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/lit/ - Literature

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14312252 No.14312252 [Reply] [Original]

Are women good writers?

>My next IRL date had just moved to New York by way of Europe and was a collector of small stories and observations. Our chats took the form of long blocks of text. Anecdotes swapped and interrogated.

>But these stories became grotesque in real life. My date spent most of our dinner conversation monologuing about how Americans were “very fat”, which made it difficult to enjoy my chiles rellenos. But when we went back to his apartment for a drink, it was beautifully decorated: full of plants and woven hangings and a bicycle propped against a shelf full of novels. He was smart and handsome and sort of an asshole, but perhaps in a way that would mellow over time in a Darcy-ish manner. We drank some wine and eventually I said I should go home but he got up and kissed me, kissed me well, so I told myself this was what online dating was like, and I should carpe diem and have an experience.

>During sex, he choked me. Not for long, and not very hard, but his hands manifested very suddenly around my throat in a way I know was meant to be sexy but which I found, from this relative stranger, totally frightening. I had not indicated this was something I liked, and neither had he. I know people are into that. I could even be into that. But not as a surprise.

>Afterwards, he chatted to me as I counted the appropriate number of minutes I needed to wait before making an exit that wouldn’t seem like I was running away. He said that he was really interested in mass shooters and the kinds of messages they left behind and, still naked in bed, he pulled out his phone and showed me a video from 4Chan. It was a compilation of mass shooters’ video manifestos, but set to comically upbeat music. It’s hilarious, he asserted. I said I had to go. The next day, and a few times after, he messaged asking why I had run away and gone dark.


>> No.14312287

This makes me angry.

>> No.14312303
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Here's the archive that way you don't give The Guardian any ad revenue

>> No.14312312

Extremely based and incredibly redpilled

>> No.14312319

Literally me

>> No.14312500

What a comfy life it sounds like that anon has. I aspire to be more like him.

>> No.14312613

poor ENFP chad

maybe he should learn to satisfy women before attempting to prove his majestic masculinity with force

>> No.14312654


/our guy/ got a shag and the man she supposedly fell in love with who was "authentic" for pointing out obvious social conventions comes across as a total bore - then he got dumped

>> No.14312690

i just really hate this type of dating scene where women and chads can go through more partners than there are days in the year

>> No.14312696

So we dont speak about her Knees? I thought this whole board is for posting Jezebels and pretend to read

>> No.14312803

She was doing bodyweight exercises on a carpet. Happens to my knees all the time.

>> No.14313202

Good read, I guess.

>> No.14313238

they could be. probably harder to find a good female writer nowadays because of all this pc shit. even most men now are wasting time talking about identity politics

>> No.14313297

Sucking dick isnt a legitimate form of exercise anon.

>> No.14313304
File: 214 KB, 922x578, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works out the cardiovascular system and your neck muscles
you must be a necklet
i suggest deep throat 3x5

>> No.14313309

>IRL date
What the actual FUCK is a non-IRL date? Watching a movie over skype? Jesus christ millennials are a scourge.

>> No.14313321

Cybersex you fucking boomer

>> No.14313323

The author of that article is also mid 30s roastie. I find it all very hard to believe

>> No.14313329

Cybersex in the age of porn is dumb as hell dude.

>> No.14313345

>X in the age of Y
>implying there was ever Cybersex outside of the age of porn

>> No.14313371

>he never used dialup
Text chatrooms was all many of us had in the early 2000s

>> No.14313378

But is phone sex really a viable form of cyber sex?

>> No.14313383


>> No.14313421
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Nie_big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are people like this made? I mean, the constant appeal to fragility and weakness, the thinly-veiled (yet deeply enrooted) defeatism? The constant need for reafirmation, be it physical (i. e. what people seek in such apps) or emotional?

How does one break people this way? Why would one do this to another?

>> No.14313971

This sounds very much like how I lost my virginity.