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14324742 No.14324742 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there a lot of pseudo traditional Christians on the internet nowadays? Is it just people just being ironic? A response to perceived modern degeneracy? Autism? Is there some philosopher or political movement or book that is pushing this?

>> No.14324755

Anti-Jewish National Localism

>> No.14324756


>> No.14324762

Because people are finally seeing who the pharisees were.

>> No.14324783

Jordan Peterson. Also everybody's retarded boomer parents are already degenerate atheists so its not cool anymore

>> No.14324804

late capitalism is causing a crisis of identity and meaning
if you dont match the instagram archetype of being an easily consumable chad with an immense income and riveting lifestyle, which the vast majority of people dont, you are left searching for something as a source of fulfillment after your utter rejection by society at large

ironically, they then just become consumers of identities neatly packaged by online hucksters, the most accessible being trad brand pushers like peterson, shapiro, rogan and co, as they attempt to answer the question: why don't I match society's expectation of what a wanted man should be with,"you aren't masculine enough in a traditional way"

>> No.14324810

to counter all the effeminate socialist cucks such as yourself. are you worried that we are arming ourselves too? :)

>> No.14324817

it's a cope for incels. "im not an unlovable sperg, im waiting for my trad marriage" "ackshyually my inability to get laid makes me virtuous"

not to shit on religion or abstinence, both can be beneficial, the problem is that these are people with years of obsessing over their lack of social/romantic/sexual ability. the resulting complex doesn't go away overnight

>> No.14324988

Actually based.

>> No.14325009

I’m a Catholic just to have a religious alibi for my anti-Jewishness in case I get in trouble with the law. I don’t believe in any of the bs and think Francis should be raped by a feral ape.


>> No.14325085


>> No.14325089

The left are social libertarians, so they don't fundamentally care about anyone. This is unacceptable for many that realize this.

>> No.14325103

It's called being retarded. There is no cure.

>> No.14325106

You are a retard if you think trad larpers are watching Peterson, Shapiro and Rogan. What the fuck? How can you be so clueless and yet try to feign authority on the topic?

>> No.14325107

Ok incel

>> No.14325121

Mankind as a whole is retarded, but I am one of the few exceptions. People should accept me as the new prophet.

>> No.14325139
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I can tell you in my case I was convinced by Aquinas and Plotinus and his agreement with Christian doctrine. In Aquinas' words, I had a faith seeking understanding, and finding it, came to bloom in it. I was a Catholic as a kid but fell away decades ago. I'm still not a good Catholic again, but I'm a true believer in Jesus Christ. He is the definition of based.

It had literally nothing to do with Jordan Peterson or larping or reaction against boomer parents (mine is extremely Catholic and if anything that drove me away). I started with the Greeks, then comparative mythology, then philosophy, then history and prayer and now we're here.

>> No.14325143



>> No.14325144

Jesus Christ is inferior compared to me. You should be a true believer in my message instead. It's much better.

>> No.14325152

He's literally just being dishonest

>> No.14325154


Also to add, there has been a genuine wave of awakening in the chans , God has been on the move , working and saving and giving out new hearts to shits like me.

>> No.14325159

You're welcome, but you still have a long way to go, son of man.

>> No.14325233
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>Plotinus agrees with Christian doctrines

>> No.14325415
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>late stage capitalism

>> No.14325434
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>Jesus loves me this I know

>> No.14325453
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>he didn't read Augustine or Colossians

>> No.14325491

In part it's larping. People aren't as religious as they used to because it doesn't serve the purpose it once had, which is bonding a community towards a common goal and moral structure. That's why rural areas tend to be more religious as well as hunter gatherers. I predict in the scenario of a major collapse there would be a return to some community and with it a resurgence in what you could call religious belief. However, it probably won't be the same Christianity if it is Christian in the first place. Instead, it would be folklore a'la what the lost boys in the third Mad Max believed in. Not something most of them literally believe in unlike the ilk of which you speak, but stories to learn from and to bond together.

>> No.14325579

the acquisition of identity doesn't have to be limited to just that example, it could be any number of available products that people consume
much like transgenderism, trumpism, all that it requires is to be an affirmative identity and easily consumable
the texture of it is arbitrary, although Peterson and redpill content seems to be one of the most easily available

>> No.14325584
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>for the bible tells me so

>> No.14325602

this. i know someone who went from socialist vegan coomer to christian conservative prude overnight merely because of Peterson's braindead rants on trannies and belonging

>> No.14325668
File: 56 KB, 800x800, are_you_there_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are there a lot of pseudo traditional Christians on the internet nowadays?
because of based.
based is God calling.

