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/lit/ - Literature

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14323986 No.14323986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which /lit/ posters do you recognize qua the form and contents of their posts? Who are your favourite/most interesting and least favourite/annoying posters on this relatively small board? (i think some anons, interpreting statistics, estimated us at about 500 regular users, with lurkers and occasional posters tripling the amount)

>> No.14323999

most fave: buttercunt
least fave: buttercunt

>> No.14324017
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Butterfly was the most recognizable as far as overusing words like
Rest in piss jannie moth

>> No.14324037
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>> No.14324046

Definitely Londonfrog. Even without the Pepes and Apus he had a very recognizable style with immediately familiar content. He's one of the only posters here who immediately inspires sympathy and well-wishes from me.

>> No.14324054

The anon who writes the plays and actually has some talent

>> No.14324082

Does he still post regularly? I can't remember the last time I've seen a thread of him
Also if someone can link the second volume of the last binge ever I'd be extremely grateful

>> No.14324113

the various autistic shills, especially the advaitaposter and the sumeriaposter

>> No.14324149

All commiecucks should kill themselves, lets just put that out first.
Wait that faggot was a janny?

>> No.14324229

Yep it got confirmed yesterday when that comment in pic related was deleted twice and the user got banned. Check out the thread it was a shitshow.


>> No.14324241

butters is annoying

rei is memey but kinda entertaining if stoned

i liked girardfag threads

guenonfag is one of the worst posters

>> No.14324250

the tranny tripfag (formerly alive)
the schizo tripfag (formerly alive)
the schizo anon (based)
the vocaroofag (formerly alive and based)
the londonfrog (formerly employed)
the cyber tranny

>> No.14324281

>the schizo anon (based)
5am schizo is the apotheosis of /lit/ culture

>> No.14324285

she just commented in that thread admitting to jezebel posting too.

>> No.14324297


>> No.14324309

That's a tranny. I archived it though before it just deleted it.

>> No.14324451

Johanposter in morality threads. He’s undefeated still

>> No.14324466

Last time I saw him was about four months ago, but I took a break for a month recently so he may have posted then.

>> No.14324545

Has that not been him posting almost every day lately?

>> No.14324563

zurvananon and carreyposter are my favorites

>> No.14324584

>guenonfag is one of the worst posters
t. seething process philosophy discord tranny

>> No.14324604

>the tranny tripfag (formerly alive)
Wait, did something happen? Can the board finally be good again?

>> No.14324620

the black anon who posted his hand with every book

>> No.14324637

>tfw no one so far recognizes the anon who calls Butterfly a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny
>It's me btw

>> No.14324645

I'm not sure, but I feel like I have the same arguments with the same anons who all have the same posting tendencies.

>> No.14324646

the sperg who shows up in every Nick Land thread to tell people they cant meme

>> No.14324653

>Wait, did something happen?
Something definitely happened

>> No.14324691

He posts on /fit/ now

>> No.14324700

He has many imitators. You know it’s real if he sounds like a chad from Boston

>> No.14324709

Explain this one to me

>> No.14324714

He’s funny and seems like an alright guy

>> No.14324785

Hahaha I forgot about him.
Black people like that are based as fuck. He never shit on whites or anything he just subtly trolled. I think he started wearing a glove.

>> No.14324846

he posted on r9k a few days ago but then deleted it

>> No.14325023

Fuck yes. Is there any way we can help? Ridding /lit/ of that fucking moron would be the best Christmas present ever.

>> No.14325041

that one anon who posts literally whose and says >he hasnt read the Australian *famous author*

>> No.14325123

Submit a report when you find time. Anyone that's ever been affected by moth's bullshit should:
Let them know that the tripfag using
is abusing janny status, filing false reports and even just admitted to spamming Jezebel posts. Along with any other complaints you might have personally.
Send them the proof also:
And if you see butterfag pull any other shit archive it and send it to them. Administration does pay attention, there have been janitors removed from /pol/ for abusing their status exactly how moth has been doing.

>> No.14325383


>> No.14325443

what is it with trannies and shitting up imageboards?

>> No.14325650

They can't deface their genitles anymore so they resort to defacing literature forums. Like clockwork.

>> No.14325712

From looking at the other thread, seems they actually banned butterfly? Their posts are gone.

>> No.14325763

I hope they did. Who knows how many anons have gotten permanantly banned for getting on moth's bad side. Makes me sick to think about.

>> No.14325837
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>butthurtfly is gone

>> No.14325849

he regularly posts on /biz/ which is insanely annoying because it's off topic

>> No.14325857
File: 70 KB, 750x914, 5F10A1C6-E625-454E-A62C-6A249ED717C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no such confirmation. Delusional twits.

I’ll say it again. Your posts are deleted because you post off topic crap and it is reported. You are the problem.
I’d say gtfo my board, but you infest it like stage three cancer. Anonymous was always the cancer that killed this board.

