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/lit/ - Literature

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14300717 No.14300717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14300737

I just started #accelerate and might be in over my head comprehension wise

>> No.14300744
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The Tunnel
Pretty cool I guess

>> No.14300749

Mistborn book 2 by sanderfag. sweet, sweet escapism uwu

>> No.14300758

Finished Paris Spleen now choosing between finishing Discipline & Punish, Artuad's collected works Vol. 1, or a Rimbaud collection I have. Really enjoyed Paris Spleen but also want some good non-fiction to read so I'll probably pick up Pensees and or Crisis of the Modern World. Also really want Pavese's diaries but the good copy is so expensive

>> No.14300759
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The Universe, The Gods, and Men: Ancient Greek Myths
it's interesting, the prose is kind of flat, but it gives a nice overview

>> No.14300787

Alternating between 20000 leagues and Don Quixote
Don Quixote is good and funny but sometimes it feels like it goes on longer than it needs to
>hehe and then Sancho take big shid
I like 20000 leagues a lot so far

>> No.14300896

Someone suggested a book called The Shallows in regards of how internet is affecting attention span, and its pretty good all things considered. Not finished yet, but so far it's going into themes I didn't quite expect it to, albeit not in a bad way.

If you're reading this post, thanks anon for the suggestion.

>> No.14300909
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The Anabasis - Xenophon

I particularly liked this bit that I read last night
>Then they marched, Cheirisophus, Xenophon, and Callimachus, a Parrhasian captain; for leadership over the captains of the rear guard belonged to him on that day. The other captains remained in safety. After this, then, up to seventy people got under cover of the trees, not in a body, but one by one, each being on his guard as much as he could. (9) Agasias the Stymphalian and Aristonymus, a Methydrian, who were also captains of the rear guard, and others too, stood in support outside the trees, for it was not safe for more than one company to stand among the trees. (10) Then Callimachus contrived this stratagem. He would run forward two or three steps from the tree he was under, and as soon as the stones began to fly, he would easily draw back. On each run, more than ten cartloads of stones were used up. (11) When Agasias saw what Callimachus was doing, and saw that the entire army was looking on, he feared that he might not be the first to race into the fortress. So not even calling Aristonymus, though he was nearby, or Eurylochus the Lusian, both of whom were his companions, or anyone else, he began to advance on his own; and he ran by all the rest. (12) But Callimachus, seeing him go past, took hold of the rim of his shield; and in this instant, Aristonymus, a Methydrian, ran past both of them, and after him Eurylochus, a Lusian; for all these laid claim to virtue, and they contended against one another over it. And with this sort of rivalry, they took the place; for once they ran in, not a single rock still came down from above.

>> No.14301103

Rayuela - Julio Cortazar

I just started reading it but i can tell this one is gonna take me a while to read. Since Cortazar spent a large part of his life in France he continually references places in Paris that I dont know and have to look up and i wont even mention the fact that its a whole different book depending on what order you read the chapters

>> No.14301477

Prometheus Rising and no, it's pretty unimpressive.

>> No.14301750

Started reading Infinite Jest because of of how it is praised by one side and belittled by another. Im not a native speaker so its hard to get around the complex words and acronyms but I found the atmosphere and themes to be quite unique. Using a page by page guide to get every detail tho.

>> No.14301770

I'm half way through the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Pretty good. But I'm so fucking sick of trying to read French names.

>> No.14302744

I finally started reading again this year, and I'm kinda disappointed I ever stopped. I'm currently about halfway throught White Noise, 100 pages into IJ, and almost done with the Picture of Dorian Gray. All of them are pretty good, IJ is really funny at points but it can also have some very dry passages. White Noise is a pretty easy read and it's probably my favorite of the three. And Dorian Gray is an interesting story, surprisingly engaging and interesting.

>> No.14302860

A midsummer night's dream

>> No.14302874

The Mirror of Production
I always dreaded the day that my brainletism would stop me from understanding something. Seems like the time has come

>> No.14302903


I don't really get it.

