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/lit/ - Literature

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14299808 No.14299808 [Reply] [Original]

Almost all the fantasy recomendations that you can find here recomend that you avoid him like the plague .

>> No.14299844

He wrote one good book and is somehow able to live off his writing. He makes me seethe.

>> No.14299854

Because he's not a particularly good writer, but normies still love him and think he's great.

>> No.14299870

Lol gayman

>> No.14299878

/lit/ generally has an aversion to anything liked by dumbass reddit proles who would like anything that made them "feel good." Sometimes if you go out into normie spheres of discourse they will say things like "Ummm? You can't say this game is bad :S I had fun playing it. Are you saying having fun is bad? Lmao!!!" because their primitive libidinally hypertrophied and oversocialized brains can't conceive of Good/Bad as expressing anything other than "duhhhh but did I ernjoy it? Hyuck!" This is similar to Piaget's stadial theory of moral development, where the externalization of morality into an objective, self-standing order is a relatively mature stage beyond mere hedonic calculus, punishment-aversion, and even shame-aversion or fear of "loss of face," a stage not reached by every person or even every culture, and even this relatively mature stage is still just a prelude to the fully developed view of morality as the cosmic order itself, as in ṛta or dharma, or Plato's description of the moral Good as coterminous with the aesthetically/sensuously Beautiful and the epistemically True. Normies are essentially at a seriously defective child's level of moral development, innately. This is worsened by institutions promoting their retardation (in both senses of the term), and further worsened by the belief of (now merely ossified) bourgeois culture that the only moral value is the subjective happiness of individual experiencers, represented most vulgarly by hedonic utilitarianism. The innate tendency of the normie to go "NNRNRGH? GRUGG LIKE? IT AM GOOD BECAUSE ME LIKE? ME LIKE EAT BAG OF SUGAR... ME LIKE WHEN MOVIE AND MUSIC IS SUGAR IN VISUAL FORM... YOU CANNOT SAY BAD IF ME LIKE! MORE SUGAR FOR GRUGG!" is thus reinforced by institutions which have a vested interest in deepening this state of arrested development, and the old bourgeois myth of utilitarianism and worldview of "everybody is equal :^) there is no such thing as aristoracy, let alone arete :^) the be reasonable and rational is to enjoy watchin' a good movie ;) pass the sugar my friend" is easily operationalized for this purpose.

>One must rid oneself of the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. "Good" is no longer good when one’s neighbour utters it. And how could there even be a "common good"! That expression contradicts itself: what can be common always has only little value. In the end things must stand as they stand and have always stood: great things remain for the great, the abysses for the profound, the delicacies and shudders for the refined, and, to sum up all this in brief, everything rare for the rare.

Neil Gaiman may not be intrinsically bad, but he stinks with the stink of those who justify things by going URRGHH? ME LIKE IT? IT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD WHEN ME READ IT WHILE WORKING AT IPHONE STORE?? WHY YOU CRITICIZE AND MAKE GRUGG FEEL BAD?

>> No.14299928

He's a literal cuckold. Look it up.

>> No.14299971


>> No.14299981


>> No.14299983

ad hominem

>> No.14299984

because /lit/ hates what's popular with normies. /lit/ can't stand Harry Potter because normies like it even tho it is a perfectly fine kids to ya fantasy series. They hate Ice and Fire because HBO normified it with GoT. They hate Gaiman because he also has a large mainstream audience.
/lit/ wants authors that when they mention it at their imaginary high school reunion, everyone goes "What? Never heard of that one, but I really liked Hunger games".
Because most of /lit/ doesn't actually like reading. They like feeling superior with what they read. And no one feels superior casually enjoying "American Gods".

>> No.14300011

I don't like his work in literature but his Sandman comics are good.

>> No.14300083

It's like reading something by sixth graders, for sixth graders.

Occasionally you might find something amusing, but generally it'll miss the mark because you aren't in the target demographic.

The same people who like him are the sad adults who obsess over Harry Potter minutae.

>> No.14300098

I read like 200 pages of American Gods and it felt like it was a screenplay masquerading as a novel, which is was.

Not read anything else by him and don't plan to.

