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[ERROR] No.14298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fitlit/ edition

Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of /fit/ who want to learn how to eat right, lift weights, and lose fat. Here we ask others for advice and give moral support to one another. We all know how hard it first is and we all have to get through it to better ourselves. At the end of the day this is a support general whose goal is to help and motivate the chubby channers who need it. Please be warned that there are some chronic idiots who post in this general giving horrible advice that doesn't work for them or anybody. If you see something that contradicts what the sticky says, ignore it.

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and eat 500 calories or less than it daily to steadily lose weight
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

>> No.14396
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Confess your cheat meals

>> No.14607
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>just ate half a large pizza hut pizza for breakfast

kill me

>> No.14619

I have eaten a sandwich from KFC, and while I'm within my macros and TDEE, I still feel awful I did this.

Tell me what books I should read to make my lifts better /fitlit/ /fat/her

>> No.14650

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Fat Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Refrigerator Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

>> No.14684


>> No.14741

What's the deal with Chinese food? That shit never fills you up. It's impossible to not be hungry again shortly after eating it.

>> No.14766
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Am I eating too many carbs? I eat like 3 servings of brown rice during dinner and usually a granola bar as a snack at some point

>> No.14836

>take empty jar
>fill with low cal fruits like strawberries, apple, whatever
>cucumber too if you want to be even lower-cal, oatz if you want it to be even more filling
>blend together
>fill jar with quark/greek yoghurt
>put in fridge overnight
>enjoy delicious meal for very few cals the next day
Tomorrow's breakfast is oats, quark and strawberries at 275cal, and lunch is banana/strawberries/cinammon/quark
Join the smoothie club lads

>> No.14837

my guilty pleasure is packet migoreng (no oil sachet) and 400g of canned fish

theres like 60-70g of protons there, 50g carb and about 10g of fat, so its not really that guilty

its good for a clean-bulk pre workout, and it satisfies those 'mfw no fast food for 1 million years' feel

>> No.14847

I read a comic book with ice cream

>> No.15074

Got a stew going in the slow cooker to make meals for the week. Anyone else /mealprep/ here?
Yeah, that's why I avoid it nowadays. Not to mention all the rice and noodles.

>> No.15147

Lost 4 kg in 3 weeks. 26 more to go. Thanks, /fat/

>> No.15177

I need to lose 80kg quick, which rope should I use for my noose?

>> No.15187

>when your old clothes fit you again

It was all worth it. Thanks /fit/

>> No.15235

heavy duty

>> No.15480

I don't know if it's worth posting today what with the silly 4chan shenanigans right now but fuck it.

I got sad last night. Really sad. Like the lowest I've been in awhile.

For the first time in over a month I impulsively ate something, in this case, ice cream.

I hate myself for it but I'm not going to let it spiral me out of control. I threw out what was left and am planning the rest of my meals around it today (as well as some extra lifts and cardio today) so it won't set me back too hard.

But god it wasn't even worth it.

>> No.15530

Hey man, as long as you log it and compensate you're fine from a weight loss standpoint. It's okay to have treats once in a while. I do hope that whatever is going on in your life gets resolved.

>> No.15592

>planning your other meals around it
reduce your cals by 300-500/every day until you've made up for it. You're going to make it.

>> No.15695

Because it's made of noodles, white rice and breading, which do nothing to actually fill you up and keep you satisfied.

>> No.15786

A pair of jeans from where I weighed a year ago almost fit me (They button and zipper but i don't consider it a fit if they're uncomfortable). I tried them on last week and couldn't even button them.

So despite this >>15480
i still feel kinda okay. Not "I'm gonna eat a shit ton" okay but "One setback won't break you. Keep going" kinda okay.

Just gotta do the grocery shopping and it's off to the gym.

I do. I missed last week (Got lazy because it was my birthday) and it was such a struggle in comparison to get dinner together.
Just finished making my lists so I can cook tomorrow (Shop today). I love slow cookers for this. I have two (One large one I bought and one smaller one i got as a gift) and i'm honestly kinda considering getting at least one more since thy're handy as fuck and shave off so much time from the rest of my meal prep (since i'm picky and need a different meal every day or i get bored).

They literally soak everything in sugar. Seriously. This is why it doesn't fill you up at all and why a lot of the dishes are ungodly healthy for you (As well as how the chicken is ridiculously soft compared to if you made it at home).

Rice noodles are fine in small doses. I make little homemade ramen jars for my meal prep (some soup base/boullion, shredded carrot, green onion, a little deli turkey and some rice noodles. they cook up fast when you add the hot water). Just yknow don't eat a shitload of them. The rice definitely isn't the problem with americanized chinese food.

It's called a serving, why are you eating so many? What are you eating with it?
Add a vegetable for a side instead of piling on more rice. Lower carb veggies are ideal.

I crave KFC once in awhile but i immediately feel shitty after it even when i didn't care about my weight. I think it's the food. they do something wrong to their chickens man. Next time make some homemade. It'll be healthier even if you still fry it since you can customize the ingredients (Baked or pan fried rather than deep fried are good options too). Theres recipes for the KFC spice blend too which is the only good thing about KFC in the first place (I mean their potatos are mush, the mac and cheese tastes like it's from a child's tv dinner, and anything that doesn't taste like crap will either MAKE you crap or is full of sugar).
My birthday was horrendous
>serving of fries
>Little more than a share of fried pickles and ranch
>Only ate two bites of the burger though (Gave to husbando)
>Pot roast (Delicious and my fav but i felt really sick later, probably had milk in it :(
>They gave me a free cupcake. Didn't want it but didn't want to waste food so i ate it :(
>Stll ate the cupcake i bought myself for my birthday cate too, mostly to "get it out of the house" before my only cheat day was over (Not allowed them until i hit 150 at least. 225 now).
>Also ate two of the four macaroons my friend made me

Felt miserably sick after

>> No.15795

How come my chinese roommate eats white rice and noodles all day and he's rail thin then?

>> No.15805
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>tfw down to 245 from 260

One day I'll not be the black sheep at my gym.

>> No.15881

Ah thank you anon, I'll do that. :)

A treat is one thing, a whole pint is another unfortunately, and I can't lie to myself and say that was okay because it was one day. One day can turn to two and so on. I can't trust myself so i can't allow myself to buy it again (Which is relatively easy most of the time).

As for life shit, yeah i'll get over it. Its not a big deal in the end but it's still making me hella sad (Just a cluttered living space + depression + lazy housemate + shitty birthday meal stlll making me feel kinda sick desu.

I swear, half the guilt people get when they have a shitty meal comes from how crappy the food makes you feel more so than true guilt, cause I didn't feel bad about my birthday meals at all (Regretted some only because i got sick but i planned to not track that one day so i could just enjoy myself. my birthdays usually suck and this year was actually great). I just feel bad because...idk.. i feel sick. Off.

fuck refined sugars, man, i swear.

