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14311378 No.14311378 [Reply] [Original]

Go to church

>> No.14311420

>becoming a refugee-worshipping, virtue-signaling, Jew-worshipping, race-mixing cuck
No thanks.

>> No.14311424


>> No.14311437

Enjoy your “enlightened liberalism” which is all that plus money-worship.

>> No.14311446

The people there will be mean to me.

>> No.14311452

I don't like orthodox churches. I'm too jaded, knowing how corrupt the fat fuck priests who waddle their way into their BMWs are, who charge prices for funerals, whose system is rife with nepotism.
I also don't like the orthodox art, it looks painted by an infant, inspires no awe, just repulsion and pity.

>> No.14311455
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>if you don't worship a literal kike and his foreskin-eating jinn dad liberalism is the only option left

>> No.14311457

churches are great, but jesus and god don’t exist and their teachings are meaningless

>> No.14311458


>> No.14311459

So at least it has one sensible thing going for it.

>> No.14311467

Honest question does God care if I pray at church or can I just as well do it at home in my jammies?

>> No.14311489
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>> No.14311494
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I hate fedoras so fucking much

>> No.14311504

the mass isn't just simple prayer, its a ritual celebration of Christ's sacrifice which he instituted and commanded that we do in remembrance of him.

>> No.14311589

What else is there?
Wanna be a pagan who practices human sacrifice? You know you're likely to be the one sacrificed?

>> No.14311627

Maybe. Do churches stay open on Christmas?

>> No.14311650

i just did and it fucking sucked my pastor went on about how repentance means white people feeling guilty for lynching niggers i fucking hate what christianity has become

>> No.14311685
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>> No.14311697
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>NOOOOOOOO you can’t hate the religion that the Jews created specially for you! I-I’m going to say that you wear a funny hat! That will teach you...!
>Praise Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef

>> No.14311704
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>> No.14311717
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>> No.14311721

>the real Israel is the Church

>> No.14311733

>we are more Jew than the Jews!
The absolute state... Christcuckoldry is truly a mind virus.

>> No.14311761

Christianity uproots an ethnic from its ancestral roots and makes it adopt a foreign mytho-history and give your children foreign names like David and dress with Bedouin clothes for Christmas to LARP as Mary and Joseph.

If that’s not spiritual and cultural cuckoldry I don’t know what is.

>> No.14311766

An ethnic group*

>> No.14311791

buddhism is based

>> No.14311814
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No, I wanna almost sacrifice my son to a volcano demon like your spiritual forefathers used to

>> No.14311819
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Ok, the woods are our "church"

>> No.14311822

>Just do it
>Join a cult
No thanks

>> No.14311835
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Ath***m is a cult

>> No.14311857

If there's anything history shows us, it's that most cultures on Earth came to yearn to be Semitic, doing everything they could to align themselves as closely as possible with their cultures. I view most Europeans to be "honorary Semites" at this point, rather than their respective ethno-linguistic backgrounds. You people have virtually no access to your own history, mythology, customs or beliefs anymore, and prefer instead to proudly adopt the legacy of people who were completely disconnected from you geographically, ethnically, linguistically and mythologically. Believing in the God of Israel with all your "heart, soul and mind" - as if doing so would eventually let you become the new "chosen people" of said deity. It's extremely bizarre, and very sad.

>> No.14311886

Things don't become more based the less true they are.

>> No.14311958

/pol/tards larping about racial and cultural purity as always. Tell me, why is this so sad to you? Taking "foreign" names and dressing in historical garb for historical skits on holidays isn't in any sense "white genocide."

>> No.14311976
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Buzz off with your semitism, return to the desersts from where you came from

>> No.14312044

I'm not from /pol/, and I couldn't care less about racial or cultural purity. But to see a group of people essentially try and roleplay being another, is extremely bizarre and certainly not healthy. This would be true regardless of who is doing it to whom, be it Africans roleplaying as Europeans or vice versa. Pretending to be part of their history, reading their mythology to your own children as if it were relevant to them rather than merely an education in world cultures, changing your naming scheme in favor of adopting theirs -- why is any of this necessary? If I were to do this with any other culture besides the one I was born into and raised under, it would earn much criticism and generally be received poorly by everyone outside of me. But if I do it in the context of religion, it's not only not strange, but somehow commendable. My point above was that Europeans don't even find it strange to have done this for centuries, and continue to be doing so. You can follow a religion faithfully, without pretending to be part of the ethnic progenitors of said faith, or related to them in some form.