>> No.14300100

I could find a way to feel superior reading American Gods. I could feel superior doing anything. /lit/ needs to get on my level. That said, reading in general is gay.

>> No.14300347
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He is a bad version of Lord Dunsany.

>> No.14300362

Coraline isn't too bad. I haven't read anything else by him.

>> No.14300369

/lit/ thinks it could do better, despite never writing, let alone publishing. As a result, his success feels unearned. Basically, /lit/'s unearned ego is to blame.

>> No.14300428


>Go to restaurant
>Order lasagna
>Get lasagna
>There's shit in it
"Exuse me waiter there appears to be some excrement in my lasagna."
>Waiter goes to tell the chef.
>Chef comes out of kitchen red faced and raging
>"How dare you insult my cooking. I made that lasagna from scratch. I'm sure you don't even know how to make fresh pasta, I bet you buy frozen lasagna at home. Have you ever worked in a restaurant buddy? I'm considered to be at the top of my profession I'll have you know.

This is how retarded you sound.

>> No.14300431

>never writing
>let alone publishing
How new.

>> No.14300482

Basically this.

Also, Gaiman isn't bad, but there are better overlooked fantasy writers out there.

>> No.14300523

I find him enjoyable. I think reading gaiman is a bit like watching a Tarantino movie. You know it's not "high art", but It's really good at what it does.

>> No.14300567

You and I both know it's more like
>Go to restaurant
>Order lasagna
>It's lasagna, no more, no less
>"Excuse me waiter, this lasagna is shit."
>"What's wrong with it, sir?"
>"I-I j-just know I could do better."
>Waiter rolls his eyes at you
>You stand, red faced and flustered
>"I'll have you know I've heard I could be a Michelin Star chef if I wanted! Let me into the kitchen!

It's well and fine to dislike lasagna. Just remember the fact that you don't like it, doesn't mean it's shit.

>> No.14300573


No I like lasagna, otherwise I wouldn't have ordered it. I just like it with mince instead of doodoo.

>> No.14300584

Why was infinite jest such a meme book then when it's arguably normiecore?

>> No.14300646
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>kneel to the gay man

>> No.14301164

This is sincerely one of the best posts on /lit/ this month

>> No.14301188

He seems like a good friend and a man with solid taste
But his literature is garbage

>> No.14301197

He's like the Marylin Manson of writers.

>> No.14301202

Honest question, do you have any hobbies? I don’t understand how difficult it is to grasp that Harry Potter, Gaiman, and George RR Martin are trash authors. It’s ok to like them but surely you realise it isn’t out of intellectual posturing that they are ridiculed. I get that you may like them, my favourite place to eat is Burger King but yet I am self aware enough that if my cousin who lives in Manhattan is taking me out to a Thai restaurant and I am eating the food, even if I’d RATHER have a double whopper, I can understand that if you have developed tastebuds this saffron infused chicken satay is a fundamentally better dish. It has better ingredients, it’s made by a better chef, it has more flavours etc. I don’t sit there thinking “wow I bet she’d rather have a whopper, what a nerd pretending to like this fancy food” because my reality does not begin and end with popular = good. Why then can you not do the same for books? When you read a lot you prefer different things, better things. This is true of literally every medium and even sub genres within mediums.

>> No.14301240

>food analogy

>> No.14301242


>Harry Potter is a trash author

Today I learned

>> No.14301270

I wonder if any fantasy author has ever written a book that is from the fantasy world itself. i.e one of the characters in the world wrote the book

>> No.14301275


>> No.14301287


There's a book called 'Land of Stone Flowers'

It's like a collection of studies by fairy anthropologists that study humans including our culture, biology, history etc.

It's not /lit/ but it's pretty creative, lots of pictures, I remember one that was supposed to be human anatomy but it was all fucked. Pretty funny.

>> No.14301333

Of course
There are a lot of books that the author claims to have translated from a fictional author residing in the fantasy world

>> No.14301339

so based I saved to my lit favourites collection

>> No.14301361

Can anyone explain to me what is wrong with food analogies? Is it because they are facile and overused? Is it because it's something an obese person might say? Or an association to another website? I don't understand this meme.

>> No.14301372


Food and sports analogies are overused and lazy. Doesn't mean they are wrong though.