And sneaky ass fucking dairy appearing where you don't expect it.

>> No.15934

Fast food and gummy bears when I drink

>> No.15943

White rice is extremely filling. If rice were bad for you japan and china would be fatter than the US. It's the added sugar and the deep frying, not the rice.
>>15795 ^

Grats anon that's a big step :) I know how you feel. I go to a really tiny local gym so i see a lot of the same people. I haven't really said anything to anyone yet and i'm clumsy so I think my reputation right now is "Fat chick who fell over squatting" because of my shit tier balance (I've since figured out the right stance though).

Hang in there

>> No.15968

God mcdoubles when i'm drunk are godtier deliciousness. Good thing i rarely drink and the munchies from weed just make me want sweet (so some fruit).

>> No.16064

Beer. There's this place walking distance from me that rotates out like 25 taps and sells an oz for like $3.

So much fucking beer.

>> No.16074

Does anyone know if DNP goes off if you have it for a year? I'd not think so but best to check.

>> No.16094

Cup noodles and store bought pizza

>> No.16136

You mean like in blood/hair tests?

>> No.16161


Just worried that somehow it'll be worse for me or something. I mean i'ts already a poison so it's probably not gonna get more poisonous or something.

>> No.16239

Mcdoubles aren't bad calorie wise. Especially if you toss the buns. I lost weight a few years when I was fatter by some days eating like 5 jr burgers as my only meal of the day.

>> No.16437

I was so close to binging on pizza last night. All of my friends went home for the weekend and I went to the free uni bingo night alone and just felt shitty while winning nothing for an hour. Luckily the free pizza ran out before my willpower. I ate a pint of cherry tomatoes instead when I got home

>> No.16532

I've been babysitting at someone's house for the entire week and all I've had to eat is crappy boxed and frozen food. I feel like I'm starving, yet I'm eating more calories than normal and it sucks.

>> No.16828

I'm getting that "life's just begun" feeling

>> No.17083

At least you still care about your birthday.

>> No.17152
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just had a kebab... food cravings are strong because im under a lot of stress to study so i hope i can limit the damage to a few days.

>> No.17192

My mum finally acknowledged my lack of blubber
>Stares me down
>"You on your drugs again?"

>> No.17293


How many calories were in it?

>> No.17330

tfw you've only lost 20lb and mommy says you aren't fat anymore. She has been yo-yo dieting for decades and I think I understand why now.

>> No.17368

This night I can't avoid eating out. So far I've eaten 300 kcals, a burger/sandwich shouldn't fuck my shit up even if it will probably be really greasy, right? 1000 kcals in the worst case scenario?

>> No.17378

What is it about smoking that keeps people thin? The nicotine? All the smoke floating around in their guts?

>> No.17386

what's your go to snack to curb cravings? i have a half cup of fiber one cereal with yogurt on top. 150 calories and pretty filling.

>> No.17397

well nicotine is an appetite suppressant
and smokers typically get their dose 20 times a day
plus the cost, I imagine they'd prefer a smoke over a chocolate bar every time

>> No.17422

One side-effect is reduction of appetite. Not as much as they want you to think though.
t. smoker and fatass

>> No.17486

i don't know small store but i think at least 800 since its big and fatty

>> No.17531


So just assume 1k and work it into your dailies.

>> No.17532

I always got hungry when I smoked and it made me chubby. I think I'm an outlier though, literally every other smoker I ever met was a stick.

>> No.17582

>tfw stalled on weight loss for two weeks because I got too hungry and ate like a pig

I only gained a lb compared to the 9 I lost the 3 weeks prior but feels bad

>> No.17608

if you only gained a pound then that's probably a pound of water weight. it will come off fast.

it always surprises me how fast i lose weight after a binge.

>> No.17612

Those food cravings might actually be salt cravings. Try drinking some broth and see if they go away.

>> No.17656

>Went out to California for a series of job interviews and impromptu vacation
>Decided to let go of the diet and cheat away like the scum I am
>Ate heinously - fried calamari, fat burgers stacked with onion rings, some kind of chicken fajita that was folded into a 'pizza bread' that was the size of my forearm
>All I did exercise wise were push-ups and sit-ups from an app as part of a volume plan
>Went for one run and was on the beach otherwise
>Came home and weighed myself, fully prepared to be disgusted on a subatomic level
>Lost .3 lbs

Am I fucking making it?

>> No.17660

I think it's a double-edged sword where it lowers appetite but also raises stress levels, which leads you to seek out food.

>> No.17664

Same, I really couldn't substitute eating with smoking but when I had one of my stuff my face till I can't physically eat anymore days I just forgot to smoke

>> No.17696

That makes sense, right now I'm quitting vaping since I switched from smokes to vapes and I'm honestly just not hungry without nicotine. It's nice for weight loss but a little concerning.

Also, anyone in this thread have any tips for something to do with your mouth that's healthy if you have an oral fixation? I had to lose my lip ring to get a nicer job so mouth piercings are out...

>> No.17734
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I have basically the opposite problem

>tell mom I'm fat (yes I'm 18)
>Anon please, you are NOT fat, stop thinking so bad about yourself!
>start losing weight, ask mom if she notices
>Anon, you look like you've lost weight

>> No.17745

>450kcal left to spend today
This is a recurring problem, how do I deal with this?
I'm not particularly hungry, and I don't like the idea of eating just because it's written that I have to.
On the other hand, I don't want to set myself up for failure by bingeing later because I'm hungry.

Am I overthinking it?

>> No.17783

Overthinking, if you're not hungry don't eat

>> No.17824

that might actually be true, i changed my food intake to prepping meals and and thus cut a lot of the overly fatty,sugary and salty junk stuff.
thx for the tip gonna try broth instead of tea for the next dring.

>> No.17909

Reminder to stay hydrated because it is important to overall health and helps keep down appetite.

>> No.17934

you could prepare a few healthy snacks for the rest of the day. like some carrots or other veggies, place on a convenient spot so you eat them instead of roaming the kitchen later.

>> No.18001

Need to cut down on the soda and fast food guys

>> No.18047

so does everybody

>> No.18055

>Every time I tro keto I fail after a few days because I like rice so much

>> No.18062
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Last year I weighted about 120 or so kgs.
In February, I started just taking almost daily 10-12 km walks, and cut my eating in half, and I have now lost over 10 kgs.
I only weight 108 kgs now.

Losing weight this way has only really required me to walk around and eat less. I bought ankle weights to intensify my walks yesterday.
Ez pz. I might drop bellow 100 kgs by summer.

Any tips how to improve on this though?

