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14300252 No.14300252 [Reply] [Original]

It is clear and obvious to me now, that the slave morality preached by christianity is the entire reason for the fall of the West, however it possesses a curious strength that allows it to grow under pressure, and in fact it grows stronger and stronger the more oppression is applied to it.

I think the best way to handle christians is exactly how they were handled in the movie Silence (2016)

In the movie, the japanese government explicitly refused to kill christians, or when they did so, they did it in a way that was not public.

We must do the same thing! We must make christianity punishable by social consequences first, and if someone persists in their bad habit, we must put them in insane asylums and nobody will care what happens to them there.

The question is how do we remove christianity from the establishment so that we can have the power to persecute them medically?

I think the time has come for us to start taking this issue seriously, because the Catholic Church is weaker now then it has ever been, and if we wait too long it will actually rejunevate it's power. And yes, we must start with the Catholics, because they are the root of oppression at the heart of Europe.

Deleuze and Derrida already took care of metaphysics for us, but these people are fanatics, so what we must do, is accumulate political power and just walk all over them.

>> No.14300257

>It is clear and obvious to me now, that the slave morality preached by christianity is the entire reason for the fall of the West
Nah, civilizations are cyclical. They can't last forever.

>> No.14300264

>It is clear and obvious to me now, that the slave morality preached by christianity is the entire reason for the fall of the West
? The fall of the west coincides with the disappearance of Christianity. It's cute seeing americans falling for masonic propaganda two centuries after . We frenchmen are avant-garde in every way,

>> No.14300273

>it never happened so it's impossible
Fuck off with that bullshit,with the progress of technology, liberalism WILL establish an eternal and global civilization and christians are an obstacle to this. Stop looking for excuses and start looking for solution!

>> No.14300289

China is the lesser evil. I'll take them over you arrogant kike-worshiping pricks. It's too late for you to change. I welcome the new age of our Chinese overlords.

>> No.14300302

In the movie Silence, Father Rodrigues remains a Christian up until the end. Christianity is the greatst metaphysical revolution in the world and some materialist bugman won't stop it.

>> No.14300305

China will liberalise soon enough, as living standards rise (and they rise, it's undeniable).
In the end it will be liberal USA vs liberal CHINA vying for control and China will win becuase it is more rooted in authoritarianism than Cuck-Usa.

>> No.14300311

Nobody cares if you are a christian as long as you shut up about it and don't bother people with your retarded ideals.

>> No.14300314

What you need is a new prophet like me and a dismantling and slaughter of all Christians, Muslims, and Jews. I could be a very, very good prophet that allows for everything to stabilize and become good again. I am amazing.

>> No.14300328

you are totally incoherent

>> No.14300388

Just like Christian metaphysics.

>> No.14300393


>> No.14300394

I'm not exactly against the idea but we have to cut the mystical mumbo jumbo and let go of all the garbage mysticism and doublespeak of religion. We need science and realism.

>> No.14300402

>confronted with truth, the christian covers his eyes

>> No.14300414

>that the slave morality

The ZOG forced this upon people through unnatural means. True christians are here to wipe the Synagogue of Satan off the face of the Earth. ((CHRISTIANS)), that you refer to, are unwitting pawns in this. The Lord himself practically took to battle in the temple of the money-changers, and so it will be in the final battle, as described in Revelations.

>> No.14300420

>filtered by Christianity of all schools
Why is /lit/ such a pleb site?

>> No.14300421

You are a stupid piece of shit. Go worship the bullshit of scientism elsewhere. Even materialism/physicalism is unfalsifiable, you dumb cunt. The problem with Abrahamic faiths is they are Jewish in origin.

>> No.14300492

What makes you think China will liberalize? Anyone who has lived in the PRC will tell you it's going in the opposite direction.

>> No.14300508

>muh jews
Fuck off naziscum.
The jews contributed more to the advancement of science then racist cucks like you, which is exactly why you are going extinct.
Jews are FAR superior to some pseudoreligious retards, and most of them are already smart enough to be atheists anyways.
>muh abrahamism
Religion is religion you fucking idiot.

