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14315469 No.14315469 [Reply] [Original]

S TIER: Notes from underground, TBK
A TIER: Demons, C&P, The Double
B TIER: The idiot, The Gambler

>> No.14315482

Demons was B tier desu
Most of the book is a boring slog
I get it Fyodor, out-of-touch liberals are silly

>> No.14315493

what's S mean?

>> No.14315498

S stands for Slut tier
as in absolutely based

>> No.14315501

Notes is overrated, the idiot is better than crime

>> No.14315512

sluttier than what? what's the frame of reference? and what does based mean?

>> No.14315521

sluttier than the prudes
based is a pun on bast (basted in semen)

>> No.14315541

so sluts and semen are good things?

>> No.14315543

go fuck yourself

>> No.14315544

Si Senior
sluts basted in semen = good thing

>> No.14315557

Why don't more people familiar with Dostoyevsky? I'm 18 and he's my favorite author but it seems like everyone else my age doesn't care about good literature, just YA crap

>> No.14315702

OK boomer

>> No.14315724


>> No.14315737

probably bait but im nothing more than a trend follower
>am i the only 14 year old who listens to Johnny Cash? born in the wrong generation, amirite?

>> No.14315773

just finished TBK, it was trash

>> No.14315777


>> No.14316120

only read notes and demons
what should i read next?

>> No.14316129

SS: Tolstoy

>> No.14316133

c&p then idiot and finish with brothers k

>> No.14316136

what about the double and the gambler?

>> No.14316146

I'm 12 years old and dostoyevsky is a genious

>> No.14316182

S: Karamazov, Demons
A: C&P, The Idiot
B: The Gambler, The Double

*fixed that for you

>> No.14316186

Oh, forget Notes. B tier tbqh

>> No.14316189

I agree with you but C&P should be B tier and The Idiot should be S Tier

>> No.14316355

Idiot is very underrated

>> No.14316514

From what I've read

A TIER: Notes, The Gambler, Demons
B TIER: Poor People
C TIER: The Idiot

All are great, the Idiot the least, it's still better than 99% of literature

>> No.14317143

What about House of the Dead?

>> No.14317163


>> No.14317276
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Based , 19 myself in about 3 months and have read his most known books:
C&P>TBK (the great inquisitor chapter literally fucked my shit up i wish i could find more of this in literature) >the idiot > notes; how good is demons compared to the ones listed above ?

>> No.14317376

He's great, but doesn't quite live up to the hype for me.
The psychological understanding in his writing is good, and great considering the era, but I think Gogol shows a greater understanding of society and human nature, even if he addresses it playfully.

>> No.14318841

>Notes is overrated
why do you think so?

>> No.14318862

you probably just got lucky in your exposures
unless you're just trying to seem special, which is literally what everyone your age does

>> No.14319203

Best translations:

Notes, Demons, The idiot, BK- pevear and volok

Crime and punishment- mcduff

>> No.14319223

I’ve only read the s tier ones

>> No.14319288

I read tbk when I was 16 and it changed my life, ended my atheism for one. Other young people aren’t interested in or exposed to much good literature (or any liturature for that matter) But they are interested in other good things and most of them would not be improved by liturature. Reading seriously has always been and remains a relatively rare path because most people have no need for good books, for some reason you and others who read have developed a type of curiosity and drive to expand your mind in a particular way which has lead you to such books, others are driven to succeed in sports, others to business. while you may feel superior to your less well read piers, by virtue of your own rarity and awareness, this is petty and only inflates your ego, if you look around you will see people who are in fact happy and worthwhile who have never read a single book.

>> No.14319733

No one talking about Memoirs from the House of the Dead?

>> No.14320084

i felt like i got nothing out of dead souls when i read it, whereas notes / cp / tbk were profoundly important when i read them in senior year of HS
is there another of his books youd rec? should i reread dead souls?

>> No.14320198

His plays and short fiction. Dostoevsky might be deeper, but Gogol seemed to 'get' humans and groups intuitively.