>> No.14312103

Why does this bother you?

>> No.14312133

A classic devide and conquer. Gj shlomo

>> No.14312204

Why do weaboos disturb Japanese and non-Japanese people alike? Because you can partake in a culture without pretending to be from it. But what makes it even cringier in the case of Europeans is when they profess to be against "Jews" and "Jewishness", while themselves having Jewish names, a Hebrew-dialect speaking Jewish rabbi for their "messiah", Jewish mythology for their foundational worldview, Hebrew scriptures as part of their collection of holy books, a Jewish deity as their God, a tabernacle in their Church, and many other articles directly of the culture they claim distance to and dissimilarity from. It's the most bizarre thing one could imagine, but just like weaboos are allowed to be themselves I guess so do the anti-Semitic-honorary-Semites have the right to be as well.

>> No.14312245

I really want to take my Catholic faith seriously at University right now, but I just can't do it. Every Catholic on this campus is either a boomer neo-liberal conservative, a progressivist that wants to completely change the Church, a crypto-pentacostal that just wants to sing and dance, or frat bros / sororiety sisters that just go to mass since their dad sent them to Catholic school.

Coming from a small latin mass parish where I grew up, it is literally like I am practicing a different religion at university. If you truly want to practice the faith in a genuine way, you have to be ready to be completely ostracized from EVERYTHING. The ""Christian"" groups on this campus have parties just like the secular groups. Some girl was unironically talking about a Keg Race at her frat right before praying our group rosary last week. I cannot understand what goes through the mind of these people. Why even bother with religion if you don't care about it whatsoever. If you have moral failings, I get it, I am no better than anyone else. However, these people do not investigate one bit about the traditions of the Church. It is desired ignorance.

And considering that's what the Catholic groups are like, I don't even want to get started with the Protestant and secular ones. Far far worse. I don't understand how people can put up with university. It is all so tiring

>> No.14312275

This is the most funniest thing about trad cats is that they sell themselves and others the most absurd LARP about muh crusades, Deus vult when the Catholic Church is one of the most progressive and gay global institutions in the world right now.

>> No.14312308

Wow, you are projecting. I was raised going to the latin mass. I am not talking about the culture of internet traditionalism in any way at all and I said that the Catholic group on campus is better than the secular and other religious ones. However, I am still dissatisfied.

>> No.14312321

Obey the pope like a good catholic and start worshipping pachamama you cuck. Btw how many Somali refugees have you taken in your home yet?

>> No.14312337

>the same /pol/tard bait every time

>> No.14312347

begome orthodog

>> No.14312422

Based, thanks for the good image, you inspired me to go on a hike today.

>> No.14312426

Based, thanks for the good image, you inspired me to go on a hike today.

>> No.14312436

When people simply criticize pol for existing, it validates its purpose even more in my mind. Anything that makes people like you seeth this hard must be good for humanity.

>> No.14312455

>seeth this hard
I wrote a one line green text. If that's what seething is to you, you have psychological issues and need to get yourself checked out. I hope you are doing ok anon

>> No.14312481
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>> No.14312484


>> No.14312501

You seem to personally know a lot of antisemites.
If weaboos and Christians are one and the same to you, your perspective is heavily skewed.
Since you adamantly claimed that you're not antisemitic (despite also claiming that the bulk of Europe is), maybe, just maybe, you hate the concept of God?

>> No.14312535

>Catholics are holier than protestants
Your church is corrupt, most of your sacraments and traditions are extrabiblical, and your lack of focus on Christ leads millions astray. If you're going to take your faith seriously, you first need to really understand what it's all about—Christ.

>> No.14312544

No, I'm from India and the Upanishadic concept of God is what I believe in. But that said, I was referring to the posters on here and the rest of the internet, or the famous Christian figures who claimed antisemitism, not people I know in person.