>> No.14300517

It will because living standards are rising rapidly in China. China also doesn't import workforce, but in fact exports it, meaning that tehy are quickly accumulating capital and not only on a corporate level, but also on the individual personal level. Once, general poverty is no longer a problem, people can begin to think about leisure and explore their identities as human beings who love to do different things. That experimental phase will demand a liberal atmosphere where people are allowed to be who they want to be. It's inevitable.

>> No.14300524

>wall of text
>seven posters eighteen replies
>anti-christianity pro-cringe ideology
>all posts are senseless drivel
every thread

>> No.14300535

So you reveal your face like the kike that you are? Jews are a destructive and parasitical race who have been kicked out from over 100 countries, and they do nothing but subvert and leech from their host nations. Jews are only 2% of total population of USA, yet they have tremendous control over media, as policy-makers, lobbyists, Wall Street, and much more. The only good Jew is a dead one, you included. Also, you cannot reconcile normativity with naturalism, so you will always need that "mumbo-jumbo", retard. You are a retarded and pathetic race, and you're getting stupider by the day. Soon you will make a hiccup and link all of your evil-doings like how Mossad orchestrated 9/11.

>> No.14300545


>> No.14300557

It's hilarious how many peoples brains are just hijacked to defend Jews at all costs

>> No.14300572

>if you disagree with my retarded magico-religious system, you must be jewish
You are a pathetic peice of shit and you will never get a shred of power, ever, anywhere because you are retarded.
Also, I'm not jewish in any way, I simply don't fucking masturbate over my skin color. You are sick in the head and live in the past like a retard.
The reason why jews are successful is because they are better than you and you are just jealous. You wish you could be doing to the jews that you imagine they are doing to you.
"muh whites" is a dead meme, and I know that because you are here shitposting because you are impotent.
What I propose on the other hand is a real life movement, people have had enough of religious bullcrap and we will shatter your retardedation once and for all with the development of technology.
In fact it's already done, which is why you are playing internet tough guy, calling people kikes, something you would never ever have the guts to do IRL.

>> No.14300580

The accomplishments of the jews speak for themselves.
The only people who need to defend themselves are retarded underachieving hywhytepepple, who are bitching and moaning about their betters being better then them instead of growing up and doing something for themselves for once.

>> No.14300596

>people have had enough of religious bullcrap
Again, you cannot reconcile normativity with naturalism, you dumb fucker. However, why should I expect a Jew to understand this?
>development of technology.
That developing technology has led to unprecendented damage to various ecosystems on a global scale. It has led to erosion of communal stability, mass communication networks, and mass transportation.
>I'm not jewish in any way,
Haha, like I'd fall for your lies, you retarded and resentful kike.
>something you would never ever have the guts to do IRL.
You will make a hiccup somewhere down the line, and then you will have a REAL Holocaust.

>> No.14300597

>jews are better than you
Supposing this is true, would you say this is because of genes? Would you extend this to other disparities between racial groups?

>> No.14300601

>claims he is not Jewish
>constantly attacks Whites
>constantly praises Jews for "their achievements"
>wants to start another destabilizing global movement like Bolshevism or modern post-industrial capitalism, which Jews were both responsible for also

>> No.14300605

If white people need to defend themselves I can't imagine what you think of blacks

>> No.14300639

>this is because of genes?
Jews value education, while raging retard nationalists are proud of being uneducated and scoff at getting degrees because "trades make more money".
>muh fairytale skydaddy and you are a jew if you disagree with me
Yeah I'm not jewish. Neither by ethicity, race or religion obviously.
Blacks were never a factor in anything, but they aren't going on about "muh jews are opressing uss hurrdurr" either. Obvisouly we must improve their gene pool with genetic engineering, but once again, intelligent people will get that done while whiny little fuckers will naysay, deny and cry and stomp their little feet on the sidelines.
China will probably the first to get that genetic engineering thing going anyways.

>> No.14300656

I probably have a better education than you, kike.
>>muh fairytale skydaddy and you are a jew if you disagree with me
Read a real book for once instead of idiots like Sam Harris, you dumb Jew. You need some kind of metaethics and normative ethics which a pure physical/material universe cannot provide. You're stuck with issues like an amoral universe and the "is-ought gap" among a few others. All physicalism/materialism invariably entails nihilism.
>Yeah I'm not jewish. Neither by ethicity, race or religion obviously.
You are a kike. How do I know? Because only a kike would go as far as to say Jews are intrinsically special racially relative to others. There is nothing special about you pretentious, stupid kikes. The only reason I haven't been able to publish my own works is because Jews and their brainwashed white women dominate that industry too. No one likes you kikes.