>> No.18166

How do i get myself i into the mindset to do it

>> No.18189

Carry a backpack full of weights, get walking shoes, try sprinting for 30 seconds every few hundred steps to up your heartrate.

>> No.18211

Then don't do keto? Or work up to it by starting with normal calorie restriction, then slowly adjust your protein goal to squeeze out carbs

>> No.18216

not wanting to be fat helps

getting into the swing of a new routine is the hardest part
if you can make it two months, you'll make it

>> No.18230

Realize that all the sugar in that stuff is going to give you diabetes and lead you to having insulin injections every day, and that living with such a condition makes eating more sugary food forbidden.

>> No.18253

Thanks mang.
I got quite good walking shoes and after many years of not being able to sprint due to being fat fuck and my knees hurting like hell, I now can sprint again.

It's wonderful.

>> No.18303

Are you counting calories? All fast food places have complete nutritional info, so figure out your calorie goal and then start counting. You'll quickly realize that fast food is super calorie dense and not very filling. If you start viewing calories as a limited daily budget, you'll stop wanting to blow all of them in one meal

>> No.18313

pretty sure carrying extra weight is a meme that will just end up fucking up your achilles tendon or back.
If you want to intensify your walks then just walk faster. Jog if you have to. Start actual cardio

>> No.18326

Also like I told another anon before your fast food cravings might actually be salt cravings, in which case add more salt to your healthy food or drink broth

>> No.18337
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395 lbs
6ft 1
am couch potato and vidya gamer
What do?

>> No.18372

>lost 16lb
>had traumatic event exactly one week ago
>started off unable to eat and now I cannot stop
>constant anxiety

I don't feel like I even care anymore.
I haven't stepped on the scales for about 10 days since then i just eat and eat and I don't care to stop.
I know it's pathetic but I can't find it in myself to care about anything even though this must be making my mood worse.

>> No.18388


>> No.18396

I am/was around 185lb

>> No.18408

Count calories and keep a deficit
Go to the gym
Laugh at me for being a manlet

>> No.18414

Thanks for the answers

>> No.18434

Tomorrow is a new day and treat it like one. After having a bad day with eating or with stress just resume your diet tomorrow like nothing ever happened and everything will sort itself out. It may take a week for you to lose all that water and bloat you put on yourself from your huge 7 day binge but each day you just
resume your diet you will start to gradually feel better
again and hopefully next time you handle the stress
better even if that means only binging for 3 or 4 days
atleast it isn't 7. That's progress.

>> No.18468

eat brekky at 9am
eat dinner at 5pm
don't eat anything else until brekky the next morning

>> No.18484

also the run on the beach burns more than a regular run.

>> No.18487

britbros remember that heatwave we had last year?

I cannot believe I was 320lbs at the time
no fucking wonder it almost killed me

bring it the fuck on this year, I'm ready

>> No.18495

>don't eat anything else until brekky the next morning
DESU thats whats killing me I can't sleep at night so i midnight snack a lot.

>> No.18517

>start eating correctly
>no junk food
>no soda
>fruits and veggies
>can't even make it to 2000 calories a day and i'm always full

>> No.18523

>pizza fore breakfast
Pizza is not for breakfast!

>> No.18529

Yo share some recipes senpai

>> No.18532

I'm going to have a huge binge and then start my 800 calorie diet.

>> No.18535

even better then:
skip brekky
eat lunch at noon
eat dinner at 7pm
don't eat until lunch at noon the next day

>> No.18553

Thank you anon.

>> No.18559


the food you ate before was making your blood sugar levels go crazy, deceiving you into believing you were still hungry. it also probably wasn't as filling due to the lack of fibre and other such things.

>> No.18561


Alcohol. A lot of alcohol. I can't stop ;_;

>> No.18571
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Fuck it, here goes. Lost 30ish kgs in about 7 months but now, i've reached a plateau.

How in FUCK do i push past it?

>> No.18592

more stats pls bby x

>> No.18595

If you remember this constantly, then eating less is kinda easy

>> No.18612


I'm kinda fat and want to lose weight but also gain some muscle and strength. Whenever I try to cut I feel weak and like I don't have any energy. I also feel like my muscles also shrink. What do?

>> No.18617
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>went from a 250lb fatty to a 190lb half lean half fatty in 9 months

All i did was keto with intermittent fasting and some light cardio/weights about 5 hours a week

I feel stronger, my mind is much clearer and now I look much better in my clothes.

Now I just need to find how to get rid of my gross stretch marks

>> No.18627

recheck your TDEE. As you lose weight, it goes down.

Furthermore, plateaus on the scale do not necessarily equal plateaus in weight loss. Take regular measurements and see if the numbers keep dropping

>> No.18647

Whacha need? 5'11 and hovering at 100-101kgs. All of my weekdays are filled with boxing training. Weekends are time off.

>> No.18665

lower your calories more. my end goal weight puts me at just 1700 calories per day maintenance.

>> No.18692

Helps with the oral fixation that acts as a primary motivator to eat
>t. Freud

>> No.18708

Went to my club office to pick up my gym bag so I could hit the gym. Instead had a beer, then went home.

Couple hours later ate like 2 big bowls of beans. Been bloated and ripping ass constantly for the last couple hours since waking up.

I'm supposed to be on a cut and I'm only 15 pounds from my goal but god damn this final semester stress is hitting me hard.

>> No.18739
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check maps if the area has some outdoor gyms or health parks. maybe a sports field with soccer goals where you can do pull ups.

( if the area is your home and you will be there for decades to come petition the city council. in my tiny village it took like 1 year and 30 people to get one. mostly leg work to get local business to sponsor some gear. ours is mostly from wood and quite primitive but is next to the public swimming lake so amazing in the summer) looks like pic related but with logs instead of quadratic logs)

ankle weight are great and will help, also weights but have a good backpack so you don't get back problems. best to take water which you can dump out any time to lose the weight.


Carrying weight is mostly fine as long you stay below the 20% body weight range (for somewhat normal weighted people) so like 20kg). this is the value recommended for long distance trekking for weeks on end. also before losing the weight he was carring it on the hips anyways so the body is use to it.
Also people walk the appalachian trail for like 3 month with lost of baggage and long hours a day, so do postmen and other professions. 12 km are low enough to be fine if you listen to your body and don't overdo it.

>> No.18866

I smoke unfortunately but it suppresses hunger a lot. Or I just got used to IF. With black coffee I often dont feel the need to eat at all, usually I fast 20:4 or so.
Not a fatty though, Im very /fit/

>> No.18988

I just want you guys to know how proud I am of you all. Everyone successfully losing that weight they are insecure about. You will COMPLETELY change your entire life. It's a sad reality but people will judge you in a more positive light if you are a healthy weight. I am completely serious. Good luck all of you and everytime you tell yourself that one cookie or a couple chips won't hurt, remember this requires an entire lifestyle change. If anyone needs any help with fitness, diet, nutrition, exercise routines, or any assorted guidance let me know. Here for you all. Today is the day you either begin your journey or reflect on how much better you feel for your hard work.

