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14302559 No.14302559 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any philosophy that can stop me wanting to kys myself that isn't cope?

>> No.14302565

Writing your own

>> No.14302566
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>> No.14302573

All philosophy is cope. Why should that matter?

>> No.14302620

The Bible

>> No.14302640

Spinoza's "less perfection" is literally same as "cope"
He connect sadness with less perfection, and connect every negative feeling with sadness, so every suicidal feeling goes to cope.
There's one part where he indirectly mention suicide besides sadness, and at that exact part he suggest killing yourself is ok if you are preserving your rational perfection aka martyr.
So ethics is either "cope" or "become Elliot Rodger" to OP. Not a good pick.

>> No.14302657


>> No.14302664

the thought of killing yourself is itself a cope, OP

>> No.14302749

Any philosophy can boost you psychologically if you are convinced that it's true by giving you confidence, but it probably isn't going to make life more fun. When it comes to stuff like depression etc. the causes are usually something banal like social isolation or chemical imbalances in the brain, and needs to be treated accordingly. It's not like you will read X existential philosopher and everything will get fixed.

>> No.14302756

No, philosophy is brain torture thought virus. Avoid it

>> No.14303063

Why do you want to kys

>> No.14303164


>> No.14303230

What you're looking for is religion, philosophy is a bridge, to discern the absolute from the relative, possible from the impossible, true from false, naturally once one knows what is good you want to assimilate it religion is how, even if your singular act of piety is suicide.

>> No.14303268

No, every great narrative of man is a cope build on overly simple drives since people are really nothing more than just slightly more sophisticated apes. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.14303284

All of these
>If you really want a philosophy,

>> No.14303393

He specifically said philosophies that aren’t cope. Retards.

>> No.14303419

All philosophies are cope, yes even ebic nihilism, so the question is fundamentally a non starter.

>> No.14303434
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step 1: call suicide hotline
step 2: see therapist
step 3: take anti-depressants until you develop an immunity at age 50 and kill yourself at the delayed date like DFW

philosophy is a tool to explain the phenomenon of suicide and implement broad societal changes to reduce the amount of suicides, not a tool to convince individuals to not go through with suicide

>> No.14303443

Extremely modern advice

>> No.14303451

Yeah, but accepting nihilism is the first step to overcoming it. Before the advent of religion and modern man became self aware of his primordial existent in increasingly abstract ways, religion was irrelevant. Now, we just return to said irrelevancy and live our lives as free individuals to pursue predetermined lives.

>> No.14303552


>> No.14303581

The only non cope is accepting that you'll want to kill yourself for the rest of your life but that you are here to make the world a better place and not to satisfy your own infinite unfulfillable desires. Stop focusing on yourself. You cant cope. No one can. You need to lift others up. More responsibility. Not less. Thats what I reckon. I just wish i wasn't so retarded that i continually dont take my own advice.
I thought of that and was gonna do it. I even started writing the book. Didn't work. Just ended up coming to the conclusion of G-d. Good idea none the less.
Such a bad composition despite such good ideas imo.
Indeed. Read the book of proverbs OP. Pretty much everything is. Theres really only coping and not coping. The former is just better than the latter.
Yeah. It will at least take you a while.
His name was Y'shua. Stop spreading the cringey yayZeus meme please.
Yeah. Sigh. Why do I chan myself? Any one have anything about the inherent masochism of being a channer?
How do you chase the blues away?
Religion is the massification of cultism, lets be truthful as we can.
Even if its true. You dont know what your going to do before you do it so functionally and pragmatically predetermination is a useless and disempowering idea. Nihilism is horrible. Its basically intellectual death. See Tolstoy's thoughts on it in his confessions. It exists to be overcome.

How long Lord?

>> No.14303842

nice 3 step plan my friend :)

>> No.14303851

read this OP


>> No.14303863

Accepting nihilism implies its true, which you have no evidence to suggest. The entire premise is flawed and suggests some kind of narrative, man as beast, man as self aware, man as creating myth, man as becoming aware of the myth being a myth, then finally man transcends purpose and meaning in some deconstruction of existential nihilism. This a very pretty narrative, but that's all it is, a narrative. The entire thing is it's own satirical creation myth. It's a cope.

>> No.14304364

literally just kill yourself you fucking faggot wtf is wrong with you lol....the fact that you're saying that "OMG I WANT TO KYS SO MUCH PLS REKOMEND ME BOOK" means that you don't really want to kill yourself at all because you would have done it already but you wont do it because you're a fucking pussy that just wants attention kek...get laid nerd...go lift some weights nerd....go read some books nerd....go pass on your genes nerd....
lol....then kill urself nerd...oh wait...u wont...cuz ur a fucking pussy.............................lol

>> No.14305238

Yes, but no matter what you do, you will always have one "cope" or another. Even pessimism is a cope.

>> No.14305416


anti-depp just numb your feelings, doesnt make you happier. Better to embrace your mental illness and go natural ways to cure it

>> No.14305458


Maybe share your problems?

>> No.14305485

Nigga, there isn’t a “one simple trick” to get you to stop wanting to kill yourself. It’s just a matter of forcing yourself out of bed and doing what you want to do despite you holding yourself back. I’ve stayed inside my room every single month since graduating summer of 2019. No one is coming to rescue you. No one is going to pull you out of the mud. No one is going to push you out of the nest in order for you to start flying. You have to make the jump out of the nest yourself. Don’t kill yourself, but kill the metaphorical “you” that’s stopping the change in your life from happening. Good luck and God bless.

>> No.14305517

>kys myself

>> No.14305554


>> No.14305569

It's all one big cope. Just relax, humans don't live that long anyway, might as well stick around, read some good /lit/, watch some quality /tv/.

>> No.14306172


>> No.14306217

Stoicism can help

>> No.14306249

You probably will write it off as a cope before you grasp it well enough for it to give you the strength to overcome your suicidal thoughts.

All things long to persist in their being, Spinoza said. You are miserable, and you most likely will persist in being miserable. Real change requires a violent rending.

>> No.14306960

>All things long to persist in their being, Spinoza said.
Fair enough
>You are miserable, and you most likely will persist in being miserable
Okay, now this is a retarded reading of that thesis

>> No.14306974

>bad composition

>> No.14306984

>go natural ways to cure it
Yeah, like suicide

>> No.14306989

Yeah. Most of them help - but the thing that helps the most is taking action and doing stuff. Exercise, socialize etc

If you want a philosophy, make your own. Read until something clicks with you.

>> No.14307049
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i dare you to read these and not feel like you're fresh out of the shower and dressed to the nines ready to conquer the whole goddamn world

>> No.14307118

The fact that you look for a reason to stop wanting to kys yourself. The natural inclination of your sensible heart to cling to life is enough to prove that it's a bad idea. Suicide is cringe and reason kills.