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File: 51 KB, 793x776, nassim-taleb-black-swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14298804 No.14298804 [Reply] [Original]

What have you done to make your life more Antifragile?

>> No.14298807

Not samethreading like you

>> No.14298813

Strapped guns to my fists

>> No.14298820

I started doing pushups and eating more

>> No.14298831

How many pushups/day? Plus, how many can you do in a row?

>> No.14298845

I do 50 every day, can do in a row about 20

>> No.14298848

stop memeing this guy

>> No.14298867

despite the memes, Taleb offers good help for doomers.

>> No.14298980

I've also found that to be true. I just wish he wasn't that big of an asshole on the internet.

>> No.14299031
File: 8 KB, 215x234, ellul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are insane, i've never posted about Taleb here. Just finished reading Antifragile and thought his boomer advices were pretty good. I still don't understand why he proclaims to be a libertarian while hating on big corporations and stuff.

>> No.14299411

why would being a libertarian mean you want big corporations to rule the world?

republican‘s are sham ‘libertarian’s

>> No.14299421
File: 219 KB, 1300x975, ARTHUR BOYD, SHOALHAVEN-12221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up every day more depressed than last
>anxiety and general paranoia amplifying as i ramp up cannabis and coffee consumption
yeah i'm as fragile as ever i'd say

>> No.14299445
File: 1.43 MB, 1366x768, DEF6FF2A-0237-4B81-B2FA-316C57076AF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve tried to become more well rounded. I’ve avoided extreme or narrow specializations in both my job and my studies. It’s worked. I’m now trained to work every department at my store at the management level and so I always have the option of 48 hour workweeks even if I get scheduled light, since I can take shifts from any department. I got a second job tutoring through my university, where I’ve majored in English. Also just being successful in general helps with antifragility; I have options for my Masters programs and in my day job everyone wants me in their store.

> tl;dr be more well-rounded and strive to be generally successful.

>> No.14299447

I liked Antifragile, even if Taleb seems like an insufferably pompous douche.

But I didn’t find any helpful life advice there.

>> No.14299448

I’ve pushed myself to continue setting time for my passions, self-improvement, etc., regardless of whether I’ve been busy, tired, etc. I’ve also drastically reduced the amount of autistic rationalizations that I used to make to avoid doing what was best for me or what could have been a resourceful solution to a new hold-up. Finally, I’ve learned to better manage my emotions, see the world in pseudo-contradictions and shades of gray (instead of black and white thinking), and nurture a reasonable “baseline” for reactions to events and people to lessen my borderline personality disorder tendencies.

In other words, I did everything I could to increase personal agency, and reduce “self”-absorption (which I define as a fixation on a concrete identity, even though it’s mostly illusory or transient).

>> No.14300722

I haven't read his book, but I'm glad academia has more arab representation now thanks to him. The lebanese seems to be at the forefront of the arab world in terms of academia.

>> No.14300735

put weed in toilet and flush

>> No.14300752

If you leave corporations unfettered, they will just follow the tendency to monopoly and grow huge.

>> No.14300761

According to him Lebanese are "not nonwhite" lmao

>> No.14300766

i thought about learning arab, but i'm not sure if it will be useful once oil runs out or the demand for it drops

>> No.14300781

That doesn't mean he's not an arab right? I'm talking about culture and genes which go beyond skin colour.

>> No.14300786

That's how it works uh. Boy you're not so bright and it shows

>> No.14300806


>> No.14300820

Taleb is my favorite philosopher of color right now.

>> No.14300824

Seems like cope to me- born in an arab country, speaks arabic, genetically arab- he's def. one.

>> No.14300825


He's Phoenician.

>> No.14300831

Shit Taleb is even more based than I remember, I would love to watch Harris get shit on in another public forum

>> No.14300833

Phoenicians stopped existing before Christ's birth. He's arab.

>> No.14300845
File: 346 KB, 1038x1120, SmartSelect_20191206-175952_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another imbecile. Lebanese are direct descendants of Phoenicians.

>> No.14300850

Oh so he's 3/4 Turk and 1/4 Arab then got it.

>> No.14300873
File: 324 KB, 2208x1786, IMG_20191206_180401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You an imbecile. Taleb has debunked your BS countless times.

>> No.14300874

imagine being that good at mathematics and predicting complexity and still thinking you can be 1/4 perfectly Phoenician

>> No.14300877

Anyone who refers to himself as a Phoenician is a fucking LARPing faggot and you know it, sure the people who called themselves Phoenicians have left a genetic legacy but that identity is completely dead.
It's gay shit man it's wack

>> No.14300889

Absolutely nothing

>> No.14300893
File: 60 KB, 468x527, t.nassim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You an imbecile

>> No.14300902


>> No.14300911

>Phoenicians have left a genetic legacy but that identity is completely dead.

>> No.14300922

Panarabist nonsense. Lebanon is not Arab.

>> No.14300933


Seems like Nassim is here and he's definitely more fragile than antifragile

>Speaks arabic
>Culturally arabic
>Part of panarabist organisation

"B-but we're not arabs! We're totally meds!" (They're not mutually exclusive categories fyi)

>> No.14300937

I ain't reading that shit nigga, you can give me a summary or don't bother replying to me

>> No.14300983

>The results are in, and Lebanese are definitely the descendants the ancient Canaanites – known to the Greeks as the Phoenicians.

>A study based on DNA analysis published this week, reveals that more than 90 percent of the genetic ancestry of the modern-day Lebanese population comes from the ancient people, commonly known from biblical accounts.

>> No.14300990
File: 1007 KB, 924x864, basedphoenician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you had to do was look at his nose and forehead. Physiognomy doesn't lie.

>> No.14300992

Lebanese are not Arabic, but they aren't Phoenician either. They descend from a variety of Mesopotamians, but they're not really that mixed with Bedouins so whatever they are, they probably have close genetic continuity with it.

>> No.14300995
File: 29 KB, 285x287, Nassim-Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man Taleb is very Phoenician in appearance.

>> No.14301001

He looks more Assyrian to me.

>> No.14301178

Netanyahu looks like THAT?!

>> No.14301221

This is like shooting someone and then saying, "what do you mean I wanted to kill him? all I did was manipulate my hand and arm muscles a bit." But then, conservatives say "guns don't kill people, people kill people," as though guns don't massively facilitate killing people--much like libertarianism massively facilitates corporate abuse.

>> No.14301273

Stop with this sophistry. You know that unfettered corporatism leads to monopolistic entities or oligopolies.

>> No.14301381


Could you summarize, please?

>> No.14301402

Nice anon. I've started running again, I feel great.

>> No.14301648

How fat are you? I want to start running but I'm a bit overweight (5kg over an ok BMI) and don't know if I should shed some fat first.

>> No.14301733

I'm pretty skinny. You should be fine if you build it up slowly and warm up properly. Walking is also very effective as well as cycling so if running is too intense you can do those too.

>> No.14303160

Start fasting , and get on /fit/

>> No.14303918

>heavy deadlifts
>intermittent fasting
>focus on making online (location independent) income
>throw a few bucks into bitcoin every so often
>re-focus on Lindy books