>> No.19034

>tfw it's too late to lose weight
>tfw you already wasted your entire life being a fatty, and would only be thin by the time you're 24
>tfw 24 is too old for fitness to matter

should I just kill myself now?

>> No.19035

red grapefruit juice is doing something, I don't know what but I'm 700g down from my previous check.

>> No.19088

What? Dude sex starts getting way better in your 20s. Girls become more obligated to impress you sexually and have more experience and everything is improved. You could be fucking milfs in the ass with a little confidence, haircut, new clothes, and a hard earned simply average body.

>> No.19129

yeah but why would I want to do that? who in their right mind would fuck a 25 year old woman?

>> No.19202

Stop trolling a board of people trying to better themselves. Have fun stuck in your aura of mediocrity until you hit 40 and realize you've accomplished nothing. If you really believe that having sex with women your own age is weird, then you watch too much porn and believe only fucking women 18-21 is enjoyable. In the real world 25 year old women aren't virgins, missed that boat when finished high school. Be realistic or forever hold your peace.

>> No.19210

I just eat raw fruit and melt cheese on veggies that i'm eating. nothing major. my dinners are actually the same, because they weren't the problem, i was a snacker.
I will say i started making a 3 egg omlete with two slices of goulda cheese in the middle and bell peppers. i recommend it

>> No.19227
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Post your BMI, fatties

>tfw finally normal BMI of 24.4

Feels good, but I'm still a fatty

>> No.19242

but that's true? Why would anyone settle for some 23 year old hag? Unless you're literally that insecure.

>> No.19248

keep cutting. Any muscle that you may lose during the cut will return quickly once you eat at maintenance or slightly above.

>> No.19285

you don't have to fuck women your own age y'know, but it's not like you have a choice if you're fat with a miserable attitude.

>> No.19335

how do you retards get motivation? That's the only thing I'm lacking.

>> No.19373

we get it
I've just joined the "ideal" club myself at 24.7, but I'm far from finished

>> No.19458
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I ate some Cheetos today.

>> No.19462

well that's really down to you to figure out (though if I had to guess, it boils down to getting laid), but in most cases it's for personal health, being more attractive physically, easing out of depression, and building the confidence to function better in life. I made my big breakthrough when I realized I've been fat for all of my adult life and have no idea what I 'really' look like, and so here I am going out of my way to find out.

>> No.19491

Yes, kill yourself.

>> No.19522

Holy shit some of you fat fucks are delusional. Hey man keep going for those college girls, meanwhile you're too large to properly clean yourself. Keep shooting for the stars! You'll get an 18yo as soon as you get in shape. Totally.

>> No.19544

Some chocolate.Also had chicken earlier.

>> No.19555

You don't use motivation. You make getting fit such a large and important part of your daily life that you have no other options.

>> No.19563

No teenage girl want to fuck an older fat man.
Especially with your mindset.
You're creepy. Death by Autoerotic asphyxiation is your future.

>> No.19607

If you're fat with a miserable attitude you won't even fuck women your own age. All those fat couples you see together got together at a lower weight and gained weight together in some weird pact of denial and insecurity. Fat people don't find relationships, generally. Fat men masturbate so often they are sexually dulled down until they have zero sex drive from blowing so many loads a day. Fat women just get fucked by black men and dumped to the curb.

>> No.19772

Small bag of Spicy Funyuns. I also have half a pound of Sunflower Seeds and Pretzels, but those usually last me 1-2 weeks

>> No.19777

I might go swimming for the first time in years, but I don't want to look like a loser on my own doing lengths

>> No.19791
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bullshit you got all the time in the world. And you do it for yourself to be able to do anything, to do sports, travel, good sleep, no health problems, social gains etc.

do it for your future do you want to get out of breath when heave yourself out of your truck when 40 years old or be able to play catch with your kids teach them sports make them chads. Have them in disgust apply cream to your diabetic leg or train baseball with your son.

Also chicks look good till 30 and they get more desperate so they settle for less. So if have something to offer you can shine and pick something young you want. also if you have higher education it matters less and less.

lastly don't forget the
"half-your-age-plus-seven-rule" aka the rule to define the youngest age that a romantic interest can be before the relationship is indecent.

Tl:dr life is not porn just kill yourself

>> No.19835

I don't get it. I am the anon that posted how proud I am of you guys and then I have to explain to people that it's unrealistic to start fucking college age girls if you're overweight and older than them. All of you that think simply losing weight will help you get women, you have a rude awakening. I am 6'0 190lbs and openly use steroids, I look like an average fitness model body wise and have an average face at best. I am still insecure and get uncomfortable around women. Sometimes I wonder if it's a trap why would this girl ever want to talk to me? We are all human. I have trained myself to be more confident in the face of my anxiety, because girls spot that shit a mile away. If many of you /fatties/ trained yourself to have insane confidence (even if you don't believe it in your heart) you would get more action than an average guy with zero confidence or social skills. Chads are an outlier but don't worry about them.

>> No.19851

Cheese pizza And nachos With 2liters of beer

>> No.19873

Every single person that swims for exercise swims lengths by themselves. it would be more out of place to be swimming with other people in your lane bruh. You'll be fine :).

>> No.19881

Fatty here. I finally got a job where I can use a microwave instead of grabbing McDonalds. However for 2 of those days I have classes all day so no microwave.

What's a good weekly meal plan when I'm always out of the house.

>> No.19901

Jesus man that's unsustainable.

>> No.19931

So two days you don't have a microwave? How many meals do you have to prep those days and would it be breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack?

>> No.19943

>that guy who spends 90% of the time chatting with his friend at the end of the lane and blocking the wall

>> No.19949


That rule's kind of finnicky when you apply it to younger people. It implies someone who's 24 can't date an 18-year-old, which is quite common.

>> No.19978

I had peanut butter on toast this morning
Came home from work, had a bowl of cereal, small sandwich, and leftovers from last night
Later I'm going to for food with my brother.

My entire life is a cheat meal. I'm not /fat/ but I still can't help myself.

>> No.20027

>on calorie deficit
>lost ten pounds
>birthday yesterday
>have four beers. Four pieces of pizza
>wanted a cheat day but feel like shit

Only twenty pounds til 180 lads. Wish I didn't have a cheat day even though it was my birthday party.