>> No.14300698

>kike kike jew kike jewkike
Fuck off religiotard, I am not a jew.
>Jews are intrinsically special
never said that stfu

>> No.14300702

>I probably have a better education than you, kike.
>arguments boil down to calling opponent jewish
Nah, you are about the same level lol

>> No.14300719

>You need some kind of metaethics and normative ethics which a pure physical/material universe cannot provide. You're stuck with issues like an amoral universe and the "is-ought gap" among a few others. All physicalism/materialism invariably entails nihilism.
Im sure he doesn't care.
He wants gay space communism

>> No.14300725

I mean that's classic neoliberal theory which America has been trying to do for the last 40 years by trading with China but it hasn't had any effect.

You're talking about liberalization as if it's an inevitability because that's what occurred in Europe during the last 500 years but that doesn't necessarily apply to a country with a completely different racial, demographic, historical and cultural context.

>> No.14300728

>never said that stfu
Which is why you kept yelling Jews are superior, agreed it's because of genes, and other stupid bullshit? People can easily read your filth and conclude you're a Jewish supremacist, maybe even a Talmudist.
You're not as good at pilpul like your ancestors. It must be from how comfortable they became, pampering their disgusting kike spawn like you. You kikes won't be able to maintain power for long.
Also, I find it interesting how you keep ignoring my philosophical point of how you cannot reconcile normativity with naturalism, but then again, you probably descend from kikes who were Frankist-Sabbateans. Did you know they frequently sacrificed children and were heavy into antinomianism and the occult?

You need advanced metaphysics beyond physicalism/materialism in order to ground a meta-ethics and normative ethics. However, you are a nihilistic Jew, so of course, you don't care about this stuff. Soon, you will lose all your power and be kicked out again.

>> No.14300733

The post under you saw my main argument, you absolute imbecile.
Well, he is a stupid Jew after all.

>> No.14300753

It's already happening though. America literally exports liberalism globally and even the most hardcore conservative countries on Earth are becoming feminist and lgbt friendly, with time. Muslims may cut off a head here or there or stones some adulterers but liberalism is already eating Turkey from the inside out, what to speak of Saudi Arabia.
If their retarded religions didn't ward off liberalism, then China won't resist either, given the fact that once mysticism bullshit is gone, people start relying on reason and evidence which inevitably leads to liberalism and materialism.

>> No.14300763

>Which is why you kept yelling Jews are superior
They are only superior to retarded naziscum like you. Not all white people are retards like you, you duuuumb fuuuuck

>> No.14300769

>You need advanced metaphysics beyond physicalism/materialism in order to ground a meta-ethics and normative ethics. However, you are a nihilistic Jew, so of course, you don't care about this stuff. Soon, you will lose all your power and be kicked out again.
blahblah magic words jew kike kike jewkikekikejew

>> No.14300773

>liberalism leads to reason and materialism
>liberalism is GOOD!
You are a complete idiot. Let's ignore all of the problems with liberalism such as how it helps destroy the environment, breakdown of communal integrity and ethos, and much more. You kikes need to stop acting like you are the leaders of the global world, and you need to go back to being irrelevant wanderers in the desert. You are incompetent idiots who are leading to the breakdown of the world on a massive scale.

>> No.14300778

>muh jew
>calls others imbeciles

>> No.14300794
File: 1.24 MB, 574x382, israel_americunts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you? It's as if you can't comprehend anything I am saying.
Right, you are the superior one like the people in this webm, right?

>> No.14300811

I already explained why Jews are problematic. They are two percent of the US population, yet they dominate many important sectors of society, which I listed many. They are leeches and manipulate US' internal affairs for their own bidding. They are highly nepotistic and destructive. They have no allegiance to anyone but their own. Schopenhauer also pointed out their danger.

