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14318772 No.14318772 [Reply] [Original]

If you do not believe in good and evil or you're disenchanted with this world, then you must be purified lest you plummet into the House of Lies by falling off the Chinvat Bridge. Most of you here are brainwashing yourselves into becoming depraved nihilists, sadists, and jaded cynics, and you have lost your spark and joy in life. You over-prioritize dark artwork like Bataille, Baudelaire, Ligotti, Sade, Mishima, and etc. over more light artwork like Ende, Baumgarten, Potter, Milne, Moore, and etc. However, I as the Saoshyant and avatar of Sraosha, can help purify your defiled minds.
Basically, you must be locked into a cage and whipped while forced to read or watch wholesome, serene children's artwork. Your minds will be suffused in the refulgence of Spenta Mainyu. If you give any protestations, then a little bit of tasering is necessary. You will come to see the light, the oh so splendid, serene light. Good and evil are absolute I tell you *whip, whip, whip*, and you will feel the love in Winnie the Pooh and its irreconcilable difference from the macabre like Bataille. One is Spenta, the other Angra.
You must purify yourselves, you must let the light of God flood into your souls, and you must cease spreading lies that lead to depravity and disenchantment. I should be the new prophet of this entire world!
Agents of Ahriman who deny good and evil or find no joy in the simple pleasures of life, the cage of Ahura Mazda awaits you. Righteousness and purification await.


However, Jews are beyond the possibility of purification, and it's better to just kill them off instead.

>> No.14318815
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>Good and Evil are Absolute
they are *orientations to the Absolute

>> No.14318824

Nope, they are absolute. Monism, nondualism, and monotheism are all lies. Only dualism / ditheism is true. The light exists to banish the darkness. The light and darkness are NOT two sides of the same coin.

>> No.14318907

>You over-prioritize dark artwork like Bataille, Baudelaire, Ligotti, Sade, Mishima, and etc. over more light artwork like Ende, Baumgarten, Potter, Milne, Moore, and etc.
The former are closer to the literatures of older and more moral ages than the latter, and are in fact more ‘moral’ texts in their keen and forthright analysis of moral situations and moral reality—the soppy sentimentalisms of the latter list are disgraceful! God bless the amoralist who pursues his truth over the moral realist who bows to pragmatism! Traditional religious texts and classical tales of heroism and fairy tales for children are macabre—should those be outlawed too? Folly! Moralists like OP will simply have to be re-educated via the application of tickle torture to suit their saccharine sensibilities (while still casting them into unbearable nervous agony).

>> No.14318980

Mind or Nous, which recognizes this presence/absence, is Absolute. Recognition itself is prior to any dichotomy whatsoever. Light and Darkness are descriptions at best. I like this game even though I’ve checked out already, I just feel like if you’re gonna play, play to win

>> No.14318993

You are brainwashed by Jews into viewing the world as amoral and labeling all moments pertaining to tranquility, bliss, or peace as "soppy sentimentalism". You privilege transgression over tranquility, disorder over order, and lie over truth. You have lost your capacity to comprehend the souls or capacity of goodness in sentient beings.
"One may enter the literary parlor via just about any door, be it the prison door, the madhouse door, or the brothel door. There is but one door one may not enter it through, which is the nursery door. The critics will never forgive you such. The great Rudyard Kipling is one to have suffered this. I keep wondering to myself what this peculiar contempt towards anything related to childhood is all about." -- Michael Ende
>The former are closer to the literatures of older and more moral ages than the latter, and are in fact more ‘moral’ texts in their keen and forthright analysis of moral situations and moral reality
They analyze tragic or disturbing situations well, from a more phenomenological context, and they have their value. However, there is issue in privileging them over the "soppy sentimentalism" which you treat with chagrin. Such macabre artwork are divorced from the peace and tranquility that you can never know, and those who try to imbue the macabre with a sense of peace are subverters. You are destroying this world as antinomianists, and in the future, we may have to meet on the battlefield.
>God bless the amoralist who pursues his truth over the moral realist who bows to pragmatism!
God will only bless you with unending hell. Amoralists are depraved and cannot see the true nature of reality. You signal the end of all life. Only the moralist who believes in some kind of soteriology, of which there are many systems, can achieve true liberation.

