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1432825 No.1432825 [Reply] [Original]

Average straight IQ: 100
Average gay IQ: 121

Gay writers include Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare. Straight writers include Ann Coulter.

>> No.1432828

Average straight IQ: 121
Average gay IQ: 100

Gay writers include Perez Hilton, straight writers include Ernest Hemingway.

Sage for trollthread

>> No.1432830

I have no time for western lesson..
I am damo suzuki...

>> No.1432843
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>William Shakespeare

>> No.1432842

>straight writers include Ernest Hemingway.

>> No.1432851

Ann Coulter isn't straight. Nor is she stupid. She may be crazy, manipulative, fraudulent and so forth, but she's not dumb. Neither are her fellow right wing propagandists. They're horrible people with emotional problems but they should never be underestimated.

>> No.1432854

dude, the bard was totally bisexual

>> No.1432859

Honestly if you split all writers into a column of total heterosexualoids and ones who were/are known to be at least a little queer, I think the former would come out looking pretty bad considering their numerical advantage

>> No.1432953

Shakespeare wasn't gay.

>> No.1432960

Too bad all the gay writers are burning in hell.

>> No.1432992

this doesnt work cuz everyone on earth is a faggot nigger asshole

>> No.1433010
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>he still think sexual orientation is binary.

>> No.1433318
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>implying Hemingway was straight

>mfw he thinks hell is real

>mfw my IQ is higher than both

>> No.1433328


>> No.1433334

William Shakespeare was married.

>> No.1433347

So was Oscar Fucking Wilde, your point?

>> No.1433354

>implying IQ defines intelligence

>> No.1433356

William Shakespeare left the guest bed (the best bed) to his wife.

He was bi.

>> No.1433382

show me one bit of proof hat Oscar Wilde was gay.

>> No.1433396

I heard this guy tell someone that he was once.

>> No.1433402

Oscar Wilde was flamboyantly bisexual

>> No.1433406

You're dismissing the fact that a large majority of gay men don't ever publicly come out of the closet.

Thus, those who are publicly gay made the choice to come out, and are more likely to be intelligent, well off, extremely determined, or a combination of these three things. They're set up for success from the start.

>> No.1433419

Well that's not true.

Just because someone is open about who they want to fuck doesn't make them successful or intelligent.

I want to fuck women. There. Am I rich and famous yet?

>> No.1433423

Do ho ho.

>> No.1433429

You're not taking into account the fact that unless you're a part of the intellectual or economic elite, there's very little cultural room for being gay. Lower class openly gay men receive an exponentially greater amount of social abuse and isolation as compared to upper class well educated gay men. Thus, the upper class ones are more likely to be open about it, because they have the socio-economic means to do so.

>> No.1433448

Haha what? Are you implying that IQ tests are biased towards the socially privileged? That's crazy

>> No.1433454

>historians truly know nothing about Shakespeare other than a guy who might have written his plays dropped out at the equivalent of eighth grade and that he might have played an old man in a few plays
>thinks it's 100% factual information that he was bi

>> No.1433456

If gays are so clever why do they sound so ridiculous?

>> No.1433463

That's a pretty good point, but I still think it's ridiculous to say that all openly gay people are intelligent.

In fact being high class doesn't mean anything more than "my daddy has money" for most people, gay or straight.

>> No.1433478

>mfw OP is Truman Capote

>> No.1433502

There are no homosexual IQs, only homosexual test answers

>> No.1434457


Literary critics agree that that Shakespeare's sonnets to "the fair youth" are romantic and sexual in nature. Literary critics agree that "the fair youth" is a young boy.
Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathaway, a woman.

>Shakespeare: he was married, romantically interested in a young boy.

Shakespeare was bi, son.

inb4 ">implying being married makes you straight."

>> No.1434476


This is a good point; the vast majority of what we know about Shakespeare doesn't come from historic record, of which we have virtually nothing. What we know about Shakespeare is informed by critical inferences of his works. I bet Harold Bloom could tell us more about who Shakespeare was as a person than any historian.

>> No.1434501

Being married doesn't mean you're not gay. I'm sorry, but I don't care if you inb4, centuries of men marrying women to cover up their homosexuality says otherwise (*cough* Tchaikovsky *cough*).

You might want to point out that a number of his sonnets were addressed to the Dark Lady, in which he explicitly references his attraction and sexual relationship with her.

But then again, you could also argue that the poems don't indicate anything about Shakespeare's sexuality given that the SPEAKER of the poems expresses romantic and sexual feelings for the Dark Lady and the male youth, not Shakespeare himself.

