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14293391 No.14293391 [Reply] [Original]

>world is built on violence
>generations and generations of violence
>everything comes from violence
>creation is violent
>some faggot in 21st century talks about muh peace we gotta be better!! when he inherited his position due to violence
>it's not okay for others to use violence anymore because I say so after it got me to my position in life
How come everyone is a hypocrite like this? What books address this problem?

>> No.14293418

Some things being built on violence does not mean that violence is good or justified.

>> No.14293421

>some things
Everything is built on violence.

>> No.14293422

Name one positive argument for violence

>> No.14293427
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America was also built on slavery and the oppression of black and brown folk; that does NOT mean it was okay. Violence and intolerance are never acceptable. The only exception is obviously if you're using violence to fight nazis or white nationalism, since this is simply self defense.

>> No.14293428

They're a hypocrite because they're acting expressly to maintain their power. All rulers will necessarily restrict violence and upheaval as it challenges their power.

>> No.14293429

Dont worry anon it all ends when the final violence the class war tm is done!

>> No.14293433

>photosynthesis is built on violence

>> No.14293437

Since you seem to be a wise man and otherwise have spoken excellently on the matter, perhaps you can tell me what the good is in self defense?

>> No.14293447

It is.

>> No.14293457
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>World has lots of disease
>Generations and generations of disease
>Some fag starts talking about 'medicine'
>Now dying of a curable ailment is 'bad' even though the deaths of thousands before we cured it made us who we are today :^)

>> No.14293464

Define violence and how photosynthesis fits the definition.

>> No.14293472
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Self defense is when an oppressed person resists an oppressor. For example, if a transgender, African-American, LGBTQIA+, differently-abled person working at a store refuses to serve a white cishet male, then that person is engaging in self defense. This is because white cishet males have, both historically and presently, oppressed minorities.

>> No.14293478

Medicine is dysgenic, though

>> No.14293507

taking things by force

>sun produces light
>plants take this light for their own ends
and the sun itself is a violent god

>> No.14293580

Sun emits light and does not own it. Plants are therefore not appropriating the Sun's property. They also don't have conscious minds or free will and therefore have no ends.

>> No.14293640

You have only defined self defense, but I am asking what the good in it is.

>> No.14293758

>Taking things by force
Oh, did I miss the part in Biology class where the plants forcibly take the light from the sun? Retard

>> No.14294124

Conversation here is already lost in the weeds. I’m more interested in the loss of what I might call “playful violence” that has always been present in mankind. There’s a separation of self when we deny the violent parts of ourselves. If we all agree that what constitutes violence can be extended to small interpersonal interactions (example:verbal assault) then many micro interactions and expressions are violent. What OP is picking up on is the hypocrisy in disowning this part of who we are, the denial of self through the reductive modern view of violence. This hypocrisy is all too apparent in the arts, for example the Irishmen just came out and we all enjoy this. We also enjoy official state sanctioned or socially approved violence (example:violence against nazis) without questioning any deeper what violence is. Can violence be art? Is sex inherently violent like some have argued? Does this mean that there can be good forms of violence?

Arguably the dumbing down of violence on every pathological and physical level has dumbed us down as well. Only a fool says blind violence is a good thing, but deciding for yourself what types of force you think is reasonable in the world is important. Do we owe it to young children to work out socializing through violence? Isn’t that all sports are? It seems denying them this has serious implications as far as I can tell.

Stop denying your own nature, stop the self hate.

>> No.14295049

good post.
I often think about how violence today is overly invested in by scientific, moralistic discourses. there is a big trend of investigating what kind of abuses there are, what are the mechanisms of them, what kind of subjects (psychological categories of narcs, psychopats, sociopaths) are defined by violence. whole politically correct, left leaning, paradigm is broadening the concept of abuse/violence to the point, where talking in certain way without intention of harm is seen as violence. I just think that in this way violence 1) becomes the object of scientific (or pseudo-scientific) discourses 2) this discourse on violence serves as moralistic, reactive neutralization of it (paranoid search of abusers, harmful, toxic subjects). 3) it eliminates any positive (or what you call playful) notion of violence or power (repression of nietzsche today) 4) in this way it serves as a good tool of preserving status quo.
Also, as you have pointed it out, it dumbs down whole philosophical discourse on violence/power.
>Can violence be art?
I viewed von Triers movie "House that Jack built" as an affirmative answer to this question.

>> No.14295053

See how much you like violence when I punch you in the throat

>> No.14295064


>> No.14295173

I've been listening to a podcast about Japanese attack on China, and it was sheer madness and genocide on the scale of hundreds of thousands within six weeks
There were rape murders happening in the streets, civis getting gutted and hewn in any and every way possible, and people surrendering were slaughtered in such immense numbers that the physical amount of bodies became a logistical problem for them to handle
All this happened in 1937, think about it
In Shanghai, where the largest battle took place, there were shopping malls, liberal thinkers, communists, westerners, and all sorts of other modernity
It didn't matter, it all plunged into barbarism within a single day..
I'm not sure if you want to be visited by this again, or what your desire is, but you should probably read about to the cold war and how it stalemated all the world superpowers to a position where they could not do this sort of thing anymore with facing utter annihilation

>> No.14295221

It hurts faggots like you.

>> No.14295444

Violence is the only antidote to the obscene. Everything holy and revered will lose its luster to profane mockery, which is an inevitability in a society based on speech and expression with minimal interpersonal violence. The people will lose their way, and the society will decay.

>> No.14295469

To return to peace. And if you ask what's the good in that, why have an opinion on violence in the first place.