anonymously and never mention it unless explicitly asked.

>> No.14331923


>> No.14332078
File: 31 KB, 324x500, agoodbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and The Myth of Sisyphus will help you feel less meaningless

>> No.14332137

Okay, I looked at Amazon preview of it, seems like a girly 12 Rules

I'm more stuck between two choices on what career to pursue. One means moving to a metropolis, another out to Alaska

>> No.14332183

Well, while you sit by and do nothing, volunteers actually contribute, regardless of motivation. Which is better? To do nothing at all and mock those who try to help, or to actually get your hands dirty and help? You can pretend volunteers do nothing, but we both know that simply isn't true. Picking up trash in a green space, sorting food for the homeless, or becoming a firefighter are all actions. The purpose of volunteering is to do something for your fellow man, rather than sit back and criticize the supposed selfish motivations of those who try.

>> No.14332190

>Okay, I looked at Amazon preview of it, seems like a girly 12 Rules
it's not but if you don't wanna read it then don't read it.

>I'm more stuck between two choices on what career to pursue. One means moving to a metropolis, another out to Alaska
again I am telling you this is one of the first topics she covers in the book and i highly recommend you read it. not sure what else you want me to say here.

>> No.14332233

have sex

>> No.14332363
File: 80 KB, 301x392, Lazarus-and-Rich-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazarus sat by and did nothing. And the rich man, led quite a busy and esteemed life. Guess which one went to hell? The fact that you view charity as an obligation, and worse, competition, to the point that you wag your finger at those "do-nothings" shows how inverted your soul is. Those acts exampled in your post are seldom done out of a genuine desire to uplift fellow man; it is to give yourself some satisfaction and a secular attempt to oppose the gnawing of conscience, which cries that they are deep down terrible, worthless people. If most of those individuals engaged in suchwork had charity in mind, and practiced it in their life daily, they would be so worn out from helping the very people immediately in their lives that they would not have time for any volunteering. In fact, there would be not need for volunteer organizations, 'nonprofits' and so on, if each individual practiced charity and goodwill to all those surrounding them. Instead, they ignore people in their life and convince themselves that they are a good person by writing a check to some charity, or picking up a few scraps of trash for two hours on a Saturday. Your entire post exudes pride. You view these acts, done on occasion, as some god-like example of altruism that should be commended and appreciated, are are upset when someone exposes them for the cheapness they are. Even if they were helpful, your hubris undoes any self-benefit that would be derived from doing them instead become a cause for pride.

>> No.14332571

>not prayer
Into the trash it goes

>> No.14332581

>being in the moment
Unironically deserves a basedjack response

>> No.14332597

There is such a thing as meditation in Christianity and you're being stupid because the two serve different purposes. Do you even read?

>> No.14332604

Unironically this

>> No.14332610

>assumes christianity
Weak. Just pray instead of some gay secular meditation

>> No.14332629

This is good but add Sleep consistently instead of Meditation as the first one.

>> No.14332643

All is vanity meine fruende.

>> No.14332847

Your not here to impove your life. Your here to improve life in general.

>> No.14333763
File: 163 KB, 1500x1480, apu kill tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traveling for tourist purposes should honestly be a crime. The only reason anyone should go to another country is for religious reasons such as a pilgrimage, for work, if they plan to move there permanently and assimilate (including fluency in the local language at a minimum), to study (and learn the local language as well), or if they have relatives there that they will be staying with. Tourism is a sick, sick industry which creates a dependent populace that will quickly lose their own sense of identity and will eventually be burgerized.

>> No.14333796

So true so powerful

>> No.14333824
File: 175 KB, 352x550, 9780199590605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happiness: A Very Short Introduction
This book made me realise that it is okay if you are not happy all the time.

