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14314181 No.14314181 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book that explains how fascism is the only economic system left that opposes capitalism? Socialism has failed utterly everywhere either collapsing into a liberal regime (USSR/Eastern Bloc) or reforming to take on liberal characteristics (China/Vietnam). Clearly a nationalist-motivated martial part that takes control of the state to direct and punish the bourgeoisie is the only answer, so what books explain the theory here?

>> No.14314192

>fascism is an economic system

>> No.14314206

>I don't know what fascism is:the post

>> No.14314219

Fascism isn’t an economic system you fucking retard, go back to pol you midwit

>> No.14314222

the governance of china
4th political theory

>> No.14314228

Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship
The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism

>> No.14314236

>I don't know what fascism is:the post

>> No.14314260

The shorts could be used to worship a males ass as well

>> No.14314276

contemporary fascists, with their random violent outbursts, are the stooges of a media driven moral panic that is ultimately designed to entrench liberalism even further but with a totalitarian aspect i.e. more mass surveillance and thought regulation.
fascists are totalitarian control freaks, not freedom fighters. they are fine with this development in general, they just fantasize about taking the whole thing over. they don't want to smash the system like some of their propaganda argues, they just want to pilot it and murder anyone they don't like.

>> No.14314282

Unlikely to retain a tight seal. Women and men have different shapes that brap barons must confront without delusion

>> No.14314288

THE LORD: thou shall have no other gods before me
Man: booty

>> No.14314289

you realize fascism has failed utterly everywhere it has been attempted as well, right? either collapsing into a liberal regime (Nazi Germany) or reforming to take on liberal characteristics (Francoist Spain)

>> No.14314297

>I think corporatism is a specific economic system and defines fascism
bruh moment

>> No.14314340

What are you even talking about? An economy without export and import? Sounds like a country waiting to get dabbed on.

>> No.14314360

>What's a good book that explains
This is the surest sign that a thread should be deleted.

>> No.14314469

Ah yes, I remember all those fascist countries that did not fail utterly everywhere, such as

>> No.14314499


>> No.14314507

North Korea is unheemable now that they have both nukes and missiles

>> No.14314520

What fascist state, especially one which opposed capital power ever survived? What was the fate of Japan, Germany, Italy, and Spain? If your logic is that socialims histroically failed, then what of fascism? Everything is POWER and capital has power. Capital can only defeat itself via imminent critique, irrationality and revolution that destroys it globally. Fascism is not up to this task.

>> No.14314539

imagine the smell

>> No.14314575


>> No.14314576
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what the fuck is fascism? :/

>> No.14314623

The only people who believe fascism is an economic system are king brainlets
It's notorious for not giving a flying fuck about economics

>> No.14314743

The premise of the thread is that socialism can't be an answer because it always fails

>> No.14314770

Yes independent of direct hard power interference, socialist nations have either collapsed economically or reformed into quasi-capitalist states. What's your point?

>> No.14314789

fascism is just state racism
the nazis wanted to kill everyone without blonde hair and blue eyes

>> No.14314815

>Socialism always fails, so fascism is our only option
>But fascism always fails
>Ummmm how is that relevant sweatie

>> No.14314832

Yes. Fascism is most productive economic system ever known to man, as evidenced by all the aircraft carriers and four engine bombers built by Nazi Germany.

>> No.14314841

show tits

>> No.14314844

Fascism failed because the inferior systems of the world teamed up to bring down the superior system through direct military intervention. Socialism failed without such an intervention because it was the most inferior system. The fact that fascist was such a thread in the first place is evidence enough that it is superior to either of the system that had to team up in order to defeat it.

>> No.14314863
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>> No.14314884

Wasn’t me. But he’s right.
Fascism is to liberal capitalism what jihadists are to Muslims. They have nothing new economically.

>> No.14314899

How is fascism capitalism if the bourgeoisie no longer are the be-all end-all owners of the means of production?

>> No.14314922


>> No.14314925

>I don't know what fascism is:the post

>> No.14314933

>33 replies
>noone pointing out that OP pic a photo of a screen and OP is a zoomer who should commit not living
i hate everyone in this thread, espacially you, butterfag
zoomers and phoneposters should be deported

>> No.14315011

>Socialism failed without such an intervention
Did you miss the biggest superpower the world has ever seen spending decades bombing to oblivion every country that ever had somebody whisper the word "socialism?" Holy shit

>> No.14315057

Yeah my favorite epoch in history is when the US bombed the Eastern Bloc and the USSR and fought tooth and nail to kick those pesky Reds out of Moscow! Yeah ok you stupid fucking boomer that's not what happened old man.