>> No.14302905

The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich

>> No.14302909

I’m reading Anne Fadiman’s Ex Libris. Comfy as heck.

>> No.14302913
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Suldrun's Garden

As good as anything else Vance has written. It shifts gears so much you'd think it was an anthology

>> No.14303917

Gonna start The Call of the Wild soon, so don't know if it's good yet.

>> No.14303921

cringe janny poster

>> No.14303938

Free as in Freedom by Richard Stallman. It's a good book to read if you're interested in free software or open-source software.

>> No.14303990
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i like these threads anon

>> No.14304091

What is it you like about them? How can I improve?

>> No.14305321

Kafka on the shore. Pretty weird but I like it

>> No.14305392

I didn't either but it's still in my top 10

>> No.14305428


t. didn't do the exercizes

>> No.14305496

Just finished Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and it was pretty ok

>> No.14305500

The metamorphosis and yes

>> No.14306642

Currently reading tolkiens the fall of Arthur. some Anon said that it is apparently the best version of the Arthurian legend

>> No.14306879
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I think that most people here actually do read, but they very often don't make threads about the books that they've read or are reading. This could either be because they can't think of a good thread topic, or don't think it's worth posting about, or any other various reasons. So we kind of have a 'two ships in the night' situation where people who have read the same book and would have a nice conversation about it often drift passed eachother never end up meeting. Why I really like these threads is because it facilitates people to actually talk about the books they read with others who they otherwise wouldn't have run into, even if it's just tentative comments. I've had some of my best conversations on /lit/ in threads like these. It kinda feels, y'know, like how /lit/ is meant to be.

>> No.14306921

Yo, what happened to /s/. Now there’s no place other than /lit/ for softcores of cute girls

>> No.14307080

I see. I got the idea from an old video game forum I used to post on. We always had a running thread called "what are you currently playing and is it any good?". That was years ago and I've lost contact with most of my friends from there sadly. I will carry on making this /lit/ version. :)

Hiroshimoot split the site. All the nsfw boards and /pol/ are on 4chan. All the blue boards are here on 4channel.

>> No.14307106

Reading The Republic and Murakami's Colorless Tsukuru.
The Republic is alright but it's quite big which might put me off every now and then. Colorless hasn't clicked so far (about 60 pages in) but I read Norwegian Wood before this and didn't care much until around this point where I then got hooked to the end.

>> No.14307799

Clarke Ashton Smith, Collected Fantasies Vol 2 (The Door To Saturn).

It's kino but I can see why Lovecraft ended up with a more enduring reputation.

>> No.14308161

Have you read any other works of Xenophon? i was thinking of reading The Cyropaedia.

>> No.14308186
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>How can I improve?
By posting progressively cuter girls in the OP until they're so cute that we all get diabetes.

>> No.14308203
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Understood. I will work to build a folder of sfw cute 2D girls reading books.

>> No.14308211
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20th century China is really interesting.

>> No.14308218

What was he doing in Shanghai? Was it during Mao?

>> No.14308263
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He was a WWI veteran who became a police-officer in the British area of Shanghai during the 1930's. It seems to have been a bit of a grim place, with lot of violence, sex, drugs, and sleaze throughout. I feel like I need a shower after reading it. Thank you to the anon who recommended it.

>> No.14308321

The Wayward Bus by John Steinbeck

>> No.14308851
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Horus Heresy: Horus Rising
Finished the part where Loken Garviel (?) gets not-baptised and assumes Sejanus' role in the Mournival. Boomer-ing it up with the Luna Wolves commanders. Story's okay, nothing special. I think I'll hold off on entering the 40k rabbithole for other books after this one.

>> No.14308879

Yeah I'm enjoying it.
The relationship between Robbie and Cecilia makes me sad.

>> No.14309145
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I’m reading this and so far it’s good

>> No.14309253

Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. And yeah so far it is

>> No.14310073

Cousin Bette by Balzac

Pretty good so far, all the retarded men are getting cyclically cucked by the main waifu but I wish Bette wasn't so repeatedly described as a gross spinster as it really ruins my immersive headcanon where everyone is attractive.

