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14324583 No.14324583 [Reply] [Original]

And why sticky advocates for doing it so? Isn't it counterintuitive?

>> No.14324598

>Isn't it counterintuitive?
To what?
Fucking publishers?
Dead authors who won't get a single cent?

>> No.14324613


Not for dead authors, but for those who are still alive and you find them interesting. Fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.14324617

it's only wrong if you believe in copyright or intellectual property

>> No.14324618

How is it counterintuitive?

>> No.14324632

What's wrong with intellectual property? It's good for individualist societies to support with money the hard work you do, isn't it? in general isn't pirating or copyleft liberal propaganda?

Authors you read and you care of don't get paid for their work.

>> No.14324644

you can support with money works that are copyright-free, it's not exclusive

>> No.14324647

Kinda unrelated but if I plan on pirating ebooks, which reader should I get?
One of those old kindles with buttons or a new paperwhite?

>> No.14324665

As a Kindle user, I can suggest go with Kobo or anything else.

But what if the author I want to fund don't ask money for his copyright-free content?

>> No.14324678

because they are cheaper or do they have better quality?
I'd probably look on ebay for 20-30€

>> No.14324681

>pirating or copyleft liberal propaganda?
A liberal would agree with your stance of pirating being bad idiot

>> No.14324725

Kindle are cheaper because the monopoly made by Amazon and the quality is not that bad. however if you're planning to pirate ebooks (and eventually reading pdfs on your e-ink device) you should consider buyng something else. That's because Kindle only read propretary format for ebooks (azw3 or mobi for older versions), not epubs; even though this is not a huge problem because it's easy to convert them with Calibre.

So you're telling me pirating books is righteous if you're leaned to right?

>> No.14324743

okay thanks anon

>> No.14324799

go on Ebay and look for an old Nook, not the color ones but the ones that use Eink. I got mine for 15USD and its perfect

>> No.14324827

Kindle takes azw, mobi, and pdf. This won't be an issue for pirating as most things are PDF, and if you find an epub it's an easy conversion.

IMO Kindle wins out because you can email books to yourself while kobo doesn't have any method of wireless transfer. That being said, if you want to stay legit you can use overdrive on your kobo and rent books directly from the library which helps with hard to find files

>> No.14324832

They make most of their money off of speaking engagements and stinkpiece commissions.

>> No.14324876

Piracy is honest-to-god the greatest fucking thing of all time. The amount of media I have gotten to experience because of it is astounding and would never have been possible if I had to pay for everything.

People should only pay for things they can afford. The "ethical" obligation to pay for everything is nothing short of self-indulgent stupidity in 2019.

>> No.14324896

I love my local library, and they can usually get me what I’m looking for in a week or two max.

>> No.14324916

Do you think pirating is bad, if the author is dead? Should we not support his descendents?

>> No.14324925

nearly all of what this board reads is by dead people

>> No.14325096
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>> No.14325111

Send them a check or ten bucks over paypal then.

>> No.14325120

"You shall not steal" =/= "You shall not violate copyright law or the terms and conditions agreed upon."

>> No.14325125

can you even steal things that are not physical?

>> No.14325130

>Should we not support his descendents
No we should not.

>> No.14325136

(Which are often not agreed upon, i.e. used books and books given away for free.)

>> No.14325446

We are at war and censorship is part of that war, Knuffelig.

>> No.14325510

If the author is dead, nah.
If the author is alive but the book was shit, nah.
If the author is alive and the book was good, yes.

>> No.14325831


absurd, deliberate and total inheritance is a problem

>> No.14325864

Okay commie. Hope some starving somali kids take all your shit and flip you off saying "we only pay for things we can afford but we're flat broke lol"

>> No.14325882

i am right wing, i don't know how people cannot comprehend that inheritance in its current form is not working and will lead to instability and unsatisfactory results, i am not talking about denying people to inherit their own ancestral home, i am talking about Johnson & Johnson tier shit

>> No.14325921

>inheritance has always been the norm
It's not working!
>work your life not just for yourself but to leave the best possible things for your kids
Nah lol, they can keep the house, we're gonna re-appropriate whatever else we see fit.
Stick to /lit/-related discussions.

