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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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14294803 No.14294803 [Reply] [Original]

>library showers were out of order again today
This is getting a bit ridiculous.

>> No.14294830


>> No.14294832

someone must of clogged the drains with soggy pages

>> No.14294850

my fault, shouldn't happen again

>> No.14294867

>homeless man camping out in the 20th century philosophy section again and is getting rather snappy
>another day I wont be able to read Heidegger

>> No.14294902
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>library falcon is perched on top of the ‘philosophy’ section. Again
Now it’s literally shitting on Wittgenstein by defecating all over the Tractatus how the fuck am I supposed to study

>> No.14294918

>unattractive librarian working again
ill return my books some other time

>> No.14294963
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>library robot began flirting with me

>> No.14295004

>homeless dudes hovering over all the outlets

>> No.14295023

>entire library shut down because a homeless man threw the bloody knife he used to attack someone with into the ceiling tiles of the bathroom
not even a shitpost, that happened this week

>> No.14295034

did it stick?

>> No.14295045

No, he stashed it up there but the police were waiting for him outside the bathroom

>> No.14295047
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>late fees exceed $10
>library executioner schedules me for 8:00 tomorrow morning

>> No.14295055

>new employee that came from some kind of jobs program made a fort with walls made of books in one of the corners
>we found him listening to music and eating snacks
He wasn't employed very long

>> No.14295058

Do you decided to become a modern day Diogenes and sleep under a bridge and spend the day reading at the library and using its bathroom?

>> No.14295060
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>"Attention patrons. The library dwarf is loose. We repeat, the library dwarf is loose."

>> No.14295220
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>librarian said if she has to tell me one more time to stay out of the children's section she will call the police

>> No.14295230

>when you accidentally read a book that's been translated from a language you already know

>> No.14295233

>library showers
im sorry what?

>> No.14295241

>where did the homeless people go ?

>> No.14295246

>tfw you forgot your ergonomic reading plug and have to use one of the communal ones

>> No.14295254

>Butterfly is fucking :3 again in front of everyone

No surprise here, it sure is hard to concentrate though

>> No.14295270
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>>library dwarf
This reminded me of a post I made years ago on /r9k/ about “rape dwarves/dwarfs.” I couldn’t of been more than 15 at the time.

>> No.14295277 [DELETED] 

Wtf this how American libraries really are? showers?
t. Frog

>> No.14295284

Dubs checked.

I think it's a metaphor for something.

>> No.14295293
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>he doesn't throw wet toilet paper balls into the toilet ceiling fan

>> No.14295301

>his library doesn't have showers
Imagine being poor.

>> No.14295305

You've been looking for an excuse to post this shit haven't you

>> No.14295308

yeah, they installed them for homeless people (because homeless people like to hand around at libraries for some reason)
i guess the point is to keep them smelling clean, so its good thing overall
maybe libraries should have public washing machines too (homeless people dont spend there money on laundry mats), and frankly i think clean clothes are just as much as a right as a shower is
plus it defeats the point of cleaning the homeless when they put on clothes that smell like ass

>> No.14295309

Yes. Our government mandates that mcdonalds be placed in each corner, as well as the communal showers in the centre. That is the typical configuration. The books are positioned wherever. Typically, also, the books are covered in a mucus-like covering of grease.

>> No.14295312

why did you delete?

>> No.14295330

grammar mistake but I fixed it
>Wtf is this how American libraries really are? showers?
>t. Frog

>> No.14295346

>deleting a post over a grammatical error
that wasnt really necessary

>> No.14295355

it was the most /lit/ thing to do to be quite honest family

>> No.14295358
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>library floods
>get to ride the library whale shark to the history section

>> No.14295361
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I have autism.

>> No.14295380

its ok, froggy fren
here, we all do

>> No.14295383

>holiday time
>campus is empty
>i mass shooted all the remaining students and professors
>D&G's Anti-Oedipus is still unavailable due to being checked out

wtf i did everything i could!!!

>> No.14295386

me on the right(housewarming gift not pictured)

>> No.14295578
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tfw you get tech support to unblock ex-hentai

>> No.14295772

yeah i was really surprised that the librarian even knew what exhentai was, not to mention that they even have a library account for it
i gave the library some tags and asked her for some suggestions and she compiled a small list for me, and man she has great taste, some of it was really obscure stuff

>> No.14295828


>> No.14295930

when and why did libraries become homeless soup kitchens and gay indoctrination centers for toddlers

>> No.14296019

Where do you guys live that homeless people is something you seem to always associate with libraries?
I was at the library a lot when I was younger but there were never any homeless people. To be fair, I guess I rarely saw homeless people in my area.