>> No.14310083

In search of the miraculous. It was good until I got to the chapter on music theory, now it feels tedious.

>> No.14310123


>> No.14310136
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The Freud Reader
I guess, Freud seems kinda "coocoo in the head" but might as well finish the book

>> No.14310251

A collection of russian short stories, just read the first one (the queen of spades by puchkin)
Os Sertões by Euclides da Cunha, halfway through

Both pretty good so far

>> No.14310306
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how far are you through? the one by peter gay right?

>> No.14310352
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yes, peter gay
I just started (88 pages) and planning to read around 70-100 pages today since the "classic theory" part starts at pages 129.
I'd like to take the "coocoo-in-the-head" comment back since it's way too early to formulate and sort of judgement and also one should make his own opinion rather than holding on to a prejudice created from spammed 4chan memes.

>> No.14310456
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i read it a while back. some of the case studies are fascinating and absolutely hilarious at times, my favourite was 'Dora'. Freud is difficult to judge, because i feel we consider much of what he says as ridiculous precisely because it is so taboo, even now. My opinion was that he was broadly correct by specifically incorrect. anyway, a lot of the works are very interesting regardless, especially the aforementioned case studies as well as a few others (i really liked the essay on da vinci). I guess i'd just say stick with it even if he seems nuts at times. plus, he is very influential in continental philosophy so you'll need to know him if you want to go down that path.

>> No.14310568

The Myth Of Sysiphus and Dune: The Butlerian Jihad.

"Eh" I haven't enjoyed reading or much else for quite a while now..

>> No.14310587

I'm a very new e/lit/ist and got myself Plato's Republic to start. Cornford translation.
It's really nice, it feels like I get to forget all of the degenerate views that modern western society built up in me and get to the core of philosophy, something I've never yet done.
I'm not a fast reader, but when I'm reading I can finish a book before I know it. Do you guys have anything for me to read afterwards? I have been thinking about Machiavelli's the Prince, and Orwell's 1984.

>> No.14310597

>Otto Rank - will therapy
its a content rich text which is hard to read. Being ESL doesnt help me at all.

>> No.14310601
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La Crise du Monde Moderne, don't really agree with everything but tryna grasp Guenon's thought

>> No.14310641
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It's not where as good as Storm of Steel, but it's still interesting. the introduction by some faggot making excuses and lying about Junger is utter cringe, every time I read an introduction in a book I regret it.

>> No.14310653

If you haven't read 1984 you're too stupid to read The Republic. To be honest if you don't understand poetic meter you don't understand 10% of the book. Sucks but you'll have to read fiction before philosophy to even have a wide enough vocabulary to understand them without looking at a dictionary, at that point the meaning is lost.
And if you seriously want to read philosophy I recommend you take notes or else you'll forget the arguments a week after you've finished. Good luck fellow anon

>> No.14310654

Read keep the aspidistra flying by George Rowell - it is incredibly eye opening and my favourite ever book

>> No.14310680

>And if you seriously want to read philosophy I recommend you take notes or else you'll forget the arguments a week after you've finished
This, wish I had done this with The Republic. Took notes on Phaedo and most of it has stuck with me two years on (despite losing the notes). The Republic on the other hand I hope I find time to reread.

>> No.14310785

Ok Anon thank you. It's not true that this is the first book I've ever read. I have been reading Le Guin and other non-mainstream fantasy books so I think I understand English vocabulary enough to understand Cornwell's translation.
I have also started taking notes and discussing it with other bookworms, or people interested in politics/philosophy.
Will look into that anon

>> No.14310791

Did I just seriously type Cornwell? Sorry I meant Cornford.

>> No.14310821

you're going to jail now, anon

>> No.14311329

Zero K by Don DeLillo

After the based White Noise and sorta based Body Artist I decided to try some of his most recent work. 1/4 through and I'm not into it. I don't understand why he'd write a book like that.

