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File: 50 KB, 434x604, rene guenon and cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14310371 No.14310371 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Guenonian view on Gnosticism and the divinity/incarnate nature of Christ?

>> No.14310398

The answer is: posing for tranny photographs wearing white dresses.

>> No.14310441

>What is the Guenonian view on Gnosticism and the divinity/incarnate nature of Christ?
If he doesn't cringe at it then I hope he will forever be forgotten on /lit/

>> No.14310446 [DELETED] 

Dresses are based brainlet

The better question is - what is the Gnostic view on the divinity/incarnate of Christ.

In Gnostic theology, we separate the physical body of "Jesus" (the son of man, son of Mary) from the "Solar Christ" (The Logos, the Son of God.

Now, when Jesus was baptised, the Holy Spirit (Mother of the Logos) came and inhabited Jesus's body, and it then left when he was Crucified.
(See a text called: The Second Discourse of Great Seth for more info on this, along with the Acts of John).

This "Logos" is what we call the Archetypal Man, the perfect man, the Universal man. that anyone can aspire to be, Jesus was one of the greatest manifestations of this. All the Prophets including Muhummad did embody this to some extent as well.

Muslims are very correct in saying that Jesus was just a human and not a God, although some enlightened Sufis are aware of the concept of the universal man and the finding of God within. An (in)famous Sufi Saint, Mansur Hallaj, was killed for saying "I am the truth" because he came to the same realisation that Jesus did, and many other Sufi saints have.
They are also correct in saying "They Killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear so unto them"
Because it was only his physical body that was crucified, the physical world is an illusion "Maya"

DESU, I havent read much of Guenon yet but I am starting. I know Guenon speaks about the concepts of the "Universal man" and I think he does speak about Gnosticism at some point, I believe he was originally part of the Gnostic Church of france.

If any people well read in Guenon can tell me what he said specifically about Gnosticism I would appreciate it

>> No.14310450

okay muslim crossdresser

>> No.14310452 [DELETED] 


>> No.14310454

guénonposter confirmed

>> No.14310455 [DELETED] 

whiteheadposter confirmed

>> No.14310459

Based. You can tell because he always puts the accent above the 'e'

>> No.14310461

lol I don't even know who this guy is/was.

>> No.14310466
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 5cfbf5681f416ebc322fd4ebccd76728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is performing an ancient Islamic ritual of summoning catgirls.

>> No.14310469

you mean "Whitehead (peace be upon him)".

>> No.14310470

>the accent above the 'e'
Like in the french name Guénon?

>> No.14310475


>> No.14310479 [DELETED] 

Islam has been around since the time of Adam

>> No.14310483

>Islam has been around since Muhammad destroyed the Traditional religion of the Arabs and forced them to worship the god of the Jews.
fixed 4 ya

>> No.14310487
File: 59 KB, 718x828, Hijab-Drawing-Cat-and-anime-muslim-anime-Cat-muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that the religion of Moshe (peace be upon him) is not ancient?

>> No.14310492 [DELETED] 

Wrong. its been around since the time of Adam and was corrupted by Pagans. try again.

>> No.14310499

Muslims are Pagans you stupid loser.

>> No.14310501 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 435423524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muslims destroyed Arabic Paganism
>Muslims are Pagans

>> No.14310502

t. murtad posting a haram picture on the haram Internet.

>> No.14310507 [DELETED] 

Neither is Haram. The image would only be Haram if she was naked or was a prophet

>> No.14310508

There is nothing haram about this picture, you braindead s*lafi.

>> No.14310509

>Muhammad destroyed the pagan Arabic Tradition and then forced the Arabs to worship the pagan god of the Jews
fixed 4 ya

>> No.14310512

>Those haram things I do all the time are not really haram because bla bla bla...
Islam in a nutshell

>> No.14310513 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 299x168, 2132312321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And thats a Good thing

>> No.14310515

Sorry, I don't speak African.
also this:>>14310512

>> No.14310516 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Try again

>> No.14310520

What Muslims pretend they do: Obeying the laws of Islam and killing the Infidels
What Muslims actually do: Obeying the Infidels and killing other Muslims

>> No.14310521 [DELETED] 

If subhuman Pagans cant defend themselves against one man, they deserved to have their traditions destroyed.

Same goes for Europe

>> No.14310525

ok murtad

>> No.14310526
File: 223 KB, 1800x2160, 1560346319510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I have reverted to Islam and follow Sufism/Taṣawwuf, how could you tell?

>> No.14310527 [DELETED] 

Wrong, Muslims obey God only. Try again brainlet

>> No.14310533

Okay, now THIS is based

>> No.14310537

He was not a man, because he was a slave to a foreign god.

>> No.14310543 [DELETED] 

Thats even worse then. If Pagans wanted to preserve their traditions they should of done away with him the first day he started preaching.

Natural selection win every time

>> No.14310545

Muslims pretend they do stuff.
Islam is all about pretending.
Just open your eyes: Muslims obey the Infidels, that's the only rule they follow IRL.

>> No.14310552 [DELETED] 

Wrong, Muslims follow the Quran and Sunnah. Try again.

>> No.14310555

>following a slave

>> No.14310557

>Muslims follow the Quran and Sunnah
They pretend they do, but they don't.
Just open your eyes.
Muslims obey the Infidels.
All the time.

