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14313806 No.14313806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate christianity and all it stands for. I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.
I'm looking for books about characters who hate christianity. Not Dawkins-tier anglofag "muh science", but stories that center around a character struggling against christianity. like an anti-Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.14313820

Wouldn't it be better to just move on with your life and not carry around so much negative baggage? Or just read some Satanist literature I guess, idk.
>and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.

You mean sex?

>> No.14313827
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>the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.

>> No.14313830

>I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.
The ultimate brainlet take. I view the anti-sexual views of Christianity to be the only thing of redeeming value to the entire religion and attribute it for the sole propagator of intellectual progress, which has its roots with Plato.

>> No.14313848
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Based beyond belief.
>nooo sex is morally wrooooong, you can't even wash your own butthole in the shower because you'll go to hell for it
>noooo nudity is a sin, kids will turn into satan himself if they see a female nipple in a medical illustration
>nooo pleasuring your wife in bed isn't necessary, sex shouldn't be fun
>noooo life shouldn't be enjoyable and you shouldn't be happy, you should work yoruself to the bone every day and you should suffer
>noooo don't resort to righteous anger against evil. just let the bad guy rape your children and murder your dog. Offer him your niece to rape next, turn the other cheek bro
>noooo you can't just defend yourself from attack
incel cope.

>> No.14313873


>> No.14313893

Spooked and strawmanned beyond belief.

>> No.14313932
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>I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between two men, and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.

>> No.14313937

>I hate christianity and all it stands for. I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.
Where the fuck do people get these ideas?

>> No.14313941

Like this is up there with ranting about how the Saracens worship Termagant.

>> No.14313943

Gore Vidal novel about that Roman emperor

>> No.14313948

Sincerely this except it's not the only redeeming value, but it is one of the better aspects.

>> No.14313950

>For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
>25 Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.
>26 I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.

>> No.14313951

Dostoyevsky - Demons

>> No.14313952

Julian. Good rec.

>> No.14313954

Sex isn’t a sin as long as it’s within the bounds of marriage. Your understanding of the Bible is rather flawed

>> No.14313961
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>I hate christianity and all it stands for. I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between catboys and called the most beautiful act they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.

>> No.14313962
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Yikes. If you want to read books that affirm your worthless sentiment, that I suggest you start with Martin Luther. He reconciles the "problem" (only a problem to small sensualist brains like yours)

>> No.14313978

thats wrong. if you use birth control even within a marriage, its a sin, if you have sex for pleasure at all, its a sin, if you have sex while you're wife is on her period or is pregnant, its a sin. sex is literally only for procreation, marriage isn't a get out of sin free card.

>> No.14313987
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>sex and masturbation good.

>> No.14313994

>Sex isn’t a sin as long as it’s within the bounds of marriage.

This isn't the teaching of the catechism.

>> No.14314918

You need to be at least 18 to be on this site my friend.

>> No.14314931

Why is being an NPC bad?

>> No.14314949

>Marriage is an earthly institution
>God doesn't have anything to say on this subject, but if you want my personal judgment celibacy is good if you're cut out for it.


>> No.14314972

>christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish
yeah fucking 500 guys starting at age 14 before settling down with some beta at 30, your 12yo son twerking shirtless at gay pride parades, seeing girls on the street being the equivalent of looking at softcore porn and free online porn with no age checking is certainly "the most beautiful thing men and women are capable of sharing" and it's all christianity's fault that it's going away and being sequestered into the bedroom, those damn prudes

>> No.14314996

The Songs of Maldoror, doesn't really attack the substance of Christianity the dude just tons of fucked up shit because he hates God

>> No.14315030
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Came here to say this.
I also got Ibsen’s book/play on him

>> No.14315162

No worry anon, you are growing, soon you going to see your past and laughing about the idiot things that you believed. It's happened to everybody after pass their late10s.

>> No.14315707


It's fairly edgy, but there's enough emotional depth and complexity in the work to recommend Maldoror to you, anon. Large portions of the work are spent hating, imprecating and mocking god, while a minority of other passages suggest a schizophrenic desire to do good.

>> No.14315747

Why are Christlarpers so retarded? Even the Muslims are not this bad.

>> No.14315794

Well at least you’re consistent.

>> No.14315925
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Luke 14:26
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

>> No.14316269

>I hate Christianity because I'm a coomer
Even the anglojew 'positivism' would be an improvement for you.

>> No.14316271

Beyond based.