>> No.14333979

no an argument

>> No.14334439


>> No.14334529
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What I get out of your post is that you belief volunteering to be nothing more than a half-assed prideful attempt to help other people. Alright. Well, if you decided to go all out and sell everything you had and went out in the wide word to follow God, who would you be under the good graces of? The church? Paid for by half-assed prideful sinners. The half assers, the people who are so prideful to have kids to feed and parents to look after, and still have the gall to go help out the soup kitchen to feed your full time missionary ass, which you'll explain away as God working in mysterious ways.

>> No.14334583

materialism bad

>> No.14334622

What's up with Americans and volunteering?
Nobody I know does it here. Probably because our taxes do enough already.

>> No.14334658
File: 79 KB, 872x646, 1574704513275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Bold and Determined and Illimitable Men.

Watch all of RSDTyler's videos.

You can thank me later friend.

>> No.14334762
File: 47 KB, 512x512, 1572021518422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donate to charity!
>work for free!
>learn a language!
I hate americans.
Not everyone has the money or time to travel. And most people won't change because of a trip. Only travel if you feel like it's important to you.
Don't donate to charity unless you feel like doing it. It won't make you a better person, that doesn't exist. You should only do it if you're a specific type of person who selfishly feels good about providing to others, without bragging about it. If you're gonna do it, it should feel good because you're exerting power and influence, not because you're "doing good" to impress retards.
Work can make a man. But can also break one. Only work if you feel like you'd be grateful about the opportunity. No point in doing social service to look good, you narcissistic shit.
Only learn a language if you like this kind of studying. Otherwise, you can learn anything else: an instrument, illustration, magic tricks, cooking. You name it. Just throwing "learn a language! it's productive" makes no sense when that isn't for everyone.

It's bad. Such a good concept wasted on uninteresting Bible interpretations and potentially unnacurate researches. The choice for each chapter's themes is also poor. I think even I could write a better book with this premise.

>Watch all of RSDTyler's videos
Only if you are a horny teenager. Models by Mark Manson is way better overall and I'd recommend it a thousand times over RSD. Albeit poorly written. Mark is kind of a bad writer.

>> No.14334768


>> No.14334782
File: 21 KB, 640x619, Angry autistic wojakl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'M FUCKING OUT, I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS 9 FUCKING -D POLITICAL CHESS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14334783

>dude just hoard your meager wealth to yourself in your hometown! Just jerk off in all your free time and never learn or do anything dude

>> No.14334790

>dude just hoard your meager wealth to yourself in your hometown!
I don't remember saying this.
>Just jerk off in all your free time and never learn or do anything dude
I don't remember saying this.
Extremely poor post. Who are you quoting?

>> No.14334814


Oh yes, what would my life be without seeing a different country. It's bad enough that Americans think their dumb vacations expanded their worldview. That kind of stuff requires actually living there for a while

>> No.14334821

Yeah, this.

Haven't read it myself, but it's done wonders for my friend.

>> No.14334873

You fucking retard, just go read the article instead of sperging out. He said that Hitler initially only wanted to expel all Jews from Europe, but that al-Husseini, the most important Palestinian leader at the time (uncle of Arafat) who was friends with Hitler, convinced him to exterminate them. It's kind of a fringe theory of course, but some respected historians (Wolfgang Schwanitz for instance) support it. Everything else in your post can be explained by two variables: Muslims hate Jews and leftists hate Israel. Hence Netanyahu supports right-wing movements in Europe that mostly care about Muslims and leftists these days and aren't overtly anti-Semitic anymore for the most part. It's not so fucking complicated

>> No.14336004

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14336037

He did just get indicted for corruption, I wouldn't put much stock into anything he says

>> No.14336068

Why, this means that monied interests think that he DOES have worth

>> No.14336072


>> No.14337440

It is bad you fucking mongrel

>> No.14337919


>> No.14337998

I don't see any positives with materialism

>> No.14338024


>> No.14338109

I read the book and it was decent. Learned a lot about >title.
My sleeping habits are way better now. Knowing the actual science behind sleep (even if it’s just cursory knowledge) makes sleeping feel more important.