>> No.14310561 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 159x250, 132143134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting all your traditions destroyed by one slave of God

>> No.14310563

Wrong, Muslim follow god only. Try again

>> No.14310572

>Destroying the traditions of your own people and forcing them to worship a foreign god, like a pathetic traitor to your own people.

>> No.14310577 [DELETED] 

LARPagans itt are absolutely seething lmao.

Europe is next btw, enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.14310578

>Muslim follow god only
Where? Who? When?
Everywhere Muslims follow the rules of the Infidels.

>> No.14310581

>Europe is next, someday... later
Islam in an nutshell.

>> No.14310585 [DELETED] 

>Where? Who? When?
Just open your eyes and get out of your moms basement brainlet,
all Muslims follow Quran and Sunnah. Try again

>> No.14310588

Muslims are mocked and ridiculed everywhere, all the time... in real life.

>> No.14310591 [DELETED] 

Wrong, Muslims are based. We even tricked the Libtard Progressives into supporting us. Try again

>> No.14310596

>all Muslims follow Quran and Sunnah.
lol they don't
they just pretend they do
Muslims do haram things all the time
that's what they do
obeying the infidels is what they do
and killing each others, of course

>> No.14310599 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Try again

>> No.14310602

You are the laughing stock of the world.
You pretend to kill the Infidels, but you kill each others instead.
Because you are weak losers.

>> No.14310610

lol you're so pathetic
so deluded

>> No.14310620 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Both wrong. Keep trying though.
>Trying is Paganism in a nutshell

Very Based

>> No.14310624

t. guenon crossdresser fanboy

>> No.14310650


>> No.14310676

ok guénonposter

>> No.14311020 [DELETED] 

based islamo-catposter

>> No.14311121

Any advice for someone looking to revert and find a Sufi order?

>> No.14311139


>> No.14311172 [DELETED] 


>> No.14311276

Allah has spoken.

>> No.14311288

>killing infidels
Islam in a nutshell.

>> No.14311300

Why did they only ban one of guènonposters ip's, and not the OP?

>> No.14311303

kek they deleted their posts after being btfo, so weak

>> No.14311310

yo what is going in this thr-

>> No.14311315

ok guénonposter

>> No.14311333

Seems like Guénonposter wants to kill some Infidels to prove something to the world...

>> No.14311344

Why haven't all these threads been taken down?

>> No.14311353
File: 19 KB, 244x320, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with pic related.

>> No.14311388

They should have been taken down and reported to the french police: this Guénon cult thing should be taken care of more seriously.

>> No.14311453

Is he French ? I can be a collabo if he's that dangerous

>> No.14311512

He must have already been noticed by the french police, he surely has a "fiche S" there, but those cult-following lunatics are so unpredictable...

>> No.14311593
File: 172 KB, 602x467, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 10.42.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Traditionalists all had absolutely contemptuous and dismissive ideas about Gnosticism and regarded it as no more than a debased menagerie of formulae and superstitions. It is obvious that Guénon never delved into the profound depths (pardon the Aeonic pun) of Valentinus' cosmology, and the world is worse for it.

>> No.14311661

The world is worse for letting Judeo-Christian-Islamic insanity to take root for enabling fools like Guenon to take root, but not all Traditionalists are anti vidya/gnosis though few they are. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy and Algis Uzdavinys are the exception as well as a couple of second generation Traditionalists.

>> No.14311675
File: 6 KB, 181x278, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His books are pathetic copes about being half Indian half English.

>> No.14311688

>Algis Uzdavinys
The thinking man's choice

>> No.14311705


>> No.14312638

>profound depths of Valentinus' cosmology
care to share any examples?

>> No.14312787
File: 151 KB, 748x579, Gilles Quispel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Irenaeus' description of Valentinianism and compare it to Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism, which Guenon writes off as "disfigured Eastern ideas"--as if the Tradition was unknown in the West until the supreme arbiter Guenon was born to tell us what it was and wasn't.

>> No.14312845

Now take this obvious admiration from a dispassionate and learned scholar of early Christian history, and compare it to the curt dismissal that Guenon gives the entire movement; the hallmark of a pretentious pseud who doesn't want to do the required reading.

>> No.14313877

The better question is - what is the Gnostic view on the divinity/incarnate of Christ.

In Gnostic theology, we separate the physical body of "Jesus" (the son of man, son of Mary) from the "Solar Christ" (The Logos, the Son of God.

When Jesus was baptised, the Holy Spirit (Mother) came and inhabited Jesus's body, and it then left when he was Crucified.
(See a text called: The Second Discourse of Great Seth for more info on this, along with the Acts of John).

This "Logos" is what is called the Archetypal Man, the perfect man, the Universal man. that anyone can aspire to be, Jesus was one of the greatest manifestations of this. All the other prophets did embody this to some extent as well.

Muslims are very correct in saying that Jesus was just a human and not a God, although some enlightened Sufis are aware of the concept of the universal man and the finding of God within. An (in)famous Sufi Saint, Mansur Hallaj, was killed for saying "I am the truth" because he came to the same realisation that Jesus did, and many other Sufi saints have.
They are also correct in saying "They Killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear so unto them"
Because it was only his physical body that was crucified, the physical world is an illusion "Maya"

I havent read much of Guenon yet but I am starting. I know Guenon speaks about the concepts of the "Universal man" and I think he does speak about Gnosticism at some point, I believe he was originally part of the Gnostic Church of france.
I know, this is my main criticism of Guénon, I wish he focused more on Valentinianism & Neoplatonism

>> No.14314587

What Is Christ Consciousness