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/lit/ - Literature

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14317273 No.14317273 [Reply] [Original]

How does this sticker make you feel?

>> No.14317281

I want to have Harvard degree without going to Harvard. Seems like pseud central nowadays.

>> No.14317301
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Does the severe librarian as a type still exist in the wild? I miss her.

>> No.14317346

>I'm much smarter than the people in this University I can't get into
Holy shit people in this board are so delusional

>> No.14317374

It makes me remember that I have a book that's overdue to return at Langdell bc I'm a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.14317389

I don't know if he's smarter than the whites, jews or asians, but he's probably at least as smart as the more melanin enriched students.

>> No.14317415


have you ever considered that these 'pseuds' actually have aspirations and so respond disingenuously to your autistic questioning in order to maintain the veneer of social respectability that you need to get anywhere in this world?

>> No.14317416

My best friend has an English degree from Harvard. He jokes that I read much more than he ever has and asks me for recommendations.
It's a place fueled by grade inflation and unbelievable amounts of money. I'll always be jealous that he got to spend his four years there because he had an amazing fucking time and is pretty much set for life, but it really is full of the same people as everywhere else, just with orders of magnitude more money.

>> No.14317419

>justice served

>> No.14317469

I used to pick the most obscure books from the underground of Orléans library back when I lived in Orlé. They had this peculiar elevator for books, which looked like was powered by some centenarian slave. Most mainstream books were kept in the formal building with its numerous levels and mazes, but the interesting stuff was well hidden under the mantle of earth. Which is why they had this elevator to bring them back from the abyss. I never found the passage to the underground, the only access was this pathetically small opening in which the elevator, no more than two foot wide, came and went.

I always pictured the book cave inhabited by this immortal being, and forbidden to all others, who loaded the elevator cart with my most recent interests. Old achemical treaties, obscure letters written by Eliade, archives of medieval scholastics. Books that were last borrowed decades, centuries before I was born - as the stamped dates indicated. The books themselves looked and smelled as if they were stocked at the very center of earth. They were hot. Nothing is more bizarre than a warm book. We always equate old and forgotten with coldness, but these books were hot, so they must have been living. Maybe when words are unread for a long time, they come to life.

Anyways, the only reason the library is still going is because I payed thousands of late library fines. Sometimes I still think of the spirit of the underground library, pondering whether he is paying eternally for wickedness of past lives, burned books maybe, but I can't help but think that whatever his penance might be; He is freer than all of us.

>> No.14317725

I'd want nothing more than to go there. I see that place the way a devout Muslim sees Mecca, and as the ultimate pseud, I'd probably fit in pretty well.

>> No.14318093

College admissions have very little to do with being smart. Especially in the case of Harvard an applicant’s success is far more dependent on his life story ( or his ability to concoct a compelling one).

>> No.14318955

There is really no reason to go to Harvard outside of finance/business/economics. I had a physics professor who graduated from MIT and said they referred to it as the "liberal arts college up the road."

I am not sure how true that is today.

>> No.14319036

You won't miss it that much when it's some 300 lb basedboy with a tiny pinhead being needlessly unhelpful while you're paying $800 per credit hour or whatever to schmooze with nerds who are just as miserable as you but have somehow been arbitrarily promoted to a higher rung on their truncated little social ladder.

>> No.14319062

but I actually go to Harvard

>> No.14319212

good passage anon

>> No.14319220

to get into somewhere like Harvard you have to be incredibly smart just to be considered, and THEN you have to further compete using thinks like you mentioned, it takes both

>> No.14319302

nice story anon, for real.

>> No.14320542

>you have to be incredibly smart just to be considered
maxing out on the ACT/SAT and getting a 3.8+ GPA in HS is achievable by most reasonably smart people. it's just that most reasonably smart high schoolers don't put in the time

>> No.14320674

This. I got a 27 on my ACT the first time, took it a couple more times, and ended up with a 32. The last one's obviously the only one I sent out. I probably could've had a 35-36 if I took it again. You just have to learn how to take those kinds of tests.

>> No.14320756

>t. retard
I did no prep and got a 32 first attempt. Never retook it because I was stateschoolpilled

>> No.14320761

based, tell me more about how clever you are

>> No.14320840

Woah you're so reasonably smart

>> No.14320886


Do these people lack self awareness completely? It's just so cringe.

