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14317721 No.14317721 [Reply] [Original]

He was right about everything. Stop pursuing passions of the flesh and don't worry about finding a wife—it won't fill the void in your heart. This is an essential read for every young disenfranchised man. Every doubt you ever had; Augustine had it and was able to turn his life around. We can all do the same, brothers.

>> No.14317750

incel cope

>> No.14317756

>don't worry about finding a wife

Sour grapes, but I actually think this is great advice for a lot of the incels on 4chan. If you bring nothing to the table, don't expect anyone else to be sitting at it.

>> No.14317763

>Stop pursuing passions of the flesh and don't worry about finding a wife
not what he meant. Augustine became celibate, but this doesn't mean that we all should. In fact, unless you feel being a volcel helps you, finding a couple is one of the best things you can work on. Just don''t get obssesed over it.

>> No.14317789

>Sour grapes
Not really. It's empty unless it's through Christ. It can also easily cause a rift between your obligation to God and your obligation to spouse. Marriage is a great gift, but so is the single life. Embrace every struggle as a valuable lesson and your reward will be great.

>> No.14317797

so by being good looking you're bringing something to the table? How does this make society better?

>> No.14317817
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>incel cope

>> No.14317822
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>>incel cope
incel cope

>> No.14317864

>People only getting the chaste message from Augustine.
There are so many gems in Confessions. I love the bit where he talks about even infants being envious creatures. How they are not sinful through lack of desire, but ability. Man's only rightful creation is sin.

>> No.14317882

I don’t pursue passions of the flesh anyway. Life is still empty and pointless. Now what?

>> No.14317911

Have you surrendered yourself to the will of God?

>> No.14317949

Augustine wasn't an incel. He had sex with dozens, potentially hundreds of women.

>> No.14317959

If you masturbate, you in fact do.

>> No.14317962

What does that even mean? How am I supposed to know the will of god when it’s not clear that such a thing even exists?

>> No.14318002

Read the gospels, my man. It's pretty easy to understand how you should live your life. Pray and attend mass as well, and the Holy Spirit will speak to you.

>> No.14318120
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>>>incel cope
>incel cope

>> No.14318143

I’ve read them. I found nothing useful there. Church services feel like a waste of time. Prayer is just talking to yourself.

Larping as a Christian doesn’t seem appealing or useful to me.

>> No.14318178

Actually, you're a heretic Galilean whose notions are completely out of step with reality.

>> No.14318190

>Jews still denying the Messiah 2,000 years later.

>> No.14318205

Cathocringe, kill yourself.

>> No.14318230

>Discarding great sources of wisdom and inspiration because some preacher lied to you about Catholic beliefs.

>> No.14318258

I don't believe in God and Augustine was completely right.

>For this was what I was longing to do; but as yet I was bound by the iron chain of my own will. The enemy held fast my will, and had made of it a chain, and had bound me tight with it. For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity. By these links, as it were, forged together--which is why I called it “a chain”--a hard bondage held me in slavery.

Sounds like you are some braindead retard intent on yielding to every sensual distraction that crosses the eyes.

>> No.14318385

>Prayer is just talking to yourself.
imagine being this retarded

>> No.14318625

People these days reject every source of authority. They dislike being told 'no' in nearly every way. They are slaves to pleasure and I hope that they will someday see the light, just as I hope someday you will too.

>> No.14318634
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What good is the renounce in one who was already impotent?

>> No.14318664

>Has lot's of nasty sex.
>Hits the wall and starts looking for Mrs. Right.
Was Saint Augustine a tranny?

>> No.14318680

>The wall
>Late 20s
Read it, you fool.

>> No.14319169

1. Augustine was a man-whore and got his rocks off plenty of times before he became celibate.
2. This leads to my main point: If you're not getting tons of pussy now, then saying you're giving pussy up for God is a hollow sacrifice.

>> No.14319202

He's a fag (cf. all the homoerotic stuff about God embracing his "inner man") and only about 2 pages of the prose are actually good. I've read this and most of City of God, and still find nothing endearing in his brand of Christianity that seeks to have as little to do with the breathing, moving world of God's creation as possible. If you have a hankering for seeing a natural decadent gird his loins with religious rhetoric, read Milton.

>> No.14319216
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As a Catholic and a person that's halfway through Confessions rn for Advent, I think the point Augustine makes wasn't that ALL human passions are empty and vacuous, but those that don't have God at it's teleological end or God in it at all are vacuous like >>14317789 said. There's nothing wrong with finding a wife or whether you will have one or any other need Christ instilled in us but to do so without considering God's plan for your life will only lead to heartache and despair. Granted, I'm only halfway through (I'm around the part right after he meets Faustus the Manichean bishop and then goes to Rome to teach the less rowdy Roman students), so I might be full of shit be free to tell me. I'm open to criticism.

>> No.14319237

Beauty adorns reality anon, have you ever lived in a ugly city full of ugly things and ugly people? It gets tiresome. But spend ten minutes talking to a beautiful woman or man and you’ll feel uplifted, even if they’re not very interesting they have a net positive affect on your mood.

>> No.14319268

>If you're not getting tons of pussy now, then saying you're giving pussy up for God is a hollow sacrifice.
What a stupid line of reasoning. Just because you're not living a sinful life, doesn't mean rejecting it is not virtuous. Learn from Augustine that chasing after women will not appease you. He specifically talks about how he thought wedding a woman would settle him down and bring stability to him, but that it changed absolutely nothing.