>> No.14320524

Some of the best works of literature I've ever read tier: Brothers Karamazov, White Nights
Really enjoyable, profound: Notes, The Idiot
Alright: Crime and Punishment, The Gambler, his other notable short stories

>> No.14320909

S TIER: TBK, The Idiot, Notes
A/B/C TIER: all the other stuff I haven't read yet

>> No.14320951

Yea, kids are always trying so hard, unlike us adults who are trying very hard to pretend their too cool for school and just above it all, who never carry pretense at all.
Get the fuck over yourself, bud, the vast majority of people between 25 and 60 are just as damn childish as they were at 18. Keep pretending people actually mature or develop taste just because they get older.

>> No.14320982

sounds like something an 18 year old would say

>> No.14320989

I found a box of my dad's old books in the garage and I can't stop reading them. They don't make books like that anymore. Meanwhile, my stupid friends just play call-of-duty and catch pokemons.

>> No.14322105
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>> No.14322122

Brothers k
House of the dead
Raw youth

>> No.14322136

You have to be 18 years old to use 4chan.

>> No.14322253

Adolescent > notes.

>> No.14322362

can someone give me a tutorial in these tiers

what do SBA mean?

>> No.14322397

Its literally just a-f tier just like grades in school
With s meaning special. Like above a tier even. Reserved for only the most important of books(or any other form of media that you are ranking)

>> No.14322409

Isn't adolescent shit?

>> No.14322422

It's an anime thing

>> No.14322527

Hi i am currently reading demons
It says that in the appendix they have a chapter that was removed called “at tikbons”
It says it was originally part 2 chapter 9
I want to read it as part of the book
There is a chapter 9 in the book
Would it be best to read this immediately after chapter 8 or should it be read after the chapter 9 they have put in the book? Thank you

>> No.14322531
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Don't ever start a post with hi.
Don't ever end a post with thank you.
Always lurk more

>> No.14322537
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>> No.14322879

my ranking of them in a 10 and /4 scale is:
c&p 8.5
idiot 8.75
notes 9
demons 9.25
tbk 9.5

for reference I consider anna k 9.5 and moby dick 9.75

>> No.14322939

I present Anon, the ultimate judge of psychology, society, and human nature

>> No.14322951

I found Crime and Punishment far more profound than TBK.
Am I stupid?

>> No.14322989

Read it after chapter 8

>> No.14322993

Did Rebellion and The Grand Inquisitor go over your head or something?

>> No.14323042

The Grand Inquisitor is just a fancy exposition of the problem of evil. Beautifully put, but it provided nothing new. As far as Rebellion I am not sure what you are referring to.

>> No.14323077

The Devil and Grand Inquisitor Chapters in TBK were god tier, but when we look at both work as complete entities, C&P is up there with TBK, and it all comes down to preference.

>> No.14323118

I'd like to hear from people that disliked notes why they disliked it. For now I only read notes and c&p and while I really like both, notes is my favorite and one of the best books I ever read.

>> No.14323128

Hi retard

>> No.14323202

Grand Inquisitor goes much further than problem of evil. It posits that the Age of Enlightenment is really the age of satan, and predicts science failing to deliver salvation to humanity eventually, which honestly seems to be where we're headed right now.

Rebellion is the preceding chapter, and is much more focused on the problem of evil.

>> No.14323205 [DELETED] 


>> No.14324340

friendly reminder of nabokov's thoughts on dosto:
>Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.

fuck you pussies

>> No.14324352

I found it funny

>> No.14324409

nabokov was retarded

>> No.14324465

Notes from dead house (or however the fuck you wanna call the book) is amazing, where my gulag bros at

>> No.14324507

Just started reading about how he thinks Russians are realistic romantics.
Love this shit, desu, really bending the way I perceive things.
there's more than 7,000,000,000 humans
I am also 18, I am also reading notes
you're not special
neck yourself

>> No.14324510

What does S A and B stand for?

>> No.14324518

Its video game terminology. S is the highest tier followed by A and B

>> No.14324520


>> No.14324527

It is, his arguments are very compelling and as you read you feel as though you are reading from someone who's above you in terms of moral conscience when you consider he satirises his characters and that those characters also are more profound in world view than you,.

>> No.14325753


>> No.14325907

hugely dumb take

The Idiot and The Gambler are both excellent and so is the Double