>> No.14301410

Fantastic post my brother. This is perfect.

>> No.14301443

He still hasn't republished all of RA Lafferty's books even though he has had the rights to them for a decade, that shit is way too hard to find

>> No.14301462

Isn’t that the premise of Book of the New Sun?

>> No.14301487

holy based

>> No.14302676

This in its entirety.

>> No.14302704

I enjoyed Sandman quite a bit when I was 19/20.

Heard he's much better writing for comics, his prose is just to wanky and low-level to bother with his novels.

>> No.14302758

His Physiognomy

>> No.14302773

It's even more of a posture to write a lengthy spiel asserting works are bad without providing any textual evidence or argumentation.

>> No.14302804


>> No.14302850

Lit are knee-jerk contrarians. Gaiman is a great comics author and a fine YA author. Once his SJW-Queen wife deserts him and he returns to the thread of his earlier work he may start producing literature. He definitely has the potential for worthy work in the future.

>> No.14302858

His prose is childish.

>> No.14302920

You could've saved yourself the effort and just wrote: "Neil Gaiman is Reddit"

>> No.14302955

Well played, but Sandman is still nice, my man. Kek

>> No.14303014

thanks Nietzsche

>> No.14303027

It's implied that A Song of Ice and Fire, at least in part, is written by Samwell Tarly as an account of the events that transpired after he becomes a maester at the Citadel.

>> No.14303086
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I like him, but for fuck's sake he should go back to write comics and short stories, he's better at that than writing novels.

>> No.14303582

I find his writing annoying, he puts too much of his cuck personality into his characters.

>> No.14304372

Pretty much this.
There is little that is challenging in a Neil Gaiman book. He borrows heavily from old tropes and synthesizes well. Stardust and the Graveyard book are pretty decent. His prose isn't awful. He has some decent characterization. He's well read. He seems to lack pretension. I can understand why he has broad appeal.
But more refined tastes has always been for an elite not the masses. John Connolly's Book of Lost Things or Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake imo is a superior fantasy book along the lines of what Neil Gaiman writes but I can also understand why one is less popular than the other.

>> No.14304387

It's normie to have it on your bookshelf but it's patrician to have lots of autistic post-it-notes and stained pages from your sweaty palms

>> No.14304816

Of course, but in contrast Anna Karenina is my favorite Russian writer.

>> No.14304836


We used to love Ice and Fire here at one point

>> No.14305013

more like this but with less gruggposting

>> No.14305318
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Why bother with something mediocre when there's still plenty of comfy fantasy classics to read?

>> No.14305419

i unironically dont understand this post, can someone translate it without the abstract nouns without writing me off as a brainlet please? thanks

>> No.14305460

Absolutely BASED

>> No.14305547

Normies parrot popular opinion in order to get by. These parroters talk about art and literature as if they've thought really hard, but they haven't. They just repeat a popular opinion, usually given by a professional pr person. In reality, they just recognize if they like something, and look for a PR stance to justify their feeling. They misuse analytical tools and have no understanding or built up knowledge from reading books or whatever activity they do. If you disagree with them on some intellectual point, they won't respond to your disagreement with an answer, they will get mad, stereotype your argument, and throw out some factoid which they think will hurt you, because in their mind, all you've done is try to hurt them with your reasoning. They can't see arguments as legitimate intellectual discourse(objective), only personal disagreement (subjective). They are annoying, sycophantic, adult children, who pollute most literary circles, and Neil Gaiman is one of their favorite authors. I got sidetracked but that's the gist

>> No.14305617

Shall I compare thee to a winter's night?