>> No.14312576

No you.

>> No.14312589
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>sacrificing your foreskin to lick refugee feet

>> No.14312597

Circumcision was done away with in the new law, you realize that. It is completely optional

>> No.14312618
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>you guys don't even focus on Christ!!!!
okay buddy, go receive communio- oh wait...

>> No.14312624

>the secular state has to tell child raping priests to stop sacrificing foreskins to Yahweh

>> No.14312631

You realize the new law is the theological one enacted by Christ and not anything to do with politics. Holy shit you are stupid.

>> No.14312640

>new law
>isn't new
>isn't law
So this is the spirituality of biting a cracker

>> No.14312676

Not too often a /lit/ poster admits their spiritual beliefs are rooted in eastern pseudoscience
>famous Christians have SINNED
yes, and?

>> No.14312692 [DELETED] 

You believe that communion is the only way to communion is the only way to commune with an omniscient God? Unironically yikes. Your point wouldn't make sense even if that were true as 90% of protestant denominations observe communion and baptism.

>> No.14312715

You believe that communion is the only way to commune with an omniscient God? Unironically yikes. Even if that were so (it isn't, read Paul), your point is moot because 90% of protestant denominations observe communion as well as baptism.

>> No.14312746

No, I'm not a Christian. Why would I go to church?

>> No.14312757

>90% of protestant denominations observe communion
lol no they don't. only lutherans do, and some variants of anglican. almost no american prots believe in the real presence

>> No.14312782
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Because it's never too late.

>> No.14312786

That why the nordic countries were forced to convert or either face war or have their rivals empowered by the church to subvert the current king. They just yearned to abandon their thousand year old Tradition

>> No.14312800

Now someone do one with Guenon targeting the orgodox

>> No.14312841

Not even Catholics believe in transubstantiation anymore. Consider whether or not such a thing is really necessary.

>> No.14312854
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>Consider whether or not such a thing is really necessary.

>> No.14312864

>tfw russian
>tfw want to become catholic
>tfw it is difficult and bureaucratic
why did we choose byzantium

>> No.14312919

>I really want to take my Catholic faith seriously at University right now, but I just can't do it. Every Catholic....

What every other Catholic does should be completely irrelevant to you.

>If you truly want to practice the faith in a genuine way, you have to be ready to be completely ostracized from EVERYTHING.

This is what Christ said would happen to those who chose to follow him.

If you want inspiration look to the lives of the Saints. Check out Imitation of Christ by Kempis if you can.

>> No.14312924


The best thing you can do for others is pray.

>> No.14312964

I know that Christ said it. That's why I said it. I've already read the Imitation of Christ. Do you make me to be something of a neophyte? I said I was raised a practicing Catholic and still am to some extent.

It's nice that you say such things, but I highly doubt you understand what it is like to put it into practice. To think that one can just be some sort of hermit in the midst of college and live a psychologically perfect life without any human interaction is so incredibly naive I wonder if it is even worth replying to you. If you told me to drop out, then maybe I could could take your advice seriously.

>> No.14313125
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>I get it, I am no better than anyone else. However, these people do not investigate one bit about the traditions of the Church. It is desired ignorance.

Normies gonna norm. Bear in mind that y'all have a long way to go and people do grow up. I walked away from the church during college but here I am now.

I guarantee that people notice if you live righteously though. My dear old mother has converted half a dozen agnostics and protestants just by being herself. So just be chill and don't hide ur lamp under any bushels anon.

>> No.14313192



Tbqh Jesus and God are great and churches are often meaningless and shouldn't exist

>> No.14313223

I can't bring myself to believe in God

>> No.14313226

I apologize if what I said came off as patronizing in some way. Just a few years older than you and related to your post from my own time in college.

I did drop out one semester and that led to some time in and out of psychiatric hospitals. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.14313327


Then don't. Show up, listen, get involved, see if it takes you places you'd rather be.

>> No.14313365


No one can. It's a work done by God within humanity not something that humanity does for itself. I'm praying for you anonfren.

>> No.14313734

No you didn't. I'm just in a poor mood. I'm sorry for getting angry.