Go fuck yourselves. I walk out unbanned.

>> No.14325899


>> No.14325903
File: 185 KB, 466x492, 1463426865933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous was always the cancer that killed this board.

>> No.14325904

I like klagesposter

>> No.14325905


>> No.14326068
File: 292 KB, 1011x350, 18887912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my words this tripcode will be banned. Fucking Jezebel spamming anon reporting cunt.

>> No.14326102

this thread got my hopes up, thought that insufferable dyke was finally banished.

>> No.14326109

There's still hope. I did my part:

>> No.14326144

Constantine post conversion to Islam

>> No.14326146

I'm doing my part too.
Also I tested it out and put the butterfly symbol in my name and it got removed
See >>14326140

>> No.14326175 [DELETED] 

Test. I'm impersonating butterfly. Nigger nigger nigger I hate niggers. By rules the only reason impersonating a trip should get me banned/post removed is if I am impersonating 4chan staff. So let's see what happens. Fuck you tranny janny

>> No.14326211
File: 269 KB, 1031x563, Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive incase this post is deleted

>> No.14326220

i agree fuck jannies

>> No.14326298
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technically this could have been banned for "racism outside of /b/"

>> No.14326303
File: 428 KB, 451x619, eeb161ed0103676b8657f90a21f519e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had always assumed it was crossposting /pol/tards who were ruining /lit/. but after seeing what has happened the last two days.. we were actually having quality discussions this morning until she came back.

>> No.14326307

Yeah dude, don't say racist shit if you're gonna do it. Post about relevant topics like ask if Infinite Jest is really overrated or something.

>> No.14326326
File: 18 KB, 450x335, 696f3ac7a4329f2b9e43343b6d2f6535b90704aa_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been so obvious it was her. She actively derails threads on canonical authors just to talk about muh late Capitalism and muh "lovely mademoiselles" or whatever fucking reddit phrase she uses that day to describe women. I'm pretty sure the /r/atheism invasion is all her too.

>> No.14326328

weird jannies delete post

i look the good night fren guy

>> No.14326329

Let me try.

Nigger nigger niggers hanging from ropes.
Niggers on a subway slanging some dope.
Nigger this- nigger that
Nigger jews- nigger blacks
Niggers passed out on railroad tracks

>> No.14326354

>newfags still think you can get rid of butterfly

>> No.14326390
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Shut up.

Fucking zoomers obsessing over board personalities. It is not a worthwhile hobby.

>> No.14326405 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1653x2560, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Infinife Jest really overrated?

>> No.14326416

Someone archive this fast

>> No.14326424

It's probably the best goddamn book I've ever read, so either I'm a pleb or the book is genuinely amazing.

>> No.14326433

archive what pal?

>> No.14326436

i rather enjoyed his little ditty about niggers, i'll have you know

>> No.14326441

I'm no lover of Nazishit or Trumpposting, but can you make one regarding communism and atheism as well? Those things aren't /lit/ and the epidemic is much worse.
Lmao what happened? Did someone actually ask if Infinite Jest was overrated with that butterfly name?

>> No.14326442
File: 144 KB, 1050x538, screencapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't archive it fast enough but I screencapped if that means anything

>> No.14326449

Huh, now why would that be banned? Infinite Jest is a beloved novel by the late postmodern author David Foster Wallace. It's discussed on /lit/ quite often, and is even known amongst other boards for being so! We have a mystery on our hands.

>> No.14326509
File: 31 KB, 400x337, 41TxY4pzj2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because they spelled it wrong?
I'm starting to feel sleepy.
Anyone feeling sleepy?

>> No.14326541

Guénon poster(s)
Nigger who posts his hands
Whitehead frog poster
Loser who posts excerpts from whiteheads books (with his hands in the picture)
Schuon and Wolfgang Smith poster
Taleb poster
the few STEMbugs from /sci/
:3 poster

>> No.14326644

Is anyone even going to try to pretend that she isn't blatantly abusing the system now?

>> No.14326668


>> No.14326683


>> No.14326692

trans rights

>> No.14326697

You. Yeah, you there, reading this post. I know you don't have any obvious gimmicks or weird posting formats, and your OC is always kind of obscure, but you're a good contributor and I enjoy your posts. Not all the time, but most of the time, you contribute something special to the thread, and when you effort-post it's always high quality.

I know you probably won't read this, and you're probably so modest you think that this post is about someone else, but keep posting anon-kun. It's been good having you around.

>> No.14326704

>the system
Why don't you build an alternative in your self? There's no winning here.

>> No.14326705

lol what the fuck is the point of a trip code if it can be fucking replicated like this. I mean I’m new so I guess I don’t really understand it but why does it mean anything as an identity builder if it’s still accessible to everybody?

>> No.14326709

the colors are different

>> No.14326722

stfu jannie