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14298494 No.14298494 [Reply] [Original]

I've just read Yes, We Can Meme. What did I think of it?

>> No.14298505

Even in 2010 this meme was incredibly unfunny. Do redditors actually do this?

>> No.14298507
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>> No.14298530

You can accurately imagine what they look like

>> No.14298533
File: 76 KB, 630x722, shagg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone seriously explain to me why normies/women are so fucking gay?

Why can't they ever be funny? Why can't they be "biting" with their humor? Why do they fall so easily into just repeating stale punchlines that obviously aren't punchlines once they're simply being repeated? Why do they laugh at things that aren't funny? Why are they so easily amused? Why is the bar so low for what entertains them? Why do they not instinctively dislike lazy, weak, low-grade attempts that should have been left on the cutting room floor? Why do they reward mediocrity, and participate in it? Why does every normie and every woman have a "grandma on the internet" vibe?

Can the explanation really be that I'm just jaded and brain damaged and my standards for humor are demented? Is it really "normal" and good to laugh along with disgusting faggot redditor normies when they repeat the same unfunny joke? Am I really the abnormal one because my brain goes "hmmm but there's no punchline to that, he's just repeating the same obvious reference everyone else is already made"?

Why can't they ever discern anything? Why do they always get fooled? Why do they always seem like they're primarily "happy to be there," wherever there is, and only secondarily trying to judge and discern what's actually going on? Is it really insane and autistic to be critical by default instead of anti-critical by default? Am I cut off from some kind of normie continuum of social energy that makes everything good by default as long as it's infused with sociality? If I could experience the continuum, would I even want to be a part of it? Are they total human beings, and I'm a defective human being, because I don't laugh by default at unfunny jokes, ineffective setups, or botched punchlines, simply because the person delivering them is smiling garishly and everyone around me is already pre-giggling like they're high on meth? Or are they the defective ones?

>> No.14298572

>he's just repeating the same obvious reference everyone else is already made"?
I am convinced people only continue to spout the unfunny, forced memes solely to fit in.
Very few memes since 2014 have been funny. I think the more popular memes have become, the more they drop in quality. I think viral culture in entirety is fueled by this insecurity. People are desperate for a common, easily understood topic to discuss with other people.
Very few memes since 2014 have been funny or original. If you look at the reddit/instagram/ifunny memes for the past year it's been the same exact meme format but with different images. The first examples that come to mind are the shocked pikachu meme, the galaxy brain meme and the hotline bling drake memes.
The new format for all the reddit memes for the past few memes is basically
"Good thing:"
"Bad thing:"
With images accompanying those good and bad things. It's incredibly basic. It's amazing to see memes devolve so much. Ragecomics and impact font toptext/bottomtext memes may have been shit but at least they had more nuance and detail than the modern "good thing" "bad thing" format.

>> No.14298573

>Why can't they be "biting" with their humor?
Because that may hurt someone somewhere out there. Not that they actually care.
>Why do they reward mediocrity, and participate in it?
Because they're mediocre.
>Is it really "normal" and good to laugh along with disgusting faggot redditor normies when they repeat the same unfunny joke?
You're not supposed to laugh because it is funny. You're supposed to laugh to bond socially with people.

Maybe I take these posts too seriously.

>> No.14298594
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>You're not supposed to laugh because it is funny. You're supposed to laugh to bond socially with people.

what does this mean

>> No.14298612

>I think viral culture in entirety is fueled by this insecurity. People are desperate for a common, easily understood topic to discuss with other people.
>You're supposed to laugh to bond socially with people.

But why are they so desperate for this? Is it an instinct that they have? Do they start to panic like an animal if no one is giggling excitedly and reaffirming the social bonds like some kind of Durkheim collective representation?

Is this why women are constantly screaming and laughing over one another when they're talking about something completely mundane?

>> No.14298618
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Once you realize the "good thing" "bad thing" format you will be continuously disgusted by the content you see online. Even the majority of 4chan memes since 2016 have adopted this format. Chad vs virgin, all the new wojaks and frogs which are created solely to insult people, all the new buzzwords created to insult people. The only good recent 4chan meme I can remember off the top of my head is apu apustaja, he's silly and exists for no reason, apu has more emotional depth than all the other insecure narcissistic insult memes.

>> No.14298629

Apu is the only good meme left. He is very rarely used to make a political/intellectual argument, the only exception is clownworld apu. He's just a silly/sad piece of shit that exists for no reason. I relate to apu, and I love apu.

>> No.14298634

Did the clownworld shit feel really zoomer/reddit to you too? That one shocked me, it was like a living parody of post-2016 posters

>> No.14298653

I miss Baneposting

>> No.14298852

>But why are they so desperate for this?
Because if they don't do this, they will turn out depressed and lonely just like we are now. Maybe we have too much pride, or maybe we are the ones who are unwilling to sacrifice self respect to laugh at stupid things.