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/lit/ - Literature

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14293601 No.14293601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if not, do you expect one?

>> No.14294070


>> No.14294079

Having sex with someone i love, my girlfriend, reading romantic poetry under the morning sun. This i consider a rebelion against death, against nihilism. Religion is not, war is not, violence is not

>> No.14294092

some cute greek goth girl gave me her number. once i got her number, i felt as everything was complete and in order, everything made sense to me. idk how to describe the feeling, but the way the neoplatonists speak about encountering "the one," or how the sufis speak about the haqq al-yaqeen(experiencing god) seem like very valid parallels to what i felt.

>> No.14294102

When I did shrooms in the wilderness after reading Emerson desu

>> No.14294109


any step that brought me closer to being neither a wagecuck nor a neet.

>> No.14294113

When I saw an embryo on the echography screen

>> No.14294125

I think this maybe qualifies, sorry for shill if you're not interested don't bother reading.
http://ineedhelp [DOT] home [DOT] blog [FORWARD SLASH] 2019/09/08/an-unintentional-anniversary-entry/

obviously put the real dots and slashes in yourself, because the system thinks my post is spam even though I've linked both my blog and other people's blogs and site links many times before on this nigger site no problem

>> No.14294147
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I'm waiting for one.

>> No.14294228

Didn't the original comic had the brownies made out of shit? Does anyone have it?

Also, I had one of those moments when watching a moth with broken wings looking for shelter from the rain inside my apartment building.

>> No.14294230

unironically sex

>> No.14294241

are you albanian?

>> No.14294254

ethnically, yes, but i live in california (and was born here); the greek girl was also greek "american."

>> No.14294283

Can I get some more wholesome pepe and wojak comics?

>> No.14294300

Thinking about how some insects only live enough to learn how to fly. A day maybe

Or how would life be for different animals feeling each day and hour. Comparing the way dogs see a concept of time, to an insect that moves faster than anything near it. Does is see the change is seasons the way humans see a change in hours?

>> No.14294311

go back to your country faggot

it doesn't have the brain power to conceptualize anything, just like you

>> No.14294312

Every morning I wake up with the dawn. Sometimes I will read and drink coffee or just sit watching the sunrise. Life is so precious. You have within you an unfathomable capacity for joy. Why do you deny yourself peace?

>> No.14294325

>Having sex
>This i consider a rebelion against death, against nihilism. Religion is not, war is not, violence is not
but also
>"sex is overrated bro dont worry bout it just b urself"
what do normalfags mean by this?

>> No.14294347

>sex is overrated bro
This is just code for "I had sex guys, look at me I had sex"

>> No.14294353

well, im moving to germany in a year and a half, so cya later amerimutt

>> No.14294375

that also isn't your country you disgusting parasite

>> No.14294385

How is recreational sex in any way a rebellion against nihilism when it is an expression of it, and of death for that matter?

>> No.14294400

my (maternal side) great grandfather was a German/natsoc soldier in wwii

>> No.14294409

Why are you asking me lad

>> No.14294427
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yeah a couple
They usually come after seriously considering suicide, when I'm moments away from actually doing it.
As the realization of the acceptability of death sets in the triviality of any other action becomes clear, and that radical freedom compels me to take actions I normally wouldn't, without any regard for the consequences.
That usually ends with me making bad decisions, but in the end it reminds of what it is to be alive, it's a truly indescribable feel, wouldn't trade it for the world.

>> No.14294430

I had a bad trip that was life affirming in that it made me aware of the vastness of time and worthlessness of my own life and mind.

But nothing like good

>> No.14294497

'cause it get s my dick hard

>> No.14294530
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remember feeling similarly when this girl on the street spontaneously struck up conversation with me and seemed to be genuinely interested in me as a person. It really felt extraordinary as I'd never experienced a girl showing any kind of interest in me before. It turned out it was just a work up to try and shill her charity she wanted me to sign up as donor for. Afterwards I felt like my stomach had dropped straight through the ground because of how pathetically elated I'd felt because of such a meaningless interaction.

>> No.14294539
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11 months ago I was out of a job, living with my mom and a practically a virgin (fucked a hooker which I do regret)
Then one month later I was and house sitting for a friend who was on vacation. I took a girl to his apartment and fucked her proper and went to work the next day.
It was what would be a normal situation for me now but at that moment I made such improvements I felt great for weeks.

Now I'm in the same situation but still not happy, my job sucks, I have serious doubts about my gf and living alone has made me more lonely but having my own place is a huge improvement.

It's kind of blackpilling how quickly you get used to a better situation, I couldn't have dreamed it went so fast but also not be that satisfying.

I guess this is how life is, I'll keep on improving, nothing else to do.

>> No.14294555

>It turned out it was just a work up to try and shill her charity she wanted me to sign up as donor for
I've done similar work, this is very doubtful, everything is costed, spending more than 30~ seconds talking to somebody ain't productive.

>> No.14294623
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>life affirming moments
>half the posts immediately jump to sex and relationships
>I can only affirm life through others
Is there a lower creature than the normalfag?

>> No.14294651

They conflate temporal happiness with fulfillment. This board is shit.

>> No.14294685

to be fair, “the grail” can manifest itself in many different ways. perhaps having sex was more of a symbolic journey to them, rather than mere pleasure seeking?

>> No.14294687

Once I felt like I was floating on clouds and colors were super bright, everyone I saw I felt with such an inherent dignity to them. Little movements and interactions had so much weight on them, and they all had a symbolic aspect too. I even thought I could feel the energy of the people. I had various briefs moments like this in the interval of 5 or 6 days. But they were interluded by the strongest most devoid of feeling emptiness I’ve experienced.

I was sober btw.

>> No.14294743

If you think managing to get into a relationship for the first time is just to get your dick wet you're missing the point entirely.
smooth brain take

>> No.14294744

Where are these people even coming from?
You would think people on the literature board would have a bit more of a 'literary temperament' for lack of a better word, but I guess not.
I guess relative to most other places the concentration of posters who understand the question is probably higher, but still, it's disappointing.
seems like a stretch
I don't think they're thinking about purpose or meaning at all.

>> No.14294755

Ok, but that's not the question being asked