>> No.14338211

do people actually go for an entire hour daily? lmao
I can hardly go for 30 minutes and all i getbis sexual imagery in my head and a rock hard erection
jerking off afterwards is fun tho

>> No.14338309

I love you anon
Put the guy to sleep

>> No.14338384

Ecclesiastes 1:2 - "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." Everything is for show.

>> No.14338469
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>> No.14338522

Meditation is a huge cope
>ahhhhhh I can't control my mind ahhhhhh I'll just have to stop using my brain ahhhh
Compare the "ignorant" west to the "enlightened" east.
Also, seethe more

>> No.14338546

God bless

>> No.14338549


>> No.14338608

This board went down to the shitter

>> No.14338687

t. assblasted self-righteous piece of shit

>> No.14339056

Sex Is for faggots and sinners. The true way is the monastic discipline, that's the only way to achieve true virtue.

>> No.14339072

>Go to France
>Another Eiffel tower photo goes into the web
You are correct sir, most people just travel for the attention, not because they feel like getting enriched by another culture. Same as when people go to another country and stay in luxurious hotels and eat in the hotel haute cuisine restaurants instead of going to the heart of the city and eat local

>> No.14339081


>> No.14339108

Cope harder you weak willed faggot
>Muh self help

>> No.14339525
File: 65 KB, 400x398, apu is fucking pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Oregon and I say kill 'em all

>> No.14340080

Volunteering, particularly in small towns, builds community. Most of it's done through the church, too. Very little spectacle.

It's important to differentiate this type of volunteering with insta volunteering.

>> No.14340119

I had an argument like this with a thot. She was like "I'm going to India, those poor people need help" I told her why not just go to some marginal neighborhood or shelter and help people out? But that I understood she wanted to go help Indians instead because it looks cooler on her IG/Facebook profile than going to South Chicago during the Sunday

>> No.14340122

meditation is basically the opposite of not using your brain.

"Electroencephalographic (EEG) studies have revealed a significant increase in alpha and theta activity during meditation. Neuroimaging studies showed that [Mindfulness meditation] practice activates the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and that long-term meditation practice is associated with an enhancement of cerebral areas related to attention"

>> No.14340206

I remember one of my biggest problem with meditating is that when I'd successfully enter a meditative state I immediately felt a potential to make it into a catalyst for creative thinking and I'd take the bait and end up coming up with all this good intellectual shit.
Meditation is absolutely good, to any extent that you attempt it. You don't even need to listen to anecdotes, there's overwhelming scientific evidence in support of it as well. You cannot get more brainlet than denying the benefits of meditation, you just have to let go of the negative associations with hippies.

>these niggas
tfw when you're so fucking deep in your self doubt that you search out new ways of sounding ironically unconcerned with sounding intellectual
the difference between you and a pseud is that you're more insecure

>> No.14340277

fucking retard

>> No.14340325

As a volunteer in not one, but 2 different voluntariates, I kindly ask you to go fuck yourself with a long, pointy stick

>> No.14340409

self-improvement is impossible, self is self, self
-improvement' is bad, don't fucking @ me i'm right

>> No.14340435


More like this?

>> No.14340485

>Traveling for tourist purposes
What if my gf has a house in another country and she wants me to go with her for 5 days?

I'm against travelling aswell as i prefer to just stay here and work and can't justify it but my gf says i'm overworked and 5 days won't kill my business and that i never go with her to her country.

This post explains what i was thinking all the time but could not express it. Thanks fren

>> No.14340552

>illustrated using pretty rambly ancedotes, and half-assed explanations of research
This is every pop-sci book ever

>> No.14340559

>enriched by another culture
This is just the same thing as putting the Eiffel tower on your IG, except for pretentious faggots
Same king of people who go to Africa to work in villages while niggers are sleeping on the street three blocks down from their airbnb home

>> No.14341198

Obviously I'm being hyperbolic but the sentiment remains. Tourism is not healthy for a population. It generally does not edify any of the parties involved and only serves to make them more base.