>> No.14296032

This is a real problem though. Or worse when the nigger guy is at the desk and doesn't know anything about books, he just does it for the tuition discount

>> No.14296046

Libraries are public services so homeless people will hang out there all day on the computers and shit

>> No.14296058

Not all of them but a few of them in cities have them as part of the homeless accommodation initiative. I would rather have good smelling hobos sleeping on the library beds than a bad smelling one any day

>> No.14296068
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>> No.14296076
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>When they use the showers but don't bother to use the laundry facilities to wash their clothes

>> No.14296082

>walk into library
>there are no completely empty tables
>immediately leave

>> No.14296089

Libraries are open to the public so homeless people will hang out in there all day on facebook.
It's gotten so bad that as this thread has shown, public libraries are associated with homeless people more than anything else

>> No.14296095
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>Sun and Steel is still checked out from the gym library

>> No.14296182
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>library security guard is detaining me because I forgot to declare my ham sandwich at the inspection desk

>> No.14296199

But they don't.

>> No.14296204

where do you live?

>> No.14296213

>not telling the guard are a sovereign citizen

>> No.14296214

I work in a library, I know what I'm talking about

>> No.14296220
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>when I see a series of comic books on the shelf and the series starts at book two
>the first one is checked out

>> No.14296267

I just got a call to assemble underneath the library owner's office balcony anyone know what this is about?

>> No.14296271

library showers?

>> No.14296287

Your library doesn't have showers? I use them everyday after work before the complimentary massage.

>> No.14296289
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>his library doesn't have showers and saunas and massage tables

>> No.14296381

Monaco, and you?

>> No.14296406

if he was reading he would have gotten a raise

>> No.14296412

A lot of public libraries here are basically community centers.

>> No.14296595
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>at library using the internet because my dad kicked me out of the house again
>its about 5PM
>go down an /x/ rabbit hole like usual
>I check the time and its 2AM
>look around and the only lights are the ones above the computer tables and one way over in the office
>no one even bothered to tell me as they left
>library wraithes are hungrily watching me from the shadows
>left my amulet at my house, didn't grab it because I was arguing with dad

>> No.14297154

Surely they will let you resolve this. You do have $10 right?

>> No.14297188
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>Taught the library android the meaning of love

>> No.14297192
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i wouldn't worry about it

>> No.14297574
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if you are really one of the approximately 40,000 people in monaco, what are libraries like there? how did you end up on 4chan?

I'm from america, land of the frave

>> No.14297628

It's mostly in cities that it's a problem. I went to my city's main library between classes to hang out and read once, and I could tell I was getting weird looks for sitting at a table reading Solzhenitsyn instead of sitting at a computer and being unshowered. I haven't been back because it was too strange to be the only person reading in a room full of books. I get that it's meant to be a public space and librarians tend to be liberal people who want to be accomidating, but it's a shame people hardly want to use libraries for their intended function anymore because of the unpleasentness of their unintended secondary ones.

>> No.14297791
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>when every book was translated from a language you already know

>> No.14298203

>ask the librarian for a book
>she checks and tells me no library will have it because it’s over a year old

Fucking half the shelves are empty but they throw away any book that hasn’t been checked out in 6 months.

>> No.14298207

Too late it’s already been scheduled.

>> No.14298237

Thank you, Anon. That's charming

>> No.14298239

Oh look the Mods are here. What are you xirs hyping today?

>> No.14298246


>> No.14299268

>there are libraries where books get saged

>> No.14299499

Looks like the library treasurer is being held hostage only to be released if he replaces the Japanese books destroyed in an explosion by a couple Hobos!!!

>> No.14299509

? Are you saying there exist libraries without showers? Next you’ll be saying something like you don’t get caviar with your fried scallops during the mandatory literary banquet held every Wednesday haha

>> No.14299663

>someone moved all the bibles to the non-fiction section again

>> No.14299676

>really want to read Sophocles
>head to the Greek section in the back, have to walk past corridors of Medieval and Roman literature first
>No lights, have to use a torch the whole time
>A guy checking out Plutarch is burning the fatty ends of a calf and mumbling something
>Finally get to Ancient Greeks and find Sophocles
>The ink on the scroll is barely legible anymore and falling apart in my hands
>go to return
>held back
>turn around to see what was holding me back
>the library Sphinx
> "To leave this place with your treasure you must answer this question"
> "What book shitposts in the morning, sleeps in the day and cries in the night?"
>"You're Diary Desu"
>The Sphinx let's me pass, I walk back
>The Hellenistic greeks guy is being attacked by some library consuls now
>finally get back to checkout
>its been Twenty years
I like the library but sometimes it's a bit much, gonna check out the Modernist Irish section next, my friend was able to find his book in only a day but he just found out someone fucked his wife.

>> No.14299783

>have to be examined by the library magus in order to gain access to the occult section
>was told to bring a dagger and a lamb
bros I think that's too much for me, where am I even supposed to get a lamb? I also heard from one of the schizos that he hexes those who turn back. fuck bros.

>> No.14299961

stop lying anon, I know you just wanna make me feel bad

>> No.14300013
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>somebody cummed on the library e-reader again
I wish paper books were still legal here bros

>> No.14300196

last time I checked out Ulysses all of the pages were cum-glued together, there's no solution

>> No.14301107

You should see our copy of TLOTIAT