>> No.20033
File: 598 KB, 437x736, 1477721672740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 240 pounds 5'9''
>want to lose weight
>too cheap to join a gym
>even then I'm a mentally ill social retard who always feels he's being looked at
>running sucks and doing it makes me want to die
>want to die anyways

>> No.20043

Hey man that would be cutting weight for
me. Depending on portions and what leftovers/sandwich were, that doesn't sound remotely bad. If going out to dinner with your bro and you're unsure of your calorie count, order grilled chicken and veggies man and you'll feel a lot better when you leave.

>> No.20050

according to my journal, my calories for my birthday last year were 1400kcal
don't remember what cake it was, probably chocolate

>> No.20074

): feels bad man. At least I didn't eat any ice cream at power rangers with everyone

>> No.20079

24/2 = 12
12 +7 = 17
so 17 would be the okish limit. so to date a 18 year old thus 1 year older would fine and included in the rule.

>> No.20106

linked wrong post

>> No.20124

Hey man I used to feel the same way on days I couldn't hit the gym. Remember how shitty the food made you feel and realize you have done ZERO damage to
Your progress bro. Losing weight is a systematic life style change. If you feel guilty the next day, you've acquired enlightenment. Keep it up man. 20 pounds could take anywhere from 6-12 months. Don't get discouraged.

>> No.20126

Leftovers was this keto thing my roommate makes every now and then. Basically a lasagna, but the noodles are layers of cabbage and there isn't as much cheese.
The sandwich was 1 piece of bread folded over with some shaved turkey.

We're supposed to eat at a "gourmet" burger place.
I'm fucked.

>> No.20171

Join the gym and get over your insecurity and cheapness (motherfucker your weight and health will cost you 10s of thousands of dollars in medical bills later in life. It's negative EV to be fat. It's an investment). If you refuse to exercise whatsoever then radically change your diet. You can sit on the couch maaturbating all day and lose weight.

>> No.20191

12 + 7 is 19. I think this rule works better for people who are older because the process of halfing the age is more reasonable (e.g. a 40 year old would be dating women over 27).

>> No.20254

Motherfucker get a hamburger no cheese no bun and veggies as a side. You can make this work stay positive. You sound like your getting upset about something else in life and projecting your diet isn't that bad today. You can do this man. Think of future successes instead of short term comfort.

>> No.20294

Thanks anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.20299

Everything except for dinner, however I have a 6pm class that I sometimes attend. I also take the bus so I want to know the best way to transport said food without it exploding in my backpack.

>> No.20400

dam i obviously proved that i am not a /lit/ brainlet didn't i.
but 19 and 24 does seem like an ok age difference for a couple. and yeah the rule get kinda funky in some age ranges. cultural differences also play a role. Europe for example is far more liberal in some parts in my country the spoken rule is 1/2 + 6 but i used the urban dictionary's +7 as i wasn't 100% sure.

>> No.20460

1000 calorie pizza.

But it tasted damn good and I met macros.

>> No.20610
File: 3.13 MB, 1739x1542, bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BF% estimate ?
5'7" 128lbs down from 180lbs
fuck this skinnyfat hell

>> No.20630

you think boogie is lurking?

>> No.20639

Why is it so hard losing the fat than it is gaining it bros!??

>> No.20677

>hard losing weight
Engage your brain with something more interesting to do.

>> No.20691

No because Boogie is someone who will never change or try to change.

>> No.20723

he'll have no choice once his stomach is stapled

>> No.20744
File: 39 KB, 400x291, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support you guys wanting to become thin. personally I'm disgusted by fat people, but I see hope for you when you're out exercising. dont feel bad about being fat in a gym or while working out, its the same as if you felt ashamed for going to the hospital for being sick

>> No.20755

Because theres a maximum amount you can lose each day, but you can gain a whole lot more in a day.

>> No.20788

17 percent or so

>> No.20864

>weighed today
>164lb, lowest ever
>stomach noticeably smaller


>> No.20919

I'm the guy who's always talking about his 1k calories of stir fry. Today I made a honey garlic sauce. That shit's like 400 calories ontop of the 1k for the stir fry. But it's all I'm eating today so 1.4k against a 2600 TDEE. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.21012

My pants that was super tight a few months ago is now very loose and I had to notch a buckle higher so my pants don't fall down.

Am I doing good?

>> No.21130

Ate a flake and some concrete cake.

>> No.21135


Ye boiiii congrats. Keep at it. You're gonna make it.

>> No.21224
File: 493 KB, 1200x1600, P_20170323_064418_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The replies to this post is why /fat/ will only be cancer to anyone actually wanting to lose weight.
You are fat for a reason, and other fat people will only keep you fat and tempt you into your old/current lifestyle.
It's why successful weight losers also lose their former fat friends.
This is a containment thread for people who are and always will be fat. Anyone making it will leave.
You cannot take fitness advice from other fat people. It's good yall are reading the sticky and supporting eachother though.
But complaining what a fat fuxk you are while shoveling food into your mouth shouldn't be tolerated for this thread to be successful.
This is your chance to make a lifestyle change, take it or get out.

-lost 15lbs in 2 weeks, 20 lbs from my goal

>> No.21284

Bruh you shouldn't be cutting by that much, its not good for you. Even 2000 would be on the higher side if your maintenance is 2600.

>> No.21313

Higher side in this sense meaning, cutting by 600 calories is on the higher end of the scale.

>> No.21473


Honestly it's not even a burden. Like, I'm a pretty good cook and I eat a LOT of veggies in my meals. I also naturally do what amounts to IF.

Like, I didn't eat until 10 PM today (Euro faggot) and I haven't even finished one bowl of stir fry. Shit's filling as all fuck.

The other thing is I know that 2000 is my sorta 'max' so if I'm finding my 1500cal/day goal is a burden or I'm super hungry for some reason after 1500 I have 500 wiggle room if I need. Don't worry I'm nowhere near "oh god I'm starving time to binge and give up". I know if I'm finding 1500 to be a huge problem I can go up to 2k and continue my cut. Also, I'm eating with quite good nutrition at 1500 so I'm feeling really good actually.


The purpose of that post is twofold. The obvious one is shaming yourself so you don't do it again. The other one is that you'll notice no one here responds to the confessions with "YEAH BRO GOOD JOB YOU EAT THAT CHEESEBURGER" everyone is like "Oh that sucks man. Well, at least you're only X over so you can cut an extra bit from your next few days. Stay at it". It's support to not let one fuckup be the death of your weight loss.

I honestly think it's better than the alternative.

>> No.21517
File: 334 KB, 781x1100, 835 - chocolate funny inubashiri_momiji touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate like half a box of cheerios

>> No.21551

almond milk bro
it's like 150 calories in a bowl of cereal

>> No.21565

I wouldn't take that shit for a year, that sounds scary as fuck

>> No.21601

I ate an entire jar of cake icing, no regrets

>> No.21619


Nah nah I mean I had it for a year. I wasn't taking it for a year.


You should maybe have some regrets about that.