>> No.14341504

holy based

>> No.14341523
File: 19 KB, 540x346, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That chart is maybe the worst consoomer-normie thing I have ever seen. Literally nothing creative but instead


>> No.14341541

>because the tourist cruises funded by the Nazi government which went to places like France and Spain, for the German people, really resulted in a lack of national identity

>> No.14342228

Thank you and god bless

>> No.14342415

>Your entire post exudes pride
Fucking kek the ironing

>> No.14342499
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What a vapid guide. It basically misses the entire problem with self-improvement which is getting yourself to actually do all these things. People already know you should take care of your hygiene, diet, exercise and socialize with people, but for a myriad of complex psychological reasons they can't and/or won't. A truly beneficial guide would either offer insight into the nature of these psychological problems and/or offer practical steps to get around them.

>> No.14342971

I imagine the guide to be a starters guide. Simple things, one at a time. You don't have to do all of them right now, but slowly implementing them over time will lead to an increase in satisfaction.

>> No.14343307

ummmmm n-nigger

>> No.14343334

You don't have to do it a whole hour, friend. Nobody does that starting out.

>try their hardest not to think about stuff.
When you get good at it getting into that state becomes easier and easier. And if you're trying really hard, you're kinda missing the point. If you;re not a super zen master or some shit, you're going to have thoughts when you meditate. But you just observe them and brush them off like they are dust.

>life denying

Sounds like you need to chill out bro. You should try meditating. If you did you might realize how silly it is to get mad on the internet over this type of thing.

>> No.14343351

>no mention of religious studies or activities whatsoever
[confused savior noises]

>> No.14343362

[confused reddit meme]
go back

>> No.14343423 [DELETED] 

>mfw I'm pretty much on Tier 3 except for "Travel" and only because I'm poor lol
feels good, forreal

>> No.14343431

>mfw I'm pretty much Tier 3 and I do everything on this list except travelling (I'm poor heh)
feels good, forreal

>> No.14343484
File: 84 KB, 300x325, 1574975846504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely useless. It's a set of very obvious milestones that a person could infer in a couple seconds of thought and it offers zero insight into the actual problem space around self-improvement which is strictly psychological in nature. Even when it comes to improvement in practical skills that require learning and instruction, it still boils down to a problem of doing the work, spending enough time on it, all of which require the use of will. People fail at self-improvement because it's possible to will something and still be unable to act on it, which is a problem as old as the Greeks (referred to as akrasia).

Honestly, it pisses me off that someone took the time out of their day to actually make this trash image, probably in good faith, believing that it was actually beneficial to anyone. It probably has the opposite effect considering it offers such a reduced view of self-improvement that anyone attempting this "guide" through brute-force will simply end up failing miserably after Tier-1 and then fall deeper into despair or eventually burn out because fighting yourself 24/7 is not a realistic or happy lifestyle. Tier-2 is just a set of activities vaguely related to the improvement of body and mind that likely won't lead to anything because they're vague, and Tier-3 offers a truly depressing view of participating in the world with no attempt to tackle the problem of understanding meaningful engagement with the world.

>> No.14343528
File: 24 KB, 313x499, 41HlG%2BjCHDL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this pretty insightful, but I can't apply any of the points he makes because I need to wageslave for a living.

>You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire. You will hear many people saying: 'When I am fifty, I shall retire into leisure; when I am sixty I shall give up public duties.' And what guarantee do you have of a longer life? Who will allow your course to proceed as you arrange it? Aren't you ashamed to keep for yourself just the remnants of your life, and to devote to wisdom only that time which cannot be spent on any business? How late it is to begin really to live just when life must end! How stupid to forget our mortality, and put off sensible plans to our fiftieth and sixtieth years, aiming to begin life from a point at which few have arrived!

>> No.14343548
File: 32 KB, 327x323, 1483339527680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'failing miserably after Tier-1 and then fall deeper into despair or eventually burn out because fighting yourself 24/7 is not a realistic or happy lifestyle.'
>cleaning your room and taking a shower is "fighting yourself 24/7"

What kind of people do I share this board with?

