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14294282 No.14294282 [Reply] [Original]

The last author you read is now going to live with you and follow you around for one month. How fucked are you?

If they were dead they've been resurrected.

>> No.14294357

Hemingway will make a good drinking, schizo buddy.

>> No.14294421

all the time or what? because I fap at least once a day and I don't think he'll like that

>> No.14294425
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>can't speak russian

>> No.14294455

I'm fucked. He's more autistic than the entirety of /lit/izens put together.

>> No.14294463

>Ernst Jünger

He’d probably think I was a pussy but might be cool to trip on LSD wit

>> No.14294466

Oh dear this is not going to be a sunny month

>> No.14294467

>Peter Hitchens
He'd be a total downer and blackpill me
Or he'll just be on twitter the entire time arguing about weed

>> No.14294480

>Vladimir Nabokov
Would be interesting to say the least. Vlad would want to go hotel hopping and look at butterflies and having a blind ancient blind Greek man would make for interesting banter between the three of us

>> No.14294491

I think next time I'll read some shit like dr seuss and never pick up a book again

>> No.14294499

Lots of nights would be spent writing poetry while smoking opium and drinking wine

>> No.14294506

>Rollo May
Sweet, he might help me with existential crisis.

>> No.14294962

-Sun Tzu

Guess it’ll be cool to learn about ancient civilizations.

>> No.14295005

it would be fun but my parents would probably question why we had an old wino living in the basement

>> No.14295022

>Urs Allemann
Dont really know what to expect

>> No.14295036

>”But, Dad! We were going to the race track tomorrow! He says he’s got a system based on how hungover he was last night.”

>> No.14295124


Free cigs i guess

>> No.14295144

da woman who wrote tha old testamenttt., hope she got them ancient kazar milkers cuz im gonna tombstone piledrive her with this dicckkk'

>> No.14295145


>Joseph Campbell

I think we'd be bro's

>> No.14295152


>mfw he executes the maid for not standing in formation with her broom

>> No.14295157

>mfw me and sun tzu jack it to mei from overwatch dressed in hong kong gear

>> No.14295175


>Introducing historical figures to internet pornography

Brb gotta hit up an Amish village.

>> No.14295178

Seems like a real killjoy, but at least he speaks English. He's going to have trouble following me around if I get the blind version.

>> No.14295191


It'd be cool. But i'd probably rape his boipucci

>> No.14295195


Imagine doing psychotropic drugs with these 3 guys. Holy fuck.

>> No.14295501
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>> No.14295617


>> No.14295632
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enjoy your virgins, fren

>> No.14295639


We'd fuck

>> No.14295665
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Thanks to this thread I discovered the Ancient Aliens crank whom I was reading was actually a tr*ditionalist and admirer of J*lius Ev*la.

>> No.14295668

Thanks, anon-kun.

>> No.14295692

>St Justin he martyr
I think hes more fucked then me

>> No.14295716

didn't know chomsky was into that stuff

>> No.14295734

>carl jung
i would tell him about the dreams i keep having about hitler

>> No.14295758

i'd fuck plath's cooked cunt fine by me

>> No.14295941

hahahahahaha those heebs are gonna be like "DAYUM!" swear to god the amish are the only jews who dont know what porn is

>> No.14295957

Nice, would probably be pretty chill

>> No.14295959

Just seems like it be having you’re half-asleep and disabled grandpa following you around and occasionally making interesting quips. Could be cool.

>> No.14295966


>> No.14295976

>dude DRUGS lmao xd

>> No.14295984
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So I'm gonna have to look like a bodyguard and prepare myself to beat fragilistas?

>> No.14295986
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we are gonna take over Europe

>> No.14295997
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I always wanted to meet a French person.

>> No.14296008

kek the man was a human encyclopedia

>> No.14296247
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>> No.14296264

>Dr Robert Hare
I think he's alive so I could probably just go live with him now

>> No.14296347
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>> No.14296353
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The only time it's acceptable to be a coomer.

>> No.14296408

context for this pic? what the hell is that building back there?

>> No.14296483

John Barth. Based. I'll make fun of him for writing the same novel twice (TWT and Sabbatical)

>> No.14296601

>Cormac McCarthy

He probably would just scoff in disapproval at my IT job. I bet he's good at grilling though.

>> No.14296724

Which book of his did you read?

>> No.14296727
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>Dante Rossetti
Honestly, I have no idea how that will go. I think he'd be fascinated with New Orleans though.

>> No.14296732

I don't have enough money for whiskey for the whole month and I'd probably get sick of his trilingual puns

>> No.14296746

DFW got ghosted by Joyce for a month, don' t you know anything, it was in all the papers.

>what the hell is that building back there
It does not exist yet, few more years to go.

>> No.14296750
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>> No.14296757

Honestly i wonder if he'd be a total buzz kill or not

>> No.14296765

i think it was hume

>> No.14296770

get noseplugs

>> No.14296779

Thucydidies is going to have some questions

>> No.14296792


Oh lord.

>> No.14296809
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>author of the Gospel of the Lord
If only I could be so lucky.

>> No.14296818

he seemed like a cool guy despite the Puritanism, I'd enjoy it.

>> No.14296827

Sun Tzu? Cool shit. Hope he doesn’t kill my ass for not keeping shit organized, though.

>> No.14296840

Enjoy floating his ass and his eating all your food.

>> No.14296851

>le toothbrush xD

>> No.14296859

That too, actually.

>> No.14296941

>Ross O'Carroll-Kelly
I like rugby too

>> No.14296945

Baudelaire for me too. I heard he loved laudanum too.
Im reading the flowers of evil, but I feel like I need a better translation.