>> No.14325673

This. And it’s pathetic. Used to be young people were more edgy and worldly than their parents. Now they’re actually more naive and clueless. Grasping at delusion because they can’t except life is pointless so let’s just have a good time.

>> No.14325683

Stfu, you degenerate scumbag. Life is not pointless, and we're not just here to have a good time. Now go kys.
Jordan Peterson is an idiot though, yeah.

>> No.14325687
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Based Bioshock gamers rise UP

>> No.14325688

I think this thread is a good demonstration of when irony becomes just painful. When are we looping back round to sincerity?

>> No.14325707

Second religiousness

>> No.14325818

what would a truly sincere expression be in your view

>> No.14325880

The religious impulse, to wide and varying degrees, is part of being human. Most liberal atheists lack this connection to their own humanity.

>> No.14325957

because being a degenerate isn't edgy anymore, the memes have shifted towards traditionalism, the pendulum swung back.

these are the same people that would have been btards or whatever back in the day.

mindless sheep that follow trends instead of developing their own personalities simply picking one up off a cambodian stock speculation forum

>> No.14325973

People who can't cope with nihilism/existentialism and are otherwise miserable and looking for purpose

>> No.14326000

Dostoevsky made me Christian

>> No.14326049

Whoa! Butterfly is a Christian now, very cool! I'm glad the board is having a positive effect on you, Butters.

>> No.14326069
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god doesnt exist

>> No.14326100

They just found a home here of more or less reactionary individuals.

>> No.14326327

Die bitch.

>> No.14326723

Papa Frank ain't that bad.

>> No.14326804

>"God is a delusion"
>nobody can organically be a christian
>opinions i don't like are caused by [sensationalist artificial figurehead]

bait. it's all bait
prime bait

>> No.14326910

This could answer most of the questions raised on this board. We’re living beneath a postmodern Tower of Babel and so ppl latch on to any sort of cultural identity, whether it’s based in religion, or mutual interest.

>> No.14326949

An earnest one. A confession that I'm not happy in my life and belief in a deity could solve my unhappiness.

>> No.14327081

Well, liberalism's ethos is more or less holding no values at all except respect for others' alleged autonomy and the following of procedure (lest autonomy be disrespected) so I can see why people might look to past traditions for something more substantial.

>> No.14327103

Just because you want this to be true does not make it so

>> No.14327107


>> No.14327142

“Life is pointless bro but uhh doing what I want you to do is a moral imperative because I said so”

>> No.14327190

Trad christian values have unironically become the counter culture

>> No.14327193

>Joe Rogan is pushing Traditional Christianity
What? Are you intellectually honest enough to consider there may be downsides to left wing ideologies as well as "late" capitalism, or are you a one sided partisan hack?

>> No.14327359

he said trad not traditional christianity. call me pedantic but this is the only way to defuse your selective reading comprehension.

>> No.14327387

Fine well he's hardly pushing Tradition in any sense either, he's a massive Liberal, unless you consider having muscle mass to be in itself reactionary. I can only imagine what kind of a total wimp is genuinely alarmed by people as milquetoast as these three.

>> No.14327439

it is cope. mostly missing out on not being born into a faith. those born into one see how cringe it is. in between are people who understand their own faith regardless of being born into it or acquired through study without the need to larp and signal symbols to consoom

>> No.14327760

>traditional Christians

No such thing. Christianity is an inherently revolutionary anti-tradition.

>> No.14327929

I recognise this as a problem of my own thinking. I used to be a basic bitch libtard before I realised liberalism wasn't doing anything for me and started looking elsewhere. The only problem is that I read Guenon and I literally cannot disprove him no matter how much philosophy I read. I don't want to become a LARPer but I will end up having no choice unless modern intellectual thought gets its shit together.

>> No.14327981


>> No.14328001

I know you have dismissed the very possibility in your head before even typing this OP, but have you considered that maybe, perhaps, these people are trying to be Christian? They can fail, like most do, but that doesn't make them role players, like you insinuate, any more than failing anything else in life.

