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14306335 No.14306335 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve noticed that my attention span has become noticeably reduced. I can no longer read difficult philosophical works as quickly, and sometimes I just can’t read them at all. What is happening to my brain? Is the coomer meme real?

>> No.14306347

Just avoid porn in general, masturbation is healthy if it comes from your imagination.

>> No.14306354


>> No.14306366

This is garbage advice from /r/nofap. Masturbation to your imagination just strengthens your memories of past porn firstly, and secondly makes you dream and think sexually more. Your imagination is a temple. Guard it.

>> No.14306372
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>> No.14306393

anon, do you have any advice for how to approach sex? i have sex about once a day and i've stopped fapping as result of a psysiospiritual revelation. but any resources on how to psycho evaluate the impacts of sex on ya boi?

>> No.14306394
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No. Eroticism is the closest we can get to God on earth.

>> No.14306398

Is there any other reason my attention span is declining?

>> No.14306399

what about calling jews "heeber mcgreeber" in the mcdonalds by victoria center in nottingham?

>> No.14306415
File: 263 KB, 1014x1280, ReadingTheory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NoFap was founded in June 2011 by Pittsburgh web developer Alexander Rhodes after a thread on Reddit about a 2003 Chinese study that found that men who refrain from masturbation for seven days experience a 145.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day. This hit the front page of a popular forum on Reddit.

NoFappers are literally basing their philosophy off a reddit post about a bogus pseudo-scientific chinese "study"

>> No.14306423

Yes it is, but it could also be from spending too much time on the internet.

>> No.14306464

Sounds like you burnt out, it happens to everyone eventually.

>> No.14306465

Yes, but it's not just porn. It's consumerism in general.

You are literally being brainwashed to be completely reliant on momentary dopamine spikes, on the internet, at the mall, what you eat, everywhere.

>> No.14306472

Chasteanons never give a clear answer as to what they are against and why. Is it masturbating they dislike, is it pornography, abstaining from sex all together? You get a different answer from each person. Either way I haven't heard anything about it effecting your attention span

>> No.14306473

Nofap is literally as old as the bible.

Even Nietzsche was nofap. Reddit merely rediscovered it for themselves.

>> No.14306482

leaving the internet is just not possible, I need to have a phone to be reachable for work, for friends, etc.

>> No.14306483

Fapping is unhealthy because you basically found a glitch that enables you to get off without a natural partner. God only meant sex to be between a man and his wife

>> No.14306514

>You get a different answer from each person
Obviously. "Not wanking" isn't a philosophy, it's an opinion on a certain activity. This opinion could be motivated by any number of reasons that could feed into any number of other lifestyle choices.

>Either way I haven't heard anything about it effecting your attention span
It completely warps the reward centres of your brain

>> No.14306519

God invented wanking to weed out the degenerates.

>> No.14306542

Yeah but reward system isn't the same thing as attention span

>> No.14306552


>> No.14306569

Only it literally is. Having a good attention span is the result of having a reward system that's used to waiting longer for milder pleasures. Having a terrible attention span is the result of having a reward system that's constantly thirsting for stimulation every 3 seconds.

In this way I would say video games are actually 10,000x worse than porn and probably the main cause of poor attention spans in anons.

>> No.14306646

if we weren’t made to experience any kind of pleasure, we wouldn’t feel it at all. Although moderation is still required, sexual imagination is a hardwired part of us and being able to get off on sexual imagination alone is healthy.

>> No.14306706


>> No.14306719

Get a flip phone

>> No.14307237

coping coomerism

>> No.14307252



>> No.14307267

This is true in theory but in practice your imagination has already been corrupted by porn to the extent that it is practically impossible to masturbate without perpetuating it. Better to just abstain altogether.

>> No.14308716
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What is the hentai mangas of /lit/?

>> No.14309028


Henry Miller

>> No.14309043

>Your imagination is a temple. Guard it.
i wish someone had told that to me twenty years ago

>> No.14309398

Many reasons could be the cause for that, but there's been research showing the some of it is to blame on the internet and smartphones. Also, nofap cultists are retards. They make it seem as if not fapping will suddenly erase every ailment of modern life. Avoiding fapping will assuredly leave you with more energy and time, but it won't fix everything. It isn't going to erase the damage if you're still addicted to internet and smartphone use.

>> No.14309416

That's porn ADDICTION. An addiction is different from having a wank every now and then. Nofap faggots want to prevent men from having even just a momentary release every now and then, equating even that with being an addict. Any kind of addiction is linked with that kind of damage, it says so in the link.

>> No.14309441

xd I know but how the fuck do I sleep when I get fucking horny

>> No.14309447

I can't fucking do anything productive because this shitty online game has enslaved me with its fucking delicious drop rates and fun high stakes gameplay, or when I am doingnsomething else it is on youtube watching cheap fast content until the day passes and I didn't fucking work out

>> No.14309462
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>I can stop any time I want!

>> No.14309465

>there are people here who go based on 4chan bro-science rather than actually doing the research themself

>> No.14309469

I waste more hours on these worthless imageboards than most things desu, nofap wouldn't save me from this