That would be a fun conversation

That's a wild time

Yup all the cigs

Have fun doing meth

He would be maaaad awkward.

>> No.14296960


>> No.14296972

He's still alive, you can go visit him right now and air your opinion

>> No.14297049

You think he knows about 4Chan or is he senile now?

>> No.14297324

Dale carnegey will kiss my ass every 10 seconds

>> No.14297330

I'm fucked. Shaka is a nutcase, but at least I wouldn't be bored.

>> No.14297346

kekked and witnessed
I'd love that

>> No.14297348

>Bret Easton Ellis
He doesn't even like Bateman

>> No.14297362

I hate Charles Dickens.

>> No.14297459

>Rainer Maria Rilke

>> No.14297491

Herman Melville.
Am I going to live a good life with my new constant companion?

>> No.14297608

>Karl Ove Knausgaard
Probably wouldn't be that bad. I don't talk much and I get the impression he doesn't either.

>> No.14297626

>Don DeLillo
I dunno, don't anything about him.

>> No.14297629

Doesn't sound like the funnest oft times.

>> No.14297641

>J.D. Salinger
I'm not sure if this is the best or worst

>> No.14297703

> Plato
Pretty good, if you ask me.

>> No.14297712
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jealous two-bee-h

>> No.14297721

>Virginia Woolf

Well shit, gonna have to keep steering her away from bodies of water and hot chicks.

>> No.14297733

I would be blessed with his genius ever waking hour

>> No.14297737

>Hideaki Sena
Well I do know Japanese, so at least the language barrier is surmountable. I'm sure we can have some nice chats about biology, I'll be sure to introduce him to JFG's theory of the Revolutionary Phenotype and to the Jewish Question in case he isn't redpilled already.

>> No.14297745

>Isaac Asimov

I mean, seems like a chill enough guy.

>> No.14297772

>Blaise Pascal
He'd see through my vanities and pride. We could nightwalk together

>> No.14297779

Idk anything about the man desu

>> No.14297780

>Sylvia Plath
better hide the paracetamol lol

>> No.14298055

but his schedule

>> No.14298063
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Horay, i get to hang out with a condescending jew.

>> No.14298069
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Time to hide the money...

>> No.14298087

Honestly the guy probably just had the personality of a humble craftsman, but it's always cool to hang out with some ancient Greek fellas. Sounds chill to me

>> No.14298093

What have you been reading? I'm reading Glass Bees rn.

>> No.14298099

Wow, G.K. Chesterton and I will get to go out for a beer!

>> No.14298135

The Bible (in particular the old testament)

YWWH then? Or maybe the Holy Spirit? Or maybe Jesus?

That would be cool i guess. I''d be so scared and my face would be all radiant like moses or soemthing.

Id ask him some fundamental questions about the universe and stuff.

>> No.14298456

you'll turn into an arab

>> No.14298741
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Eh he seems like a nice guy to hangout with and smoke cigs while talking about the system of objetcs and it's psychological effects on the human psyche.

>> No.14298753

Why are they in China?

>> No.14298844

>Cormac McCarthy
Should be a comfy month desu.

>> No.14299020

Abolition of Britain

>> No.14299761
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>based camus informing two cucks he fucked their wives (colorized)

>> No.14299888

Paris Diaries

>> No.14300750


>> No.14300973

Deleuze. For fucks sake.

>> No.14302107

>Ursula K. Le Guin
She was 88 years old when she died; how the fuck is she gonna follow me around?

>> No.14302130

Is he actually good or is it a meme

>> No.14302140

tell us first

>> No.14302142

Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler...
Not complaining.

>> No.14302282

>La Boétie

Will just introduce him to Stirner's philosophy. He'll be quickly back to the grave.

>> No.14302287

i'd heem that manlet

>> No.14302406

Prepare your boipucci to be profanate.

>> No.14302412

>Ezra Pound

Not sure how well it would go down, but I guess we could talk about Tang dynasty poetry.

>> No.14302542

Just finished Taipei; you could argue it's nice to have a writer who writes very much like what our generation seems to be —both stylistically and thematically.

But then you try to frame it in the literary tradition, and realize it's shit.

>> No.14302577

Jordan Peterson... ***looks at room***


>> No.14302619

>Yevgeny Zamyatin
I mean, I'd need to hire a translator but at least he'd get to see the future and I get to enjoy his wonder.

>> No.14302942


Imagine lobsterboy just materializing behind you and whispering : 'Did you wash your penis, bucko?' into your ear.

>> No.14303007

So Pessoa?? I guess he's gonna be weird and quirky and is gonna ask to be left alone, I don't know.
>At least he's not HoullebeKEK, I'd hate to listen anymore about how fucked we are as a society.

>> No.14303046

You both would have fun writing love letters for the girls

>> No.14303048


>> No.14303725

>Roberto Bolano
I guess I'll have to work on my Spanish. Should be fun though.

>> No.14303762

Should be a pretty cool month

>> No.14303841

I could be wrong but it looks like the CCTV tower in Beijing

>> No.14304222

>Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.14304275

What am I in for, lads?

>> No.14304293
File: 26 KB, 200x336, IHNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last author I read was Harlan Ellison.

>> No.14304337

I'm so sorry for you

>> No.14304365

>Hunter S. Thompson.
In for a month of drug abuse

>> No.14304578

cool, finally a got a buddy to go running with

>> No.14305414

>meet McCarthy
>drop spaghetti while telling him how much I love Blood Meridian
>ask him if Gene Harrogate was based on a real person
>spend rest of the month awkwardly saying little to one another
would be cool

>> No.14305432

Mine is actually Kaczynski. Maybe we could build a cabin together.

>> No.14305452

I'd try gay love with him desu

>> No.14305469

>Virginia Woolf