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14308836 No.14308836 [Reply] [Original]

He’s a physical embodiment of Nietzsche Spinoza Kant Descarte Hume Hegel Baudrillard Wittgenstein Plato Seneca Dostoevsky Kierkegaard Whitehead

>> No.14308856

actually he's a nigger

>> No.14308909

>Death Grips

Yikes. Didn't this meme die years ago?

>> No.14308918

still the best industrial music of the 10s, it will never be topped.

>> No.14308924

He has hair now?

>> No.14308940

he's just a nigger

>> No.14308942

He doesn’t watch television and has a fuck ton of books in his house

>> No.14308945

This. Reddit as fuck.

>> No.14308950
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>> No.14308955

MC ride reads Nick Land. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind.

>> No.14308974
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>> No.14309100

>yells into mic

>> No.14309362

God why do all you faggots have to go around pretending this man and band are something so deep and revolutionary, it’s just good fun music and I wish I could enjoy it without being associated with you pseuds

>> No.14309389
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This is an extremely low effort post, OP, I'm going to have to ask you to do better in the future for the good of the board.

>> No.14309410

I like Death Grips but what's the fucking point of the belt if you aren't going to use it

>> No.14309642

Its not art. Its liked by middle class hipsters who want to seem edgy.

Its not criticism. Its sell out trash endorsed by pitchfork and the murdoch machine.

Its not deep. It just undermines every shred of decency left in civilisation.

Its not music. Its noise and not pleasant.

Its not uplifting. Its just angry, doomy, poser psudery.

Its base, animalistic screeching pulling us back down to the level of apes.

Theres nothing of redeeming value about this pathetic excuse for pretentious retardation.

Get this utter garbage of my fucking board!

>> No.14309733

shit nigga that hairline. go back to shaving

>> No.14309756


>> No.14309873

Pindar might have liked him on the right horse, but that's about it.

>> No.14309918

based af

>> No.14309936

Exmilitary was the only good one. Pseuds, redditors and /mu/ will deny

>> No.14310023

death grips is my favorite band/group but your post is retarded. we almost know nothing about mc ride

>> No.14310053

good gym music, very high energy

>> No.14310225

Death Grips is just so good, I am a big fan. Also the solo stuff of Zach Hill and the I.L.Y.S are great, personally I think their lyrics are as /lit/ as it gets. Especially in the crouching tiger megamix and year of the snitch the lyrics are so cryptic and nice, there are perfect in a way that you can relisten countless times and fill them with a new meaning every time. Take "Dilemma" for example, what an amaaaazing song.

So yea, I dont think they are deep or philosophical, they are just as liberating and life affirming as music can be.

>> No.14310778

>I got pleb filtered by these albums so if you can enjoy them you are a pseud and a redditor

>> No.14310810
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Listening to beware is like reading thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.14310868
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>> No.14310889

>best industrial music of the 10s
wow. like being iceland’s greatest cricket team

>> No.14310947


>> No.14310954


>> No.14310974

>Its not music. Its noise and not pleasant

Getting pleb filtered by DG

>> No.14311265

I disagree, I think if you go into it with a more neutral mindset you’ll find it’s very positive music, as I think all good music is. There’s a lot of thought and effort put into the production, a lot more than other seemingly angry popular music, and what I get out of it (other than pure sonic enjoyment, which is main point of all music) is that it captures anger in a very positive uplifting way, such that listening to it doesn’t make me angry, but rather makes me happy. That said I can definitely see by how some combination of their music being endorsed by an incredible number of edgy posturing pseuds who try to prop it up as some mysterious, rebellious, and completely unpretentious endeavor (which it certainly is not, the front man went to art college for gods sake), and just not being used to or inclined to more “noisy” or “industrial” styles someone could find the music to be shallow and animalistic. I guess it would help if people just enjoyed whatever music they enjoy, and didn’t try make their whole identity out of consuming the music of One particular band or style, or arrange themselves into petty teams and look down on what someone else enjoys and merit less and what they enjoy as beyond criticism.

>> No.14311505

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