>> No.14300816

Yes liberalism is good.
Unironically the best system we ever had.
The whole reason you want to ignore the problems of liberalism is because you can't name a single one that isn't just your opinion, and you know it!
>muh kikes
You just hate them because you can't compete.
You see lots of white people can and do but strangely enough they dont have a chip on their shoulder.
I wonder why...

>> No.14300823

So if blacks would be in the same position you wouldn't be a jealous little twat?

>> No.14300834

Jews were able to infiltrate into the upper echelons of US society not through meritocracy or honest competition but moreso through blackmail, immense neopotism, and mafia-like behavior. This is not honest behavior, but it did take being cunning and evil, yes. Even Schopenhauer warned of them.

Liberalism is breaking down, if you cannot tell. It has been a failure for a number of reasons. Jews should take a step back and realize they are exceeding their grasp.

>> No.14300846

Jews are causing untold destructive. After all, there are a couple of leaked documents that show Mossad were the ones to contract Saudis to do 9/11. You know, there were more loose threads than just the "dancing Israelis". It was a bit more than that.

Again, you Jews are exceeding your grasp. If you keep pushing people like this, it will be the end of your race as we know it.

>> No.14300848

They are better than hateful nazis.
Nazis never get anything done other than being bitter on the internet.
You are the biggest obstacle you face,because you chain yourself to retarded ideals like religion and false narratives about being oppressed by the evil juice.

>> No.14300851


>> No.14300868

>They are better than hateful nazis.
Ah, so worshiping a destructive ethnic genocidal apartheid state is good, huh? Kike, you are exceeding your grasp.

>> No.14300898

>This is not honest behavior
>calls everyone a jew and acts like that's an argument whether it's true or not
Dude, Hitler lost the war, you know?
Liberalism is not breaking down.
You will not have another Trump, and the next election will ensure that there will never be another republican president for decades. Texas will flip Blue and stay that way and after that it's over. Liberalism will be exported globally and we will crush every country that stands against it.
Russia and China are the only competitors, but Russia is already liberalizing, with their 1.3 birthrate so really China is the only rival we have.

>> No.14300900

Schopenhauer on Jews. Pretty much on target:

"many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this."

Summary: "As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations."

>> No.14300908


>> No.14300916

You are the one who wants a genocide here.

>> No.14300923

I gave plenty of arguments. You can easily look past my insults and discern my arguments. Of course, you prefer relying on pilpul tactics of trying to convey the other side as being uninformed or stupid. It is very obscurantist. It isn't going to work.
>You will not have another Trump,
He was bought out by Sheldon Adelson pretty fast.

>> No.14300926

>calls everyone a kike
>complains that people don't take him seriously
shit nazis are so fucking retarded lol

>> No.14300930

If a Jew denounces both his heritage and the existence of Israel, then I have no problem. I also support the banning of their holidays, literature, clothing, and etc.

>> No.14300940

You assumed I was a white supremacist from the start. I simply do not like the double-faced behavior of Ashkenazi and how much they are destabilizing the communal ethos of the cultures they reside in.

>> No.14300962

you dont need to be a white supremacist to be a piece of shit

>> No.14300966

And you're a Jewish supremacist, like most kikes. You ignore their destructive role in their host nations.

>> No.14301003

No, I'ma liberal supremacist.
People of all races can be awesome if they have talent and let go of retarded ideas that hold them back. In your case that idea is that you are oppressed by the jews, and possibly religion.
The jews are not superior, they just push themselves harder then antisemites.
You are not a representative for white people.
White people by and large do pretty well, like the jews. Especially atheist whites

>> No.14301013

Well if the jews put whites under their oppression that means that they are superior though.

>> No.14301023

>The jews are not superior, they just push themselves harder then antisemites.
Jews have formed vast networks of nepotism in media, publishing industry, much of Wall Street, lobbying, and so forth, and they do not really let talent shine if it goes against their interests. I do not think that takes being gifted intellectually, just having strong tribal behavior.
>In your case that idea is that you are oppressed by the jews
It's more that they are manipulating internal affairs for their own interests, which does run counter to the interests of their host country and its stability. Granted, if you don't explicitly stand against them, you can work with the system, which has many corrupt aspects to it.
>possibly religion.
You cannot reconcile normativity with naturalism, so you need metaphysics and ontology that go beyond mere physicalism/materialism. All physicalism/materialism entail nihilism and, in fact, undermine your naive progressivist ideals.