>> No.21620

you had half a month refeed, if you pull a good calorie deficit now you'll relose that lb and more quick

>> No.21647

I wouldn't take that shit for more than a couple of weeks. A year on it is guaranteed death.

>> No.21670

no, it doesn't degrade unless you leave it in sunlight

>> No.21684


Yeah. 3 weeks on a lowish dose. 250mg for 3 weeks is perfectly safe. Just make sure to drink extra water. I'm actually not retarded.

>> No.21693

How can I keep muscle while losing fat and have energy during the day?

>> No.21714

I ate it dry

>> No.21753

workout and high protein diet even with a calorie deficit


your fat will provide you with energy :^)

>> No.21816
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Don't forget your supplements and to take a day off every few days or you'll feel like pic related.

>> No.21894

I did 10 days at 500mg and the results didn't blow me away
I have enough for another 10 day blast but i'm gonna save it for when the weight is being REALLY stubborn

>> No.21991


When I did it at 250 I didn't feel bad. Just woke up thirstier than normal. That was the main difference.


I'm hoping that being at a pretty steep deficit as is it'll really nail it.

>> No.21998

I've been skinny for a year now. I feel like I'm running in a futile circle of madness... I've become mentally ill(obsessed with eating and eating schedules). All I do is go to the gym, sleep and watch my calorie intake.

Now I just want to get on some test so I don't need to worry as much about gaining fat.

I've never been psychically more in my life, but I feel dreadful and empty and i'm addicted to sleeping pills.

How's that for a success story, drip that on your pizza and eat it.

>> No.22065

I know losing weight won't give me a life or personality but I'd still rather be unhappy and in shape and then unhappy and unhealthy.

>> No.22098

living the dream

wondered myself what to do about the underlying cause of eating disorders
not sure what caused mine, but I know it's still there, even if I've fixed the symptoms
perhaps it will manifest in another way
perhaps not

>> No.22185

it gets bad sometimes. one night of drinking results in several days of drinking with no excercise.

haven't drank in a week and the only cheat meal was yesterday, 2 slices of pizza

>> No.22196

Articles of the day:

Problems with low carb/high protein diets regarding depression and ways to resolve the issue:


"1. Add the protein I mentioned above, alpha-lactalbumin to your daily protein intake. High in tryptophan, it will help support serotonin synthesis. Consuming some near bedtime might help with sleep, taking it at other times throughout the day may help with overall mood. In this context, I’d note that having a relatively higher carb/lower protein meal at dinner time may help with some of the sleep issues."

"2. Consider supplementing with 5-hydroxytryptophan. 5-HTP is another precursor to serotonin in the brain that many have used to deal with depression and sleep problems. Doses seem to vary significantly but 50-100 mg taken up to three times daily may be worth considering to keep serotonin levels from falling while dieting."

"3. Given that your symptoms only show up after 2-3 months of dieting, I’d strongly suggest taking a full diet break (discussed in detail in A Guide to Flexible Dieting) between periods of active dieting. Basically, perhaps every 2 months, take 2 weeks to raise calories and carbohydrates to restore brain serotonin levels back to normal. Then you can enter another phase of active dieting, stopping before the depression really sets in to take another full diet break. I think you get the idea."


Usages of a full diet break:


"Dan Duchaine recommended 4 weeks of dieting before 2 weeks of raised calories and then 4 more weeks of dieting as part of a 10 week contest diet. I’m a bit more flexible (get it) than that, a leaner individual might go 4-6 weeks before taking a full diet break, someone who is much fatter might go 12 weeks. Folks in the middle go somewhere in-between."

"I’d note that I even think that contest dieters should use full diet breaks although this requires not only being lean enough when they start but also giving themselves sufficient time to include the break AND still have time to get lean enough. Most dieters start to late and end up not being able to take a diet break but I believe that their diets would work better if they did."

"It’s a concept that tends to be counter intuitive (how does going off a diet make it work better) but in my experience and with what the research says, it works.
People tend to fixate on short-term results (as noted above they want to BE LEAN NOW) but for most applications, long-term adherence is far more important. In the big scheme of things, what is two weeks not losing fat if, not only does the break mean you lose fat MORE effectively (because you’ve normalized hormones) but you increase your odds of long-term success by not being so psychologically stressed all the time."

>> No.22201

what do you guys do on rest days

>> No.22225

>afraid to buy clothes because i'm in the process of losing weight and they might not fit right later down the road
i look poor

>> No.22280

These issue have plagued me in the past, hopefully you'll find some help in the advice mentioned in these articles. They've helped me.

>> No.22288

i-is half the package of ramen noodles with 3 scrambled eggs dripped into the boiling pot considered a cheat meal?

>> No.22296

I just want you guys to know that I'm super proud of you all

>> No.22312

Are you still going to meet your deficit today and for the week?

>> No.22341

Noodles: 200 cal
Eggs: 210 cal

Seems pretty reasonable 2bh, the only real worry is if it's not satiating enough and you eat more in an hour.

>> No.22400
File: 22 KB, 802x401, ss+(2017-04-01+at+05.23.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not doin too hot today guys, no food in the whole house and im broke, and its a rest day

>> No.22415

Dear /fat/s, instead of going for that anxiety-driven snack, why not try reading a book and having some tea instead? I'd recommend something light and enthralling, like a thriller by a scandi author like Nesbo or Mankell.
Anyway, good luck!

>> No.22452

Is there a downside to drinking a shit ton of water? I drink like 5 or 6 liters per day, because it prevents me from wanting to eat.

>> No.22484

Guys, help me out with my TDEE and caloric deficit.

I am 180 cm, 96 KG and I lift 5 days a week PHAT.
I wanna lose weight as fast as possible and I currently decided for a 2kcal diet. I have increased in lifts while doing this and dropped circa 2kg. I feel like 2kcal is too much, but it some calcs put me at 3kcal for maintenance. I guess my question is, does anybody have any experience of how much kcal I should be taking or should I just try to manually adjust over time?

>> No.22551

All of those things are estimates. Use the best estimate you have (2k) and then modify based on your personal results. If your goal is to lose X kg a week you might find that 2k is too much or too little. Weigh yourself after two weeks and adjust it from there.

>> No.22569

>-lost 15lbs in 2 weeks
Well done, you lost muscle and water dumbcunt
You need to cut for longer than that, losing only 2lbs/week max otherwise you're going to look shit

>> No.22571

Depletes electrolytes, but if you eat food with some salt in it that isn't really an issue.

>> No.22596

I suppose I already knew the answer, but thanks for replying. I just started taking weightloss serious and I can't wait to see some serious progress. I'll take the advice.

