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/lit/ - Literature

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14304174 No.14304174 [Reply] [Original]

Good grief, can women write anything that doesn't revolve around themselves or their oppression? Men's lit is unbelievably varied... Women's? Not so much. The only exception I can think is Frankenstein, which I genuinely can't believe came from an 18 year old girl.

>> No.14304179

Repeat after me Anon:

>> No.14304181

It didn’t. It was largely written by her husband.

>> No.14304185

>The only exception I can think is Frankenstein, which I genuinely can't believe came from an 18 year old girl.

That's because it was written by a 26 year old man.

>> No.14304189

Emily Dickinson

>> No.14304194

Is there any genuinely good literature by women that doesn't revolve around oppression?

>> No.14304199 [DELETED] 

Women are barely human as it is, of course they cant into philosophy

>> No.14304206

Yea, a lot actually.

>> No.14304207

Who said anything about philosophy here? I'm simply asking for good lit by women that isn't about "muh special room for myself".

>> No.14304209

Okay... Examples?

>> No.14304210

Uh, Genji Monogatari? Then again, I hear that the court lady diaries of that era are full of whining about hunky heian-era nobles not noticing them.

>> No.14304236

Simone Weil

>> No.14304237

So, the only example you can think of is one of the oldest examples of literature...from Japan...and even then it's still related to whining?

>> No.14304313

elizabeth anscombe

>> No.14304634

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Davis
Stories by Doris Lessing
Genji Monogatari already mentioned
Poems by Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop, Hazel Hall, Lorine Niedecker, Plath (yes she didnt just write poems about her oppression), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Marina Tsetaeva, Amy Lowell, H.D.
Stories by Katherine Ann Porter (loved by William Gass incidentally)
Some of Ursula K Leguin's stuff like Earthsea or Lathe of Heaven.
Simone Weill already mentioned

Just a reminder that if you believe men to be categorically above women, you are not a man if you have not had any literary achievement equivalent to any of the above writers, since the lowest man must have higher skill than the highest woman. Riding on the coat-tails of the achievements of greater and more intelligent men is the most unmanly thing one could possibly do.

>> No.14304640

Flanner O'Connor

>> No.14304654

I forgot Carson McCullers and Pearl S Buck. Contemporary women's lit is largely trash though.

>> No.14304737

What the fuck are you even trying to say? It's objectively true that men are categorically above women when it comes to intellect and creativity.

>> No.14304811
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I wouldn't be so sure about that.

>> No.14304842

Jane Goodall

>> No.14304847

>Men's lit is unbelievably varied.
Mens lit is pretty much
>I have mixed feelings about my father
>I hate women

>> No.14304890

>Complains about women only writing about oppression
>posts an image which features several books by female authors which are not about female oppression

You answered your own question.

This, but not quite. The majority of men’s lit is actually:
>tfw no gf
>my parents were weird
>I struggle to live up to the masculine ideal
>God, I’m so alone

Not saying all men’s literature is like that, but there is a lot of literature like that and yet no one seems to blink at it.

>> No.14305005

yes but this doesn't make you worth anything anon

>> No.14305024

Yawn, boring retread of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUrqUWNcSOg

Funny thing is that ((she)) ultimately decided that ((she)) was a ((he)) and transitioned into being a ((man)) after this video was recorded.

>> No.14305030

Woolf's novels aren't really about oppression. Her essays are, though.

>> No.14306345
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>> No.14306368
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>> No.14306409


>> No.14306414

keep Rollin Rollin Rollin

>> No.14306427

the heart is a lonely hunter is okay

>> No.14306429


>> No.14306444

I will read one thing by the person I get.
No rerolls.
See now i've made this interesting.

>> No.14306462

>ends up getting trips
This means you have to read one book per Bronte sister, anon.

>> No.14306476

Memoirs of Hadrian barely features women at all, are you dense? It's a depiction of a man, a portrayal highly sensitive and sympathetic to masculinity.

