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/lit/ - Literature

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14300479 No.14300479 [Reply] [Original]

Got this as a gift. Is it any good?

>> No.14300483
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>> No.14300498
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Nvm. The book answers that question

>> No.14300721

No soi actual has any interest in Darwin or evolutionary biology beyond the most surface level understanding of it. Biological determinism is antithetical to the modern left because it justifies ethnonationalism and denies the concept of gender as being something other than a fixed biological sex

>> No.14300730

Why don't you actually read it and get back to us on that.

>> No.14300789

the emergence of the concept of gender is a sign of the human's increasing detachment from its biological nature. If there were no gender roles to deconstruct, how else would you justify a massive expansion of managerial power? From the extended family to the nuclear family, to whatever we have now, the asymptote draws nearer to the high modernist dream of total atomization. Righties seethe with jealousy at google and the state of israel because they won't ever build even a decent biopolitical leviathan sacrificial machinery. Nick Land ignores, more likely pretends to ignore, that IQ is only one component of the available set of psychiatric power-knowledge apparatuses.

>> No.14300956

>e-e-english please!!!

>> No.14301108
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Read this review, and then decide if you want to spend hours reading the actual book.

>> No.14301520

there's not a single footnote in this entire volume of retarded assumptions, claims, stories, and leaps of logic. It's Joe Rogan redditor tier, not /lit/.

>> No.14301629

seriously this. save yourself the time, the book is shit

>> No.14301647

>As an anthropologist
most useless people on the planet