>> No.14316347
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>The Old Testament ... in no way rejected eros as such; rather, it declared war on a warped and destructive form of it, because this counterfeit divinization of eros actually strips it of its dignity and dehumanizes it. Indeed, the prostitutes in the temple, who had to bestow this divine intoxication, were not treated as human beings and persons, but simply used as a means of arousing “divine madness”: far from being goddesses, they were human persons being exploited. An intoxicated and undisciplined eros, then, is not an ascent in “ecstasy” towards the Divine, but a fall, a degradation of man. Evidently, eros needs to be disciplined and purified if it is to provide not just fleeting pleasure, but a certain foretaste of the pinnacle of our existence, of that beatitude for which our whole being yearns.
>Man is truly himself when his body and soul are intimately united; the challenge of eros can be said to be truly overcome when this unification is achieved. Should he aspire to be pure spirit and to reject the flesh as pertaining to his animal nature alone, then spirit and body would both lose their dignity. On the other hand, should he deny the spirit and consider matter, the body, as the only reality, he would likewise lose his greatness.
>Yet it is neither the spirit alone nor the body alone that loves: it is man, the person, a unified creature composed of body and soul, who loves. Only when both dimensions are truly united, does man attain his full stature. Only thus is love—eros—able to mature and attain its authentic grandeur.
>Nowadays Christianity of the past is often criticized as having been opposed to the body; and it is quite true that tendencies of this sort have always existed. Yet the contemporary way of exalting the body is deceptive. Eros, reduced to pure “sex”, has become a commodity, a mere “thing” to be bought and sold, or rather, man himself becomes a commodity. This is hardly man's great “yes” to the body. On the contrary, he now considers his body and his sexuality as the purely material part of himself, to be used and exploited at will. Nor does he see it as an arena for the exercise of his freedom, but as a mere object that he attempts, as he pleases, to make both enjoyable and harmless. Here we are actually dealing with a debasement of the human body: no longer is it integrated into our overall existential freedom; no longer is it a vital expression of our whole being, but it is more or less relegated to the purely biological sphere. The apparent exaltation of the body can quickly turn into a hatred of bodiliness. Christian faith, on the other hand, has always considered man a unity in duality, a reality in which spirit and matter compenetrate, and in which each is brought to a new nobility. True, eros tends to rise “in ecstasy” towards the Divine, to lead us beyond ourselves; yet for this very reason it calls for a path of ascent, renunciation, purification and healing.

>> No.14316351

>if you have sex for pleasure at all, its a sin, if you have sex while you're wife is on her period or is pregnant, its a sin
these two arent correct

>> No.14316392

Actually read Plato.

>> No.14316435

I've gone thru Christian hating periods, realized whoever inspired the Jesus stories was probably a top lad, but on topic your sexuality take away is just not accurate.

>> No.14316456

>sex is morally wrooooong
Outside of marrriage it is.
>can't even wash your own butthole
Yes you can.
>nudity is a sin, kids will turn into satan himself if they see a female nipple in a medical illustration
>pleasuring your wife in bed isn't necessary
Well it isn't.
>sex shouldn't be fun
It doesn't have to be but neither is it forbidden.
>life shouldn't be enjoyable
Yes it should be what's wrong with you lmao?
>and you shouldn't be happy
Yes you should be.
>you should work yoruself to the bone every day and you should suffer
No you shouldn't. We are not capitalism 0.9
>don't resort to righteous anger against evil
It is explicitly stated that wrath is okay as long as it's within the bounds of reason.
>just let the bad guy rape your children and murder your dog
The Bible states that those who don't take care of their own deserve punishment and condemnation.
>Offer him your niece to rape next, turn the other cheek bro
That's literally not what turn the other cheek means.
>you can't just defend yourself from attack
Of course you can.

Wow, anti-christian retard btfo.
I'm glad you demonstrated what caliber of people proclaim themselves as my enemies. It gives me great comfort to know.

>> No.14316473

i think you guys have a wrong idea of what christianity is
you know that pacifism is a very modern thing and no christians ever followed it, even jesus taught his followers to be armed
also theres nothing wrong with sex, you should read thomas aquinas explanation why sex outside of marriage is wrong, its very practical and rational actually

>> No.14316481

>intimacy between man and woman
LMAO, like you've ever experienced any of that.

Protip: porn isn't intimacy.

>> No.14316484

Read Father Sergius

>> No.14316487

This is completely wrong. Have you read Song of Songs? Please post the verses where it says you can't enjoy sex. The no birth control thing is only Catholic.
>source: dude trust me
You are just making shit up. Post verses.