>> No.14306492

based, a tree grows in Brooklyn is a fine novel

>> No.14306493
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pic related was written by a

>> No.14306538

Okay. I'm not familiar with their work, but I do have a loaded handgun right now.
Can anyone make me recommendations that would be prefferable to killing myself right now?

>> No.14306550

Why are you falsely exasperated? As though you were personally taxed by the underachievement of the other sex? As though we are to be deeply impressed and moved that you have, against all odds, nobly strained to appreciate female literature but, alas, were forced to yield to that unwavering spirit of truth which demanded you admit to yourself that sobering reality that, yes, an entire sex was unable to stir admiration from you and win that most precious of seals, namely, your approval. You tried, quite hard, giving serious attention to the finest specimens of this finer sex, but now, having given women the full benefit of the doubt, and aimed with totality of heart to become their most steadfast sponsor, their staunchest defender against prejudice and injustice, you finally invoke your right to be annoyed by them, who have so grievously disappointed you, who have so squandered your unequaled charity. Why do they only care about themselves!, you whine. Ah! What a gross offense to my sensibility, to my taste! Ah! Look at how they have sent me into dramatic throes, look how they have drawn me out of my usual stoic reserve, irked me, caused me at long last, yes, finally brought my patience to its limit! Damn you, women! Damn you, at last! Curse this unfairness! Quick, bring to my faltering hands something by a male author--ah! Ah, yes. Yes, sweet satisfaction. Ah! Now that is poetry, that is some fine writing. Thank God for men--if not for them I'd be lost, lost I say! Villainous, brutish women! Fie! Fie!

>> No.14306562

This. Woolf has a subtlety of emotion in her language that very few authors can match

>> No.14306586
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>female writers

>> No.14306601

Silas Marner about George Eliot is skepticism about industrializing and about an old man adopting a little girl.

>> No.14306603

Wuthering Heights is the only book Emily wrote and it’s a gothic melodrama about family warfare, jealously and doomed love. Emily also wrote superb poetry that’s a window into her tragic life.

Charlotte’s two best are Jane Eyre and Vilette. Both are coming of age proto-feminist coming of age stories about governesses trying to overcome various social injustices. They’re also pro-religion, but anti-church. They’re both masterpieces IMO and are underrated on /lit/.

Anne is widely considered the worst Bronte. Few people care about her books.

>> No.14306634

Read Wuthering Heights for english in high school. Think I even wrote about it on the AP test. That said, I was stoned out of my mind half the time, and also just rushing through the book, so maybe its worth a second look
I'll take your rec on Charlotte,
While Anne is understood to kind of suck (even family guy took shots at her), I did roll trips. So do you have anything from her that's remarkable, or is it all just not worth it.

>> No.14306710

I have no clue about Anne myself. I’ve not read anything by her. I’ve been meaning to reread Wuthering Heights first because I didn’t like it at first due to it’s messy structure. Jane Eyre left me with a much better first impression.

>> No.14306738

Haha yes

>> No.14307218

>Anne Frank

>> No.14307223


>> No.14307241

Rollin for nice european lady.

>> No.14307249

Wuthering Heights is pretty good. Nice revenge narrative.

>> No.14307251

I was planning to read Alexiad anyway. Now I have no excuse. God bless you roller man.

>> No.14307277

what did you expect really from the middle brow gender with no geniuses

>> No.14307355

I’m afraid anon.

>> No.14307491

John Rawls.

>> No.14307501

>tfw you cuck Abelard

>> No.14307519

don't you think this shit just gets published because it continues the conservative idea of what women are?

i feel like its similar to cigarettes being thought of as addictive, the idea they are near impossible to quit only benefits cigarette manufacturers

>> No.14307537

I had no idea she wrote Frankenstein when she was 18. That's incredible.

>> No.14307544

This smells like a true female response. Off-topic, mean, irrelevant. I've dealt with you cunts before.

