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14316614 No.14316614 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.14316615


>> No.14316616

>then we are not even close to what is essential
Which is what? Believing in hacky spiritualism?

>> No.14316617

Marxism is upside down capitalism. Any system that places such emphasis on money will always value money over anything else.

>> No.14316621 [DELETED] 

I really wish people would stop having opinions on Marx.

>> No.14316624

It wants to abolish money you fucking moron.

>> No.14316626

I really wish people would stop having retarded opinions on Marx.

>> No.14316633

No. Just pie in the sky retarded ideology. Nothing of discernible talent or value to be found here.

>> No.14316642

It sees money as having the greatest influence. Therefore money is the most valuable thing in this system.

>> No.14316644

Begone, materialists

>> No.14316645
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>> No.14316647

That requires placing great emphasis on money, you fucking nigger.

>> No.14316650


>> No.14316660

Materialist mouthbreather.

>> No.14316661

You don't even know what materialism entails. Read a book.

>> No.14316666

the quintessential soul vs soulless argument

>> No.14316670
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also check em

>> No.14316676

We live in a material universe and you have a physical body. Get out of your own ass.

>> No.14316677

how’d you cone up with those words, baby boy?

>> No.14316679

I'm starting to see why Marxists sperg out about idealists so hard, you're thick as pigshit

>> No.14316681
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That's not all there is to it, but I wouldn't expect someone on the spectrum to be even capable of entertaining the idea.

>> No.14316683

Of coure you would know how thick pigshit is you disgusting materialist fuck.

>> No.14316692

What is the solution to the (((Materialist))) question?

>> No.14316693

>DUDE like capitalism and like Marxism is like the same and shit because like both are material and stuff and like they don't account for my hacky spiritualism and like you can't have REAL progress with that stuff man and like it does not believe in what is ESSENTIAL (which is my hacky spiritualism lol join my new age hacky spiritualism sekret club).
He literally says nothing here. None of this means anything.

>> No.14316698
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Like I said, you don't know what materialism entails. You just think its just "meaningless dead stuff :(" when the truth is it has become more wonkier over the past century.

>> No.14316700
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yeah dude if we just believe hard enough that life is a big dream the real world will magically bend to our will

>> No.14316701

He's right.

>> No.14316702

Everything you "see" is actually an image created by your brain based on the frequency of lightwaves that hit your eyes.
Everything you "feel" is just sensations created by your nervous system.

The "true universe" is impossible to sense using your physical senses. Plotinus beat materialist every time

>> No.14316706

define matter

>> No.14316708

kiddie philosopher

>Pimple man
Pseudointellectual rhetorician with a bad reading in Process Theology. He was the Sam Harris of his time. There is nothing of value in his work and you should probably just read Evola

>> No.14316710

that which doesnt if you have a soul

>> No.14316714

You mistake the self-evident reality of consciousness for a self-grounding substance. This doesn't do justice to "man as part of nature", man as an integral part of a mind-independent reality. The mind is not enough to prove that, somehow, the mind also generates itself. The transcendental facts of cognition are not enough to "authorize" cognition as the author of nature. The mind is emergent within a larger totality: nature. More to the point, it's an extremely complex output of that field, but again, just one output out of many, human consciousness doesn't have ontological priority over the "prehensive centers" of simpler organisms.

>> No.14316717


>> No.14316718
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>> No.14316732

He explains in other works what is in fact "essential" in a human society. We all exist as parts of an organic whole, and, if that whole is well-adjusted and ordained according with heroic and Olympian principles, it allows us to achieve a super-individual heroic existence, thus transcending our merely individualist and material conditions.

>> No.14316734

Materialist ideologies are just a response to most people losing the ability to be self sufficient during the industrial revolution. From then on, a complex system needed to be in place to ensure that the average joe gets to eat and gave a roof over their had (the arguement of communism vs. capitalism is about wether the market or central planning is better at this).

Sure when you are a baron and can live of your inheritence or estates you can navel gaze about how higher spiritual truths but for the majority the material is a question of survival.

>> No.14316740

Who? Evola or anon?