>> No.14316492

>he thinks catholics are christian

>> No.14316498

>I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.
Could you expand upon this?

>> No.14316503

>he thinks protestants are christian

>> No.14316509
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Holy baste!
You're a literal retard, at least Dawkins has argument, you are just a coomerbrain.

>> No.14316513

read Baudelaire

>> No.14316719
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>Whoever inspired the Jesus stories

Read some history m8

>> No.14316742

>thinks sex is the most beautiful thing a man and women can do
The most beautiful intimacy between a man and women is a deep love (and possibly creating children) not sex which without love is a shallow endeavour. I'm not even pro-christianity but the idea that they encourage this and discourage mindless casual sex is a good thing since the natural impulse is so strong.

>> No.14316766

>nudity is a sin
"the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."

>pleasuring your wife in bed isn't necessary, sex shouldn't be fun
"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe.
Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love."

>life shouldn't be enjoyable and you shouldn't be happy
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." "I commend joy"

>noooo you can't just defend yourself from attack
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." "let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one"

>> No.14316773

And don't forget the Canaanite Woman, Jesus was a racist referring to her as a "dog".

>> No.14316937

you just sound like a roastie or a roastie lover who wants all the perks of non-promiscuous women/dating them for sluts.

>> No.14316948

I'm a hard skeptic who doesn't even believe I'm here so good luck convincing me of 1990 year old events, any text I read is merely corresponding to a potential event but as far as verifying one? Good luck

>> No.14316972

You need to stop watching anime immediately.

>> No.14317196

The Christian view takes sex as beautiful too. It just views the act of sex in to create another life. So to a Christian the idea of sex for pleasure even if it is with someone you love is removing an important element of what makes sex special, inherently devaluing sex. Ergo it is less that Christianity views sex as sinful but it views sex as beautiful in totality and when not done right is a bastardisation if the true beauty for selfish reasons

>> No.14317267

You are allowed to use the calendar method as a catholic.
>inb4 its not 100 effective
Well neither are condoms or the pill, and having some days when you gotta rein it in is actually good for you, because it teaches discipline.
>b-but I already have 2.5 kids
If you are not willing to take risks you shouldn't have sex anyways, because safe sex is a myth.

>> No.14317306

>not being sinful with your wife
It's 'illegal' because that only makes it hotter.

>> No.14317509

>I specifically hate how christianity has sundered the intimacy between man and woman and called the most beautiful they are capable of sharing a perversity that god will ultimately abolish.
Ok, coomer

>> No.14317518

fucking kek

>> No.14317887

Sexuality is just aesthetic appreciation plus biology. Don't get too obsessed over it.

>> No.14318232

>tipping atheist
>anime poster

do you get tired of being a stereotype?

>> No.14318337

>sex shouldn't be fun
it shouldn't just be about fun


>> No.14319319
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read the summa, coomers

>> No.14319329

>he thinks he will have sex in the eutralpalius state
you dont even need to be christian to see this is bullshit

>> No.14319336

calendar method is still sinful

>> No.14319342

i think the calender method would defeat the catholic idea of pleasure and reproduction as the ends especially since you are aware of what you are doing.

>> No.14319355

Why are ALL anime posters pseuds? Not even disagreeing with whatever the take here is meant to be, but holy shit every post they make is dripping with melodrama to try and mask a complete lack of depth

>> No.14319364

its like a oil painter who forgot to put on his glasses and starts critiquing a photograph for its brush work

>> No.14319366


>> No.14319415

Needing to represent yourself in such a way comes from an immature mindset

>> No.14319420

> try and mask a complete lack of depth
> a complete lack of depth
> lack of depth
I think i found your answer: Animeposters are worthless bugmen with no depth of character who view the highest ideal is merely to consume, reproduce, and sleep. They despise the endevours of the hand and cannot fathom the idea of higher ideals or legacy, to them NOW is the only thing that matters and everything else is a waste of time. It might explain why they've never made anything worth a damn.

>> No.14319432

You can see this idea in actual anime as well. Any sentimentality just comes off as completely forced and almost insincere. Maturity for these people is violence and dark stories, there is no emotional depth to it whatsoever past the most superficial crap

>> No.14319436


>> No.14319538

> Any sentimentality just comes off as tripe and saccharine

>> No.14319759

I imagine >>14313806 is using his image as an example of what he sees christian morality as being in opposition to, an apparently innocent and wholesome ideal of femininity and sexuality.

