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14300096 No.14300096 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to the most sagacious of shitposters, Guenonfag (pbuh). I have you to thank for getting me into Traditionalism, I don't know how I will ever be able to fully express my boundless gratitude that I feel for you. Reading Guenon was an illuminating experience which revealed to me the numerous error of my naive materialist and progressive views, I now feel like a new man. Guenonfag, you are the internet Bodhisattva of Traditionalism, willingly plunging into the shithole of 4chan to rescue us undeserving and unsuspecting ignoramuses from the depths of our own ignorance.

It's incredibly inspiring to watch Guenonfag confront both the crypto-materialist 'Buddhists' as well as the Discord-Tranny/processfag clique who plague this board. We truly don't deserve him but still he selflessly is always ready to take the fight to them, one might be inclined to say that he had the disposition of a kshatriya if it weren't for the profound understanding of metaphysics found in his posts that indubitably shows his brahminhood. The seductive allure of Guenonfag is enhanced by his enigmatic status; a man, a myth, a legend or something more? Is he a Mexican Feminist, a perennialist north African, an Indian boomer or a larping American teenager? Nobody knows! He reminds me of the elusive Archimboldi of Bolano's 2666. We can infer that he is familiar with Guenon's writing on the importance and signifiance of anonymity in Traditional cultures.

On Guenonfag's recommendation I began to read both Adi Shankara and Ibn Arabi, oh wonder of wonders! I was most unprepared for the sublime wisdom contained within that put all of western philosophy to shame. And to think that if I had never happened perchance to see Guenonfag's posts on /lit/ I would have never been awakened from my slumber! The icing on the cake is just watching all the seething shizos that follow in Guenonfag's wake, breathlessly inhaling and then fruitlessly attacking all of his shitposts as if doing so will make a difference (it won't). Their feeble attempts at posting their silly copypastas and screencaps of anonymous posts "exposing" him only helps the Traditionalist cause by making its enemies look like deranged morons. When observing butthurt schizos impotently trying to rebuke his brilliance I'm reminded of the line from the Immortal Technique song called The Prophecy that goes "your attempts to extinguish me don't even bother me none, just like retarded kids throwing icecubes at the sun"


>inb4 t. Guenonfag
How I wish I could aspire to the lofty heights whereupon he resides

>> No.14300104

I fucking hate all of you. Go kys. Also, on the highest level of realization, we share nothing in common. We come from no single monist or monotheistic source. You come from the devil whereas I come from God and the light. You are a depraved son of a bitch and deserve to die. You lack any real self-awareness or a soul, Buddha nature or whatever.

>> No.14300230

Fucking based. How can I become more like Guenonfag other than reading through Guenon and the thinkers that Guenon cites which I'm already working on?

>> No.14300234

You both lack a functioning brain, so you're already equal in fag-level.

>> No.14300276

keep seething lmao

>> No.14300284

I'm not seething. I am monotone. I can just see the lack of soul and utter depravity in you, that's all. Granted, none can feel it as strongly as yourself.

>> No.14301009


>> No.14301032
File: 623 KB, 699x783, guenondorf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14301040
File: 30 KB, 1627x372, guenonfag justifies streetshitting with shankaran logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14301066

>Deadnaming عبد الواحد يحيى
He would be ashamed to call you his followers

>> No.14301075

I’m monitoring this thread

Allah bless

>> No.14301082
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, knowyourmeme-cryingsoijack-765g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo! you can't just shit on the streets! thats unsanitary! you have to go in toilets like the modern nu-male!

>> No.14301470

zoroastrian neozurvan poster? I havnt seen you for a minute