>> No.14311370
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>> No.14311570
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Moby's Dick

Only about 50 pages in, but I've liked what I've read.

>> No.14311576

>20000 leagues
I hope you're reading a good translation. Verne's work has been particularly badly butchered, and this heavily contributed to his legacy as an interesting but ultimately irrelevant author of children's books.

>> No.14311619

Mutiny on the Bounty
It's pretty good but a lot of the sea-farer language is lost to me

>> No.14312203

just wait til you get to 300 pages of whale lexica.
the beginning is great though.

>> No.14312251

The Accursed Share by Georges Bataille

>> No.14312464

decline of the west vol 1
it's ok. Boring and dense, but pretty original. I think he's generally correct about how different civilizations life cycles, but I think he overemphasizes how separate these civilizations are.

>> No.14312471

movie version is pretty good

>> No.14313132
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Ignore that retard. What do you think of the republic so far? Hey! >>14307106 you too, join in.

>> No.14313648

Drop it and read "No Speed Limit: Three Essays on Accerationism" by Steven Shaviro. Much better

>> No.14313669

No shit, without being versed in the occult(or at least thelema), you will not actually gain much from it.

>> No.14313675

The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagel is some fair scholarship.

>> No.14313692

Atheist delusions by David Bentley hart. It’s pretty great. Reading his NT translation currently as well. I have experience of god in the que

>> No.14313703

I sent a hentai mag with a big breasted loli in it to a 15 yr old who lives around me who has f cup tits. ;_; I feel bad

>> No.14313714

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.14313801

Same, took me 10 minutes to get past the first page, it was painful. I'm not an English native tho

>> No.14313840

I tried reading The Shallows, but couldn't stick with it. Not sure why.

>> No.14313863

I'm re-reading Game of Thrones like a pleb

>> No.14314026

'Sabbath's Theatre'. It's alright. Love how the protagonist relates sex to his relationship with his mother.

>> No.14314034


>> No.14314064


The Death of My Brother Abel.

Rezzori's writing approaches Nabokov. It's been a long time since I read something so lyrical and aesthetic

>> No.14314135
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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
It's pretty comfy reading about his day, I'm halfway through and I'm liking it so far. It's kinda cold here which really enhances the experience of reading about working in a temperature below -20C.

>> No.14314992

must be a slog to get through that's how it was first time i picked it it up. i was too young then to really know all the words and themes good luck

>> No.14315025

Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism enjoying it thinking about reading If on a Winter's Night a Traveler next for a comfy vibe as its gonna be snowing alot this week

>> No.14315028
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about 100 pages into pic related
this is my 2nd dostoy book after notes and wow this is a lot more to take in
i had to make a character flowchart
great stuff though
i had one thing spoiled for me though and it has changed my view of one of the characters

>> No.14315154
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It's pretty good. Makes me wish I were a songbird.

>> No.14315160

I'm reading Alice in Wonderland for the millionth time and honestly I couldn't be happier.

>> No.14315165

This moment I finished the lord of the rings with only the appendix still to read and it was amazing

>> No.14315170

Who reads the appendix? Not me.

>> No.14315187

100 pages into Independent people. I think I need to wait till the solstice to enjoy it.

>> No.14315298

I'm halfway into Out by Natsuo Kirino, in which three women help another woman (all of these women work the night shift in a bento factory) dispose of the body of her husband whom she murdered. It's entertaining, but there's a lot of social commentary regarding Japanese society that I don't fully grasp because I'm not Japanese.

>> No.14315316

I liked this one a lot. I introduced it to a friend of mine, but halfway through he gave up, "too much incest" was his comment.

>> No.14315326
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Jordan Peterson’s daughter has a fat fucking pussy, even in animated form

>> No.14316073

How about the rest?

>> No.14316243

*fat fucking nose

>> No.14316882
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we need more cute animu girls reading.

And reading serotonin By Houellebecq good so far but i liked submission more at the start.

>> No.14317014

The Emperor’s Spears by Aaron-Dembski-Bowden is a great starter. As is Xenos by Dan Abnett