Anime, being primarily a medium of simple and aesthetically pleasing forms, lends itself well to this, hence the use here, and its popularity in general.

>> No.14319835
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>> No.14319854

i mean according to the anime utopia promiscuity has almost no downsides. Though its morbidly fun to inquire the mental degradation and physiological horror of said utopia

>> No.14319867
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>> No.14320047

Because mom made them go to church at the age of 13 and they have never gotten over it to the point that they not only detest the church they went to but everyone in it. Also they don’t read Classical Christian philosophy so there’s that

>> No.14320058

How do I stand apart from a religion when I appreciate and share parts of its cosmology?

>> No.14320104 [DELETED] 

I've actually read Telegony study this anon cites and I feel he's being somewhat hasty in the conclusions he draws
While a correlation was found in larval size between females that had initially been mated to the larger males, the size in this case wasn't a genetic factor, the two groups of male insects had been raised on different diets.
The effects were non-genetic in nature, and the offspring were either genetically a product of the second male (the vast majority of the time) or clearly not (in a small number of cases). There wasn't any mention of genetic contamination of the later offspring, and for the cases where the offspring were sired by the first male, it's likely what happened was some of the females eggs had matured early.

It's also worth mentioning that both mating events took place within a single reproductive cycle of the female, and to my knowledge, flies don't have more than one reproductive cycle to begin with - biologically, they're very different from humans.
The study mentions that the size of the second male had no correlation with the size of the larva, but I couldn't find any mention of whether this was the case or not in the groups where the female was prevented from mating with he first male. It could be the case that this species of fly mates multiple times as a natural part of its reproductive cycle, and it's the timing of the mating events that presumably imparts these characteristics.

All in all, it's a stretch to say this knowledge applies to humans, and in general I feel the study leaves some important questions unanswered.

>> No.14320132 [DELETED] 

I've actually read the Telegony study this anon cites and I feel he's being somewhat hasty in the conclusions he draws.

While a correlation was found in larval size between females that had initially been mated to the larger males, the size in this case wasn't a genetic factor, the two groups of male insects had been raised from the start on distinct diets, specifically intended to create these differences.
The effects were non-genetic in nature, and the offspring were either genetically a product of the second male (the vast majority of the time) or clearly not (in a small number of cases). There wasn't any mention of genetic contamination of the later offspring, and for the cases where the offspring were sired by the first male, the reasonable assumption is that some of the females eggs matured early.
It's also worth mentioning that both mating events took place within a single reproductive cycle of the female, and to my knowledge, these flies don't have more than one reproductive cycle to begin with, in that regard, being very different from humans.
The study mentions that the size of the second male had no correlation with the size of the larva, but I couldn't find any mention of whether this was the case or not in the groups where the female was prevented from mating with he first male. It could be the case that this species of fly mates multiple times as a natural part of its reproductive cycle, and it's the timing of the mating events that imparts these characteristics.

All in all, it's a massive stretch to say this knowledge applies to humans, and in general I feel the study isn't perfect and leaves some important questions unanswered.

>> No.14320159

fuck I fuck up my english then the quote, fuck it
I've actually read the Telegony study this anon cites and I feel he's being somewhat hasty in the conclusions he draws.

While a correlation was found in larval size between females that had initially been mated to the larger males, the size in this case wasn't a genetic factor, the two groups of male insects had been raised from the start on distinct diets, specifically intended to create these differences.
The effects were non-genetic in nature, and the offspring were either genetically a product of the second male (the vast majority of the time) or clearly not (in a small number of cases). There wasn't any mention of genetic contamination of the later offspring, and for the cases where the offspring were sired by the first male, the reasonable assumption is that some of the females eggs matured early.

It's also worth mentioning that both mating events took place within a single reproductive cycle of the female, and to my knowledge, these flies don't have more than one reproductive cycle to begin with, in that regard, being very different from humans.
The study mentions that the size of the second male had no correlation with the size of the larva, but I couldn't find any mention of whether this was the case in the groups where the female was prevented from mating with the first male. We could potentially assume that this species of fly mates multiple times as a natural part of its reproductive cycle, and it's the timing of these mating events that imparts these characteristics.

All in all, it's a massive stretch to say this knowledge applies to humans, and in general I feel the study isn't perfect and leaves some important questions unanswered.

>> No.14320516

>it's Christianity's fault!
Going for the easy target anon? Islam is far worse nigger

>> No.14321972

Is it either?

>> No.14322168

Christians are the most persecuted group in the world, and it should stay that way. Kill all of them.