>> No.14325938
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Art should be free, plain and simple. If you are against piracy, then you don't get to whine about lit/music/movies/games/etc being dead today. The fact of the matter is once you put a monetary incentive to the production of art, you WILL attract charlatans and con men who are only out to make a quick buck by producing the most unoriginal, safe, soulless, lowest-common denominator pandering garbage they can. If there was no money to be made by producing music/lit/movies/videogames, you would see how quickly these Jews would pack up and leave to do business elsewhere. The only people left would be people who produce art because they have a passion for and want to share their creations with the world. So yes, I'm a pirate and proud of it.

>> No.14325946

eh i am not proposing any solution, just stating what i believe to be a problem, maybe when you have witnessed enough of this shit in real life you will realize what i am talking about and why it is bad for the economy

>> No.14325969

i got a used kindle paperwhite for $30. just download .mobi files, or convert .epub/.pdf to .mobi using a free converter and you can manually upload files to your kindle

>> No.14327452

>new book costs $12
>ebook costs $15


>> No.14327469

No, 99 percent of the writers you are going to read are dead.

>> No.14327475

>The amount of media I have gotten to experience because of it is astounding
It's a shame all of it was anime, aye anon

>> No.14327481

What is the best e reader to buy regardless of price if it just going to be used to read pirated work?

>> No.14327482

>No, 99 percent of the writers you are going to read are dead.

What about contemporary lit like Karl Knausgard or David Foster Wallace?

>> No.14327494

one of those things is not like the other.

>> No.14328078

It's not immoral to steal from Jews
If you don't play the game, you don't get to make the rules

>> No.14328086

The best argument for piracy is that I was never gonna pay for it anyways.

>> No.14328146

>You shall have no other gods before me
So there ARE other gods!

>> No.14328316


You're assuming that any copyright maker is jewish, isn' it?

>> No.14328350

Copying text is not bad stop beeing a fag.

>> No.14328447



>> No.14328460
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don't care. authors are dead or rich enough, i'm buying food on sale

>> No.14328473
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more often than not, that is true.

>> No.14328483

Who do I steal from? Fucking Plato? Or any other philosopher/writer that died hundreds of years ago?

>> No.14330012

I have a paperwhite. No problems. It converts from epub super easy. Maybe the newer models are different though.

>> No.14330015


>> No.14330672

.pdf processing fee

>> No.14331243

Or write a review!

t. anon who wrote a book that folks are actually pirating, reading, liking (apparently: there are "likes"), and sharing (apparently: there are "shares"), just not in any of the places that help me to get more readers as an indie author.

>> No.14331447

E-readers are a lot newer of an invention than plain old ink and paper so manufacturing for them is much more expensive.

>> No.14331450

>manufacturing a digital file
Offloading old inventory maybe?

>> No.14331460

One isn't worth reading the other isn't worth reading and dead.

>> No.14331482


>> No.14331499

Where to best get audiobooks?
Want to listen to some shit while on a walk but cant be bothered to throw money to amazon

>> No.14331559

Is it safe to download stuff from libgen and b-ok/z library?
Read that the latter use miner scripts and pdfs are known for their vulnerabilities but generally - is it considered to be safe? Or is there a good way to purge all code from pdfs only retaining the text and cover?

>> No.14331572

I guess you could convert pdfs to some other format, but idk how those exploits work so don't trust me on that.

>> No.14331574

many authors credit their wife/children in the forward. why wouldnt a supportive spouse or child be deserving of royalties for a book their deceased immediate family member wrote with their support?

>> No.14331613

cuz fuck em

>> No.14331625
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>implying watching Eva 9,000 times isn't actually what God wanted for all mortal souls

I'm the holiest man I know, anon.

>> No.14331665

Most exploits use embedded javascript in the pdf file, just disable that in your reader, or use one that doesn't support such monstrosity.

>> No.14331677

can you upload stuff to any of these readers like kindle or nook with just a usb link from files stored on a computer?

>> No.14331687

some ereaders have this anti-piracy protection that prevents you from uploading unsigned copies, there are ways to circumvent it though

>> No.14331766


Kindle is easy, you just email the file to the devices kindle email address.