>> No.22629

i dont usually do for the week, one day at a time with 1200 deficient. i've been cycling everyday 16-27 miles depending on my mood and weather
yeah i could really go without the noodles, it would make more room for dinner/snack later in the day.

i usually dont browse /fit/ so i might sound like a retard

>> No.22653

Good luck. Also keep in mind that if you create a caloric deficit then your first week results will likely be unreasonably high (mine was 2.5 kg), that's just water weight and random sugars and salts being silly, not actual body fat. The second week onward will give you more reasonable data you can work with.

>> No.22713
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>3 pounds away from finally being under 200 lbs

its been so many fucking years since i got on the scale and saw a number that began with 1.

>> No.22732

Are you retarded, you want him to lose muscle and be saggy? What he needs is eating around 2000 calories to maintain or build lean mass for faster metabolism, and do cardio and weight lifting to make his progress even more faster by burning 400 cal plus while eating more. Faster results, never hungry, and look good after.

>> No.22742



>> No.22746
File: 27 KB, 322x390, loli costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me bestow my wisdom upon you
>I have two weeks of experience and just begun the down swing of my yoyo

Lol get the fuck out. "Make a lifestyle change", fucking kek.

>> No.22768
File: 50 KB, 460x908, large (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I know how you feel
I used to be 300lbs, now I am like 125lbs. I am anorexic as fuck.

To give you an example, when I was 300lbs I celebrated my 22nd birthday by eating 2 birthday cakes. Each had 11 slices, one for each birthday ever, and I decorated each slice accordingly (baby food on the first 2, kids cereal on the next few etc)

Last year for my birthday, my mother bought me a cake and I weighed exacty 40 calories worth and ate nothing else

This is an even worse life

>> No.22824

take a diet break
and this guy's advice

>> No.22826

>40 calories of cake
what's the point?

>> No.22864

>Each had 11 slices, one for each birthday ever, and I decorated each slice accordingly (baby food on the first 2, kids cereal on the next few etc)
Have you considered using your latent cake decorator talent to launch a new career and change your life?

>> No.22937

I'd say 20-25%

Just go to the website for army style body fat measurements, the only thing you need is a tape and it'll give you a rough estimate.

>> No.22953


underrated post

>> No.22995

>tfw still feel guilty on cheat day
I'm not even pigging the fuck out

>> No.23008

He has to lower the calories as his baseline metabolic rate has lowered and his body now needs less calories to function. If he eats like he's still 20 lbs heavier he's going to stay where he's at. He can preserve muscle mass through consuming his newly-calculated macros for protein. It goes without saying that he can still exercise.

>> No.23022

You actually look quite good for a 50lbs loss
I'm 5'8", 169lbs from 225lbs and while I don't have lose skin yet, I'm sure there's going to be some around my gut after a month or two

>> No.23092

Maybe find a middle-ground between not eating anything and eating two birthday cakes? I can see how a complex can develop towards eating again once you lose a ton of weight, though, knowing how hard it was to lose all that fat.

>> No.23098

I don't think I've ever seen another persons stretch marks and even cared about them much less thought they were unsightly. I just assume everyone else is like me.

>> No.23099

8 months ago I predicted I'd be done by april
it's april and I'm not done

>> No.23145

>ate like 2 big bowls of beans

Isn't that only like 700 calories? I keep getting nervous because everywhere I look says Chilli Con Carne is like 300 calories a cup which seems way to low for how filling and delicious it is.

>> No.23178

That happens, how far off are you?

>> No.23202

As a semi-fit guy that lost went from 93kg to 75 in ~3 months: Don't let little mistakes throw you off. Stay on course and the effect will even/dull out. Keep at it and good luck Anon.

Remember that the journey has no highs without lows.

>> No.23247

>40 calories
How the hell? Did you take your finger and scoop off a quarter size amount of frosting?

Also, what does your skin look like? I know people in the 300's will usually have some loose skin in the end, but to go full on anorexic? I'm now curious if it just ruins your skin further or if it actually helps in making your skin tighten up a little more.

>> No.23259

That was me every june for 3 years. Just kept getting stuck, unmotivated, relapsed, and hovered in a "not yet shirtless" mode.

>> No.23340

not far
I made it into """""ideal""""" bmi range, so I am certified not a fatass, despite still being fat
I'll see how I look in 20 lbs

>> No.23342

No, if you can give into cravings THAT BAD (over 1 meal), you will never make it.

>> No.23379

You can do it mate

>> No.23418

>went almost a whole month of no alcohol after new years
>was 190lbs at 5'10
>dropped down to 173~ around the end of feb
>started binge drinking again
>scared to weigh myself again

>> No.23440

just bite the bullet m8
have a cry if you need to, but don't try to ignore it

>> No.23487

iktf bro.

>> No.23593
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>my goal body
when will I grow up

>> No.23642
File: 572 KB, 1130x1600, Majin_buu_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current body

>> No.23696

we lads, can almost see my dick when I look down now

>> No.23731
File: 20 KB, 396x385, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate twenty four hotdogs yesterday.

>> No.23771

That's just impressive.

>> No.23790

are you Marlon Brando?

>> No.23796

alri matt stonie

>> No.23808


>> No.23862

if buu did it, you can too

>> No.23912

Getting ready for a hotdog contest?

>> No.23964

Please forgive me. 9 vegetarian chicken tendies, a basket full of fries, a cup of ketchup, three cupcakes and a coke. In about six minutes. C-cutting is hard.

>> No.24015

>9 vegetarian chicken tendies
are these real and how do they taste

>> No.24112

For real

>> No.24140
File: 229 KB, 764x858, breakfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd share a favorite recipe. I have a few other favorites if anyone is interested in them.

I like to eat a half-serving every other day or so. Paired with zero sugar syrup it's fantastic.

>> No.24152

They taste just like chicken except a tiny bit softer on the inside. More protein than chicken, give em a try anon.

>> No.24188
File: 35 KB, 765x758, 1490225169943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making brisket in the slow cooker right now, the smell is wafting throughout the entire house. my family has been circling the kitchen all day like a pack of hungry dogs, i fear there won't be leftovers. god help us all

>> No.24195

>skip brekky
>make it

Choose one.

>> No.24208

Have some brisket anon-kun, it won't hurt you.

>> No.24265
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>not intermittent fasting

>> No.24326

Read Invictus by W.E. Henley. Works for me.

>> No.24349

I would if they didn't cost twice the price of regular tendies and could get them around here.

>> No.24486
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>> No.24586

going for the Takeru Kobayashi diet i see

>> No.24622

Someone just gave me a bottle of high end tequila. I'm not even sure why they're just like I know you love tequila, here.

Not drinking while cutting. Also using DNP so double not drinking.

Fuck. Can't wait to have some. Gonna be a while.

>> No.25293
File: 49 KB, 641x593, 1483076871792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Went to a local ice cream/BBQ place yesterday. Got a double cheeseburger with fries and a shake.