>> No.14328021

>anything that doesn't fit my worldview cannot possibly be considered seriously or believed earnestly
>even though I say it's impossible, if someone still does it, they must be dumb and I will put maximum bad faith in framing them as retards that 'cope' with not following my enlightened desilusioned views
Who's larping?

>> No.14328092
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ok boomer

>> No.14328507

THIS mad

>> No.14328513

Just because you prefer it not to be, doesnt make it not.

You just gave us an unproven statement. Its worthless.

>> No.14328589
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Is that hard to understand that the rejection of Christianity brought the western world on the brink of self destruction?
Even that cumbrain of Houellebecq understands this.

>> No.14328594
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It was the religion my parents practiced.

>> No.14328781

This stings so much. I listened to his Genesis series and it really took the edge off my edgy atheism. I even thought it might be a Jungian psychological account for a long time.

After listening to much of the criticism, I am now not so impressed with Peterson, but unfortuantely I now stick up for Christianity in arguments because I think they are based.

I got all that from that guy though. Fuck. How do I un-meme myself out of his weird paternalism?

>> No.14328797
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>> No.14328806

Fuck off with this forced meme you fucking discord tourist

>> No.14328825

Bruno in Atomized is the best description of a coomer I've ever read.

>> No.14328833

>Jordan Peterson is an idiot even though he has a much higher IQ than me and is the most effective figure behind this wave of le ebin Christian reactionaries because he isn't an anti-semite

>> No.14328866
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are you condemning one's quest of meaning? and only because you feel you are not obliged to look that way, being satisfied where you stand

>> No.14328981

Because people see religion as a comfort pillow for their failures in life. If they believe Jesus will save them because he "loves all" then these degenerates will gladly pray every Sunday claiming to be devout religious people despite being total hypocrites. I know of at least a handful of people that are like this and they're all women. They get railed all the time, do tons of drugs, have no problem with their daughters being degenerate and having children out of wedlock. The funniest offense has to be that they love gay people and will gladly accept them despite the bible hating gays. Christianity is literally nothing more than a giant pillow for failure fags looking for a cheap way to seem "saved" or special because they just believe in something yet practice none of the commandments ordered, only to default to the argument "God loves all people, even those who have sinned." So it just becomes a way for these people to lie to themselves with a comforting thought they'll be saved even though they've done nothing ordered by the bible to be saved.

Christianity is an ice cream social for failed and or depressed women(sometimes men) to feel special in some way. They can pick which flavor(flavor obviously being a belief) of Christianity they want and even mix and match to get the desired pile of shit they wanna eat.

>> No.14329053

Too bad paganism died out and even if one were earnestly pagan and not just LARPing, they would not be genuine pagans as we lack the historical evidence to recreate it.

>> No.14329300

Boilerplate response to Christianity from a triggered low IQ atheist.

>> No.14329485
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>implying there is ANYTHING wrong with "a comfort pillow for their failures in life"
That is literally what Jesus is, anon. The one perfect being who can make high IQ chads truly happy.


I didn't read the rest of your post because I didn't want to lose brain cells.

>> No.14329490

People want to believe in a god, but are too pussy to create their own belief system.

>> No.14329616

What if this is early stage, and AI will be the new Capital Renaissance?

>> No.14329783
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I'm very much the same way, albeit I started with Aristotle and Augustine and I fell away when I was 18 and came back when I was 22/23. I tried reading St. Thomas Aquinas, but I can't take in that much autism all at once. I certainly think he's intelligent and very much worthy of the title of saint. But I unironically think he has some sort of high-functioning autism just based on the density and the general lack of poetic flow Augustine does. How the fuck do you read his works?
Rant aside, I know I'm a sinner and I will constantly fall but looking at the lives of the saints, the slow Revelation of Christ in both the Hebrew and Greek worlds before Christ's birth and my connection to my campus' Catholic ministry have made me assured in my faith in Christ. I think that's what you ought to do as a Christian, or at the very least (and probably better) be able to justify your faith to others because having faith without reason will hamper evangelization while having reason without faith hampers salvation. In order to become God's people, at some point we must wrestle with God, like Jacob.