>> No.14315071

How did the fascists treat the bourgeoisie again?
The only kind of fascism that doesn’t bring the enmity of the world on its head is the kind of fascism that cuts a sweet deal with the power elites, the wealthy oligarchy. Hitler a Moosey cut deals with their locals wealth, sure they threw their weight around them too, but they weren’t jailed. They weren’t gassed like jews, homosexuals, deformed and socialists. Their families survive to this day.

>> No.14315080


>> No.14315111

Similarly to how feudal nobles treated medieval burghers, fascists allowed bourgeoisie to go about their business so long as it did not interfere with the interests of the nation as espoused by the party. Ultimately though, the bourgeoisie were not the end deciders of what was made or why. They made what the party demanded and if they took any actions to go against the interests of the nations they were punished. Unless you're going to argue that feudalism was capitalism, I don't know how you could justify saying that fascism is capitalism.

Oh shit nice could you point out to me where on this list it says the US marched across Eastern Europe liberating the Eastern Bloc by force before storming Moscow and militarily defeating socialism in Russia?

>> No.14315117

Fascism inevitably dissolves back into liberal Capitalism.
Fascism was simply a temporary solution to the economic catastrophe of the early 1900s for some countries. After the top-down power structure fixed the problems, the powers that be had no incentive to try to maintain them and fascism simply collapsed.
Franco's heir may have been assassinated but it was the monarchy that handed power over to democracy

>> No.14315136

>Ultimately though, the bourgeoisie were not the end deciders of what was made or why
Not so with Spain, Portugal and Chile
>Unless you're going to argue that feudalism was capitalism
Baby capitalism.
But as I already said above Fascism is to liberal capitalism what jihadists are to Islam. It’s not free market capitalism, but then what ever is?
>... before storming Moscow and militarily defeating socialism in Russia?
Clinton Yeltsin dealio

>> No.14315161

Itt: the only good response

>> No.14315173

This is succinctly it.

>> No.14315178

>Not so with Spain, Portugal and Chile
Chile was never fascist so I'm interested to hear what you think was fascist there. The fascists in Spain never took power as Franco purged them after the Civil War so again not sure what you're referencing. In Portugal the bourgeoisie were entirely at the will of the New State and it remained this way until American and Soviet-backed rebels destroyed the empire in the 60s and 70s.

>Baby capitalism.
Are you saying that feudalism was baby capitalism? Can you explain this? How? They were entirely different modes of production, literally everything and anyone in history worth listening to disagrees with you and I'd tend to side with them because you're kind of fucking stupid and you have poorly thought out arguments that you change on a whim to try to win individual arguments without realizing that this baselessness is exactly why you always lose.

>> No.14315184

Wow that hit it right on the nose

>> No.14315189

Those times weren’t real fascism though..

Deluded faggot this is what happens when you drink the coolade

>> No.14315202

According to who? Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania were all clearly fascist and they were snuffed out by the combined power of capitalism and socialism because fascism is the superior system and any nation that takes it up becomes an immediate threat to both systems by virtue of this fact.

>> No.14315205
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Early stages, not technically capitalism, but clearly not much has changed

>> No.14315231
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>different mode of production
>different owners of the means of production

>> No.14315253

Is Marx's characterization of the Feudal mode of production still valid or dated?

>> No.14315264

>i em teh smrt. i hev lotsa dum-jack pichurs
>French cint history fer shit

>> No.14315284

>no actual comeback
I'll chalk this up as another time I've made you look stupid.

>> No.14315368
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>> No.14315732

This. Fascists have no concrete principles, economics or philosophy outside of whatever will acquire them political power at the time. A lot of Marxists will conflate fascism with racism, but the only recurring theme with fascists is that they bait the working class into accepting authoritarianism by peddling honeyed traditionalism and bastardized virtue ethics to them and then meld with whatever power structure exists at the time.
It's sad because they tap into

>> No.14315790

You know there are other crucial factors that lead to one country defeating another in an open war exterior to their immediate ideology correct?

>> No.14315984
File: 4 KB, 316x160, 896E6015-DFAE-40E3-B38E-2D9BCA7F2872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be the ‘superior’ system
>constantly lose because of hubris, over-aggression, and lack of productivity mean that you keep entering into conflicts you can’t win

>> No.14316141

Not even a leftist but it's kind of hard to give socialism a fair shot with those pesky CIA-backed police/military coups that keep cropping up every time it gets started