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/lit/ - Literature

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1431533 No.1431533 [Reply] [Original]

How come so many people on the Internet are anti-book?

I know books aren't perfect. I acknowledge that reading books in and of itself doesn't make you smart or mean you're smart. Books can even be biased.

However can't these same flaws be applied to the Internet?

>> No.1431539

The internet is anti-everything.

The takeaway is that no matter what you like, there will be people on the Internet who hate it. Deal with the unfortunate reality.

>> No.1431547

B3C4US3 4 L0T 0F P30PL3 4R3 4NT1-B00K


>> No.1431553

I know that and see your point.

I'm a sworn bookworm though, so it will always break my heart to see people hating on books.

>> No.1431559


On 4chan, a lot of people will say that shit sucks just because you display attachment to it. You're literally asking to get your shit pushed in.

>> No.1431563

I know not everyone hates books on the Internet.

4chan has this board, so I know that sentiment isn't universal.

>> No.1431570

Yeah, that's true about this website.

I've learned that the hardway on many other boards... lol.

>> No.1431574

Brotip: most of the people here hate books too.

>> No.1431586


Big surprise there.

/v/ hates videogames, /g/ hates computers, /o/ hates cars, /k/ hates weapons, /b/ hates niggers...

>> No.1431587

But why do they hate books? ;_;

Books are the traditional medium for literature of all varieties.

If you found yourself with the Internet or computer or any electronics, and you wanted to read a good story or opinion or facts, wouldn't you pick and read a book?

>> No.1431595

I lawled.

Stick around. The people here do read books, but trust me, they hate them.

>> No.1431600
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You know what /lit/ loves?

When you post your penis.

>> No.1431618

Okay, you guys read books. That's good!

If you like the content in books that you read, then why do say you hate books then?

I really don't get it. lol

Fair enough, this is 4chan and all.

>> No.1431630

The internet is this big, self-reflexive, recursive, ongoing text that we assemble on our own.

Reading the internet is associative, digressive, etc.

Not saying these are for or against any claim you may be addressing, OP, but it's just how I'm coming to think of the digital media.

>> No.1431634

I know some carpenters that are anti-intellectual. The irony is that they're some of the smartest people I know and can do things in ten minutes I'd take years to figure out.

human intelligence takes many forms. Huh, who knew?

>> No.1431646

Most people don't enjoy reading because it's not really a leisure activity for children anymore. Thus it gets associated solely with school, work, or church, and people dread it accordingly.

>> No.1431650
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>The internet is this big, self-reflexive, recursive, ongoing text that we assemble on our own
you trying to say i'm schizo bro, is that what this is!?

>> No.1431653

I can't argue with that. Good points.

However we are capable of writing our own books. Those can be distributed in book stores, libraries, thrift stores, etc.

Granted books are objects and it takes effort to read, write, edit, bind and distribute them. You can apply the Internet principle to books, but it's not as instant as the Internet.

But I don't deny the wonders of the Internet. I have a hug book collection that I enjoy when the Internet either isn't working or if I'm bored with it.

To each their own though.

>> No.1431657

I never said anyone is stupid for not reading books. :)

>> No.1431659

if i talk to you, does that mean im masturbating

hurry up and anser already

>> No.1431666

Well shit good point.

Books nowadays are associated with work because our damned system, both private and public, turns them into work!

Why must the modern world do this?! D:

>> No.1431670

/lit/ is a nice board, we don't want it fucked up. Save your shit for /b/.

>> No.1431672

The interesting thing about the internet, though, is hyperlinking. The entire web is essentially one massive text that contains other texts.

There are some really interesting articles in the field of composition studies about the web's erosion of the idea of authorship, because authorship doesn't matter for much of the web. Look at 4chan--we're all (read: mostly essentially) anonymous.

>> No.1431679

im not because being anonymous only makes me look like everyone else. and everybody should be themselves. then i could finally get some friends