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14302764 No.14302764 [Reply] [Original]

>people STILL misinterpret Nietzsche’s Will to Power as a literal translation instead of a metaphor for an urge to do something rather than be a lazy piece of shit
You know why he said semen retention is one of the greatest motivators of a persons will lto power? It’s because Nietzsche knew that nofap instilled a restlessness and a will to power, a will to act and to be active, to be alive and to simply do things rather than remain sedentary as a lifeless rock.

>> No.14302774

I cant imagine how dull you have to be to find nofap has any effect on you at all. I didnt jerk off for a couple weeks once because I was in a place with no privacy and there was literally not a hint of difference compared to the other stuff going on in my head. All masturbating does is give you a little hit of dopamine that quickly fades, it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.14302784

>Many Taoist practitioners link the loss of ejaculatory fluids to the loss of vital life force: where excessive fluid loss results in premature aging, disease, and general fatigue.

>> No.14302802
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Bread and circuses. You know nothing about human behavior. Get the fuck off my board and never come back.

>> No.14303291

The problem is nofap is used for self improvement instead of social improvement. Self improvement is not it. Its the worst meme. Your not here to make yourself better. You here to make a home for G-d on earth. See tikkum olam.

>> No.14303318

>תיקון עולם

Are you actually Jewish? I’m trying to wrap my head around an Orthodox or Kabbalistique Jew going onto 4chan

>> No.14303333

God is dead. We have no desire for him. You should probably learn the history surrounding Christ and his preaching. The social circumstances dictated that the zealot jews be tempered in the anger, lest the provoke the roman conquerors into fully annihilating them. Thus, Jesus comes along and preaches tolerance in order that he might try and save his stupid brothers. Quit being a spiritual faggot and join the realists.

>> No.14303336

A lot of jews broswe /lit/. Butterfly is a jew. Most aren’t orthodox, but some are.

>> No.14303347
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faggot detected, quads ignored

>> No.14303352

Yea I know Jews browse here because I am one myself. But I’m always surprised to see people typing G-d instead of God when the next reply is basically >nigger piss shit nigger nigger nigger

Not exactly the place for the pious.

>> No.14303356

This. Exercise, eat right, find some way to raise your T levels. These will do more than abstaining. There has been a decline in testosterone levels across the board for the last few decades, rendering once virile young men into the equivalent of half "men". Once guys hit a certain age, the effect of that decline manifests strongly with the supposed effects masturbation has on the brain. Inaction (as in abstinence) does nothing, especially if you already have low T, which is most men these days.

>> No.14303375

Oh look, another retard coping with his existential nihilism.

>> No.14303384

And if you’re high T you shouldn’t be caving in to your sexual impulses in the daily and instead should be channeling that rage into something productive. If you’re already low T masturbation only exacerbates your lethargy. Argument dismissed. Now give me your lunch money, nerd.

>> No.14303414

Sounds like the OP has a lot of experience retaining semen, probably not always his own either.

>> No.14303452

No. The Israelites a holy nation and I also strive to be holy.
Lmao. So indicative you poor soul.
His name was apparently Y'shua. Jesus probably means yay-Zeus. Quit being arrogant and humble yourself before you get badly hurt kiddo. Pretense is not worth the pain.
I have nowhere else... :c too wrecked in the head. For real humans. They make me want to cry.

>> No.14303487

>Thus, Jesus comes along and preaches tolerance

>Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Mat 10-34

It's another episode of "atheists accuse Christians of believing the exact polar opposite of What they believe".
Now You will try with the atheist double attack, that is You shall afford that given Mat 10-34, Jesus was a commie revolutionary and all Christians are socialists in denial.
The fact that this is mutually exclusive with your previous position shall be pointed out to you and ignored.

>> No.14303492

I dont disagree but exercise is such a superficial use of time. I dont care for this sort of self indulgent self absorbtion. Its such a vegetable tier, vessel activity. Any alteratives? What do you get without it? Depression? Dont get me wrong. I walk everywhere, eat healthy, but do i really have to waste time everyday picking shit up and putting it down just to not be disabled?

>> No.14303504

Brainlet. You deserve your cholesterol.

>> No.14303505

Read “Saviors of Mankind” by William Van Buskirk, an actual text which documents the historical contexts of Jesus and not the fairytale LOTR style story which is presented in the new testament.
>His name was apparently Y'shua.
I don’t give a fuck I’m not a autistic Semite

>> No.14303506

Best Nietzsche work to start reading?
Hopefully will find something there to drag me out of my funk

>> No.14303508
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>We have no desire for him.
Speak for yourself. I want God.

>> No.14303574

Yea, and you’re a dim witted idiot who has a stunted philosophy.

>> No.14303586

Weightlifting is a meme, do a sport

>> No.14303906

>read a smear campaign instead of the actual primary source.
Ok boomer

>> No.14303924

Brain let. And quite possible lanklet

>> No.14303936

will-to-power is trying to move up the social hierarchy