>> No.14316741


>> No.14316743

Evola is Anon.

>> No.14316744
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Evola is ALIVE????

>> No.14316745
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Yes, the fourth position is the way out

>> No.14316748


>> No.14316751

Which is flimsy ideology

>> No.14316755
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Third position or fascism is a false hope project because it is equally based on the premises of modernity, just like liberalism (capitalism) and communism.

It's the time to base our political theories on something higher, in the case of Dugin, this is the philosophy of Heidegger and his concept of Dasein

>> No.14316760

No. It's actually based on his spiritual view of the universe, which was deeply influenced by his knowledge in Hermeticism.

>> No.14316767

I think Evola talked about the concept of Dasein somewhere, but I can't remember where.

>> No.14316770

Evola is. Anon is just mad at 'hacky spiritualism'.

>> No.14316772

This really is just a more pretentious version of 'The Secret'.

>> No.14316775

Now you got me interested.. I consider myself well read when it comes to Evola but thisone went past me.

First hit

>> No.14316814

>based on his spiritual view of the universe
which is why it is flimsy ideology

>> No.14316828

We actually live in a society

>> No.14316849

is the book good?

>> No.14316851

> Evola's spiritual view is flimsy
Said the one who never read Evola.

>> No.14316855

It's not his best work but can in fact really make you think about the narrative within we live in.

Would recomend/10

>> No.14316858

yes, anything based on hacky spiritualism is garbo. nuff said

>> No.14316868

No. Read something by someone with discernible talent.

>> No.14316897

You keep repeating that.

>> No.14316898

Evola literally doesn't say anything in that passage

>> No.14316901

Dude one page of their books will blow you the fuck out. And he didnt have a "bad reading" in process theology, process theology literally comes from him lol. Process theology is pretty trashy tho.

>> No.14316903


>> No.14316911

Your tiny brain and the tiny brains of the underage children of this site still dont seem to comprehend it. Sad.

>> No.14316919


>> No.14316930

Kill yourself and go to your hacky paradise or something. The rest of us who arent braindead ideologues will be fine here for a bit longer.

>> No.14316939

> Capitalism and Marxism are both materialist concepts that should be subordinate to a higher principle. When instead they are regarded as the most important thing in a society, it ends up harming society as much as their individuals.

>> No.14316944


>> No.14316952

To add on everything is made up from our material universe and the way we relate to it.

>> No.14317122

ie whatever principles you make up will always be subordinate to the material conditions

>> No.14317132
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t. a guy submerged in accidence

>> No.14317348

buttblasted hylics ITT

>> No.14317351

Reminder that Marxists and capitalists abhor the transcendental because they have no souls.

>> No.14317502

Capitalism itself is transcendental.

>> No.14317528

>process theology literally comes from him lol
>has a bad reading in something he himself invented
Does it get any more pathetic?

>> No.14317545

He didn't invent it. People that were influenced by his thought made it up.

>> No.14317687

Pls go Nick Land

>> No.14317784

It never fails.

>> No.14317857

Like always.

>> No.14317863

Yes he is.

>> No.14318108
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>> No.14319219

off course he is.

the problem is that no one actually cares about any particular system of wealth distribution - this is all smoke and mirrors for their true philosophical ambitions. in the case of leftists, the destruction of themselves and all white europeans

>> No.14319240

No people do indeed care about that. Maybe you need to leave your mom's basement?

>> No.14319279

not an argument

>> No.14319395

>Reading this faggot to sound smart while using a computer or smartphone to shitpost on a worldwide communications network, which only came about due to the technological progress afforded by Western civilization giving up superstition and adopting the scientific method. Move to India, become a Brahmin, and shit in the streets you plebs.

>> No.14319450

no because he made a typo in the second sentence

>> No.14319502

Most retarded christcuck loophole
>u gotta repent bro
>nah bro your repentance has to be sincere bro, god has infinite ability to forgive, man has limited ability to repent
>so like just pray for repentance bro now it's gods fault if you aren't actually sorry for sin lmao free ticket to heaven

>> No.14319523

Of course Julius Evola (peace be upon him) was right. He was divinely inspired.