Good and evil are absolute. They have a rigid border separating their distinctiveness. Their essences never blur. Those who deny this go to hell. The poison is not an antidote, the antidote is not a poison.

>> No.14319043

>capacity to comprehend the souls or capacity of goodness in sentient beings
ability to comprehend the souls or capacities of goodness in sentient beings*

>> No.14319091

You will go to hell for your anti-Semitism! Ende would repudiate you! Spit thee out!

>> No.14319107 [DELETED] 

We gave Jews life, so we are in the special privilege to decide whether they deserve to exist or not anymore. Given their recent conduct in subverting Western societies and destabilizing the Middle East, we have come to the decision they no longer deserve to exist as a people. They have become the very manifestation of Ahriman at this point. I will make sure to send some of the preserved eyes of the children as a souvenir for you. Eat shit, kike. Koroush was our worst king.

>> No.14319120

"To the Jew, everything human is a sham. One might even say that the Jewish face is nothing but a mask. The Jew is not a liar: he is the lie itself. From this vantage point, we can say that the Jew is not a man. … He lives the pseudo-life of a ghoul whose fortunes are linked to Yahweh-Moloch. He employs deception as the weapon with which he will exterminate mankind. The Jew is the very incarnation of the unearthly power of destruction."
-- Ludwig Klages

>> No.14319157

Get thee behind me, Satan.
>"[The Jews] ought to suffer no prejudice. We, out of the meekness of Christian piety, and in keeping in the footprints of Our predecessors of happy memory, the Roman Pontiffs Calixtus, Eugene, Alexander, Clement, admit their petition, and We grant them the buckler of Our protection.
>For We make the law that no Christian compel them, unwilling or refusing, by violence to come to baptism. But, if any one of them should spontaneously, and for the sake of the faith, fly to the Christians, once his choice has become evident, let him be made a Christian without any calumny. Indeed, he is not considered to possess the true faith of Christianity who is not recognized to have come to Christian baptism, not spontaneously, but unwillingly.
>Too, no Christian ought to presume...to injure their persons, or with violence to take their property, or to change the good customs which they have had until now in whatever region they inhabit.
>Besides, in the celebration of their own festivities, no one ought disturb them in any way, with clubs or stones, nor ought any one try to require from them or to extort from them services they do not owe, except for those they have been accustomed from times past to perform.
>...We decree... that no one ought to dare mutilate or diminish a Jewish cemetery, nor, in order to get money, to exhume bodies once they have been buried.
>If anyone, however, shall attempt, the tenor of this decree once known, to go against it...let him be punished by the vengeance of excommunication, unless he correct his presumption by making equivalent satisfaction."
‘Sicut Judaeis’, Pope Alexander III (1159-1181)

>> No.14319177

Schopenhauer on Jews. Pretty much on target:

"many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this."

Summary: "As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations."

>> No.14319192

Sorry, you are quoting macabre people. You are going to Hell. Virtuous men like Michael Ende resisted the anti-Semites. YOU ARE DAMNED

>> No.14319213

The macabre has its place. For example, Jews can make good subjects for invasive experimental studies. I can just imagine using them for optogenetic studies, which can bring about great progress in Neuroscience. I was traumatized from having to experiment on noble, benign rats. Experimenting on Jews seems much easier given they have no souls.

>> No.14319233

Jews created your morality..

>> No.14319247

They stole and perverted the morality of our own ancient tradition. What are you talking about?

>> No.14319261

If anything it is us goyim who stole and perverted the morality of the Jews. For 2,000 years our culture has been based off a Semitic text! If you were really so non-Jewish, as you say, then you would be embracing polytheism and pederasty right now!

>> No.14319274
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Zoroastrianism was the first real religion to promote moral dualism. In fact, Judaism was influenced by Zoroastrianism to adopt devils, angels, battleground of good vs. evil, afterlife with reward & punishment, bodily resurrection, and much more. Zoroastrianism originated around 1000-1500 BCE somewhere around Yaz cultural horizon to Sintashta.

>> No.14320831
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tldr buddy lmao anyway tell me are anime traps morally good?

>> No.14320837

Are you zurvanposter? I missed you. Non-dualists get the rope. Dualism is the only sane option.

>> No.14322204

Based dualist.

>> No.14322283

t. the snake in the garden