>> No.14305618
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>tfw you are the hedonic subhuman talked about in this post

>> No.14305658

thanks a lot anon i appreciate your effort in helping me.
i now get the gist of the post i think..
ill be honest though, ill use the example of capeshit as like the zenith of brainless shitty pop culture, i used to be frustrated that garbage like that was popular (and i can call it garbage pretty confidently even though thats not an objective fact but my opinion, i can bet you whatever argument I have for it being garbage is going to be a lot better than what some retard counters it with)....anyway I used to care about the majority of people liking shit like this and then when you brought it up theyd spit out some retarded argument like "shhhhh let people enjoy things xD", but eventually i realized its not worth spending energy or time on getting frustrated about stuff like this. There's nothing you can do to change the public taste, just spend the energy instead finding/building communities of others with a similar more "developed" taste like yourself. Bread and circus has been around and will remain around until the end of times, its a fact of life. Another thing as I got a bit older is i realized no matter how shit some people's taste is, its not worth dehumanizing them over. Even what you think are the most simplistic people are often more complex than they let on. So I don't think it's worth writing off people for their shitty tastes because 1) you can come off like an arrogant dick 2) it reinforces an attitude of automatically underestimating and writing people off, which can bit you on the ass in many ways

>> No.14305968

/lit/ is making me hate philosophy more and more. You're not wrong but you could've driven your point without sounding like a massive tryhard faggot

>> No.14306130

agreed there was no point for that word salad. i dont get why people feel the need to write like this, good writing gets the point across clearly and doesn't sound like it was written with the help of a thesaurus. people that (you)'d are just jerking themselves off to """understanding""" that post

>> No.14306151

I don't even disagree with the point, but this is legit one of the most pretentious things I have read on the internet

>> No.14306168

>/lit/ can't stand Harry Potter because normies like it even tho it is a perfectly fine kids to ya fantasy series.
I was a kid while reading the series and I thought the last book was lazy. I hated how they found and destroyed 5 of the Horcrux in just one book and how Voldemort decided to keep using the same spell that failed 3 or 4 times on the same guy.

>> No.14306206

>but I can also understand why one is less popular than the other.
I really don't know why Gormenghast is less popular. Care to explain?

>> No.14306263

I hated ASoIaF way before GoT.

>> No.14306274

I didn't like Hamerican Gods either, but Sandman is dope.

>> No.14306312

Book of the New Sun.

>> No.14306370

Because quality becomes self evident through exposure. This is only a point of contention for those adamantly REFUSING to invest the time to experience more and asserting that their narrow window of knowledge is vast. It’s amazing because the very people who accuse you of pretension in your hobbies will themselves be extremely selective in theirs. The nerdy gamers people who defend Harry Potter can probably rant as nauseum about the sorry state of video games, and watch hour long video essays about why some obscure Japanese video game was far and away better than some more mainstream game. The lack of self awareness these people have is astounding. It’s almost obscene to demand someone explain why GRRM is a bad author because the point would be self evident of the apologist simply READ MORE. It’s like if I said “explain to me in words why McDonalds isnt as good as a Michelin star restaurant” except it’s even worse because these people have the gall to accuse earnest lovers of the medium of posturing.

>> No.14306392

>He wrote one good book
Which one?

>> No.14306481

He's probably referring to American gods. But bad omens is also pretty comfy read.

>> No.14306516

Probably a combination of insanely dense prose, a very high sociolectic register, painstaking attention to detail, and a first book that prides itself on its slow pace.

By the way, none of these are bad things, and I personally have not found a fantasy book that tops Gormenghast in themes and style. But they definitely do not contribute to mass appeal or popularity.

>> No.14307256

it's good omens, and the fact that it was a collab with terry pratchett probably helped

>> No.14307265

>why is shit writer rated so low?

Gosh, OP. What a fucking mystery.

>> No.14307379

One of my favorite professors, a literature PhD from the University of Cambridge, loved most of the /lit/ canon and also loved Neil Gaiman. We read The Sandman: Season of Mists for one assignment and I enjoyed it. He's great at introducing normies to literature and appreciates the mainstream works too. I'm a musician and music enthusiast. I enjoy classical and jazz about as much as I enjoy pop music. I'm pretty sure your cousin also eats Burger King when he feels like it, and the Patrician guys at /tv/ watch Tranatino flicks every now and then. Developing taste is about expanding your appreciation, not diminishing it or restricting it. Just because there are authors of better quality, caliber etc. doesn't mean easy pop literature can't be enjoyed and is automatically shit

>> No.14307430

American Gods starts out with some edgy guy thinking about his wife in prison, It was so bad I put it down in like a chapter.

>> No.14308453

most mature guy in the thread, i can tell you have some life experience anon