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14305582 No.14305582 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good short story collections? I don't know why but I love reading short stories during the wintertime.

>> No.14305583


>> No.14306175
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>> No.14306191

Guy de Maupassant, get something that has “Ball of Fat” and “The Necklace” in it preferably

>> No.14306202

Borges, Labyrinths and Ficciones are the common choices but I actually like The Aleph and Other Stories the most out of his collections

>> No.14306220

Gogol's Petersburg Tales are masterpieces. Some of the best prose I've ever read, just don't expect it to be flashy.

>> No.14306234
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Alice Munro is a personal favourite of mine. Canadian short story writer that writes about rural life in Ontario and Saskatchewan. Dance of the Happy Shades is phenomenal.

But definitely take this person's recommendation. Dubliners is probably one of the greatest short story collections of all time.

>> No.14306235
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Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.14306260
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The master. His spookier ones are perfect winter reading

>> No.14306317

David Foster Wallace’s Oblivion: Stories

>> No.14306391
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I'm fond of an Israeli author named Etgar Keret. A lot of his short stories are really short, only a few pages. Some are longer.
Here are some that are online:

He's pretty nuanced on a number of issues that some people on this website dislike Jews for not having nuanced positions on. Not that that's why I like him, but it helps.

>> No.14306397

>Petersburg Tales
Did you read a translation and if so which one?

>> No.14306437

I also like this one. It was his first short story.

>> No.14306539

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is pretty good.

>> No.14306558

Read these guys' shorts if you're just starting to get into the form:
Hemingway, Faulkner, Babel, Dostoevsky, Carver, Denis Johnson, Salinger, Borges, Kafka, Poe, Joyce

>> No.14306612

If you want something different: Confabulario, Juan José Arreola; The Odessa Tales, Isaac Babel; A Sportsman's Sketches, Ivan Turgenev; don't forget to look for the collections of short stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Juan Carlos Onetti.

>> No.14306656
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If you already like O. Henry you definitely should read some of Mark Twain's short fiction.

>> No.14306735

Any of Turgenev's work.

>> No.14307316
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Theodore Dreiser

>> No.14308850
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J. G. Ballard is a good read.

>> No.14308910

Sherwood Anderson - Winesburg Ohio

>> No.14309288
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Graham Greene and Thomas Wolfe