>> No.14319686


>> No.14319718

>will be fine
doubt it

>> No.14319740
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Evola is right in his indictment of modern materialism and consumerism, but paradoxically believes in state control of the economy ("direction" or whatever, point is he doesn't want laissez-faire). What he must realize is that the obsession with wealth and technology is not a spontaneous product of market interactions, but an imposition by the elites. And so long as elites can direct economic affairs, they will do so for their own benefit and everyone else's loss—spiritually and materially. If Evola wants a return to traditionalism, there must be a return to the conditions that nurtured tradition to begin with: not etatism and bureaucracy, but freedom and aristocracy.

>> No.14319810

Go weed a field, peasant

>> No.14319834

marxists aren't even true materialists though, they discount 150 years of relevant science in favor of dialectical hokum straight out of german idealism

>> No.14320277 [DELETED] 
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I believe men should live simpler lives, like the amish. because the essence of living a good live is valuing our relationships, live what God wants us to live. the amish evaluate every community deciding how good is that for the community/family. humanity was created completely, there's no real progress. if its bad they ban, if it's good they take.

what evola would think of my opinion?

>> No.14320306
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I believe men should live simpler lives, like the amish. because the essence of living a good live is valuing our relationships, to live what God wants us to live.
the amish take decisions evaluating how good is that for their community/family. they take what's good, reject what is bad. money, status, fame, glory, so called progress, technology, have no real value to human well being.

what evola would think of that?

>> No.14320660

Is there any reason at all to read Ebola when you could be reading Guenon instead?

>> No.14320738
File: 140 KB, 723x919, guénon_apparition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you could be reading Guenon instead
It is highly advisable to take regular breaks when studying Guénon's body of work. One needs to let the mind wander a little with literature that is not very taxing on the intellect and the heart. I find Evola's works to be perfect for this.

>> No.14320746
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>> No.14320759

it redpilled me about liberalism back in my gay teenage freedom phase

>> No.14320804
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What is the Evolian view on the best method of establishing contact with The Demiurge and speaking to him?

>> No.14320815

he looks so cool

>> No.14320842

Anti-intellectual cretin. Small minded dwarf.

>> No.14320856
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>> No.14320873

hyperborean master race

>> No.14321647

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.14322928

Yes dismissing hacky spiritualism is anti-intellectual...LOL

>> No.14322952

t. seething Hylic

Suicide is the easiest way to ensure that you will keep getting reincarnated in a physical body and made to live a shitty life that makes you want to commit suicide even more than your previous life

>> No.14322961

Doing Psychedelic Mushrooms

>> No.14322963

Wow that is some mental gymnastics and cope right there. But yeah plz kill yourself or stop being a braindead ideologue kthx.

>> No.14322968

ok hylic.

>> No.14324326

what in the hell is a hylic?

>> No.14324334
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Based and redpilled!

>> No.14324339
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>> No.14324411

I want this gf

>> No.14324461

She must be terrible in bed

>> No.14324469

Sex for recreational purposes is bad.

>> No.14324488
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t. a kissless virgin

>> No.14324556

it's okay if she's cute and intelligent. I don't mind

>> No.14324567

The only reason you lie about enjoying sex is because of the culture surrounding it. The so-called pleasure, complex biomechanics, and so forth involved in sex make it an inferior pleasure to gardening, drinking tea, or other crafts. You are like a Faustian bonobo and need to get over yourself. Sex exists only for procreation, and it should be treated as such. It is sacred in that respect. Misusing it for fun is bonobo like.

>> No.14324640

Yeah but we live in a post scarcity society and the majority of human labor is unproductive and unnecessary.
Why should hundreds of millions of people be forced to live unsatisfied, unnecessary, and unappreciated lives when we have the resources necessary for everyone to survive?

>> No.14325536

she cute

>> No.14326077
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>post scarcity society

>> No.14326106

Where can one find a gnostic gf who dresses like that? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14326459
File: 825 KB, 668x772, 1553976207119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hire and seduce a cosplayer.

>> No.14328121

Outstanding logic, fucking troglodyte.