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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 644x800, EA23A676-7C25-4415-AFEF-974166039F4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14321831 No.14321831 [Reply] [Original]

>I read fantasy
>I read sci-fi
>I read biographies
>I read business books
>I read self-help
>free market
>Ayn Rand
>classical liberal
>My interests include Military History
>I like reading about World War 2
>My interests include Russian culture
>My interests include Japanese culture
>My interests include Chinese culture
>My interests include Ancient Greek culture
>My interests include Roman culture
>My interests include politics
>I do an Engineering degree
>I do an Economics degree
>My humanities / arts degree teaches me how to think / present a rational argument
>That work of continental philosophy presents non-trivial theories in a logically consistent and clear manner
>That work of analytical philosophy wasn't a ridiculously self-referential word game
>*ANY criticism of a fictional piece of work due to small factual inaccuracies or plot holes*
>*Any criticism of New Atheism, particularly* "They should have read the previous 2000 years worth of debate!"
>*ANY praise for a work of literature that was originally in a language that they're not fluent in*
>Why are you so obsessed with sex? I have no interest in such intellectually vacuous matters!
>I run marathons / iron man events / any endurance event
>I'm raising money for charity
>*Discusses Marxism / Communism and almost dies of a rage induced heart attack whenever a real world example is brought up*
>*Considers any contemporary pretentious if they aspire to do anything more than rimming the canon*
>You're misunderstanding Nietzsche / Wittgenstein!
>How can this book be a worthwhile piece of art if it didn't have a famous publisher?
>Elliot Rodger didn't produce any significant art because he insulted women and was r9k and said things I don't like!
>*Wants to be an author after the incredible life experience of being middle class and being in university*
>I read to learn more about the human condition.
>You can only speak English? How amusing!
>You see, young apprentice, the trouble with these so called "New Atheists" is their literalism, lack of respect for the Western intellectual tradition, and their manners!
>White women? I see you have yet to taste the sweet and succulent fruit of [non-white race, usually chinks]!
>I may be at a university ranked lower than 10 in the world but, despite being surrounded by oafish simpletons, I can tell that a long and distinguished career in academia awaits! Onwards and upwards!
>I speak more than three languages.
>I learnt to speak a non-European language.
>I read the Economist.
>I read the Financial Times.
>I read the Guardian.
>I read the New York Times.
>I read the Washington Post.
>I read The New Yorker

>> No.14321840


This post represents the insecurity of a nineteen year old boy who is not a man.

>> No.14321843

Post your chin and jawline with a timestamp to prove youre better. I bet you wont, pussy.

>> No.14321857
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 0718979C131E4AD089F364DD69CDFB09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I read fantasy
>>I read sci-fi
>>I read biographies
>>I read business books
>>I read self-help
>>free market
>>Ayn Rand
>>classical liberal
>>My interests include Military History
>>I like reading about World War 2
>>My interests include Russian culture
>>My interests include Japanese culture
>>My interests include Chinese culture
>>My interests include Ancient Greek culture
>>My interests include Roman culture
>>My interests include politics
>>I do an Engineering degree
>>I do an Economics degree
>>My humanities / arts degree teaches me how to think / present a rational argument
>>That work of continental philosophy presents non-trivial theories in a logically consistent and clear manner
>>That work of analytical philosophy wasn't a ridiculously self-referential word game
>>*ANY criticism of a fictional piece of work due to small factual inaccuracies or plot holes*
>>*Any criticism of New Atheism, particularly* "They should have read the previous 2000 years worth of debate!"
>>*ANY praise for a work of literature that was originally in a language that they're not fluent in*
>>Why are you so obsessed with sex? I have no interest in such intellectually vacuous matters!
>>I run marathons / iron man events / any endurance event
>>I'm raising money for charity
>>*Discusses Marxism / Communism and almost dies of a rage induced heart attack whenever a real world example is brought up*
>>*Considers any contemporary pretentious if they aspire to do anything more than rimming the canon*
>>You're misunderstanding Nietzsche / Wittgenstein!
>>How can this book be a worthwhile piece of art if it didn't have a famous publisher?
>>Elliot Rodger didn't produce any significant art because he insulted women and was r9k and said things I don't like!
>>*Wants to be an author after the incredible life experience of being middle class and being in university*
>>I read to learn more about the human condition.
>>You can only speak English? How amusing!
>>You see, young apprentice, the trouble with these so called "New Atheists" is their literalism, lack of respect for the Western intellectual tradition, and their manners!
>>White women? I see you have yet to taste the sweet and succulent fruit of [non-white race, usually chinks]!
>>I may be at a university ranked lower than 10 in the world but, despite being surrounded by oafish simpletons, I can tell that a long and distinguished career in academia awaits! Onwards and upwards!
>>I speak more than three languages.
>>I learnt to speak a non-European language.
>>I read the Economist.
>>I read the Financial Times.
>>I read the Guardian.
>>I read the New York Times.
>>I read the Washington Post.
>>I read The New Yorker

>> No.14321859

Is there a worse board than /fa/? I doubt it.

>> No.14321867
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 37592835_463078890769392_537170314170204160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont read a book
i observe it

>> No.14321875
File: 286 KB, 855x642, 1520610628_1443818724717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a strict constitutionalist

>> No.14321902

I think you're looking for

>> No.14323020

What kind of argument are you trying to make, retard?

>> No.14323049

>>My humanities / arts degree teaches me how to think / present a rational argument
>I may be at a university ranked lower than 10 in the world but, despite being surrounded by oafish simpletons, I can tell that a long and distinguished career in academia awaits! Onwards and upwards!

>> No.14323149
File: 280 KB, 1473x1061, 1559993657255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do literally all of these. Do I get a reward?

>> No.14323207
File: 24 KB, 474x412, 5364554z6424653753431567i8o787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of this thread other than unfiltered autism? Basiled

>> No.14323235

Who is this imbecile I see, shitposting on my board?
Remove this man from my presence