>> No.14308488


>> No.14308500

genji is exit level--you're too much of a pussy to read it

>> No.14308505


>> No.14308511

Read Flannery O’Connor

>> No.14308534

Christina Rossetti

He feeds upon her face by day and night,
And she with true kind eyes looks back on him
Fair as the moon and joyful as the light

>> No.14308735


>> No.14308738


>> No.14309002

In the Bleak Midwinter is one of the stronger holiday hymns

>> No.14309085

rupi pls

>> No.14309125


>> No.14309144

Margaret Mead

>> No.14309353


>> No.14309360

This meme again

>> No.14309564

What this anon >>14306444 said

>> No.14309735

roll, but actually i don't care

>> No.14309877

What about Earthsea by Ursula?

>> No.14309924

I think Agnes Grey by Anne is fascinating mostly because it’s the complete opposite of Wuthering Heights. A bland modest pious young woman ends up in a stable marriage while her flirtatious skank friend quite reminiscent of Catherine ends up miserable. I wonder how Anne and Emily interacted as people.

>> No.14309930

Meant to reply to >>14306603

>> No.14309945

You haven't read any Woolf novels, then.

>> No.14310037

rollin, please be 35

>> No.14310041

>Anne is widely considered the worst Bronte. Few people care about her books.

She's the cutest tho!

>> No.14310128

But she's right.

>> No.14310130


>> No.14310145

What the shit, I actually have 2 books of her poetry in my house

>> No.14310305

Do you ever notice how men can write a female character so extremely well and describe her feelings, desires and experiences yet women characacherize males as the typical archetypes? Male authors can write a million different kinds of women with an infinite amount of differences in personalities and emotions and thoughts, but women have a constant pattern of portraying all men as if sharing the same brain. It seems every story written by a female contains male characters that are completely repeatable, and which could be placed in any story and that story would still remain the exact same. It's as if they have a wall in front of the part of their brain that allows them to cross boundaries and understand other people. They lack some kind of outward reflection and it's not only with male characters, but even story plots and situations. I don't mean to sound like some virgin when I say this shit. I've gone out of my way to find books by female authors that challenge this take I have on it but so far it's been bulletproof.

>> No.14310389

Something I can fap to without sloppy dick

>> No.14310864


>> No.14310909

havent heard of almost anything on there, lmao why cant women write books bros?

>> No.14310926


>> No.14311176


>> No.14311259

>since the lowest man must have higher skill than the highest woman
>i myself am not a sexist but im gonna go ahead and make the assertion that all misogynists believe that this is true and then mold my argument around this false claim
kys retard

>> No.14311273

what part of
>Off-topic, mean, irrelevant
did your stupid trisomy brain not comprehend? can you read? do you need someone to read it to you? are you going to leave the literature board now that youve made it abundantly clear that you are incapable of understanding basic sentences?

>> No.14312216

I have wuthering heights somewhere. is it going to suck?

>> No.14312228

It's pretty good desu

>> No.14312229

Wuthering Heights is good unless you hate books about relationships

>> No.14312352


>> No.14312517

The majority of Sci-Fi/Fantasy has very poorly written women.

>> No.14312921


>> No.14312963

>Just a reminder that if you believe men to be categorically above women, you are not a man if you have not had any literary achievement equivalent to any of the above writers, since the lowest man must have higher skill than the highest woman

Mathematical illiteracy.

>> No.14313081

Give pure waifu pls

>> No.14313197

Let's roll.

>> No.14313789


>> No.14313901

read Middlemarch anon

>> No.14313947


>> No.14315309


>> No.14315338

please 666

>> No.14315341

>oppressed by the government

>> No.14316413

they're all ugly but rolling anyway

>> No.14316422


>> No.14316432

Woolf... whose books are almost entirely about oppression and feminism...

>> No.14316516

C'mon motherfucker gimme Sylvia.

>> No.14316558

Okay, what now?

>> No.14316629


>> No.14316640


>> No.14316653

Percy Shelley wrote Frankenstein.

>> No.14316663

Unironically and not even meming, the only good female writer I've ever read is Agatha Christie.
And the reason why she was good was because she was actively trying to emulate the style of male writers.

>> No.14316694


>> No.14316696

the op image is filled with examples. this thread is bait

>> No.14316912
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>oscar wilde

>> No.14317253

Lol too predictable, incels give men a bad name