>> No.14301026

This. Jesus will destroy all lies and falsehoods.
He will break your liberalism and you will be left with nothing.

>> No.14301028

It is wrong for any foreign group to do such things. It is called being deceitful, and if this is the outcome of your so-called liberal ideals, then I can understand why many would oppose it. It is not beneficial to the stability and harmony of the natives.
Why do you think Mossad did 9/11 btw? To get America more involved in endless ME wars.

>> No.14301053

Im ok with this.
It really does not bother me that nothing matters.
Your attachment to the idea that things must matter is your shackle, and you contruct a bunch of bullshit to justify your prison instead of casting it off like a grownup. You are a deeply insecure person who retreats into a narrative and rejects all responsibility, deflects all blame and treat every opposing idea as a threat. You may be a vulnerable or a grandiose narcissist, please seek treatment.

>> No.14301064

If nothing matters, then the Holocaust didn't matter either, and we need an even bigger one where we make an artform out of butchering Jews like you. Now go kys.

>> No.14301069

No such thing. There are only winners and losers, and if you see the jews as an enemy and they are above you in status and power, you lost. You can stop being a loser by letting go of your victim narrative.

>> No.14301097

>preaching to me about victim narrative
>Jews constantly victimize themselves and cry about the Holocaust
There's a reason why antisemitism is growing again, Shlomo. Also, Jews may be on the top now, but nothing in life is permanent. Have fun falling.

>> No.14301099
File: 590 KB, 690x5604, jews1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the normal, inoffensive opinion of every sane person for thousands of years. What normal nation would let a minority, ethnic or religious or otherwise, dominate its politics, or have massive sway over its economy? None.

It's only in the past century that they have wormed their way into things, and only since WW2 that it has become the new "normal" to think that nations are arbitrary trade zones or whatever the current neoliberal dogma is. Any normal fucking person looking at a nation would be weirded out by the fact that a tiny, self-interested minority of 1-2% of the population dominates every single political, financial, cultural, and intellectual sector.

Go look at any country leading up to WW2 in eastern Europe, read completely mainstream, non-conspiratorial accounts of what Jews were doing in that country. Every single one of them, Jews were flooding into the country using family connections and wealth to dominate the economies and culture industries of those tiny, developing countries. Every fucking one. And people wonder why residents of those nations panicked and saw it as a threat? Because it was a threat. Does that mean thuggish mass murder or brutalizing women and children is somehow a good thing? No. But that's why people made some of the hard decisions they made.

The same process is being repeated again. What's the best way to avoid it? Keep fucking ignoring it? Keep censoring it in the press, keep using political influence to ostracize and destroy the careers of those who talk about it? Worked so well last time! The best way to deal with it is to GO THE FUCK TO ISRAEL. They HAVE a nation now.

>> No.14301102

>nothing matters, then the Holocaust didn't matter either
I agree.
>we need an even bigger one where we make an artform out of butchering Jews
That will never happen though. If it did, it wouldn't matter I agree.
>Jews like you
Im not a jew, I just hurt you so you hate me because in your head only a jew could ever do that.
No thanks, I have an enjoyable life

>> No.14301111

Jews having their own victim narrative and you pointing that out doesn't help you with your own victim narrative. You are always quick to point at others and never take responsibility. That is a glaring sign of narcissism.

>> No.14301113

Not everyone is a nihilistic edgelord like you. Moreover, if nothing matters, then neither does your worship of science and technology. You can't even just your progressivist beliefs then, since it becomes mere fancy.

>> No.14301117

>That will never happen though
eh. It's hard to say

>> No.14301124

>Jews were flooding into the country using family connections and wealth to dominate the economies and culture industries of those tiny, developing countries.

Also keep in mind that the first thing Jews did in those developing countries is start agitating for Bolshevik communism, which, remember, had JUST taken over in Russia and was basically a mass frenzy threatening to spill over into all of Europe. Jews not only went into countries and try to open them to this Bolshevism, they went into countries and pretended to be speaking for those countries, by dominating their intelligentsia. Jews don't write "I, as a Jew, think Latvia needs to let the Bolsheviks in." Jews write "Latvia demands Bolshevism! Latvia has always wanted Bolshevism!" while 98% of Latvians are poor peasants and 50% of population of the two major Latvian cities are Jewish businessmen.

