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14292886 No.14292886 [Reply] [Original]

Funny how intellectuals in the past used pseudonyms to avoid prosecution. In spite of freedom of speech, you still have to write under a pseduonym if you have the slighest bit of wrong opinion on something if you dont want to lose all your social life and work.

Why will peasants always crucify the messengers of truth? Why cant we talk openly about everything? Why must certain things be tabooized and shun?

>> No.14292891

Lmao I know exactly how you look by your post.

>> No.14292929

>try different pen names
>wait for success for one of them
it's been done before a hundred times

>> No.14293171

292929 nice

>> No.14293185

I think it depends a little on context. I think a lot of people posted under pseudonyms just so they could go about withought having to bear the weight of a position on their shoulders all the time. It could be persecution, or just not wanting everyone to identify you as a person with your work.

>> No.14293474

>you still have to write under a pseduonym if you have the slighest bit of wrong opinion on something if you dont want to lose all your social life and work.
not really, you just have persecution fantasies
>Why will peasants always crucify the messengers of truth?
as well as massive delusions of grandeur and messiah complex

>> No.14293485

Teacher handed your essay on "niggers" back to you, huh?

>> No.14293611

Based digitalicals, my friend.

>> No.14293858
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right back atcha

>> No.14293901

Nonsense. The persecution complex you describe is very marketable today.

>> No.14293931
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>In spite of freedom of speech
>In spite of the government not jailing you for your words, they can still affect things in the world
>Entities other than the government can react to things you say
The horror...

>> No.14293939

>you still have to write under a pseduonym if you have the slighest bit of wrong opinion on something if you dont want to lose all your social life and work.

It's even worse than that. Now that the internet exists, you need a pseudonym to prevent crazy people from finding your home address, stalking you, and murdering you. If you can't afford security, don't attach you name to any project. It will only get worse. Forgot opinions, you are totally exposed regardless

>> No.14293982

Cool, can I publish a book about solving the nigger question then?

>> No.14294003
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>its okay to be persecuted for speech if its not the government doing it

>> No.14294017

I would write under a pseudonym no matter what so I can be free to change my mind. This is the reason I prefer posting on anonymous forums. I don't have a history that people can autistically comb through.

>> No.14294026

How many people do you detest for being a furry or some other weird fetishist? Exactly.

>> No.14294033

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of neonazi oriented publishers out there.

>> No.14294114

Yes really you gigantic faggot

>> No.14294132

I didn't say that, but it doesn't have anything to do with free speech laws as OP's melodramatic persecution screed implied.
Are you seriously demanding the government prevents all criticism of you based on what you say? Since criticism could hurt your career?
Nothing you say to anyone should ever have any consequences because you might think they're unfair and that's opressive?
Sounds like a hard authoritarian victimhood position to take

>> No.14294175

>Reaction to my words that I don't like IS LITERALLY ALWAYS persecution
Are you literally 14?

>> No.14294208

Freedom of speech is the not the same thing as the laws based around the concept. It's a sort of ideal of social conventions that holds that open discourse is the best way for the truth to win out. People are free to censor whatever they want on their private platforms but this implies they don't think free speech as a concept actually makes sense.

The phrase 'spread hate' is especially contrary to the whole concept. It treats ideas like infectious vectors that have to be contained because no possible defense exists against them. Maybe this is true but it's very far from the old Enlightenment concept of freedom of speech.

Someone will Im misconstrue this post to mean I want the government to force private entities to allow all speech. That is not what im saying, they can and should be able to do whatever they like. Im just pointing out that their actions reveal that they dont think the concept of free speech is actually valid, they dont think that open discourse leads to truth.

>> No.14294214

woah you're just like me

>> No.14295463

>I make up context that isnt there
Are you literally 14?

>> No.14295787

Yeah, really, as we saw in the case of Peterson, the general rise of the alt-right, electing Trump, and people supporting opinions far more extreme than what Trump stands for through their fucking Facebook accounts.