>> No.14320918


>> No.14320974

I was always in awe of Harvard until I actually lived in Boston and made friends with a few undergrads from there. They were even in the humanities like me. Maybe it was stupid, but I thought I was going to meet a bunch of Will Huntings or at least that they would all speak like 3 languages and have Homer memorized.

Didn’t happen. Really cool school and a beautiful campus though.

>> No.14321044

Bit jelly of you Harvard anons to be real. You’re very fortunate to be proud of where you go.

I grew up in a near poverty tier white household. My dad’s basically mentally ill and never kept a job so we were always on the edge of getting our shit knocked to the curb. Never tried in school cuz all my older brothers were not really very academic and made it through local colleges on sports scholarships. Never thought I could really do it because they were the only ones I knew. Would always read a ton though, and lots of classics, Swift and Stevenson and Dickens when I was a kid. Got to my senior year with a 3.1 GPA (pretty sure it was inflated by my hs, which was basically a Protestant fundamentalist boot camp) and took the ACT and somehow got a 31 with almost no prep. Ended up going to a shitty Christian college for a sports scholarship cause I was a tard and let people talk me into it. I should’ve gone to a community college and gotten good grades then transferred somewhere. Gonna graduate this semester with a lackluster GPA cause I hate this place and want to gtfo. My English professors love me but maybe that’s because I’m the resident underachieving literature obsessed depressive and they don’t want me to kms. I just read tons of books now and work in a factory. Always feel the burning desire to just start over from the beginning and learn every subject from scratch to make up for all the distractions of family and my own tardness when I was growing up. Be proud of your S-tier education and prestige boys and girls.

Thx4reading my blogpost

>> No.14321055
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>>I'm much smarter than the people in this University I can't get into

>> No.14321062
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>> No.14321065

Undergraduate quality in the Ivy League fluctuates with historical circumstance but it's taken a pretty noticeable dive in the last ten years. I'm sure the trend was observable before that, too. Not only are the kids dumber and lazier, they're more homogeneous too. I had the same expectations and was very disappointed.

>> No.14321112

based response

>> No.14321141

This is true. I went to an Ivy-Tier private school for a bit, even met a couple Rhodes Scholars. They're all kind of effete and mediocre, just rich enough to pay for a lot of resume padding "experiences".

Now at a community college and the average student speaks three languages and has some kind of productive side-hustle. Of course the average age is mid-twenties, there's lots of mental illness and FOBs, and the academics are watered down and shitty.

The whole system's a joke.

>> No.14321174

whats the longest shit you memorized /lit/? i recently started trying to memorize poetry and i have the first five stanzas of the raven down

>> No.14321190

Couple paragraphs of Moby Dick here and there, no more than one page in any particular place though
Sections of Hamlet and a handful of Shakespearean sonnets
Two Yeats poems
Some shorter Shelley poems

>> No.14321221

>They're all kind of effete and mediocre, just rich enough to pay for a lot of resume padding "experiences".

This about sums it up. The only thing I'd add is that this isn't even an intentionally cynical outlook they have adopted, it's actually a crippling limitation on their thought that has become permanent because their dumbfuck nigger-rich parents constantly spoil them. Rich kids at elite schools are basically professional vacationers and effete dabblers, but they can never go beyond that.

The way they approach humanistic education is really depressing. You can tell it's just another "experience." When they encounter something outside of them, outside of their worldview (roughly being a vacationing guy who is vaguely concerned about socialism, if socialism here means "can't we all be nice to freaks? When people get upset, it's bad :("), they can only integrate it enough to add some window dressing to the fringes of that worldview. They can't get really excited about something, they never really have a journey, they just integrate their college education as a collection of buzzwords they can use, just more window dressing for the surfaces of their little "socially concerned rich vacationer" personas.

I almost want to describe them as asleep while they're awake. It's a fundamental passivity. The world is fundamentally alright, because I'm flying back home again to celebrate the fifth holiday this year, and I'm spending the summer in California to do an internship. Then I'll come back and take another class on communism.

>> No.14321253

We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Holiday

>> No.14321270

"Vacationers" is a very apt term. A lot of resume padding without any real accomplishments.

>> No.14321903

all of The Raven
2001 movie monologue where the robot is saying "Stop Dave"

>> No.14322734

yes but much older

>> No.14322801

Seems like you're projecting, anon, all he said is that he wanted the degree, not that he's equipped to earn it. And a successful pseud is smart too, or at least smart enough.