>> No.14319286

nice bait

>> No.14319327

Having a family, homesteading, and homeschooling your children will fill the void and it's what any man worthy of the title should strive for.

>> No.14319343

Rings hollow to me. It's like a teetotaler giving up alcohol for lent. Augustine made a true sacrifice because he was previously enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. An ugly, awkward autist who can't get laid anyways isn't making a true sacrifice by "giving up" the pleasures of the flesh. He wasn't capable of attaining them in the first place. Now if the posters of this fine board were to give up something like using the Internet completely, that would be a true sacrifice and hardship.

>> No.14319376

>Implying sins are only actions.
>Implying that lusting after women is not a sin.
It's why we say that we've "sinned in our thoughts and in our words, in what we have done, and what we have failed to do."

>> No.14319417

I've loved and been loved.
So no, that is the void in my life, and it is twofold, being the gateway of all other further meaningful things in a life.

>> No.14319498

Why would a loving God cause me to love such an abominable creature as the human female?

>> No.14319514

I'm married and have a son, yet very lonely. Would I benefit from reading Augustine?

>> No.14319541

No. Augustine's wife retires to a monastery and his son dies, freeing him. At the climax of the narrative his married friend has a conniption because he can't go off to the monastery with Augustine and their other friend.

>> No.14319562

Is wanting women a form of worldliness? Even if it is for marriage/having a family?

>> No.14319593

My flippant generalizations were entirely in earnest. I think Augustine was one of the few genuinely bad influences upon so-called Western culture. He's just banal, neither truly artistic nor truly mystic.

>> No.14319598

What could be more worldly than a white picket fence you dolt

>> No.14319629

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. - Proverbs 18:22

Explain that, incel.

>> No.14319671

The Lord favors worldly things sometimes. I mean hey, I'll take a wife any day of the week.

>> No.14319705
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yes. marriage is literally just a concession for those who can't resist cooming, as Paul teaches, meaning God realized that if he didn't let some of us coom we were all gonna be fucked. marriage is basically the holy spirit stepping in to make sure two horny coomers don't fuck their kids up too badly. sexual relationships don't even exist in heaven, so why the fuck would anyone bother with one? this is probably the hardest pill to swallow for a coomer, but its absolutely necessary that you swallow it. you have to realize that sex only exists to make babies, there is no lukewarm normie bullshit about "bonding," thats just cope and lies. the sooner you realize that celibacy is the only thing that makes sense, the better

>> No.14319706

Even though you're wholly ignorant of me, I am nevertheless offended you would compare me to that cuckold charlatan.

>> No.14319725

What's empty unless it's through christ?

>> No.14319739

yo mama

>> No.14319784

>marriage is literally just a concession for those who can't resist cooming
And yet King David, the most revered man in the Bible, even more so than Moses or Eijah, had many wives.

>> No.14319807

the world isn't bad in and of itself, it's one's relationship to it that is sinful

>> No.14319881

Just help people bro. That's all it is

>> No.14319914

And David thought his wives, his villas, his musical entertainment, and everything else were worthless, and reproached his conscious continually, telling him that he lost God.

He later remarked
>And man when he was in honour did not understand; he is compared to senseless beasts, and is become like to them.

This means those who follow sensual pleasure become like beasts who do not follow reason.

>> No.14319944

David was a coomer who cucked Urias and for his punishment God made him get cucked by all his wives.
>“This is what the Lord says: ‘Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight. You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.’”
live by the cuck, die by the cuck.

>> No.14319951

The most revered man in the Bible is Christ. Paul makes it clear that He retroactively makes all other figures in the Bible worthless compared to him.

>> No.14320106

Jesus Christ was more than a man, you numbskull.

>> No.14320194

>Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

>> No.14321088

Agreed. The most powerful message for me was just the undying love of his mother and the parallel to the supernatural love of Jesus and the Holy Virgin

>> No.14321206

>That fuckin' dream he keeps having
Confessions struck me on so many levels. My mother is the foundation of my faith, the bits about boasting of sin, the false intellectualism in the Manichees, chastity, etc.

My only regret was not reading it 10 years before. It would have saved me so much grief.

>> No.14321266

I think you understand the gist of his message, my man. All good things come through God. We do not earn our salvation by pulling up our bootstraps, but through His grace alone. Nonetheless, we have an obligation to pursue a Christ like life.

>> No.14321288

Faith is capitulation to certainty. If you're living a life of half-measures and hedging you'll never be strong enough to take the leap. Not even a christian but after reading Augustine and the Bible I understand the fault lies with me.

>> No.14321596

Your mothers are raving mystics whose instinctual urge is to mold you into a simp. Trust me or don't.

>> No.14321599

No, it's OP who's coping by larping as St. Augustine because he can't get laid

>> No.14321693

Practicing Christian here. Did you even go to Sunday School? Anyone who knows a little agrees the most revered figures in the bible are here ranked:

#1. Jesus
#2. The Virgin Mary

*huge power gap*

#3. Peter the Apostle
#4. Paul
#5. Any of the four Evangelists
#6. John the Baptist
#7. Elijah
#8. Solomon

Virgins are all on top.

I have never ever even heard of Christiana revering David, do the recitations of his Psalms count as reverence for David?

>> No.14321702

>”... entirely in earnest.” “one of the few” >”influences upon”

You’re a psued.