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14315139 No.14315139 [Reply] [Original]

Talking about Schopenhauer or Spinoza has made me lose friends.

>> No.14315144

you can only blame yourself

>> No.14315145

Their works offend my peers.

>> No.14315146

Not everyone is worth being friends with

>> No.14315149

Really? Sometimes I'll quote his stuff on women and get a laugh

>> No.14315158

yea that's sort of funny, but life diminishing things, such as no free will or that everyone is inherently selfish seems to strike a nerve

>> No.14315163

>this convo is heading in a bad direction
>should i withdraw from the dangerous waters and preserve my friendship?
>theyre still my friends, i just now know i cant talk to them about X and Y
>"guys, how come no one wants to be my fren"

>> No.14315166

But then again i have strengthened other frenships. But i still find it weird how philosophy will butthurt people to such an extent.

>> No.14315175

How did it make you lose friends? How butthurt would they be by Evola?

>> No.14315181

im hesitant to believe the strengthening of your friendship came from the demise of your others.
you might have found someone else who also enjoy talking philosophy, but theyre not your friend because you took a philo shit on your other friends. theyre your friend because they like philo too.
people are fickle and weird. no need to make people butthurt unless theres a good reason to.
especially when it, by all intents and purposes, seems to stem from a exercise of vanity.

>> No.14315194

I didn't say butthurting some of my friends strengthened others, i meant talking about philosophy has strengthened frenships with frens that also like it.

Also >Exercise of vanity
Please elaborate, i'm very keen on psychology stuff. Are you thinking i do this to portray some sort of "oh yea i'm so smart, look i read books and do deep thoughts" kind of thing?

>> No.14315207

Because both Spinoza and Schopenhauer talk about life diminishing shit, and i guess my friends didn't enjoy any of it.

>> No.14315238

See there's your problem. You think that your friends want to hang out and then hear some depressing shit? No, they want to go out and have fun

>> No.14315239
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If you had read Schopenhauer, you'd know that a true man of inner worth would do better to be without friends than to debase himself by such associations.

>> No.14315242

But i enjoy having discussions about it, i don't think it's all that unreasonable to expect others to find it interesting too.

>> No.14315269

Not him, but I found that almost everyone likes talking about philosophy. It really is an exception when someone finds it boring/annoying

>> No.14315286

yeah. im thinking someone dumb enough to lose friends over something as trite as a philo discussion is a
>"oh yea i'm so smart, look i read books and do deep thoughts kind of person"

there was probably a point in the convo where it clearly was treading muddy waters. there was probably a point where one of the participants made a negative reaction stronger than normally associated with friendly banter. there was probably a point where you felt the blood pumping through your veins and your heart rate increasing because "shit just got teeeeense"
and you chose to keep pushing forward anyway.

>> No.14315296

Got it

>> No.14315300

But let's be honest, butthurting NPCs is based

>> No.14315322

Not when they're your friends

>> No.14315327
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Let's call it "taking out the trash"

>> No.14315362

Losing friends because they didn't have as high of an interest as you in philosophy is stupid. You say you have friends that do like philosophy. Good, talk about that with them and discuss something else with the friends that aren't as interested.

>> No.14315370

Why does Spinoza offend them?

>> No.14315372

Now imagine if you explain the categorical imperative to normies.

>> No.14315378

His stuff regarding social interaction and the affections. Also some stuff about might is right and whatever

>> No.14315383

Oh and how God (or Existence) doesn't give a fuck, and has no human traits and is not looking out for you.

>> No.14316627

Are your friends religious tweens?

>> No.14316673

And? If I could, I would ghost all of my friends and spend my time reading instead. Too bad I can't do that.

>> No.14316900

Cope friendcel, and have sex (by being urself)

>> No.14316940
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Talking in general has never worked for me, I should mime.

>> No.14316951
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>> No.14316997
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I mean, I get why schopie might get that reaction, but I can't even imagine someone soft enough to get offended by Spinoza. That's just pathetic.
Most people have a passing interest in philosophy, even if they know nothing about it.
There's only a small subset that cares enough to really study it, and another small set who deliberately avoid it. Most people are somewhere in between.
I can't imagine wanting to be around people who are genuinely put off by philosophy, how could you enjoy the company of somebody who is hostile to any sort of self examination? That sounds awful.
Of course there's a difference between casually discussing philosophy and dropping schopie on someone who hasn't even heard of plato.

>> No.14317033
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You should dance...