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File: 25 KB, 220x299, 220px-Queen_Victoria_1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14291313 No.14291313 [Reply] [Original]

Ive read that intelligence peaked during the victorian era.
Even intellectuals like Chomsky nowadays dont hold a candle to someone like Karl Marx.
Einstein also was born during the victorian era if im not mistaken.

>> No.14291853

No, the consensus is that it peaked in the 1990s and has plateaued since then.

>> No.14291858
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>Even intellectuals like Chomsky nowadays dont hold a candle to someone like Karl Marx.

>> No.14291865

Right, the death of Deleuze just got the intelligence stagnant

>> No.14291877

They went big or went home, nowadays it's more mediocre

>> No.14291883

The highest IQ on average was actually the generation of 1750, and the most genius per population was in the Victorian era. Edward Dutton talks about this in At Our Wits' End.

>> No.14291884

we're talking about intelligence, not IQ

>> No.14291931

Can you really determine those things when IQ wasn't even a thing yet? It's kinda a retroactive extrapolation under the assumption that IQ is increase or decrease is linear.

>> No.14291932

nice historical revisionism. most victorian """intellectuals""" wrote in an unnecessarily verbose style (a tendency that started probably with Mill whom Nietzsche correctly characterized as an unsufferable bore) and their books are full of pure pretentious verbiage with very little behind it. it is modernism and not victorianism that paved the way for a clear and systematic expression of thought. that holds even for the so called hard sciences like physics - look up any treatise on natural philosophy from that day and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about, 2 pages in Landau/Lifschitz are better than an entire book on mechanics by Kelvin or someone else

>> No.14292120

if you think js mill is verbose you're probably just fucking illiterate