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14293021 No.14293021 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you go to read outside of your house/apartment?

>> No.14293041

what a beautiful photo. I find reading in public too distracting. The only place I could do it is in an airport, or on the plane. I've tried to do it in a outside in a quiet spot before but I get such a strong kick to move on and keep walking. It's not an embarrassment thing as much as an impatience thing.

>> No.14293067
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>> No.14293085

usually in an older guy's asshole. by asshole i mean his apartment (which is really just his fuckpad for boipucci because he's married and sort of prominent in the local christian community) but we call it asshole as an inside joke because the place reeks of ass.

>> No.14293550

I used to have this thing where I’d try to find isolated rooftops that I could access on my college campus and the adjacent college town. Usually, I’d end up finding a fire escape that led up to the roof of some commercial building and I’d go up there at night to read, write, whatever. There was one building in particular that housed the campus astronomy lab which had unrestricted roof access from a stairwell that was a bit hidden so astronomy students could use instruments from the roof. After 7pm it was usually deserted so I’d stick around and head up at night.

>> No.14293646

on the train every day on my way to work

>> No.14293660


>> No.14293669

>reading on the train
is there anything more attention-seeking

>> No.14293684

fucks your problem?

>> No.14293691


imagine being this scared of reading on the train

>> No.14293712

tell us more faggot. Im interested. How much you get paid? Do they cum in your ass?

>> No.14294111


>> No.14294270

>Scared of reading in public
Lol dude absolutely no one gives a fuck. In the rare case someone says something so what? I see so many boomers and old shits reading. Go get some gucci slides and buy some insta followers if you actually care about your image in this society.

>> No.14294565

On the hill in front of my cabin

>> No.14294643

I don't. Anywhere outside of my house is too distracting.

>> No.14294670
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I read while commuting so on the bus and sometimes when I stop for lunch at some restaurant or on a bench in the park, but only in summer right now they are wet and it's cold outside.

>> No.14294689

It's too cold outside to read anywhere but from home

>> No.14294711

I like the idea of going outside to read, but I always end up staying home out of paranoia. I can't shake the feeling that I'm leaving my apartment undefended unnecessarily, and this will be that one time I get robbed.

>> No.14294828

I like to go to one of my city's libraries, but I particularly favour my university's law library. If the libraries are busy, or if I want to go somewhere more chilled out, I go to a local coffee shop where the baristas are all cute and sit and read the newspaper there, before starting on whatever else I'm carrying with me.

>> No.14295159

are you calling me a contrarian? or are you calling the anon i was replying to a contrarian?

>> No.14295176

That brain of yours, not the sharpest is it

>> No.14295196

actually you're just scared of looking at people in the eyes because you're ashamed of your pathetic existence

>> No.14295570

A public library close to a 6th form college.

>> No.14295575


>> No.14295588

Only during flights for some reason.

>> No.14295590

coffee shops and parks but now its too cold for the latter

>> No.14295611

Not in the UK.

>> No.14295640

In the bushes outside my oneitis'.

>> No.14295654


>> No.14295661

You are still a pedo, just a lawful pedo.

>> No.14295754

You guys really can't take a joke, can you?

>> No.14295898
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I never read at home. Too isolated and I like some ambient noises in the background. I always go to a coffee shop. It also keeps my social skills intact otherwise I would be home 24/7, other than work . I also enjoy running into old colleagues or just making new friends in general.

>> No.14296000

I go to coffee shops too. If I had my own place I'd spend more time there but when my family is in the house it makes me even more uncomfortable than being around strangers.

>> No.14296246

I had my own apartment and still went to cafes. But I feel you bro