>> No.14301125

You were the one who got triggered first. All I did was defend my position. I have many goals in life. It's not as if Jews are constantly on mind. They are parasitical, in general, but not much one can do about it. It seems you want to imitate their ways, given you are a depraved edgelord.

>> No.14301131

yeah but since nothing matters we might as well roll with the comfiest and most pleaurable ideologies, scientism and liberalism
Most people agree with me on this, that is why liberalism will keep winning forever and ever

>> No.14301141

>It's not as if Jews are constantly on mind.
lol dude read your posts please.
As a psychologist, I have to tell you, you are not in the right place mentally, even if you are right.
Your complete and utter rejection of criticiam and mindlessly hostile attitude reek of insecurity

>> No.14301149

>yeah but since nothing matters we might as well roll with the comfiest and most pleaurable ideologies, scientism and liberalism
How old are you? You sound like a retarded teenager.
>Most people agree with me on this,
Because they are deluded by people like Elon Musk or Kurzweil into thinking science is progressing at a rapid rate and we're close to Transhumanism. It's all lies though. As someone with two STEM degrees, I can tell you we're nowhere close to Transhumanism or Singularity, and it's all lies to maintain the current order.
>that is why liberalism will keep winning forever and ever
The earth's environment is eroding at a massive rate, and this current global economic order is not sustainable in the least. I simply hope it doesn't collapse during my lifetime given the riots and chaos that would ensue.
You're like a literal brainwashed puppet of Jews, just repeating their points slogan by slogan. You are not an original thinker in the least.

>> No.14301155

>As a psychologist
Such an easy and worthless degree to earn. I doubt you'd be able to find a job even, but then again, you might have connections for all that I know. No wonder you come off as a pedantic retard.

>> No.14301159

Nihilism is GREAT.
It strips away the oppressive illusion of meaning and allows you to just be any way you want to be without having to judge yourself for wanting this or that. I love dick. I love it in my ass and in my mouth, I love several dicks in me at the same time. And it's okay. Its fun, and thats all it has to be.

>> No.14301166

You keep rejecting self-reflection and criticism to the n-th degree. If you will not listen to me, at least start reading up on narcissism on your own time. You need help.

>> No.14301183

If you want to see where your liberalism has read, why don't you read up on Jewish nepotism (e.g., on Yandex), the breakdown of communal cultures around Europe, scour dark net or deep web for creepy fetish videos, and etc. Your modern liberal world has brought nothing but chaos on almost every level of interpersonal relationship. The person with a true mental sickness is you for justifying a fundamentally sick society. Also, I do believe you are a crypto-Jew because of many of them do become therapists/psychiatrists in order to prescribe mental illness drugs that actually do more damage to the brain in the long-run.
I gave some valid criticisms of Jewish behavior, no big deal. It is socially acceptable to criticize Muslims, which I have many of, but Jews are a protected class.

>> No.14301187

>has read
has led*

>> No.14301200

but thats good
that is how things are supposed to be
Also you dont get prescriptions for narcissism.
You get exercises that help you see yourself as you are instead of how you imagine yourself to be. You have serious issues with your self image.

>> No.14301232

You are insane and utterly depraved for worshiping chaos over order. You have a serious mental issues, and in fact, I am being unironic here, you genuinely deserve to die. I hope there is some kind of revolution and people like you are genuinely slaughtered. You are legit Satanist.
I have high confidence in saying you deserve to die.

>> No.14301248

Lol what a fag.

>> No.14301260

We'll see if you still call me a fag while my hands are around your neck, you fucking Moloch chaos worshiper.

>> No.14301394

>worshiping chaos over order
I don't worship anything. Talking to you was like strawman galore. I wish I could treat you IRL, I would do it pro bono, because I'm fascinated by the degree of delusion you're on.
Violent fantasies.
Another flag on narcissism.

>> No.14302995

privileging* chaos over order*
Go eat shit, you narcissistic edgelord prick.