>> No.14331770

I know but there's other exploits too...

I've done some reading on it and it seems very cumbersome if you want to be truly safe. Virtual Machine conversion to trusted pdf/rgb only image files which take up too much space. Would be cool if there was a conversion tool that did it automatically and then converted the pictures back into proper pdfs for full functionality.

>> No.14331800


>> No.14332167


Is for complete idiots

>email books to yourself
Why would you ever do this

Use calibre
There is so much idiocy in this thread

>> No.14333671
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quit being a pussy OP for once in your life

>> No.14333686

Pirate Stirner and stop being such a faggot

>> No.14333798

you should not pirate intellectual property except for things that are unconstitutionally subsidized by the state: most professional and college sports, and many hollywood movies. you already paid for those to a large degree. books though, by living authors, that's a no-no.

>> No.14333822

Fuck no it hurts no one

>> No.14334278

yo kindle friends,
know of any good mobi source(library, tor, sharelinks)?
I usually cant be bothered with a converter
and kindle handles pdfs very poorly,
not to mention it cant read epubs at all...
been desperately trying to find Mason&Dixon for instance..
thank in advance

>> No.14334611

Not a source, but this can help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4ptDDB_X-I&t=200s

>> No.14334690

>do nothing
>get free money cause daddy made a book

>> No.14334736

The purpose of copyright is
>To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries

Letting someone collect rent from anything based on a book their grandfather wrote 80 years ago does not encourage the progress of science and useful arts, it incentivizes financial parasitism and frivolous litigation that stifles creators.

If you want the benefits of copyright ownership, you should earn it by creating your own copyrighted works, not by inheriting it or buying up rights at bankruptcy auctions. That's the purpose of copyright: incentivizing creation of new works, not protecting existing works as an end in itself.

>> No.14335213

>why do this
not him but something is wrong with my kindle so i cant plug it in so i just upload files to mega on my desktop and my kindle has an "experimental online browser" that can sownmoad shit.

>> No.14336232


>> No.14336237


>> No.14336255

>t. Protestant or jew.

>> No.14336284

>pirating books is righteous if you're leaned to right?
its always ok to pirate books
copyright is usury and sinful

>> No.14336298

>"ethical" obligation to pay for everything
You don't owe shit to the system. If you can get something for free, go for it as long as you dont have to commit a crime for it. In my country piracy is legal, but even if it wasn't it wouod still be morally okay to do it.

>> No.14336305


>> No.14336315

theft =/= copying
copying doesn't remove the original item

>> No.14336321

Don't listen to any of these retards.
Buy Kobo. You can just drag and drop files onto it and it'll import them like old media players and you can mod it by putting plugin zip files on there. It also has much less telemetry than the kindle (you should have wifi off at all times)

>> No.14336327

pick one

>> No.14336333

This is how it goes for all piracy:
If I don't pirate it I won't buy it. I actually help the author by telling other people about his book.

>> No.14336340

This. Video games were ruined by companies trying to extend their markets and dumbing them down so that they can be user friendly.
It was a grave mistake.

>> No.14336360

gay opinion discarded

>> No.14336367

those are the same thing

>> No.14336588

>Kinda unrelated but if I plan on pirating ebooks, which reader should I get?

Kindle Paperwhite demands mobi or azw3, but with calibre its a nonissue, it auto converts when you send to the kindle. I think the new paperwhites have pdf reading almost down as well. The advertisements are gay and they use your reading preferences to sell you shit if you turn on wifi.

Kobo is basically the same thing, the Kobo Aura H20 is great if you like reading poolside or in the bath. Its good for if you are some internet revolutionary that hates amazon, but Kobo sells your data to third parties

Old Nooks dont handle pdfs well at all and are all used, but your arent getting your data stolen

Old sonys are for autists and i cant understand them

>> No.14336592

I know what you mean, but that would also apply to buying a used book for a dollar, taking a picture of a painting.

>> No.14336614

i find that its better to crop pdf files with briss than to convert them. Kindle handles cropped pdf far better than regular scans, and if you do it with adobe it will make sure the next is even and the file small