>> No.25405

ate a burrito for breakfast, and several cups of ice cream. Didnt taste that good. Feel like crap. I only had a protein shake for lunch and greek yogurt for dinner so I might be ok by tomorrow but I feel awful right now.

>> No.25880

>missed going to the gym on Wednesday
>weighed myself the next day
>was 1.5 pounds lighter

Shit. I'd be glad to lose weight that fast, but I'm worried that was all muscle.

>> No.25967
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Are macros really that important?

I tend to eat high fat/high protein. I guess lean meat isn't as calorie dense as stuff like sausage and short rib, so I'll probably be fuller if I switch to more lean meats.

>> No.26018

Weight fluctuates a lot. Don't fret the day by day measurements.

>> No.26061

>tfw ate pizza and chips


>> No.26218
File: 187 KB, 960x543, 1490387504025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny rule. Since I'm 28 my gf should be 28/2 = 14 + 7 = 21

but she's 19 and helps me lose weight

>> No.26221

I'll be honest here. I only THINK about actually exercising, talking walks, watching what I eat, etc. Not actually DOING it. The only way I would lose weight is A) get locked up in a cell and have my intake controlled and forced to exercise or else I get the electric hair, or B) gastric bypass, which my doctor have recommended to me twice now, but I know what happens if I do that; look 30 years older, skin looking and hanging like burnt plastic, basically hanging of a skeleton, still weak as fuck, etc.

Can I pay someone to kick my ass on a daily basis for being a fat useless fuck?

>> No.26269

Don't you think you had enough calories from your ridiculous breakfast to skip the protein shake?

>> No.26385

breakfast was rly only 390 calories. It was just compounded on top of all the ice cream. Protein shake is 130 calories...

>> No.26397

It just starts with a little motivation every day. It becomes a habit after a couple months, and it's really just automatic. Give it a shot, it's really not as hard as you're psyching it up to be. You can do it, just take the first step.

>> No.26413

>tfw using MyFitnessPal has made me realise two things:

I eat way more calories than I thought

I eat way less protein than I thought

>> No.26442

>lose 1.5 pounds of muscles in a day


>> No.26481

>Are macros really that important?



>People who ate 1.1g/lb of protein gained more muscles mass and lost more fat than those who only ate 0.5g/lb of protein

Interestingly enough, both groups made the same amount of strength gains.


>> No.26527

For more information

Both groups ate the same total number of calories

Both groups lost the same net weight

So protein just helps with the body composition after weight loss

>> No.26588

Sometimes I get chest pains and it makes me think I waited too long to change. Today I had a whole new chest pain that gave me a feeling of doom, gonna get it checked tomorrow.

i-if I don't make it, i want you guys to know i tried

>> No.26682
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Jesus, I weigh 199 lbs right now. Even adjusting for lean body mass, that's still a huge amount of protein.

200g pure protein = 800 calories, or roughly 50% of daily calories coming from protein alone.

>> No.26802
File: 68 KB, 729x797, Screenshot (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only places to get food are a gas station, live on campus so no food in dorm or at night

what are my options /fat/?

>> No.26824

No place to get groceries? The fuck kinda place you live.

>no food in dorm

leave immediately

>> No.26830

Lost three lbs this week bros when I thought I was gonna gain so RIP

>> No.26833

There isn't a dorm refrigerator? Or kitchen?

>> No.26835

LOL I wish
it's a american uni, and I'm poor af

>> No.26839
File: 3.05 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20170401_175539464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy yummy

>> No.26850

there is a small kitchen, just a stove and small oven, that's it. Like I said, money is tight though so I can't cook much in there anyway

>> No.26860



>> No.26887

Jerky will probably have the best calories/protein ratio. Maybe throw in a bottle of milk too.

>> No.26924

thanks anon

>> No.26944

I'm not entirely sure on how much food you can really store. You can save a lot of money buying in bulk and freezing the finished product. Eating on <5$ a day is doable. That being said all you need is a deficit. Probably won't feel too great eating crud on it though.

>> No.26980

They might also have canned tuna or chicken if you can stomach that.

>> No.27024
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Fits in my cup

>> No.27050

I'm losing it. I'm fucking losing it. I'm following my macros. I'm hitting my protein requirements. I'm staying at fucking 1700 calories a day and I'm fucking working out for 3 hours a day but because I'm on this fucking Lexpro to deal with my depression I've stopped losing weight and I'm craving shitfood more and more. I don't want to be fucking stuck at 199 for the rest of my life.

>> No.27071

just stop eating m8 lmao

>this delicious chilli though

>> No.27084

I linked some relevant articles, sounds exactly what I went through. Consider going on a break to fix your body.

>> No.27090

If you can find any other way to work through your depression, I would get off the drugs. I wasn't even able to start weight loss until I got off Prozac.

>> No.27096

Its per lb of lean muscle. You are not 199 lbs of muscle.

>> No.27179

It's fucking ridiculous though. That literally one fucking pill can fucking force me into 3 hours of exercise A DAY while I'm eating nothing but chicken, a can of tuna once a week, broccoli, spinach, Brusselsprouts, Protein Powder, fruit, oats and wheat just to maintain this god damn weight. Plus giving me fucking constipation.

>> No.27234

SSRIs are the devil man. They fuck you up in all kinds of ways.

>> No.27403

5'4 grill here I've officially lost 20 lbs! Went from 204 to 184 in three months! I lost three pounds just this week I was SHOCKED because I indulged a lil the day before with some friends.

My mom noticed today as well as this is the first time she's seen me in about a month and I've lost ten lbs since then. Felt good bros.

Hoping to reach 180 by May which I'll likely achieve so I'm really happy :)

>> No.27415


>> No.27460
File: 39 KB, 728x410, aid1864312Version-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is doing sit ups like pic related with your feet anchored OK or should I just lay on the ground.

>> No.27474

Nothing wrong with anchored.

>> No.27494
File: 49 KB, 644x608, 1488923207956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the quick reply lad.

>> No.27502
File: 11 KB, 640x184, 6c2e2eb937c2d5886e8093464fa9bd71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit why is sugar free jello so fucking god tier? this are the macros from FUCKING 820 grams of the stuff, you fatties should fill up with this when you don't feel like eating veggies and are thinking about cheating, it's also delicious

>> No.27510


5'6 194 pounds here

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.27559


Yeah bro. as long as you choose to. It's all up to you.

>> No.27570

Yeah I eat them sometimes but I worry about the chemicals sometimes :/

>> No.27607




>> No.28863

totally serious, drop a fake email and give me your phone number. I will text you multiple times every day

This is what turned my life around, though I'm still working on it

>> No.28884

congrats! Same height but my starting is your current. What is your goal?