>> No.14329868

I think Peterson "gets" some basic, psychologically true principles from the Bible that are useful for someone in need of being pointed in the right direction. But I think anyone who's watched more than a handful of his videos starts seeing that he's a one trick pony who overpoliticizes everything, and in doing so cannot attain the depth of discourse he needs for discussions about religion and the psyche. If he modeled himself just after a poor man's Jung, instead of an alt-lite poor man's Jung he would be more effective. But I owe him a great debt in making me see some maladaptive things about myself and to kick myself in the ass, so to speak, so i can forgive him even if i don't follow his stuff much anymore.

>> No.14329881

It gets a reaction.

>> No.14329908

>a much higher IQ than me
How do you know that?
>he isn't an anti-semite
Plenty of European intellectuals from Schopenhauer to Klages were antisemites.

>> No.14329920

>being worldly is being wise

>> No.14329965

Guenon is the final pill, there's no going back after him.
>t.discovered him in 2014, he hasn't been defeated ever since.

>> No.14329969

Monism is gay.

>> No.14329988


>> No.14330027

They are the same shit. All non-dualism, monism, and monotheism are trash. They all amount to a worship of the one. There is no way in hell you and I share a fundamental source because you are gay and stupid down to your core.

>> No.14330061
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There is a subtle difference between non-dualism and monism... And a wide one between monism and monotheism.

I don't know why you thought we were in a conflict btw, don't project your gayness onto me anon.

>> No.14330077

Never listened/read anything from here, never really cared he seemed like a memefigure for me.
I guess you might be onto something for the anglo but that doesn't really apply to us french people.

>> No.14330107


>> No.14330112

>In order to become God's people, at some point we must wrestle with God, like Jacob.
Welcome to Judaism, wrestling with God is all we do. When we're not wrestling with each other of course. Seriously though, it was kind of surprising when I first started learning how other religions approach the concept of certainty and doubt regarding God. Growing up I always assumed that uncertainty was a natural thing to have. There's lots of Jewish stories involving people doubting and being uncertain about God and the entire point of studying the Torah is to better understand God and figure out how to apply his words to the uncertainties and murkiness of life. Through study, argument, and reason we get closer to God. Most of Jewish theological tradition consists of arguing over uncertainties in both the letter and spirit of God.

The way I see it, God gave man free will because he wanted us to choose to come to him of our own accord. But a choice only has value if theres a risk to it. Declaring "I believe the sun will rise tomorrow" is a meaningless decision because you don't seriously feel there's a possibility the sun might not do that. If theres no doubt to be had then what good was the decision in the first place if there was clearly only one proper answer? There's no stakes. Belief without doubt has no value, what value is there in believing a self evident truth?

But to believe in god is to wrestle with your doubt. To believe is not a one time decision, it is something that is constantly reexamined. To be uncertain, to struggle with your decisions, is to make the same choice over and over again. To affirm that despite your doubt, despite your lack of certainty that you still want to believe. To decide despite doubt is what God wants for us I think. That religion requires a leap of faith isn't a flaw, its the point.

>> No.14330126

Nice rebuttal fag, you're just as close minded as everyone else.

>> No.14330129

I don't trust the church in it's current state but my family has been catholic for at least 1,000 years

>> No.14330457

everything feels so empty that im considering converting back to being an episcopalian(family denomination)

>> No.14331889
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*tips fedora*: the post

>> No.14332008


>> No.14332061

actually based

>> No.14332066


>> No.14332099

>something I don’t like has to be faked

>> No.14332120

A few years ago I had a mental breakdown after spending my teenage years as a nihilist. I had a dream of Christ leading me back to church, and since I've been taking Christian theology more seriously. Today I'm in the process of fully converting to Orthodoxy, but it's not an overnight transition into pure bliss and logos

>> No.14332140

The conservative side of it is fucking embarrassing and you can safely lump people like that in with the pseud atheists. Simply put there is a perennial truth to spirituality and religion that is simply incompatible with the modern capitalist lifestyle, dishonest, immoral politics (this is not a bash on the left, more so on both sides for not having any genuine principles and just contorting any event to fit their argument and existing world view). All I see around me is death on an industrial scale, superficial shallow emptiness and stupid angry pseuds screaming at one another. The inevitable conclusion for people like me is to drop out and carry out a life of good deeds toward other people and animals, meditation and thinking. This kind of sincere life always leads to some form of religious belief. YES it’s irrational. But I’d rather have that then materialistic, miserable wageslave midwits battling over how they’d like to brainwash everyone into their favoured utilitarian nightmare.