But Tchaikovsky is another example to prove OP's point. ;)

>> No.1434504
File: 14 KB, 302x350, trumanissatisfied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.1434509

>mfw this person doesn't realize the social elite are the ones who designed the test

>> No.1434514

[citation needed]

>HAHAHA Oh wow.jpg

>> No.1434677

this picture is amazing

that's what i want to be when i'm old

>> No.1434706

"I still have the kiss of Whitman on my lips." Actual words of Wilde's from a letter he wrote, look it up. It's pretty firm proof (amongst about 9/10 of everything the guy ever wrote.) Just to clarify here, Walt Whitman was also gay.

>> No.1434709

>Gay writers include Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare. Straight writers include Ann Coulter.

I'm laughing pretty hard right now. Good job, OP. You got me.

>> No.1434734


Oscar Wilde was 100% certifiably a faggot. Get over it. If you don't like him for what he was, well then that's entirely your loss.

>> No.1434741

That's not what anon was saying. He was just saying it was clever, and also possibly a good troll/pissed him off a bit.

>> No.1434750

That's not true son, though I her you learn that at community college.

>> No.1434761


I really just thought the Ann Coulter remark was funny. Good job bringing up the whole Shakespeare vs. recent studies in gender theory. Fuck, where is D&E when you most desperately need him?

>> No.1434774

He's not going to come into a thread about gay people I'm posting in. Still running from himself and his true feelings... I'll wait for him though, it's ok ;_;

>> No.1434788

when was this

i feel like o-dubs could have done better than that beardy old motherfucker

>> No.1434799

IQ under 130 = the useless waywards of a dying time.

My advice? Hook up with smart people of the opposite sex, to ensure your genetics carry on.

I don't promote eugenics, but I do think we should take it upon ourselves to create smarter children. 30-50% is in the genetics, the rest is how you raise them.

I'm actually pretty religious, I just think the human race needs to get better.

>> No.1434810

Oscar Wilde travelled to America and met Whitman. Personally I doubt they got it on too, Whitman was pretty ghastly. The comment was in a letter Wilde wrote to someone else. Like I said, look it up, I'm sure you'll find something on the net about it.

>> No.1434812

you're my favorite tripfag

>> No.1434824

If I'm arguing he's bi then I'm not much obligated to point out any obvious attraction to women, because we've at least more certainty he wasn't gay than we have suspicion he was bi.

I'll concede to your second point for now, though I'm sure somebody with more knowledge in literary criticism could explain to us how and when we should separate an author from a narrator. The narrator's thoughts and beliefs are informed from the author, obv., and though this obviously doesn't mean the author is the narrator (quite the opposite in some cases), I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the author's true feelings are betrayed through the narrator, at least occasionally. Nabokov wasn't a pedophile and Twain wasn't a racist, though some of their narrators were. I'm sure they do unconsciously reveal private thoughts and ideas through their narrators. A lot of literary critics suspect the bard went both ways.

>> No.1434836

Mine too, and you're my second, Fab.

>> No.1434841

Tabula Rasa, motherfucker. Do you know it?

>> No.1434857

interestingly, Wilde wrote a short story, i believe he named it "the portrait of Mr. W.H.", or something along those lines, on this very subject (of Shakespeare being gay)
why thank you, this one why one tripfags, after all, why we all tripfag

>> No.1434863

>Nor is she stupid.

You're talking about a political pundit who thought that Canada fought during the Vietnam War. When she was confronted about this on Canadian television, they corrected her and she told them that THEY were wrong.

Spoiler warning: they weren't wrong.

>> No.1434865

Part of it is genetics, nurture is a part of it, but you can't honestly say that there aren't exceptions. average minded parents won't always have average minded kids, but it's much more probable.

Religious fag believes in genetics: deal with it.

>> No.1434879

everybody take fucking cover. the empiricists have arrived
You fuckin trolling?

>> No.1434885

"The Portrait of Mr. W. H.

'The Portrait of Mr. W. H.' is a short story about an attempt to uncover the identity of Mr W.H., the enigmatic dedicatee of Shakespeare's Sonnets. It is based on a theory, originated by Thomas Tyrwhitt, that the Sonnets were addressed to one Willie Hughes, portrayed in the story as a boy actor who specialized in playing women in Shakespeare's company. The only evidence for this theory is a number of sonnets (such as Sonnet 20) that make puns on the words 'Will' and 'Hues.'

In Wilde's story, Cyril Graham is convinced that the Hughes theory is correct, and tries to persuade his friend Erskine, but is frustrated by the lack of historical evidence for his existence. Graham sets about finding such evidence, but fails; he therefore fakes a portrait of Hughes..."

my regards to wikipedia


>> No.1436381

bumping for D&E