>> No.14343621

ahieved "ego death/softening" one time while meditating. felt like i was a plant or something. shit was cash. have never been able to reproduce though

>> No.14343625

Way to completely miss the fucking point pinhead

>> No.14343641

>>cleaning your room and taking a shower is "fighting yourself 24/7"

Believe it or not, champ, some people have severe low mood and other mental problems which makes even taking a shower require enormous amount of mental effort. For most people, yes, it's a trivial and obvious first step and I wasn't claiming otherwise.

>> No.14343700

>self-improvement meme
>developing """useful skills""" so you can be the goodest goy
>look for employment
>volunteer (literally slavery)
>unironically putting your body through intense pain by exercising
>wasting your time learning a new language
>wasting your money going on trips
>t. never meditated or tried it once and gave up
>t. doesn't realze he's lost in thought 24/7
It is one of the few things on that chart worth doing.

>> No.14343944
File: 15 KB, 282x179, homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd simply and softly rebuke, that people don't fall neat categories and their motives are influenced by flux of different desires. Some volunteers do it some times for vanity, other times less so, and equally are human and err to consider plight of their close companions.

You are right in principle, but I wouldn't be too eager to cast the first stone.

>> No.14344114

Or the classic self help book where the protagonist/narrator is a gigachad billionaire who owns several paradisiac islands and just acts like a chill dude all the time
>LMAO bruh who giveth a damn about money?
>Just be like me bro, I don't care about money that's why I am a billionaire
>Bro just follow these steps and you will become a gigachad like me
>Prot is eating a Subway he took out of a garbage can while he waits for his Bentley
>lol bro see I am a regular dude who enjoy silly things like you do

>> No.14344600

Well put. Wherever health begets health, the creative impulse is usually evident enough, and sufficient whatever the mode.

>> No.14344622

I agree people think shit is black and white, it rarely is.

>> No.14345077

Critique of materialism bad

>> No.14346175

Retards. It's self-improvement from not even cleaning yourself. You can move past that, but you need to start with it.

>> No.14346554

>Believe it or not, champ, some people have...

Believe it or not, some people don't. Why do you assume that everyone has to be some pathological depressive case that's incapable of even the simplest actions? Most people (and I'd argue especially on 4chan) simply haven't been told what to do. Or they don't know how, where to start or "why"do it. The image literally states it's just a "self-improvement" guide, not a "cure depression, transcend yaldabaoth, master the logos" guide. It's for simple, ordinary people who might want to slightly improve the current situation but are unsure where to start. Kind of like the "start with the greeks meme". If you already know you don't need it, then yes it has nothing to teach you.

What I don't understand is why (what I assume to be) knowledgeable and well-read people lash out so fiercely against the equivalent of someone giving instructions on how to tie shoelaces. Sure you assume that "everyone already knows it, that's obvious" but children who grew without shoes or who always had their parents do it for them, probably don't.

>> No.14346585
File: 150 KB, 500x418, 1574694313925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait right, I'm biting.
I haven't showered in a week. I've been earning 40-50k a year running middle-management for less than a year. I live with my mother who does most everything around the house. My moment of peace is, when I'm going to sleep, I like to fantasize my death. Every morning I debate staying in bed and for the past 2 months I've consistently done so once a week .

My body is in severe pain from an accident and from trying to maintain exercise after 30 years of being sedentary. Further, my bowel movements typically happen once a fortnight; passing the 3-day mark is the beginning of gut discomfort, 5 days start the pangs, 7 days the aches, and the occasional 2+weeks, pain that rob me of my legs.

I can sympathize with the anon you're responding to. In my case at least, the issue isn't so much that I don't know what to do, but that I'd rather just lay in bed, so I do. I have lots of things I'd like to do, but my aches and disillusionment at humanity make me not want to bother. So I give in.

>> No.14346876

Obviously, but most of it is garbage.

>> No.14346930
File: 11 KB, 400x239, 400px-Love_to_travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
